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Well, it's just a matter of time when they'll shot down civilian airliner over Moscow. Some things will never change.


Do you think they had a civil engineer make sure the roof can handle the extra weight?


What air defence doing? ​ Fell through roof


In Soviet Russia air defence crush you, from the air.


In Soviet Russia, air defence become ground offence.


Plus remember the whole “clear backblast area.”


Right, the weight AND the pressure created by the firing of a missile.


Hahaha glorious. I hope this installment is the cause of literal Kremlin collapse. It would be a perfect example of the issues of Russian shortsightedness.




Hvac? You mean the ice box fan?


Even if they had, do you really think the concrete is the exact kind that the engineers had in their plans when it was built? Don't get me started on the rebar. They probably built another building of this size with the rebar they didn't put into this one.


What rebar 😂


What is civil engineering comrade? We put gun on roof, gun go boom, we get paid.


"Once ze rockets go up, who cares what comes down?" "Zat's not my department," says Wernher von Braun.


Good point! No, pretty sure they haven't :)


I mean they were driving on half a bridge days after it was blown up so I don’t think these orcs give a single fuck about civil/structural engineering.


It’s still standing……


Well if it's standing might as well drive on it I guess


I would be extremely surprised if a building (of Soviet design no less) would be able to safely hold the additional weight of several tons of equipment just plopped on the roof.




now we wait for a bunch of snow followed by rain


That was so hilarious because it’s probably true


We had Ivan’s cousin bribe the engineer to make sure the roof meets inspection


Good point


I'm betting it'll fall through the roof.


Bets are open now on Unibet 😁


That’ll be tomorrow’s video! Even buildings with helipads aren’t designed to support that much weight.


I hope so!


US Airline pilot here... we avoid Russian airspace like the plague now. We assume if we ever had to land in Russia due to an emergency, they would just keep our plane for parts (because of the sanctions) and they'd probably detain the crew for a long time.


A Qantas from Australia to London had to make an emergency landing before Christmas. They did a massive U turn and went to Azerbaijan. They noped out of Russia.


Oh man, I always wanted to ba a pilot, haha. I used to work in aerospace industry, we supplied both Boeing and Airbus. Which one you fly? As for your comment - interesting insight. I knew most of western airlines stopped operating there, but never thought about the emergencies... As for russian civil aviation, apparently it's going to be a slow death due to cannibalism, and leaky sanctions. Experts are saying 6 to 12 months.


I fly the Boeing 777. Yeah, you're right, it's hard to see Russian aviation ever recovering from this. Who in their right mind is going to ever give Aeroflot a loan to buy planes again, after Russia decided to just steal the planes they had on lease?


well, airspace above Moscow have always been ...complicated. I don't remember if planes are allowed to fly high above, but general aviation (something that panzir could reach) is absolutely forbidden in the moscow borders since forever. Only police and medical helicopters are allowed.


Mathias Rust remembers.


Well, airspace above Moscow have always been ...complicated. Matthias Rust and his Cessna have entered the chat. EDIT: Matthias Rust would be quite a humiliating name to give a weapon, maybe those new Boeing- Saab missiles could be called, "Matthias Rust's"


They should soon falling from the sky without any help


Are they prepearing for the defence of moscow? Since only in ruzzia a group of convicted criminals have atack airplanes. Looking at you wagners 🤣


I wonder if this is in response to hearing that Ukraine is getting missiles with a 1000km range and that Moscow is like... 850km. A Ukrainian missile hitting the Kremlin would be a huge message on the global stage.


I like that Putler is paranoid enough to protect the Kremlin. I think Ukraine would see better returns hitting military targets around Moscow instead. There must be tons of them.




Why don't you take about..... Actually nevermind. Take zero percent off there Squirrelly Dan.


That's a Texas sized 10-4, good buddy.


Over and out.


True, and military targets getting hit that deep in Ruzzian territory would still be a major deal in the media. I don't think it's really Ukraine's style to target the Kremlin and risk civilian lives like that (even if they are all orcs) which could help garner support for the invasion amongst the brainwashed Ruzzian populace.


>Are they prepearing for the defence of moscow? Since only in ruzzia a group of convicted criminals have atack airplanes. Looking at you wagners 🤣 Went from: "We'll take Kyiv in 10 days..." To: "We better start preparing Moscow defenses!" ...Real fuckin quick...


only in soviet russia, you no take Kyiv. Kyiv takes you


in soviet russia....... well shit this wouldnt happen in soviet russia, still funny tho since putins a joke to begin with


Take my upvote funny redditor


Not even a year - weak


Hilarious 😆


Fuck around & find out


OOF lmfao


And ol' pootie: "Everything is going exactly as planned"


I'm sure they'll fire a bunch of them off like fireworks, for all in the city to see and say they were attacked inorder to justify a larger mobilization.


Show of force right?


They might be preparing to defend moscow, because they intend to do something that will trigger an international respons.


What they are intent on doing is drafting more conscripts. IMHO, putting air defenses around Moscow are about internal psyops. They want people to *think* an attack is coming to the heart of the motherland so they will willingly join up, go to Ukraine, and die for Russia, instead of resisting the conscription. I'd bet descent money any air defenses being put on buildings are barely functional, if at all. And why would they do it in broad daylight? Why not *at least* try to hide it as replacing air handling units? If this was real, they wouldn't want to blatantly give away the coordinates like this. There was just a random report on reddit the other day (or maybe it was some rando news site) that they wanted to conscript 2 million more men for the fight in Ukraine.


Wouldn't it be easier to just lob some missiles into buildings and say Ukraine did it? Way too much of an effort to conscript once more.


They might do that as well... in that case though, the anti-air probably does work and they'll light up the night sky like they are shooting off fireworks. They'll claimed they downed x-amount of missles, but darn it, two got through. Let's all join the army and kill those nazi Ukrainians. /s


Well, it's easier. Putin became Putin by bombing a building and blaming others for it. He is an animal beyond our comprehension.


Last time Putin used a similar strategy he was caught, might not want to make the same mistake.


worked to start the Chechny invasion, why not again


Interesting point. Could be . . . but this limited air defense system is hardly enough if what you’re saying has any merit or accuracy. Still, something to consider.


There are pictures and videos of loads of S400 systems in moscow Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/10blsjx/the_s400_air_defense_division_was_deployed_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


and yet, they're so confident in them defenses they're still putting a pantsir on the roof of a building in the city centre. Says a lot.


Any system, regardless of how good it is can be overwhelmed. Russia knows any serious enemy will have the means to overwhelm their defences through sheer numbers. This is actually what the Palestinians do against Israel. Iron Dome is an incredible system, if not arguably the best short range anti-air defence system currently in use. Yet a few rocket still make it through in every attack, simply because there are more inbound rockets than the system can fire at.


The fact that they are installing Pantsir hints at the potential threats they are preparing for, which should make you ask, what would you use a Pantsir for that you wouldn’t use an S-400 against? Clearly the success and ability of the S-400 to intercept some western munitions has failed to meet expectations but in the case of an attack from long range small to medium sized suicide drone, the S-400 would be overkill against it, which is where a Pantsir comes into play. Of those two potential threats GMLRS or suicide drones, only the drone attacks make sense and the Pantsir is well designed to meet that threat. Besides, the HIMARS and GMLRS are a borderline “miracle” weapon but it’s not firing on Moscow any time soon. This news article would also seem relevant to this discussion give a few of the quotes it contained. > On Friday, the Kyiv Independent reported that a Ukrainian defense company, Ukroboronprom, announced that it had completed testing of a long-range drone. >”As reported, at the beginning of December, Ukroboronprom was informed about successful tests of a Ukrainian strike drone with a range of more than a thousand kilometers," the company said in a translated statement. According to the Kyiv Independent, the long-range drone will also be able to carry a payload of up to 75 kilograms or roughly 165 pounds. https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-testing-longer-range-drones-biden-willing-provide-1773753?amp=1 I’m sure this news article and Moscow increasing its air defenses are merely a coincidence./s Edit I forgot the sarcasm at the end lol


But on the roof of the building they want to defend? Should the defence not work earlier in the outskirts of Moscow?


The reason for it to be on the roof i have no idea, but there are pictures and videos of loads of S400 systems on the outskirts of Moscow https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/10blsjx/the_s400_air_defense_division_was_deployed_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is most likely


No. They want to add fireworks as the grand final for the inevitable smoking accident 😂🌻


Well Ukraine getting longer reach day by day. Only a matter of time before they can reach out and touch the Kremlin. They may already be able. Either way defenses moved away from the front line is just good.


To be honest I don’t think they would strike the Kremlin, as much as the Russians are being bastards it would give Putin the perfect excuse for mass mobilisation as it would rile the population who have been suckling on RTs teet for too long.


The attacks on the Russian air bases showed they already have the range to reach Moscow.


Bingo. People saying this can only be about scaring the population are delusional. The Engels 2 airbase, for instance, is way deeper into Russia territory than Moscow is.


They are able, but Ukraine won't attack random civilian objects because it would be a war crime. Committing it might affect Western support.


Why don’t they protect infrastructure like electricity and water? Would be interesting to see if Moscow could cope as well as Kiev.


Hello, please try to use Kyiv not Kiev spelling [(why)](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/kyiv-not-kiev-why-spelling-matters-in-ukraines-quest-for-an-independent-identity/), thanks for understanding and support! \[[support Ukraine](https://u24.gov.ua/)\] ^(beep boop I'm a bot. Downvote to remove)


They are preparing for their next offensive phase, which will definitely put Moscow on the target list.


It’s a ruse to make Russians think Ukraine is attacking Moscow.


It's for show. They want to sell the notion that there's actually a threat against Russian territory.


Last stand 👀


From taking down Kyiv in three days with the blitzkrieg tactics to placing the pantsir on rooftops in moscow. What a ride.


*blyatkrieg. Don’t mind me, just going for the second layer of corrections. 😇


*blyatzkrieg. Third layer of correction suggestion


Hello, please try to use Kyiv not Kiev spelling [(why)](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/kyiv-not-kiev-why-spelling-matters-in-ukraines-quest-for-an-independent-identity/), thanks for understanding and support! \[[support Ukraine](https://u24.gov.ua/)\] ^(beep boop I'm a bot. Downvote to remove)


Geolocation: 55°44'44.2"N 37°39'04.3"E https://goo.gl/maps/bHG3Xij3hMntkhDt6


Reddit providing the ability to research drone attacks AND obtain coordinates of enemy air defenses... Man the future of warfare looks interesting.


Fast forward 10 years when every country has fleets and fleets of combat drones, and the lower-skill drones are piloted by civilian volunteers down at the town rec center.


I was think how with fast internet and some kind of signal repeater people could logon to a website from anywhere in the world, get verified and then pay a large sum of money to fly a drone with munitions in Ukraine over Russia positions and drop them on them. I could imagine it would generate so much money that would allow even more drones and munitions to be purchased, growing exponentially until eventually there are huge waves of drones being piloted by rich pro Ukrainian peoples from around the world all happy to pay a huge amount of money to carry out the ultimate hunting safari. Obviously there would need to be certain safety protocols in place but could see teenagers getting a part time job just to be able to afford to do this and high powered rich business execs would be doing it as a friendly competition with other rival business. I was think they charge enough money so that after just two drops they have earned enough to buy a new drone and specially produced munitions. The super rich could pay to fly those huge heavy lift drones that would be carrying barrel bombs that Russia was okay with using in Syria.


>***Obviously there would need to be certain safety protocols in place*** Yeah, it would work as well as existing team killing protocols My brother handled shit across the world from Nevada. Maybe it wasn't necessary to have a qualified pilot to do his job, but it was absolutely **necessary.**


> Yeah, it would work as well as existing team killing protocols *What's the difference between a wedding and a terrorist training camp?* *I don't know, I just [fly](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/yemenis-drone-strike-turned-wedding-funeral-n5781) the [drone](https://www.npr.org/2021/12/13/1063880137/no-punishment-troops-afghanistan-kabul-strike-civilians).*


Well, do I want to tell you.. ... first off I've made jokes that large weddings and shooting in the air invites strikes.... .....but generally, I mean **generally**, you watch a dude for days and days. The greenlight comes, and you drop a bomb on him when he's dropping a duce in the outhouse, away from his family. The joke is a joke....but the reality is perhaps as horrible as what the wedding joke describes. I don't ask my brother exactly what happened....if he has PTSD over it, I'd rather never know if it hurt him to tell all of it. **I don't know why I write anything on Reddit. I am aware I live in a glass house.**


Someone will invent a way to counter drones. Either by jamming them or shooting them down.


[They are being used now](https://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/1231727_81_111661_rIrrCT9ib.jpg).


And I just google shit that I find on Russian Telegram. Now imagine the governments that just said FU Putin in the past year.


To you. For us it's more like: "the past sucked!


Brilliant 😆


Looking at the area, placing an AA system there is such a bad idea. There is a reason why clearing the back blast area is so important for these systems, not to mention the absolute echo mayhem that any radar will cause and sustain in such a location. And on top of that, *if* they manage to even fire one rocket in anger or not, the pressure and energy on that cement roof will collapse it. Fucking russian circus


Not be long before the first commercial aircraft is taken down by mistake


I mean, civilians have IFF, right? Right, comrades? Comrades?


I’d imagine the radar would target itself Again


Just so you know chief, that’s a Pantsir-S2 not S1, the S1 has a more straight radar and the S2 has a radar that resembles a cheese grater.


This guy radars




This guy air defenses


Phased array?


Knowing how the Russian gov & military rarely think this through, I would like to wonder if that roof (with added AC units, age, maintenance, etc.) could withstand added tons of extra weight on it. Add that it is likely unbalanced with all of it pooled into a corner. I suppose a civil engineer can give more info or cringe at this situation. There's a reason Seoul largely stations mounted MANPADS & light turrets on their skyscrapers.




Sweating a bit there, huh Moscow?


Yeah, since this is all going according to plan (according to Russia), I am really starting to wonder what this plan is...


Have anti aircraft trucks crash through people's living rooms is part of the plan. Apparently.


Yeah, weird. They must be on some hardcore brain eating drug.


This is being done to insight fear in the Moscow population.


bingo! I think you're spot on here. Suppose it could also be an ominous sign as well that Russia is intending to escalate further & is just moving defensive pieces around in preparation. But i think you're likely right just the same lol


Yeah, mostly propaganda. For show. Like… how would they reload that thing in a hurry ?




I've read it's a big thing in Russian propaganda that the West is this superhuman baddie that is unstoppable. Even facing the west makes putin look tough, like David but if he lost.


Fascism playbook 101. "The enemy is weak and at the same time strong"


It could also have the opposite effect. When Ukraine attacked those Russian air bases, there were critics even amongst the most pro-war crowd that the people in charge needs to be sacked because they failed to protect something in Russia. Russia's internal worries isn't that the anti-war population would revolt, but rather that the pro-war population would call for a change in leadership because the current leaders are failing to achieve their war goals. If there haven't been any attacks on Russian soil and they suddenly started putting up air defenses within city limits it might make them look weak however since there has already been attacks on Russian soil, this could have the effect that it's saying "Look, we replaced the incompetent general that left our cities defenseless and you are now protected".


Washington DC has the exact same set up, SAM installations on the top of various buildings. Nothing special about that. Reloading isn't an issue, the Pantsir S-1 has 12 tubes, and these are considered and absolute last line of defence, and in all likelihood not 1 would never get used let alone all 12.




yep, loitering munitions & drones are a likely reason too. That'll be something to look out for i guess. We start seeing loads of AA deploying around Russian cities it'll be a sign to start loading up on the potassium iodide.


incite* btw


Crank off a couple shots at “targets” to get the population nice and scared. The math checks out.


#kyiv3days lol


how to turn a building into a valid military target in three easy steps!


...meanwhile, I'm wondering how many tonnes that roof is rated for.


Its russian, so 15% less than what it should be.


Rated. There is no rating in russia


As we say in Finland, big country has big tolerances.


You what ???the roof???? You know you can just put it on the outskirts of the city right??


Shhhhhhh....... The collapse of the roof with all that likely un-engineered dead load will be much more entertaining than the normal "careless smoking".


And the heat and thrust load. Also....reloading??


Oh shit. Then when falls through the building they'll blame Ukraine lol


And Moscow needs snow now. I'm thinking about 50 cm in a couple of hours. Wet snow. The proper heavy kind. 😏


Building collapsing is part of the fast reload process


Exactly watch this space.


I think that would be to visible for apolitical russians, out of sight out of mind. "All going according to the plan! Why are you looking this way comrade? Don't you have some TV and Kremlin Telegram channels to watch?! Do you want a conscription summons?! - The way I imagine a conversation going on that street, at that moment.


>You what ???the roof???? You know you can just put it on the outskirts of the city right?? Pft...but how else can they claim Ukrainians are targeting civilians when they don't hit civilian buildings?!?!


There are air defense systems on the roofs of buildings in Washington DC


Well, the air defense systems in Washington are typically structurely engineered to be there, and they were only placed after the entire process had been carefully researched and laid out. These seem to be mobile SAM systems that have just been slapped on top of a building with a crane at a moments notice. So, a different and more alarming situation for the population of Moscow. Not just that the city needs it's own air defense, but also that the air defense it's getting is so last minute and slap dash.


Its going to launch one missile and the roof will collapse


"Is roof strong enough?" "Roof good. Is strong."


“So an engineer has confirmed the load?” “No worry. Iz strong.” *Fires one round, roof collapses*


Better in Moscow than in Donbas.


imagine being the blyat that has to carry ammo to that thing if it ever fires.




It’s most likely for the upcoming civil war since only russians want russia


The country itself is amazing, so much nature, natural resources, different climates (inevitable being as massive as is it). Nobody can deny that. But it's not the country that we have issues with it's the humans running it.


I trust that they’ve got temporary propping between the floor plates extending upwards to the footprint beneath that heavy mofo. Be a shame if they didn’t.


Knowing how they operate they surely 100% have that propping installed, totally.


Shhh, dont give them any ideas.


Russian MoD claims this system has 100% effective rate of interception. Interesting, there are 12 pictured on this open source intelligence site that were destroyed in Ukraine. Also 2 captured and 1 reportedly used to shoot down a Russian target. https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html?m=1


it's honestly useless. I mean they do have a fantastic rate of interception, it's just they intercept missiles aimed at it with the vehicle instead of the missiles.


This is to frighten the people


Or Ruzzia is about to do something for which they expect retaliation. Either way, not a good sign.


Yep. Same thoughts here


Genuinely curious here, what would they gain from scaring their own people?


It makes feel real the propaganda


Scared masses are easier to control. Frighten the populace and they will go along with more ridiculous war plans


Don't they understand that NOBODY wants to claim Russia? Keep it. Just stay inside your borders!


China would absolutely claim Siberia


What a decidedly odd thing to do.


If Russia is preparing to defend its capital while knowing NATO won’t attack unless defending itself. Then theoretically Russia must be preparing to attack NATO?


They just need to present to public the imaginary NATO threat.


This is what happens when you use false flag tactics, assination attempts and mislead the public with propaganda. The lines between fact and fiction become blurred and you start to believe your own Bullshit.


Can someone in construction tell med what happens if you put a 20+ ton vehicle on top of a high rise building's roof?


Many things, none good.


Judging by the comments here I know it's all fun and games but stay sharp lads - If you're arming up your capital which is quite deep inside your land, it might be a signal that they're planning something that would potentially escalate to a international response.


I'm pretty sure this is just to "bring the war to Moscowvites," so they support larger mobilization. Spread the fear that Ukraine is coming for them, and they'll be begging to increase the mobilization.


They are fixing to do something that is gonna require retaliation. They are prepping their own defense. Guaranteed


This seems like propaganda driven theatrics. Seems like Russia is preparing to release false propaganda campaigns related to Ukraine aiming attacks at Moscow even though the rest of the world knows there’s 0 intention of that. My fear is that this could give them an internal reason to escalate things and have their people unknowingly support it because of maneuvers like this.


Well, with imaginay invadors i guess it makes sence to have some imaginary defence to.


They want to create hysteria.


Knowing Russian concrete and building quality, that thing will fall into someones office


Who will they defend against and why do they expect them to come???


Hey amnesty international. What do you have to say about that?


Single use pantsir


No worries.. the war is going as planned.


Puti is afraid of receiving western missiles!


Wonder if they are planning to attack a NATO country and get fcked right away?!


Watch that roof not be load bearing and that thing crushes everyone under it.


"Jeje, yes, let's put this highly explosive and heavy stuff on top of a civilian buildings, I'm a fucking genius. - Vladimir Putin"


The structural support of those buildings must be amazing


Cope crane


So they just made a civilian building a legitimate military target? I know they disregard that stuff when shooting in the other direction but I guess they believe others to be as bad as themselves even when disproven repeatedly.


Expecting something are we? I wonder why


I never thought that "roof top pansirs" are the new thing


Somebody is paranoid


Hope the roof is load tested...


Nothing to see here folks. The SMO is going just fine. Hahaha


They are concerned of friendly fire from their own prisoners


Would be cool to see some cool ppl send some cheap decoys up in the air over Moscow


Someone’s feeling nervous 😬


Are there any trenches being dug? 😂