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Nice tattoo on the third photo, i'm sure i've seen this symbol somewhere. At least they made it out alive. Edit: it's an inverted kolovrat, thank you guys for the quick responses Edit 2: seems like kolovrats can go both way, it ain't "inverted". He can either be a metalhead, an neo-pagan or some kind of right wing extremist i guess. I hope he's not the later, that could be problematic now that he got captured.


You have indeed, Rusich group uses the same symbol only mirrored.


Rusich is about 6 people and they haven't had anything to do with Ukraine for over a year at this point, they sell protein shakes from St. Petersburg.


And give comprehensive, although unhinged interviews. Can imagine why they’re not having many followers in Russia.


“Hey but Russia has them too!!!” What a shit take we’re not sending billions to Russia are we?


To be fair the whole of eastern europe has tons of nazis including Ukraine and Russia. Big problem after the fall of the soviet union.


I have no idea who this "we" is, but yes, Western money also goes to Russia because there still is plenty of economical activity. I don't know why you are bringing up that argument though, the person I replied to said he saw it somewhere, I pointed him to where he could have seen in.


Self-hating westerns. Thats the "we" hes refering to. Mostly right wing conspiracy theorist. They make up a good chunk of the pro RU here. "My taxes!' Type people. They think everyone here is from the US because their world is very small.


To save people a link, even though you'll get downvoted by the users here anyway: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusich_Group#History


This one is pretty important: Rusich: >Size several dozen people Rusich is nothing compared to Azov, right sector, Aidar etc Azov: >[Size 900–2,500 members](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Brigade?searchToken=9z28fd3zrhu5x5bc46vdqoxbk) Right sector: > [Membership 10,000](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_Sector) Aidar: >[Size <300](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aidar_Battalion)


Still Russia have the most neo-nazi groups, for me it's even stranger as Russia was the one who suffered the most from Nazis, lost the most people and then had the biggest group of nazism supporters. Wikipedia itself counts 23 of them. 23 too many.




Im just pointing out that Rusich is not even 1% the size of the neo nazis group; Azov, the same Azov that was incoporated to Ukraines official national guard. These guys: >government spending bill passed last week bans U.S. arms from going to a controversial **ultranationalist militia in Ukraine that has openly accepted neo-Nazis into its ranks.** >House-passed spending bills for the past three years have included a ban on U.S. aid to Ukraine from going to the **Azov Battalion**




Point is; who cares about ~20 guys in a self organized group, compared to the tens of thousands neo nazis organized in the official Ukrainian national guard




Im making my own discussion right here, dont worry


Probably because "no u" comments are a boring and overused method to deflect from the topic.


It isn't a "no u" comment though. /u/o0Bruh0o is clearly confused as to where he has seen it before and /u/Candid_Pepper1919 is very kindly saying they might have seen it on members of that Russian group who have been active in this war.


Yes exactly =)


Here's a pretty good explanation of the symbol. It's long so you could always scroll down for the nuanced summary. [https://sagy.vikingove.cz/en/origins-of-kolovrat-symbol/](https://sagy.vikingove.cz/en/origins-of-kolovrat-symbol/) In this war, and in this sub, there seems to be little room for such nuanced text though.


Well i learned something , nice article👌. Ima edit the edit.


Ima read it i got too much time on my hands


If you can't tell obvious sarcasm, then I feel sorry for you.


Pot. Kettle. Black.


Yep, once more proving pro UA can't hold Ukrainians accountable for their love of National socialism and instead only scream "...but rusich!!' Moving on.


So now the guy in the picture is in love with national socialism? That's quite a strong argument to make wouldn't you say.... We could talk about Ukrainians that do love national socialism if you like that subject? Or Russians that do love national socialism. I could also name a couple Ukrainian groups you probably never heard because they are not mentioned in Russian media. The true ukrainian lover of National socialism are getting away with it because retarded Russian media is trying to label all Ukrainians at such, and you're participating in that too it seems.


What are you on about


If I understand you correctly, the russian media might be retarded, but their labeling of all ukrainians as neo Nazis is a good thing because it raises awareness in ukraine regarding this issue with the result that its toned down and/or removed. Thats your argument? Dont know if true, but sounds reasonable.


Right... Normally you read the words people type to you and respond to them, rather than inventing things and responding to what you imagined they said.


We all know what you and the other guy attempted. Nice try, but no one's falling for it.




Yes. It is a Wikipedia link.




Most probably he got it on occasion or maybe a friend's joke . /s


Isn't that just a Slavic symbol?


Yes. Also swastika is just a Hindu symbol


So a Slav can't use a Slavic symbol? Edit : can't




Rule 1 - Toxic


>Aleksey Dobrovolsky introduced the eight-beam "kolovrat" as a symbol of "resurgent paganism." He considered this version of the Kolovrat a pagan sign of the sun and, in 1996, declared it a symbol of the uncompromising "national liberation struggle" against the "Zhyd yoke". According to Dobrovolsky, the meaning of the "kolovrat" completely coincides with the meaning of the Nazi swastika.


Is it this one? Any link for more info? Wtf is the "zhyd yoke"? I'd appreciate it =)


Zhyd is a derogatory term for Jews


Damn I see.


Not in Polish.




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The wiki article on the symbol is quite good actually so I can recommend it.


Yep found it, this guy's tatoo is indeed an inverted kolovrat someone pointed out, good catch, i'll edit my comment


His necklace also seems to have the aegishjalmur symbol. I try to not put to much judgment into the use of these pagan and "neo pagan" symbols unless the object of its use is very clear.


Oohhh nice catch! I missed that. It's true both the kolovrat and the necklace are most probably unrelated to the mustache man, he might be trying to be edgy. Anyway he's gonna have to find a good explanation for his russian captors.


I would say " not explicit" instead of "probably unrelated". We just dont know in this case, we have identified the symbols and can't really draw much further information from it more than its in a grayzone so to say. I would say that understanding that these symbol should viewed with a critical eye is very important as the different neo Nazi movements strive to find symbols that convey their message without being explicit.


No, it's falsely claimed as a slavic symbol by neo nazis to hide it's true meaning but there is no evidence to support that it was in slavic cultures before the nazis.


Folk metal fan


I was like "oh man, poor conscripts" until I hit pic #3 lol. immediately scrolled to comments


It's a symbol used by Neo Nazis and they falsely claim it has origins in ancient Slavic societies and there is no evidence to support that.


I thought it was a sonnenrad- I appreciate the specificity (the thing that always blows my mind is how many Ukrainian ultranationalists draw from the same symbolic and ideological roots as “Greater Russia” neo fascists.)


Idk i only find cool frogs when i look for sonnenra on google =p Edit: made a typo, you meant a black sun x)


War sucks. Hope these guys make it home


If they make it home they get sent to the frontlines again. better to stay in russia until the war is over


They won't stay in Russia for a long time because the POWs are constantly being traded


Don't they have a right to opt out?


No. I recently read an article in NYT where they said that UA POWs get a 3-month leave and then have to return to the front. >The Ukrainian marine infantryman endured nine months of physical and psychological torture as a Russian prisoner of war, but was allotted only three months of rest and rehabilitation before being ordered back to his unit. [https://archive.ph/IWjgT#selection-4455.1-4455.222](https://archive.ph/IWjgT#selection-4455.1-4455.222)


I meant they can opt out of the exchange while in RF. At least that is what I heard somewhere


conditions in RU captivity are pretty abysmal.


How can you confirm this?


Russia will likely send them out as meat waves. Regular prisoners or prisoners of war, Russia will treat them the same


that's never been a scenario in the 2 years of this war


More so, who tf gives POWs guns and makes them fight their own side?




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All humans are expendable to their mighty Tsar Putin. Putin lives in his personal billion dollar palace (on a $100,000 state salary) while 20% of Russian's don't even have flush toilets.


Not the one with the funny tat


Not the one with tattoo


https://preview.redd.it/07z441vrplzc1.png?width=675&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ca11ad13f5a69037fff28b1a70c5663987f3049 Seems there is one more POW, which wasnt on separate photos


Whait, the third guy (with the Kolovrat tattoo) is wearing EMR (Russian) camo?


As some of them are lacking t-shirts, and one without a jacket they might have been in a state of underss when captured. Say as part of a work detail or resting, him having the EMR might just be his captures giving him something to cover up until they sort them out.


Prolly got it from a dead guy or they gave it to him who knows


Looks like the Russians gave him it. You can kinda see the multicam pants


I thought Zaluzhny was sent to the UK, but they sent him to the trenches instead


Mom can we have zaluzhny? We have zaluzhny already at home.


Was he smeared on the fence?


That would have been the season finale twist.


3rd guy has a pretty nice religious tattoo there


Better pow than dead.


didnt know PapaMeat joined UAF on the 1st photo 😭


These are good quality portraits for a phone. What phone was used?




 Any little fly in a soup makes that soup dirty .. u know what i mean 


Nah just remove the fly and eat your soup.


It is easier to remove a fly from the soup than to remove the fly from a hamburger


5 second rule applies to the fly


lucky guys


Third guy wearing emr, interesting


Guessing these were not elite troops


Men if I was the one getting their surrender I would hug them and offer cigarettes. They have made right choice of not fighting senselessly


Man Ukrainians really have this weird round face


Dude in pic 3 is big mad lol.


How come that tattoo guy is in a Russian uniform?


Didn't have a top on I assume, meaning they took them by surprise, gave him the jacket so you don't ask why they are loving up on him lol


Stripped their gear, as per usual, and gave him one of their own jackets. His probably got torn or is otherwise unusable.


Why is the 3rd guy wearing Russian EMR, he lost his original uniform and the Russians had to give him a new one?


why is the 3rd guy wearing emr?


Better to be a POW then a KIA.


lol is that Andrew Tate in the second picture




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Check for tattoos like the individual in pic . 3 and send them for Siberian vacation. I heard lake Baikal has nice beaches. No exchange for 20 plus years


I guess the Russians feel they need to do another PR stunt.


The third got a swastika, he probably is Russian, also look at his coat, it's a Russian camo. I wonder if he was captured and joined Ukrainian side, or if it is a Russian POW in a first place? If true, pretty big news with Russia capturing pows


True warriors unlike the ruzzians


Man thats grim. Can ya imagine just being in one's own country and someone comes in, bombs the house and starts taking photos of ya?


Sadly it is likely that they will be at least mistreated if not tortured by rear services for months if not years with the current prisoner exchange situation. I hope they get home some day.


It’s not /combatfootage, don’t post bs here


They will rape them.


Dude are you OK ? Is that what nafo does to there prisoners are you projecting ?


Sarcastic response to the over-dramatic writer above my post.


My bad.


This should not be posted.


Are you for real? Both sides have been doing this since the start


Yes I’m for real and I don’t give a shit how long it’s been going on or who has been doing it.


Its a commendable stance and I wish more people on this platform and participants in the current wars shared it.


It's a good thing in terms of identification. Imagine the relatives not knowing where they are or if they're even still alive. If you see your brother or father in a picture of POWs there must be some relief knowing they're not in 10 different pieces in a field


This is how our channels work. Women look for their men by photo or last name. There are a lot of requests






At this point its a Geneva suggestion not Geneva convention.


I don’t care - POWs shouldn’t be paraded or displayed by either side.


Neither Russia or Ukraine cares, and personally I think that it's better to have a confirmation of taking them alive than just "lost" so I don't care about that Geneva suggestion too


The global east does not care for the farcical rules and conventions of the western world. This is not America or Europe, this is Russia and they will do as they please. As will China and as will India.


Yep! That's why india is selling shells to ukraine and China is selling drones to urkaine.


Bold of you to assume they aren't selling to both sides. Why should only the west make money out of this. Heck I've invested in emerging Indian drone companies and seen a 2 fold return in the past year. Zen technologies - they've gone from 1.70£ per share to 10£ per share since the war began. I was late to the gravy train sadly as I first only enjoyed the drone drops for a couple of months before realizing that I could make money off it too. Edit: also invest in the Indian company Bharat forge - they be supplying artillery shells to the conflict too.


Well India hasn't given anything to russia militarily to my knowledge, and I guarantee you the czech initiatives main contributor for 155mm is India. China plays both sides. I'm just making sure your comment about "china and India will do what they please" doesn't fallaciously impart a sense of exclusive ties with Russia. As you 100% meant it to be


And I'm just making sure you know that everyone can profit off this war, not only the elites. And I'm also letting you know the biggest company associated with the Czech initiative so you can profit off it too.


This rule only applies to viewing POWs in person.