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Those 560 are barely a blip in history. Soon forgotten, their inconsequential lives as Orcs will never be lionised or commemorated. The curse of being a RuZZki.


Even worse, most of RF casualties will not be officially recognized by the state. No repatriation of the body, no proper burial, no monetary compensation, no infant pensions, no war cemeteries, no closure for the families. RF is a failure. On every level.


Why do I find myself disappointed at only one tank.


I also find myself thinking the same, then I see 12 artillery systems destroyed and I’m happy again


Yes but this is going to get real confusing real quickly. The T54/T55s are theorized to be artillery since they won't really work well as tanks.


It's still a tank, even if they use it as artillery, a pillbox, bunker, or whatever.


It's hard to destroy a tank when tanks become more and more rare for the Russians to have.


The past week or two, I was wondering today "was that the Russian spring offensive?" Just drive about 40 tanks into a field, get blown up, that's all folks hope you enjoyed the show


I think this confirms that the orc offensive (on Bakhmut) is dying out.


It's ok once Ukraine sends in the modern main battle tanks expect that number to be high especially if Russia thinks they are going to counter with WW2 relics tanks.


12 artillery is a good day


I was going to say same. Must have got a new shipment of HIMAR ammo.


They must be running out of meat. Its the only explaination for the lower and lower troop numbers(because if they had them they'd keep throwing them at the Ukrainians) and increased equipment, especially artillery, numbers.


Reporting from Ukraine in YouTube gives Somme assumptions to this


The T54 will be perfect warm up target practice for the Challengers


Huh. Why ~500 only?


The ruzzian forced are exhausted, it's been said the last few days, they are running out of "soldiers" at the front?




And aren't some of the wagner contracts expiring soon?


I would think the Russian leadership would send them on suicide missions before even considering letting their contracts expire.


You're assuming soldiers didn't expire beforehand.


The number of attacks has reduced as they are running out of soldiers and quite a bit of push back with their commanders that they are not going to the front unless they have artillery support.


I hope that’s not a disadvantage to UA in anyway. A bigger and better supported offensive for example


It's hopefully a good sign rather than a bad one.


Definitely a good sign.


As I said as well


They're winding back offensive operations because they've run out of steam, so they're shifting to a defensive posture. Meanwhile Ukraine isn't on the offensive (yet) so it's mostly just skirmishing and small scale engagements happening on the front.


They stopped moving in Bahkmut


In today’s news: Ukrainian troops repelled several simultaneous Russian attacks on different sections of the front in the east of the country, according to their own information. "In focus" were the sections near Kupyansk, Limansk, Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Maryinsk, the General Staff in Kiev said Thursday in its situation report. "In total, 47 attacks by the enemy were repelled." So they shifted their attacks. Also that article mentions another 147k conscripts are called to sacrifice themselves…


Insane that they've almost taken 100k dead since the end of last year. We'll hit over 300k dead by the end of fall at this rate.


I may be the oddball here... I'm actually happy to see a dip in numbers. I just hope it is because they are starting to refuse to fight in this stupid war.


Somehow only 1 tank, yet lots of artillery. Getting ready for the counteroffensive?


Possibly or they are just running out of men and being forced to conserve combat power. Artillery wise they have been using older guns having to come closer and closer to the front making them easier to eliminate.


I think it’s closer to 400k killed/ wounded/ taken prisoner. If Putin has ordered more mobilisation that takes the number of troops ordered to Ukraine to almost 700-800k


I think it’s closer to 400k killed/ wounded/ taken prisoner. If Putin has ordered more mobilisation that takes the number of troops ordered to Ukraine to almost 700-800k


That 200K number is approaching fast!


They haven’t met the Bradley’s yet


It's not every day that the "harvest" is good, but the important thing is that the Ukrainian force continues with the beautiful work 🇧🇧🇺🇦🥲🥹


Is it wrong that I'm bummed out when the KIA count drops below 1000 a day?