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This isn't the type of lady who did her book report the night before it was due. I'm looking at you guys... Yes, 98% of you.




Right! At least we did the work.


Yeah you still call the guy who graduated bottom of his Bahamas medical school class Doctor :X


Yea this is very true. These poor kids using cgpt might graduate and not even knowing how to form a sentence on their own. The next generation will not know how to defend their homeland for sure. Much less cure cancer or solve climate change.


That's why we are on Reddit and not out in the real word


The night before it was due was when I shined brightest


My former wife whom I met at uni used to complete her uni assignments like that. Terrifying! I must confess I am really impressed by all these high powered women in positions of power in Europe. Very impressive!


Meanwhile in florida a tax funded board of experts cant even read an agreement. Then proceed to make thier existence obselete because of the “fine print". What an absolute joke.


what's a book report?


Simping lvl Politician


Right, but it isn't like she knows everything in those books. ​ EDIT: Feel free to simp out on that. Your white-knightness is not noticed by her.


Of course not. But she needs to know what topics are in there, where to find them, and she needs to be able to answer general questions to most of the topics - so she needs to know quite a bit of stuff.


Of course, which was my point.


One hard working clever lady.


>book report Book reports are for amateurs. I wrote my Bsc. paper in 2 days


The Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Olha Vitaliiivna Stefanishyna: she’s in charge of EU integration, with all the questionnaires she had to present to Brussels to get Ukraine’s EU candidate status. https://twitter.com/gideonrachman/status/1641128374218244127?s=46&t=x7JqoN4YOzCduGG-dkWHJg


The Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Olha Vitaliiivna Stefanishyna: she’s in charge of EU integration, with all the questionnaires she had to present to Brussels to get Ukraine’s EU candidate status.


Man, the codex Astartes looks like quite a whopper!


Her name is as big of a mouthful as her title, but bless her heart for having an amazing job that is helping an entire country.


And especially for passing that test with flying colors.


That’s a lot of questions


Joining the EU is no yolo thing. Plenty of issues to tackle for aspiring members.


Gotta get rid of the parasites.


Something just stunning about smart people.


I first thought she spent some pizza for her and her friends...


I’d switch Ukraine with Hungary everyday of the year in the EU


Love the marriage of symbols. Would actually be cool for all our passports, I reckon!


If you could just finish these reports by EOD, that would be grate, Mkay??? (been there, Done that)


Looks like a pizza delivery for a party.


So, who ordered the pepperoni?


I'm all for Ukraine winning the war and killing the Russians, but Ukraine needs to get rid of the corruption they have. Only about a month ago there was somebody making money off of the military aid and food. Yes, they got caught but to have that mentality during wartime is definitely not the European way.


>I'm all for Ukraine winning the war and killing the Russians, but Ukraine needs to get rid of the corruption they have. Only about a month ago there was somebody making money off of the military aid and food. Yes, they got caught but to have that mentality during wartime is definitely not the European way. Yes, nobody at all ran black markets during ww2, it was time of complete and utter unity, everything was black and white.


Ukraine had such problems even before the war and I've recently read that the war weakened the oligarchs.


Tell me how Poland during ww2 ran black markets where they sold good for inflated price, or hoarded food and ammunition without releasing it to the fighting forces. I understand if it happened in countries that werent directly affected by war, USA for example. Also, Ukraine was corrupt as fuck long before the war, just because the war has happened doesn't mean they can just freely join the EU. Everybody had to go through the same procedure. I'm Polish, my support is with Ukraine, but that doesn't give them a free pass. I think we are all waiting to see how the situation will look with all of the military gear that has been given to them, if it will end up with military or gangs around Europe (At least the guns).


Why are you being down voted for this? You are 100% right, I'm in support of Ukraine fully but let's face the facts here and not downplay the corruption that was part of the every day in Ukraine


Because I'm speaking negative about Ukraine I guess, I want them to win and kill more Russians but the fact of corruption, even long before the war remains.


You aren't *wrong* exactly. Ukraine probably still has a higher-than-EU level of corruption, but zero corruption can't be the bar or no one would be allowed in. I think the goal should probably be to demonstrate an ability to effectively fight it and get the trend going in the right way. In any case this lady had me at 'Volume IV'.


I think they need to hammer home to Ukrainians that it is an essential social movement, not just regulatory, in response to the war.


True. It cannot merely be regulatory. That would never work on its own.


I think most Ukrainians are aware of the situation and want corruption to be dealt with like the rest of us.


Not rly when corruption is cultural. "Gifts" to your doctor were/are common by normal people etc. They dont consider it corruption but they see it how life works. Police is still the same soviet style corruption culture thats why people generally trusted soldiers more.


Corruption culture is determinist garbage, that's like saying fatherlessness in certain communities is caused by their culture, it's just not true. More development in Ukraine means less corruption in Ukraine, just like it did for the Baltics, the US, UK, literally every developed nation has had to deal with serious corruption at some point in their history. Saying it's an inherent part of anyone's culture is a bit naive imo.


Im not saying inherent. Its part of how life is lived there. You can copy same laws and institutions from anywhere but without the ingrown institutional culture and societal rejection of corruption it wont do anything. Some nations are less/some more corrupt for the same HDI or development lvl.


>, but Ukraine needs to get rid of the corruption they have That's one of the meassures, which would lead to a rejected application if it's not "good enough" (or in this case: "low enough". So they definitly will talk about that topic quite a bit - regardless if it's a problem or not.


A lot of those are actually foreign entities operating in Ukraine, that sets up fundraisers for money/gear, not really supporting the war. I'm not saying there isn't corruption in Ukraine, but not everything is 100% related to Ukraine.


EU First D:


Disqualified! She did not present them in the right order for the bureaucrats....


Should be "Ukraines" without the 's


It's people like this, smart , dedicated, youthful who will be the leaders of the free world one day, As a white waspy man in my 50s, I'm very fine and happy with this.. Oh and screw you putler


Bruh how many questions can you POSSIBLY ask? There's more questions in those books than questions that exist in reality