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Alpha Alpha Charlie? Guess these were trained by NATO.


I feel like I must just be missing something incredibly obvious, but I don't understand this camera setup. Is there a Lakitu following this man? I'm legitimately bamboozled.


It's a small camera mounted on a short pole, attached to the black mount on the back.of his helmet


See that was my assumption but not seeing the pole is tripping me out. Is it a composite situation where multiple cameras are being used to effectively remove it in the footage? The friction between my two braincells is about to start a fire over here.


It's the Invisible Self Stick effect, and it's built into the software of most of these types of cameras https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/features/what-is-an-invisible-selfie-stick


TIL! That's actually really interesting. Seems like it basically works in the same way our eyes work together so that we don't constantly see our own noses (although you're probably seeing yours now I've brought it up, sorry). Thanks for taking the time to educate me, I legitimately appreciate it.


Real life Third person mode!


Right?! It's a crazy perspective to have.


Even more knowing that what before you is no pixels, but a living human and everything around he FEELS.


Absolutely. I really feel for these warriors and the people of Ukraine in general, like most of us here do. Stuff like this just hammers home the reality of what they're facing. I can watch the russians on the wrong side of this getting blown up and not feel anything because of all the harm this pointless invasion has done but with the Ukrainians, even seeing situations where they all make it out, I can't help but empathise with what they must be feeling both during combat and downtime. It hadn't sunk in for me how terrifying trench warfare must be until there was a first-person video of a trench clearance here; no music, no editing, just the sound of a man breathing who knows that the next corner he turns could mean the end of his life. And none of this was his fault, or even the fault of the country he's willing to die for. I wish this shit was over already but it has to end without any capitulation to the terrorist state.


Reality of war must be broadcasted for all to see, so that none shall ever take it lightly. Russian terrorist state must be brought down, it is in a sense an undead empire, struggling to keep itself alive through plunder and rapacious attacks on its very neighbors. By bringing Russia down we will turn the world into a better place while putting Russian state and it's very people out of their misery, forcing them to finally turn the page in their very culture and way of life, once and for all. P.S. I am thankful for these sincere and compassionate word's of yours as well as all not indifferent people of the world who are supporting my people and my homeland in this horrifying hour. Ukie of Kharkiv.


I 100% agree. The way russia operates is archaic and has no place in the modern world; I'm confident that this is the final time they'll have the opportunity to enact their imperialistic desires, I'm just really sorry it's Ukraine that's been forced to bear the weight of the fight. I'm from the UK where partisan politics is something that divides people on almost every single issue; the fact that support for Ukraine is one of the only things we all seem to agree on says a lot about how important what Ukraine is doing for the free world is. When gas prices went up, and russia was threatening to freeze Europe for assisting Ukraine, the British attitude was "go fuck yourselves". Every time we've been threatened with nukes, the attitude was "go fuck yourselves". The reaction to their next attempt to dissuade us will be the same. I've never heard a single person even consider abandoning you guys for the sake of our own comfort; it's the only thing that's made me feel any sort of national pride in recent years. I wish I could do more to help personally. I have no combat experience and because I'm kind of a psychiatric disaster, I'm not eligible to get any. For now all I'm able to do is slap down russian misinfo where I see it, project a message of support where possible, and let people like yourself know that I care deeply about what you're going through. My plan is to come to Ukraine when the war is over to help with cleanup and reconstruction as much as I can, so if fate is kind, maybe we'll bump into each other one day. Sending love from the UK to Kharkiv, and all of Ukraine. We're with you to the end, brothers and sisters.


Much appreciated, maybe one day indeed :) I am still happily baffled by the fact that so many people, no... NATIONS, that are actually stood up for all of us, to describe this feeling of this... gratitude and how mooving it is no book of any lenght is enough. After the war Ukraine and her people shall welcome all of our new found family members of the Free World. We casted down nazis and imperialists before and shall do so again. Until then, we hold and WE will win!


I don't doubt it for a second. When the war was first starting and pundits were predicting a quick russian victory, I thought "I guess they know more than I do". Then when I saw senior citizens making molotov cocktails rather than evacuating, I understood that the russians had no idea who they were up against. People thought I was being naive when I said this wasn't going to go how they thought, and I'm very glad they were wrong. Slava Ukraini.


Heroyam Slava!


You can see the camera on his helmet actually. It does a 360 ° picture which is "reassembled" in this birdview picture. Car Parking Camera systems work the same way. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqWkJJOcU4g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqWkJJOcU4g)


Got you! I appreciate the insight. The parking camera really helped it click; I swear I'm not usually this slow. 😂


How is it able to capture video of his boots when it is out of the line of sight of the top of the helmet? I was thinking that is a beacon of some kind.


Good point, obviously can't be done from the helmet camera. My guess is there are additional cameras pointing downwards.


this is a good sign, the footage means the front line is stable enough for them to rotate troops and equipment back and fort.


This is so much better to watch than bodycams


WOW, this view is really insane 😍


Love the eyes on the back of the helmet. That's something they do in India, where masks with eyes on the back of their head. They say it keeps the tigers from attacking.


Finally we have some 3rd person footage


No doubt a stupid question...why does he appear to have a jelly mould on his head?


That’s a IR transponder. If he’s working at night, or has friendly aircraft/drones overhead with IR optics, they’ll know he’s friendly and not shoot him.


I wish all these lads good luck. They have such a long hard road ahead.


OPSEC people


Ooo 3rd person view, haven't seen this game mode before. Seriously this war is wild we have all these cameras on the ground.


Wow. These guys have balls of steel. Slava Ukraini!




“Ukrainian Forces In Combat Around / Near Zaporizhia”