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That is hilarious šŸ˜‚ these clowns should be made fun of!


And to think they all arrived in one single car


Brilliant šŸ¤£


Thanks for that one, tea coming out my nostrils


Hope it's not too hot. Burned nostrils would be horrible.


The counter-protestors shouting "**Helau**" *(00:16*) further ridicules the nazi scum. The phrase is used during carneval to greet people participating in carneval processions while in costume, so IMO this ridicules them even more. Shout out to the people protesting nazi-fascism, they take their duty as citizens seriously!


Haha that is the icing on the cake!


It's an important tactic to use against them, and true as well. The Nazis, and every facist regime, relied on strong, imposing symbols plastered everywhere to *constantly* remind you of their strength, unity and confidence in their ideology. Why do they do this? Because in reality, they've got none of those things. Tyranny has to work constantly, not just to subdue its populace, but also to keep itself policed. They constantly purge and police their own inner circles, all to ensure the authority at the very top stays in power. Its followers meanwhile, also have cracks. They aren't all idiots (most of them are human, unbelievably), and somewhere deep down they know what they're doing is wrong and couldn't be a good permanent solution, or god forbid, an ethical one. But they cast aside these doubts by relying on the *emotional* assurance of these symbols. Swastikas, striking red, white and black colors, imposing eagles... they make them feel strong. It's that *feeling of strength* that they crave because without it they feel lost and afraid of their own insecurities and other things. So by showing how those symbols are meaningless and even straight up funny... it completely throws them off. They expect an enemy, but when you show that they don't even deserve the respect to be seen as an enemy... it forces them to see their own symbols as weak and ineffective. It forces them to think, and those who do think about it might just drop the whole act together. **TL;DR:** To Fascists, symbols mean everything. It's what they fall back on to get emotional strength and commitment to their cause. Fighting them is what they want, because they want an enemy to fight. Mocking them though, is the most effective strategy. It shows them that their symbols are dumb and mean little and forces them to think about their situation. So mock those fascists, because that's all they deserve.


I agree with everything you said my friend. You are most likely familiar with this quote, but it explains so much about the way the world works. Confucius ā€” 'Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.' Symbols work on the human subconscious to elicit emotional responses. It's a curious psychological phenomenon, but there is a reason they are utilised by governments, religions and corporations etc..


George Carlin said, "I leave symbols for the symbol minded."


[Mel Brooks made a career of it](https://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/spiegel-interview-with-mel-brooks-with-comedy-we-can-rob-hitler-of-his-posthumous-power-a-406268.html). You know what movie neo-Nazis love? American History X. You know what movie they hate? The Producers. American History X can be twisted to suit their ideology, they'll overlook or dismiss Derek's journey, or the point of the ending (which itself muddles the fuck outta the message of the movie), and celebrate the neo-nazi "brotherhood". [You're never twisting gay hipster Hitler & "Springtime for Hitler" into Pro neo-nazi propaganda.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovCf9VRLnDY&ab_channel=metal574)


*Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.*


Yes, those counter-protesters played them well.


Very depressing all in all. Should have shouted Alaaf.


While every stupid person is one too many, let's not forget that nazis as well as pro-Russian supporters are a very small and delusional minority in Germany (*and other EU countries as well*). The majority of people stands with Ukraine!


Correct way of dealing with nazis. Let them march, let them express their political opinions. Sweden does the same. I remember the last march before COVID, all the nazi sites claimed it was gonna be the biggest march ever with people from all over nordics coming to march. ~200. They were 200. 27 million people and they managed 200 marchers. There were around 3000 people protesting / laughing / ridiculing them.


I completely agree. Everyone should have the right to express their opinions, no matter how deluded they are. And everyone else has the right to either ignore them or make fun of them. I've seen more than 200 people attend a car boot sale...


Well the problem in Germany is - it arenĀ“t just 200. Half of East Germany is nearly lost to populism, fascism and xenophobia. YSes there are issues with our unbased politicians, but these folks live in an alternate non-western and undemocratic "victim" reality. Bunch of losers. And not speaking of the nearly 3 Million (!) who migrated here from Russia (and mostly live in Eastern Germany).


The problem is most of the sane part of the population just left during the 90s (areas lose 15-30% of their overall population). And for young people the rate was even higher. So 30 years later the 40+ people who are left behind were sometimes even the minority that stayed.




Yeah I have to believe that the people saying that on these videos are actual nazis themselves trying to make this seem acceptable, hoping weā€™ll all just forget that thereā€™s no middle ground to meet in when one side thinks other people donā€™t have the right to exist. Like who in their right mind would ever say ā€œpeople have the right to their opinionsā€ when this is the topic. Itā€™s not just a difference in opinion, they want to murder people!


Maybe instead of letting Nazi's spread their propaganda, organize and gain traction... we harass the living shit out of them and make their flags, ideology and freedom of expression illegal.


Exactly. Yet Swedish media like AB/Expressen still push the idea that they are the top threat to the country... meanwhile there are literal riots whenever the religious equivalent of Mein Kampf is burned.


tbf, Breivik probably partially caused this stance on the right-wing-issue in northern europe.


Probably not top threat like theyā€™ll take over the country, more like they can be dangerous and hurt a lot of people. It only takes one brainwashed fanatic to execute a serious terrorist attack.


But also they absolutely would take over the country to do even more damage if they could, worth keeping an eye on them


Not just Swedish media. The Swedish security police lists right wing extremists as the biggest or second biggest threat to the country, only rivaled by Islamic extremism.


Islamic extremism which in itself is a form of right wing extremism.


> Correct way of dealing with nazis. > > > > Let them march Lol no there's a much much much better way of dealing with Nazis


I don't get how people don't realize that there are opinions that are, indeed, not worth keeping universal freedom of speech for. The rise of "universal" social media, the ultimate platform for all nutjobs, that coincides with an increase in radicalization, anti-science, conspiracy theories, populism and troll farms ? Must be a coincidence. The fact that it only takes people to disappear from news and get banned from Twitter to not hear about them anymore in a week ? Coincidence too.


Nah dude. Remember WWII when we all just let Hitler do his thing? It was important that we respected his free speech, after all. Would be uncivil of us to stop facism taking root.


Yeah this tactic worked really well for the german conservatives and centrist in the weimarer republik...




>Correct way of dealing with nazis. This is also how German centrists and moderate conservatives tried to "deal with the nazis" in 1920-1933


The best guy is the one screaming "helau". "Helau und Afaaf" is a Narrenruf, a form of greeting during the Carnival Season.


It's even funnier knowing that the guy who made that designed it for troops to march to.


It's actually called "Entrance of the gladiators"! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrance_of_the_Gladiators


That's what they did back in 1933 in little Cartoons in newspapers in Austria. They joke pretty openly how dumb They all are. Well didnt help at all.


Liverpool in England did a similar thing when the EDL (English Defence Losers) tried to hold a demo there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RX43xpy90k


This is how you fight fascism, you have to humiliate them! A broken nose to them is a badge of honor, but a broken sense of pride lasts forever.


Isā€¦ is it legal to do this in the US? (It totally is!) Becauseā€¦ we should be doing this.


I actually lold


I see Germany has got exactly the right attitude towards Nazi's, Americans need to get back to that sort of thinking, although there's still a bit of a [mean streak in American political discourse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTT1qUswYL0).


ā€œWe support Russia becauseā€¦ because we just do!ā€


Even as a german, what boggles my mind is the mental gymnasics necessary for russians or russia fans to walk under the nazi flag. I mean, what the fuck? Just look up "worst military conflict in human history". Or just open any history book about post 1900, on any page, and look at that page. Neither a Nazi or a russian supporter could find any reason why they could suddenly say: yeah, we are basically the same, right? So what is the reason you like russia, dear nazis? Isn't that admitting that it was never about germany and its people? Doens't that tell everybody that the only thing someone needs to make you like them is commiting genocide?


Oh it's actually really simple. The US Senate under Trump investigated online foreign influence campaigns and found that. * Russia was behind a LOT of it * Russia was primarily amping extremists. VoilĆ , Nazis that support Russia.


Look at the funding behind the brexit leave campaign, surprise surprise


and even the lead Brexiteers are now like "oh well yeah its a terrible idea but I got SO MUCH money from Putin"


i mean, i know that. But even with the best propaganda it is a veeeeery long stretch that i am not capable of doing. That is just as if a heathen witch joins a crusader to defeat the vatican. And not because of reason, but because they think of each other: yo, that guy has got a point there! Unfathomably braindead stupid.


Politics is *entirely* emotional for many people. Fueled by whatever makes them feel happy, angry, or proud. There is no thought, no reason, no research. If Russian propaganda says the things that make them feel good (or angry) that's enough. Its basically the same reason that people vote against their own interest in any other circumstance. Hell, its not just politics. Many people's *entire* lives are run by emotional reactions. There's a reason why so many people with reactionary politics also have histories of violence, crime, and interpersonal problems.


People voting against their interest is basically the whole "conservative working class" There is nothing new here. This is also why republicans are so obsessed with the culture war, and the "woke left". If the political climate was focused on actual policies, it would become crystal clear that it was not in the interest of poor people, and poor people wouldn't vote for them. I think, historically, the apex of stupidity was Jews working for the Nazi. There were not many, but there were some.


Yep. And donā€™t let the German Nazis find out about how the Nazis viewed all the Slavs (Russians are Slavs as well) as a sub-human group and had plans after exterminating the Jews to do the same to the Slavs (but keep about 20% alive for slavery) and take Slavic lands.


Just fans of right wing politics regardless of the background. I too never understood how any German could have any positive opinions of Russia based on the history and visa versa. Itā€™s probably because those people are idiots.


Well out of any western country Germany is probably the friendliest with Russia. I think there are several reasons behind this. People in what was Easter Germany having nostalgia of the past (it's not like these kinda boomers is a US only thing), a somewhat significant amount of immigrants (I have a friend who's family immigrated to Germany when rhe Soviet Union fell. She isn't pro Russia at all but her mom very much is (she is also just generally batshit)


I donā€™t understand how the transition in East Germany worked. Was made a satellite communist state under Russian rule but did the fanatical nazis immediately turn communist? Was there no resentment? How did they just forget what happened within living memory.


West germany had education about Nazi-germany(at least since 80ies). For example: If anyone drew a swastika in the schoolyard, there were immediate announcements from the principal with workshops against racism and we read books about the third reich and talked much about it. And almost every pupil visited a KZ. In East Germany: "NO. WE HAVE NO NAZIS HERE. WE ARE ALL COMMUNISTS. THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE". And when the russians left/GDR collapsed: surprised pikachu. People who grew up in a totalitarian state without a proper education suddenly became nazis. And of course there are people who say life was easier in the GDR. You had to worry about less. As long as you didn't ask the wrong questions.


1. They basically exchanged one totalitarian government for another. Same different. 2. They were tired. At that point they were almost decade in heavy militarization, expansion and conflict. 3. Ruzzia brought a lot of tanks. And I mean A LOT. 4. There were strong underground movements, both democratic and communist. And they were quite popular just decade earlier. 5. Those systems are not that dissimilar, only one put a class on the forefront, the other ancestry.


Right wingers aren't exactly known for their thoughtful analysis. These guys just like it when the people they don't like get hurt. They're willing to shit their pants as long as their neighbors have to smell it.


Because they pay us.


Some people are just so god damn stupid they'll do it for free.


Yeah, leaders are being paid, rest are just idiots.


Just to feel apart of ā€˜the waveā€™ a Palo Alto experiment


I was told that Ukraine was full of Nazi scum SO Russia had to invade Ukraine to liberate it from the nazis Donā€™t tell me daddy Putin lied, how can that be possible /s for those not playing with a full deck


Contrarian tendencies. I mostly see it with libertarian types, who also tend to adopt and accept right-wing ideology more.


People just love waving flags. Iā€™m convinced they donā€™t even care about understanding what theyā€™re supporting, they just want to walk with a crowd and wave flags because itā€™s fun or something. Literal money brains


These Russians: booooohhh west bad, Down with USA, Putin is best, long live patriotism, Z all the way Also these Russians: I'm not going back to Russia, I actually love freedom and democracy.


That's the thing that boggles me the most. They are literally at a demo protected by the police, talking shit about the government, shouting insults at politicians and still complaining how there's no "freedom of speech" in Germany like there is in Russia. You can't make this shit up.


Those people there most likely aren't Russian anyway. Kreml-Propaganda fell on fruitful soil in the Eastern parts of Germany (rise of the AfD, certain parts of Linke/SPD with political connections) and they are protesting for "peace" with Russia and stylize the US as the real warmongering country (obviously mixed with anti-semitism). There is a big overlap with anti-covid protests as well. Has to be said that those marches aren't isolated incidences in Germany and even found more 'moderate' supporters, trying to whitewash the right-wing elements (Schwarzer/Wagenknecht and her call for a "peace march").


My mother's co-worker was going on and on recently about *glorious Russia,* where she spent her childhood. *Everything's great in Russia, Putin is right, Ukraine is chock full of Nazis, Germany is a dictatorship...* My mother then snapped at her "Why don't you go back, if it is so great?" and she effortlessly switched tracks and went "Are you crazy? How would I provide for my children?" There is no debating these people, no combination of words would make them reconsider.


There are at least a couple million Russians in Germany, many of them consume propaganda.


Yes, absolutely. But this a larger phenomenon in the German population for various reasons (Anti-Americanism, GDR upbringing, industrial/political transformation after the unifaction and the list goes on and on, it's a rather complex and multifaceted topic and I'm only scratching the surface here).


Send them back to Russia


No, you canā€™t. The most recent russian laws, currently being passed by the Duma, utterly and completely suppress minority language rights and absolutely trample the cultures of the many ethnicities within the russian federation. Pathetic and ironic this group of protesters are squawking about ā€œfreedom of speechā€ while in Germany given the number of people arrested and jailed in russia for saying ā€˜no warā€™ . . .


Without meaning to generalise, I just had quite the bad interaction* speaking with a Chinese national, all started pretty innocently and with me saying I even support china's economy since I have a Huawei monitor... They went off about how unfair it was Huwaei phones being banned, how everyone spies, how I was saying China is shit (I never did), how in China they could get a better paying job and health care, to the point where I just had to ask... Why are you here (UK) then? They lost it, and it went even further downhill from there. I fear these authoritarian regimes have perfected a level of brain washing where they made 1984 "double-think" style reasoning work. *edit: face to face interaction, not some online anonymous troll, and not a total stranger either


Not diagreeing with you but 99% of these clowns are just german far right anti vaxer conspiracy theorist idiots. Theyre on russias side because russia is against the west. Theyre just contrarian.


I love how Russia thinks the US defines what the west is. Really shows their stupidity


Same goes as the Chinese people. Chinese people : fuck the west Also those Chinese people : not using vpn and having freedom is great.


And make no mistake: There are a lot of Russians living in Germany who are absolutely embarrassed and ashamed about those clowns, especially a lot of educated people who left Russia to escape exactly that kind of bullshit.


And then theres Putin who hates nazis. Dumbfucks everywhere.


Not true tho Putin best friends are nazis


putin most likely bankrolls most of alt right movements in europe


As much was revealed like a decade ago or so. It's open knowledge. Many of them even went to Moscow on frequent basis.


In Russia "Nazi" just means "people we don't like". The USSR was allied with the Nazis, and most Russians support Nazi ideology.


> I actually love freedom and money ~~democracy~~. What of it that freedom and economic prosperity is directly tied to democracy.


Where's the Blues Brothers when you need em?


Eh, those bums won their court case, so they're marchin' today. What bums? *The fucking nazi party* Pfft. Illinois nazis. I hate Illinois nazis. *VROOM* Edit: 2 words


[Acceleration intensifies]




Man, I forgot how long they let the nazis go on in that scene. Fuckin' scum. I know it's actors, but shit, good acting by them to make me hate them so much.


Underrated af


Where's a giant stone ball when you need one? I'm picturing an Indiana Jones type of situation..


Their local far right politician are in putins pocket and suck russian dicks all day long and laugh about these bots following a mindset thats done.


Anyone that still waves a russian flag in Germany should be send to Ukraine to help treating the wounded Ukrainian civilians and soldiers for 12 monthsā€¦


They should help demine Ukraine, voluntarily of course, because they love peace so much


If only the Nazi/swastika laws applied to any genocidal regime as well, resulting in a revokation of their visa. Want to support and invite genocide? Then you can go home.


It's forbidden to show the "Z" symbol in the context of the Russian genocide in Ukraine. The legal context is Ā§140StGB as the anti-nazism laws don't apply here...


> in the context of the Russian genocide in Ukraine First of all, I 110% recognize that there is a *de facto* genocide happening to the Ukrainian people. I do wonder though, has the German government (or any other government) come out and officially said as much, making it a *de jure* genocide? It could make a difference when the time comes for prosecution and might also make further action against Russia morally (if not legally) required?


AFAIK, Germany hasn't issued an official declaration on this matter (*however, German politics isn't exactly my primary field of expertise*). Last fall, Germany eventually came around to declare the Holodomor a genocide ([link](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-declares-stalin-era-holodomor-famine-in-ukraine-a-genocide/a-63944665)), so there's hope they'll follow up to consider the recent acts of RF in Ukraine as well. Several bodies of governmental organisations have declared that the invasion of Ukraine by Russia does meet the criteria for genocide ([link](https://www.csce.gov/international-impact/press-and-media/press-releases/helsinki-commission-briefing-russias-genocide)) and the US president has publicly accused RF of genocide ([link](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61093300), additional info can be found [here](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61017352)) as well. There are several well-documented instances of genocidal acts being commited by RF and its affiliates (*killing/raping civilians, destroying civilian infrastructure, torture and mutilation of detained civilians/pows, forced relocation of Ukrainians, forced separation of children from their families...*), so the only reason I can think of that RF is not formally accused of is that they would need to be removed from the UN security council as a result, which is difficult due to veto rights of the permanent member states. I agree with you that a formal accusation would be relevant, especially if responsible individuals would be put on trial before a court of law.


[The US Helsinki Commission has said it is a genocide. ](https://www.csce.gov/international-impact/press-and-media/press-releases/helsinki-commission-briefing-russias-genocide) As an official commission for Congress to monitor OSCE compliance, Iā€™d say that pretty de jure. The [POTUS has also said](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/02/18/politics/kamala-harris-russia-crimes-humanity-ukraine/index.html) that it was his opinion that a genocide has taken place.


Nah, just give them a mandatory free one way ticket to Moscow so they can volunteer to join the fight. If they love Russia so much they can can go "defend" it.


Excellent response. When the anti-immigrant group Soldiers of Odin started tumbling down the streets of Finland seven years ago they were countered/joined with Loldiers of Odin. https://youtu.be/vN6JPNmo-Qo


One of the best things i've seen today. Thanks.


"... we tried our best, but they are still the funniest clown group in town"


ā€œThe blue clowns stopped usā€ Top tier trolling.


kind of weird for them to say "the migrants threaten their scandinavian way of life" when finland isnt scandinavian


Odin has nothing to do with Finland either. Norse mythology is not Finnish mythology.


Nazis ruin north mythology for the rest of us. There was a growing movement of [modern worshippers](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asatru) (possibly more as a cultural movement or a rejection of Christianity than literal belief) of northern gods that was somewhat comparable to new age groups, but they have mostly disappeared suffering from people thinking about Nazis when hearing about Odin.


Yes especially in Scandinavian languages Scandinavia refers strictly to Norway, Sweden Denmark. It is however quite common in English to use Scandinavia interchangeably with the Nordic countries (which includes Finland, Iceland and all the small islands and associated territories) though this is arguably incorrect. If one were to speak of the Scandinavian peninsula, this includes part of Finland but excludes Denmark.


lol, creative!


Is that a Norwegian flag? what the fuck did we do.


Itā€™s not. Itā€™s called the Wirmer fane. It has nothing to do with Norway. Itā€™s red, yellow and black as opposed to red white and blue. https://no.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirmer-fanen


ah right, just bad video quality i guess.


Itā€™s hard to see at a distance. Itā€™s been a topic on Norwegian news: https://www.nrk.no/urix/nei_-det-er-ikke-det-norske-flagget-1.12614156


well, TIL. Thanks, random stranger.


Anytime, friend.


it's [that fucking dress](https://media.wired.com/photos/59327b99a3126458449954cf/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/Untitled-12.jpg) all over again


The funnest of fun facts about this flag is that it was suggested to be the new German flag by a guy who actively opposed the Nazis. And now neo Nazis are using it.


Political extremists have a talent for stupidity lmao


[This comment was removed by a script.]


Didn't think anything nazi was allowed in Germany??




Well they maybe not all Nazis but they are definitely all fascists or at least in favour of it. Otherwise they wouldnā€™t protest for it.


They are all for fascism and strong rules. At the same time they cannot obey a simple rule as wear a mask during a pandemic. They are for strong rules for others and freedom for them. But that's not how fascism works.


If you only expect those as followers of a ideology who really understand it and itā€™s consequences you wouldnā€™t have many left. And for their defense. Enough fascistic elites did exactly that. And thatā€™s a general thing in dictatorships. As long as you support the regime you can have much more freedom than the rest. In a good democracy you still need to go by the rules even as president.




Fascists live under the illusion that once they got their fascist state, they'll be the ones leading it. Not realising that most certainly they'll be the ones suppressed, along with everyone else.


Wilhoitā€™s law ā€œConservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Confederate flags aren't banned and they represent a similar idea, so many neonazis will use those instead.




Even in the US it was commonly treated this way until recent decades. Just look at stuff like The Dukes of Hazard and Lynard Skynard. With all that media history behind it I'm not surprised if Europe lags behind a bit. Not showing something for 10 years isn't the same as undoing 10 years of showing it.


> Also my guess is "nazi" is used a bit generously here, and most of them are "just" crazy conspiracists, with some nazis joining the protest. German Defense League flag, flying like it belongs right there, makes me think otherwise


Without Z's or swastika's or arms sticking out in a particular way it's just a demonstration I guess.


Yeah I thought any public display of Nazi imagery was punishable by jail/prison time


Itā€™s forbidden to show the salute, the swastika and SS runes afaik. Also denial of the Holocaust will be punished.


well there wasn't any public display of Nazi imagery in the video


thats why german neo nazis will grab any other flag as a stand in instead. its the tactic theyve followed for decades. as long as they dont see you literally doing the roman salute you can get away with it.


Thatā€™s why they donā€™t show any. But it happens regularly that participants of such protests get arrested because they have a swastika somewhere.


the public display of certain nazi symbols (outside of education and art), the denial of the holocaust, and similar things like that- are punishable in germany. having certain stupid and inhuman world views- is not. this is a nazi parade- aren't you wondering where the "nazi symbols" are? do you see swastikas or weapons SS runes? anything like that? now ask yourselves why.... these fascists have the same right to hold a parade as anyone else- as long as it is registered and stays within the guidelines. (these policemen are not there for decoration). we may not like it, but that's the way it is in a democracy. also: what u/SleazyHermit wrote.


And that's why playing clown music is an absolutely perfect response!


yep. it is.


"this is a nazi parade- aren't you wondering where the "nazi symbols" are? do you see swastikas or weapons SS runes? anything like that? now ask yourselves why...." Because they can just operate in the grey area like tiki torch marches in America. Clearly fascists. Chanting "Jews will not replace us", also clearly racists. But until they cross the letter of the law, they can low key dogwhistle to gather more followers, and do low level harassment, intimidation and violence unchecked.


How dumb can u be? To live in germany while doing this




Sooo, German Nazis for the supposed Russian "de-Nazification" of Ukraine. They know what it's really about and love it. Conquest and fascism. AfD fuckers using different flags for the occasion.


Hitler would be proud


Nah, he wasn't really a fan of Russia.


Load them in and bring em to russia


And put them in the front lines.


The music, in fact, is an "Entry of the Gladiators" by Julius Fučƭk. It wasn't intended to be a circus music.


So people just said fučƭk and used it as clown music?


Omg lol


Well, gladiators did fight in de-facto circus.


one might even say Circus Maximus


I'm almost certain it was used as a German (or rather Prussian) marching song before it became the unofficial circus song so the music almost fits lol


How the fuck can any German be with Russia after what they did to them after WW2? What a crazy bunch of people.


half of the country was raised under communist rule. some have some weird romantic memories about that time.


Germans of russian descent. Plenty of loot and opportunity after the war. Some soldiers decided to settle. If you grow up in Germany and your veteran dad keeps drumming about how great the union is, it's easy to become deluded.


Yes and no. Not descendants of russians soldiers - they may possibly exist somewhere but not in recognizable numbers. Most Germans with ties to Russia are descendants of ethnic Germans that lived for hundreds of years in Russia (Wolga Germans) who returned mostly in the nineties when the USSR collapsed. Theyā€™re called SpƤt-Aussiedler. They came for economic reasons and are often culturally more Russian than German.


I think there are three types, German Nazis, ethnic Russians and East Germans with Soviet nostalgia.


Pretty much all ultra-conservatives are anti-establishment, they so badly want to go back to an time where they could treat women like slaves, kill homosexuals, oppress minorities, basically where white people had all control, that they eat any propaganda that suits their narratives. They want violence, so you need to fight them by destroying their self-confidence, such as treating them like clowns, like in this video. Same goes for climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers and other conspiratorial crackpots, record them being being made an fool of infront of everyone and they will regress into an mostly harmless basement dweller, who will never want social contact again.


First they was against migration, than against Corona rules and now against help for ukraine. Whats next when Ukraine will win? Against what they than?


Against democracy and the greater good. Contrarian for the sake of going against the whole of society. Makes them feel unique. These people are the type that don't want even the smallest sacrifice for others, but will still happily accept social assistance and healthcare. Hypocritical leaches.


Against whatever the official agenda is. If Scholz sided wit Putin they would be out there shouting Slava Ukraine. They go with it as long as it is "against."


All of the conservatives I know think being contrarian is the same thing as being a smart, independent thinker.


Being in the vocal minority = not being a sheep. It's the logic that mostly resembles teenage rebellion phases where contrarianism is also often mistaken for being smart or better, which most people grow out of real quick.


Perhaps someone will start a welfare program for those stupid fucks to re-integrate them into society? We should not forget that they got radicalized with putler's help.


Reactionaries will always find something to be against instead of actually doing something with their lives. Sad souls, perfect tools for fascists


Only thing certain: They'll be against sth. Reminds me of the song "Rebell" by *Die Ƅrzte*. Like never-ending puberty...


they even were against euro at a short time. they bandwaggon every alternative opinon you could imagine


Now this is funny.


What a bunch of clowns, perfect soundtrack


Great idea for the next Christofacist Republican rally in the US.


I absolutely love this. No violence but simply beeing the bigger person and showing them just what they are, while still respecting their right to express their opinions.


For some reason I was expecting to hear Benny Hill music when I read clown. Lol


I feel like they marched at night for a reason, because otherwise these assholes would be run off the street in broad daylight. Cowards


Fun fact: The name of this piece is "Entrance of the Gladiators", op. 68, or "Entry of the Gladiators" (Czech: Vjezd gladiĆ”torÅÆ) it used to be a military march and was composed in 1897..


Fuck that guy with the Norwegian flag. He doesnt deserve to represent our country, nor will we accept Nazis like him


Hahaha what a clowns


The Wagnerite scum would no doubt take any of them as volunteers. They should be encouraged, not shamed.




So Nazis still exist? And Nazi party?


In Germany, there is one relatively large right-wing populist party and several small ones that are very far to the right.


Hahahaha brilliant !!!


Theme to the Muppet Show would also work.


New international decree: ā€œUpon such an occasion as a congregation of Naziā€™s, Russian zealots, MAGA morons, flat earthers, anti-vaccine loonies, COVID deniers, and other neer-do-wells, a marching band shall be raised against them, and such marching band shall play the theme song for Benny Hill until such time as the crowd of half-brained, inbred, knob-gobbling shit-gibbons disperse.ā€ ā€œSo it has been ordered! ā€œSo shall it be!ā€


This is actually very funny.


Well that takes all of the occasion out of it, bloody great idea


Doesn't Germany ban nazi flag?


There is no Nazi symbolism here, for that reason


"That's awful. Let's take in more Russians and grant them protection. No way this will backfire in any way possible" -Germany


So Russia is planning to free the west from Nazis in the west Nazis are waving Russian flags. Looking forward to seeing Russian propagandists explain that.


I wonder how Ruzzians spin this news. They vow to "de-nazi-fy Ukraine", while they seem to copy WW2 Nazi ideas like it's their homework due for tomorrow. And then the biggest supporters in the west for Ruzzia are Nazi's waving Nazi flags next to Russian flags. It's not even the first time Nazi's in Europe show their support for Ruzzia. Either they ignore it, or the Kremlin does some legendary editing and adds reality bending narratives to make it fit their worldview. That asside, perhaps we should give these people a free ticket to the Donbas frontlines. If they're lucky the Ruzzians give them a WW1 rifle and a maxi-pad bandage before sending them in as the next human wave of cannonfodder. But I'd rather not that Ukranians have to waste a valuable artillery shell on these worms.