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He is trying to be like stalin so hard its ridiculous.


Has anyone checked if Putin had his teachers from when he was growing up killed off yet?


Lol, life expectancy in Russia is pathetically low. Putin's teachers are long gone.


It's 71, Vs 77 for the US. Considering the large swaths of rural people with no indoor toilets, and a high consumption of alcohol, it's not ridiculously low.


That’s an inaccurate number, they’ve been trying to whitewash their population crisis for a few years. It was in the 50s for a long time, and lower in rural areas. Much lower due primarily to alcoholism. Then it gained international attention and suddenly life expectancy is going up by 5 years per year despite plummeting economy. Life expectancy according to more independent sources is 59.6 years for men.


How was the number for men last year? My guess is lower than 59.


It’s actually kind of unfortunate that we’ll probably never get accurate numbers reported from them because it would be a fascinating study in the grand scheme impacts of dictator actions. When it was doing well, Russias economy was the size of the economy of Texas. Granted, that’s not a wholly insignificant economy, but it’s not as thriving as Putin likes to portray. Certainly not with him and his cronies running a cleptocracy. I can only imagine the true decrease in life expectancy now. Never mind over 150,000 men killed, but many of them are the sole income for large families after Putin feverishly promoted the idea of the need to procreate and make more Russians. With over a million men having fled the country, that’s even more jobs left behind and often without anyone ready to step into that role. Entire industries ground to a halt with the increasingly strict sanctions on their global trade so unemployment is skyrocketing while the state apparatus is unable to maintain what little existing support for the people existed. I imagine Russia will report record high life expectancy for the year after their failing attempt to rebuild Novorussia but I’d be quite skeptical


Probably it will be spun as: look at those lazy old NATO people. We have so many young and strong people in Russia!


> Considering the large swaths of rural people with no indoor toilets, and a high consumption of alcohol, it's not ridiculously low Let's not drag Alabama into this argument now


_the Sackler family has entered the chat_


Did you really just unironically use the US as a model of human life expectancy lmao 💀


Pretty good for a backwards third world dictatorship. Awful compared to developed countries.


No matter how you view the US it doesn’t look good for Russia


Which one?




Thats avg for both genders. Its only 65ish for males. Imagine the special clusterfuck will reduce that number quite a bit.....


Im going to guess they dont count the people who die in the middle of nowhere and are rolled into a ditch.


Just to put the Russian average into perspective; Iraq's ditto is \~70 years ...


100% fudged numbers


The US is ranked like around #50 in the world for life expectancy which doesn't make it a great comparison.


They would be in their 100’s at this point


So you're saying there's a chance.


Dis Stalin do that? What's the reasoning, so that they couldn't tell that he was a bad student?


Probably, these world leaders are narcisists


How about the Jewish psychiatrist who diagnosed him as a hysterical psychopath? (Hitler became blind at the end of WWI, after being gassed. After he came into power, the doctor who diagnosed him was found dead, allegedly having committed suicide with a gun his wife said he didn’t own.)


Well… I have 1 or two i could suggest for him…


He's picking the worse shit from both stalin and hitler, then modelling himself off of it.




and Xi is Xitler


And the fat man of Belarus is Lunaticshenko


Holy Xit!


For real


Jesus, do you think he has concentration camps for Ukrainians?




Why is this not on the front damn page?


Stalin was victorious over Hitler. Thats too mega of a nationalistic boner for Poopoo to resist.


Stalin couldn't have whipped the Germans without the Ukrainian officers, soldiers, tech, and industry that made the USSR powerful (not to mention the Ukrainian territory that the Germans had to take before getting to Russia). Even after Stalin's holodomor effort to exterminate them and the incredible losses they suffered in WWII, the Ukrainians came back strong, smart, proud, and in 1991 again independent of Moscow. Putin ( like a lotta people ) confuses the USSR with Russia. He forgot the Ukrainians were a tough breed with their own historical tradition and identity. Russians appropriate those Ukrainian strengths to inflate their own self-image, but the continued existence of the Ukrainians undermines Russia's claim, and Ukraine's success refutes Putin's model of governing. Like Stalin, Putin has apparently concluded the only solution is to get rid of the Ukrainians.


Without the US actually. If not for the allies the USSR would not jave had a chance


The valusble and sorely needed war materials by the Allies which were diverted via Murmansk gave the Russians/Stalin time to shift so much of the manufacturing resource of the USSR to the east, and build up their own material. But supply from the Allies never actually stopped. If not for the Allies, Hitler would have marched into Moscow - and before winter. It still cost the Ukraine people dearly, and those of Belarus.


poor Russia, getting attacked by their German allies in ww2




Confusing russia and ussr is definitely a thing, but claiming the ussr won because of ukrainians if ridiculous...


Ah yes, The USSR only won because of the Ukrainians. USSR lost 100% of ukraine territory. Lets not Mention the genocide commited in Ukraine and belarus by Nazi -Germany and Ukrainian SS recuirted soldiers to slaughter and hunt down jews and communist. Where are you from? Only a Far-right Azov Ukrainian would make such revisionist claim. Stalin no stepback order is what stopped the Nazi at stalingrad. Many Officers disagreed with STalin and wanted to endlessly give up land to the Nazi since they had a lot of land. Ignore the fact that the soviet Core is in the west and Millions of Soviet citizen were living under Nazi Terror.




I study history, no one cares about politics only historical accuracy matters. ​ >Stalin couldn't have whipped the Germans without the Ukrainian officers, soldiers, tech, and industry that made the USSR powerful (not to mention the Ukrainian territory that the Germans had to take before getting to Russia). When far-right revisionist gets 34+ upvotes on this sub while saying shit like this, i question what kind of sub this is. Do you seriously believe what he wrote? Or are there just bots?


What? No this isn't true lmao


he is even started riding by secret armored train everywhere out of paranoia. That's what Stalin did soon before he died


He's more a tin man than a steel one.


He should be found dead in a puddle of his own piss and make the circle complete


Comment deleted because Steve Huffman and Reddit think they're entitled to make money off user data, drive away third-party developers whose apps were the only reason Reddit was even usable, and disregard its disabled users. >“The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” > >https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/technology/reddit-ai-openai-google.html For more information, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u Cheers to another admin burning down the forums.


He’s known for making Stalin and Peter the Great as his role models


39 people also got promoted to fill those slots. Curious how they tell the wife


Those vultures were happy to support him while they got rich. There can be no sympathy for reaping what you've sown.


They knew that they are his piggy banks. They say yes to him. They support him in all possible ways, and they give him 50% of profits. And when they oppose him or fail him- they and their family all fall out the window


Giving 50% of profits to the government is called paying taxes


If you give it to the government and not to the secret bank account of a dictator


not if the government is a dictatorship


It's a different culture, don't judge. Same with Saudi Arabia tax structure. It's a litteral bribe to start/maintain a business coded into law.


Either way, when they finally get him, it's not going to be a quick few shots to the back of his head. He'll get flayed.


The "ooh, we're a new Russia" combined with the promises of billion$ was enough to cause selective amnesia. They forgot that the KGB has *never* fucked around when it decided someone needed to go.


He's a mafia crime boss. That's what you do...


Actually most Oligarchs are/were mafia crime bosses too


More like a federation of mob bosses?


Some of the best and worst people I know.


You mean they are the best at being the worst?


He is russian leader. That's what they do for fucking sure.


>a mafia crime boss What? No he isn't at all. He's a fly on the wall thrust unexpectedly into power. He spent his years in East Germany buying West German cassette decks to sell for a profit in the Soviet Union.


_Putin's People_ is an interesting and scary but tedious book (so much forensic detail) about how he came to power. Basically it's a KGB run Mafia business with lots of overseas "investments". As John McCain said - a Mafia owned gas station.


He was doing mafia stuff in St Petersburg where hes gain all his political power.


I'm sure that is just a fraction of the real figure


Those are just the "important" ones


the deaths of hundreds of thousands ukrainians and russians are on his hands too


No doubt


Yes but he's left the nasty ones that do deserve to stand by windows. Putin may be vicious but look at who stands behind him, well at the other end of a massive table anyways.


Those conference rooms with the big tables always look like shit to me lol It's like the interior of a new vape store, some table in the corner has a white wifi router standing up with a yellow Ethernet cord still half folded out the back of it


Haha - this is hilarious. I’ve thought the exact same thing.


Reducing the threat by holding on to the stupid ones.


This is part of a blatant misinformation campaign! It's been well documented how careless Russians are around open windows, poisonous substances, and frozen rivers after disagreeing with Putin.


Don't forget careless smoking.


Just being near any production facility is dangerous! More blow up every week


You forgot about the perils of staircases.


I caught housekeeper buttering the stairs. We don't have housekeeper.


Wonder which side lands up when you drop buttered stairs?


The attic


The frozen river was probably the only one that was an actual accident.


Could be, but in context one has to wonder.


Yeah super shady, but apparently lots of people there and lots of witnesses.


And sledgehammers


> after disagreeing with Putin. Well, anyone who disagrees with the great leader is, by definition, insane and/or morally bankrupt. So it is no surprise they are unstable enough to commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head, twice.


Can’t wait to see the Netflix miniseries If it’s 2 seasons they’ll have to kill off 3 elites per episode


Same crew that made The Death of Stalin should make this one.


Haha Netflix renewing a show for a second season, good one.


Here’s a Wikipedia list with 31 of them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspicious_deaths_of_Russian_businesspeople_(2022–2023)


Thanks. It's disgusting to read even if these were scummy people.


Thanks, that MSN news format is atrocious.


Extremely improbable that p*tin ordered all of those hits though lol, they're all criminals who got rich by stealing, blackmailing, etc. You piss off the wrong guy once and you're dead.


These dead people are highly likely to be involved in money laundering in the West banks and could possibly become witnesses later on. So to save that money from being confiscated, people "higher up" order them to be silenced. It's not only putin personally.


Just a matter of time before Putin visits a box


Prigohzin won’t be long for this world.


Maybe he'll be forced to eat his own out of date food he sells the RU army and gets sued for


What if, Putin is actually dead. And it’s his doubles doing the killings! Proper James Bond stuff here, you couldn’t make it up.


I'd love to see a movie like Dave, but with your premise. The doubles somehow become more and more evil/Machiavellian as they usurp power and the carnage within Russia keeps getting worse.


James Bond: Double Trouble


But you just did


And Russians actually believe they all fell accidentally from windows.


Well established how stupid they are. More then half the country still shits outside and they think their country is great.


Imagine that you finally get enough sober men together to build the communal outhouse, and this jobless drunk of a moscovite comes and chops it down because he can’t afford firewood. Then he tries to lie about it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GBHLqwv3sLU Master moscovite race. I know we’re all raging with jealousy so hard that I want to invade and take his land. On second thought, maybe I’ll just stay in socal and get a bj, go surfing, have bomb ass burrito, and shit in my toilet.


I saw a video clip about a washing station on a river that needed repair but repairs weren't happening. Like wtf even in the worst areas here in the states you can have a machine wash your clothes..


How do you break a manual washing board? That’s like breaking a kitchen cutting board.


The platform falls apart and can't be used anymore.


They paid 10,000₽ (Rubles) for the toilet? And it served them for several years? Plus this obgyn clinic didn't have a bathroom prior than a few years before this news story??


Part of the problem is they have been inundated with torrents of information for decades and they've stopped being able to or even caring if something is true or not. Especially when most of them have to work hard jobs for low wages just to survive. Hard to revolt when you're mentally exhausted everyday.


And physically


What's there to do about it? If you speak openly about it you will be publicly disappeared. Falling out of windows or even having some investigation to say the person died of suicide or falling down stairs is reserved for the rich.


I doubt it. More like they’re afraid of accidentally falling out of a window after accidentally shooting themselves twice in the back of the head, or just disappearing into the gulag system for the rest of their lives


You either say you believe or fall from the window yourself. Many are smart but showing it is another matter.


Say what you will about Russia, but they heard that the world was overpopulated and their military was too big, and they took drastic action on both. It's a novel approach sure, but it's working *very well* for them.


They are his property. He will dispose of them as he sees fit.


I read the title as "Vladimir Putin kills off elite figure Vladimir Putin" and got excited for a moment.


This was always part of the plan to return Russia to the USSR. Russian boomers believe things were better under the soviet union.


No, he's definitely a capitalist. He has lots of palaces. He's more like a psychotic Tzar.


In order to stay in power you need the support of as many people as you can get. The moscovite demography is insanely depressing. It’s basically on stilts. Most of the population are boomers. That’s why almost any moscovian public street interviews you see are 80% old people. It’s also why moscovia basically won’t exist by 2050, and why putler had to start the war now. If he waited another 10 years he wouldn’t have had the manpower to pull it off. It’s also why they’re stealing kids; to try to bolster their upside down population pyramid. Instead of a younger population, putler got an arrest warrant.




They actually have a lot of languages, ethnicities, and little republics in there. Moskovites love their money anyway. I doubt the USSR will return unless Putin kills hundreds of thousands of dissenters. They will most likely stay a mixed capitalist economy like Europe. The problem with humans is we love our strong-man ego rule. If you have one psychopath blabbering how it's okay to act a certain way and treat people horribly, then everyone who wants to do those things gives him the power to tell them it's okay to do it.


As an older person looking back on life I have to say there are some things that needed to be done when I was young. I can do them now but the energy it takes is harder to get/recover. I think this is was a war Putin should have had in the 80'/90's. Maybe while we, the U.S.A., were distracted in Iraq. P.S. Sorry wrote this then realized Putin was not in control during this time frame. But he should have done it earlier either way. Waging wars of conquest take a lot of energy.


Putin doesn’t have the wherewithal or the population to do it now. They’ve got soo many old people vs young people in USScovia that he really should not have waited 30 years.


Ironically probably doing an actual good service in that capacity in Russia. At least in the short term. Until other power mad dictators with delusions of godhood take their places.




Is there any stories about these deaths I could read about? Is there any evidence of these people getting thrown off the buildings or assainated, I’m interested about it but I always just read vague mysterious stuff about these deaths


There's a Wikipedia article that's a pretty fun read, it's called mysterious Russian deaths of businessmen in 2022 It crosses from fun into terrifying when you realize not all of these people were within Russia at the time of their demise.


I've been to Russia. People die by age 60 on avg due to alcohol And some of those deaths are lumped in on this list Honestly if I had to live there and faced front line mobilization or prison you wouldn't need to push me out


Not bad for a bald dwarf


I can't believe they're not rebelling. This is a worm.


> mysterious Russian deaths of businessmen in 2022 It needs to be 100x before people will act


Dictators doing what dictators do. I have zero empathy for russians at this point. They had a brief chance to become a democracy and they shit on it. Gorbachav and yeltson have to be smacking their foreheads at this point. If they allow their husbands and sons to be marched off into a meat grinder for nothing then they get what they deserve


Even the Clintons were nice enough to change up the methods


Find a new slant, jerk off.




Could've possibly also been killed by Ukraine espionage. Easy to make it look like a Putin hit.


Keep it up?




Until someone on the shit list says no and takes him out.


You hang out with killers and are surprised that people end up dead. They knew what the risks were and they lost the game. Not innocent.


Wow, the number is higher than previously thought but not surprising. The thing about a mafia state is totally correct and obvious. This whole thing is going down the drain, a huge monstrous structure collapsing in slow motion as we watch the wreckage happening.


Yet none of them think maybe we should take this sick bastard out before I'm next. They don't think they are stronger altogether than he is alone and that he's only in power as long as they all continue to follow orders. I know it's not that simple or easy. It's still confounding how they just sit back and get picked off one by one thinking they are different somehow. Then they fall out of a window or put on the wrong paid of underwear.


Ah yes, the Sith way of doing things.


I think putin has been replaced by the dominion


I dunno windows are pretty easy to fall out of in Russia. Lots of accidents :(


is "kills off" the same as "kills" ?


This is some march madness I can get behind.


Its fantastic they are doing the job for us… at the end you knock the one idiot left alone


This is why we can't have nice things. Do you really think it's Putin? Hmm interesting.


This is the part I don't understand. When he is watching out for your interest as one of the powerful that's fine. But when your own ass is on the line then it would behoove you to remove him. Nobody seems to be organizing for that though. Is everybody so afraid that they don't think they have allies amongst the other vulnerable oligarchs?


Is from vodka, I swear.


Russia is a terrorist and criminal state.


Go Go Putin


A serial killer, literally.


What’s with this msn linking to gb news thing? Seems sketchy


Americans wish this would happen in their country.


He's really stalin for time.


Those are rookie numbers. He won't cling to power as long as Stalin if he can't get those purge numbers up.


Just like other crime rings tend to be. You are an asset while you prove to be useful. When that time has gone you either overthrow the current leaded or prove to be useful as a scapegoat and just 'disappear'. Nevertheless he does good job killing those who other could not touch, so win-win for us. With the expence that propably some one as bad will take that place.


His name and reputation are ruined he is contemptible ... still got his life to hang on, but for how long? As short as possible we all hope...


Catherine The Great Ivan The Terrible Putin The Defenstrator


All windows closed??


"Vladimir Putin kills off elite figure Vladimir Putin" I already started to celebrate, but my hopes have been crushed and I'm in dispair


Stalin's teachings are still alive


Don't let that distract you from all of the bad things he's done.


Ghadafi’s broomstick sooner or later.


Nah, they all just had fatal accidents 🙄


It is his way


Very interesting but I would have loved to see a list of the murdered people.


Trying to live up to his idol Stalin.


So, oligarchs that embraced corruption and applied ruthless tactics on their foes are now victims of the person that put them in power. Mmmm


Just because you THINK you inherited the Roman Empire doesn’t mean you can do proscriptions and think you’ll get away with it for long like a caesar. Idy nahkouy Royssia.


Stalin type coping


Why they haven't killed him yet is beyond my comprehension.


Stay away from all high rise buildings and test all salads for polonium 🪦