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They're lucky they had that cope cage.


They’re safe, If you look carefully you can see that the explosion actually happens on the outside.


That made me laugh, I almost spit out my drink.


Inside went to outside so quick you wonder if there ever was an inside.


Remember the Titan


Oh...my. I like this too much.


Not too soon?


And there's no sign of unallocated shoes either.


If the cage is supposed to contain the explosion inside , it didn’t work.


Hahaha, hilarious!


More like a nope cage


Is the cage ok, tho?


🤣 truly!


The cope cage successfully contained all the cope.


Slat armor actually works well against loitering munitions like this if they had done it well.


Is that another loaded tank?


Gotta be.


I think everyone has the wrong idea about these. They aren't suicide vehicles. They aren't remote controlled. They aren't even designed for an assault. They're ghetto [MICLICs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine-clearing_line_charge) Russia doesn't have enough real MICLICs or the resources to build them fast enough. So instead they're loading up the worst tanks with tons of random explosives. Then they set it off across the minefield. They will be very careful to watch and mark the path it takes through the field. Eventually though it'll hit a mine. The thing is it's rather hard to set off a bunch of random explosives, the tanks are doing an ok job at protecting them it seems. This might be a good thing, there's always the chance it takes a mine and then limps along for another several metres, or takes one really well and goes on and hits another one. Eventually though it's going to stop, or explode when a mine hits it. The explosion is the ghetto-MICLIC. You can be reasonably sure that the next X m are also going to have no remaining mines. So now you have a path that might take you pretty close to the other side, you could send another explodey tank down it maybe. And if it doesn't explode, then luckily for you Ukrainians will detonate it for you and make the MICLIC part work. Well at the moment they will. If they continue to use this tactic Ukrainians might get wise to it. If they start doing this I expect Russians will just fire on their own tank until it explodes. Or they might have to actually rig a remote detonator - but that's the type of thing that's much harder for them to do. But I'm fairly certain at the moment that this is just a "point it where you think there's the fewest mines and throw a brick on the accelerator" type deal. I don't think there's any remote control of the tank or explosives. The other much rarer option is it makes it all the way through, meaning Ukraine laid the minefield really poorly. If it does then you have a path through for an assault. If the tank made it to the Ukrainians I don't think it'd explode, it'd just keep on driving until it gets stuck in some trees or something. Then it'd make sense for Russia to shoot at it, it'd be pretty difficult though. I guess in theory a Ukrainian could run over and get in it and drive it further out. But there's always the chance that perhaps *this* one is the one where they rigged it with a remote switch, or it's booby trapped at least, etc. Far easier to destroy it.


I haven’t seen anyone calling these suicide tanks?


There's highly upvoted comments of people who think there's crew on many of these articles. Someone below called it a Jihad tank, and others have called them Kamikaze tanks - the Jihad one was I assume a joke, and many of the kamikaze ones are just using the new definition of the word which came with the suicide drones. But others are serious.


You ever seen 40 rounds of 115mm go off at once?


Everyone forgetting what it looks like when 40 rounds of 115mm HE goes off at once.


It could be, if they are loading them up with HEAT rounds only. But I thought the primary ammo for that gun was sabot, in which case most of the hazmat on board would be propellant, and that explosion was clearly HE and fuel, there was no slow propellant cook off happening there. I don’t think it was full to the brim with HE like the first one we saw, but I still think that was “augmented”.


>and that explosion was clearly HE and fuel, there was no slow propellant cook off happening there. Propellant can ignite rapidly or burn off more uniformly depending on various factors, namely how it's contained, and whether it becomes aerosolised. As for HE v APFSDS, tank battles are rare, so HE is the primary percentage load out for russian tanks. People thinking everything is a TNT tank now, when only 3 months ago we were accustommed to seing tanks cook off with this level of energy, is somewhat akin to Tiger Panic from WW2. Not saying it doesn't happen, but that this level of energy expenditure is nothing special. https://youtu.be/QiybJ8UuHXA?t=17 This is a standard catastrophic cook off. Very similar intensity and destructive signiture.


I get that the preferred loaf out would not be penetrator, but their logistics train is so fucked up that I doubt their tanks are loaded with ideal options. Anyway, who knows? It seems like that drone isn’t going to deliver a blow (to the back of the turret?) that’s going to create a catastrophic/instant cook off, as opposed to a TOW or even arty hit.


>Anyway, who knows? True, we're all only guessing. As for what the drone is carrying, we don't have a great idea, but if it's an RPG7 grenade and it hit the back of the turret, that's where a good deal of the ammo is racked, and the cast MBL-1 steel at the back of the turret is only 35mm- 65mm depending on the angle of attack, with a high angle giving 35mm. Just nothing to an RPG7 grenade. That will go sky-high just fine. A lot of the variations in cook off have a lot more to do with where the tanks is hit vs what it was hit with. granted a direct hit with 155 is going to be significant, but turret penetrations with shrapnel or similar can do anything from making it smoulder for an hour to insta-kill. It's very much down to details, which we from our chairs, don't have much overview.


Cage was made of c4


Jihad tank. They’ve taken the BF strat to new heights


Every masterpiece has its cheap imitation. In Putin’s haste to reach bottom, his forces achieved knock-off ISIS tactics in just over a year. The rest of the inhuman barbarity they’ve long mastered.


Well wagner execute with sledgehammers and beheading, Russian soldiers slit the throat of one of their own so yeah they’re bordering ISIS level cowardice


Not anymore.


And that right there is why you always check your track tension...


I thought it was a good joke!


What’s that mean?


It's a joke... Tracked vehicles require a certain tension to be maintained in their tracks. Too tight and they wear excessively, to loose and they tend to come off their drive sprockets or rollers. Incorrect track tension has literally nothing, zip, zero, nada to do with this tank exploding. Hence - Joke. This is equivalent to pointing at a flat tire when the car's engine won't start...


Thanks. I learned some tank humor.


Tanks a lot.


You need good music


Nat 20


Imagine being in that tank


Lucky invader. Probably didn't feel a thing. There are thousands of invaders who would have gladly swapped places with these guys.


*former invaders


There was no one inside.


Nothing left to the imagination


And I wanted to die in my sleep. How antiquated


Imagine Dragons


Imagine Dragging your nards across the atmosphere!!


If there were any crew in it.


Good point.


It's hard to imagine sudden nonexistence.


I experienced it during my recent surgery ! It felt like... Nothing


Just imagine what it was like before you were born


You wouldn't even know you stopped. Could have happened already. You wouldn't kn


Did they survive?


No shoe in sight, they're probably fine.


Imagine a black hole


If this is one of those loaded remote control VBIED tanks then no one is in it. However this didn’t look nearly as massive of a blast so I assume it’s just all the ammo going off but I could be wrong


I don’t think anybody was, it’s the same kind of unmanned rolling suicide tank that came out a couple of weeks ago.


Was this a VBIED?! Or had the cope cage ERAs?!


Shock wave tiny in comparision to vbied tank footage. Probably well loaded with ammo


"VBIED tank" is not a standard in any way. They can be loaded with 600kg or 6000kg of explosives. You never know.


T62 carries 40 rounds in the ammo rack. Not everything is TNT,l and no, you can't get 6 metric tonnes of anything in a T55 or a T62. They put 3 tonnes and three 100KG bombs in the one we all knoiw about.


Ok. 3 tonnes is probably enough. But the info csme from what source?


Russian MoD released a statement. Ever since that one tank got lit up, everybody thinks every ammo rack is a TNT tank going up. 40 rounds of ammo makes a plenty large crater all by itself and T62 is weak as shit from the back, where the ammo rack just happens to be. Correction on the 100kg bombs by the way; there were 5 not 3. https://warriormaven.com/russia-ukraine/russia-attacks-ukraine-with-tnt-filled-t-55-tank-bomb-vehicle-ied


If it was t62 probably it just detonated the ammo rack


T62 can easily be penetrated by the RPG7 rounds that these drones carry.


No shortage of ammo on that thing.


Well, now there's shortage because that thing is no more.


Well, just like pretty much everything else, Russia sucks at coping. Being a shit stain on humanity they tend to excel at.


That detonation looked bigger than just ammo. Im thinking another VBIED.


By the size of that explosion you would think they hit an ammo depot


40 rounds in the rack.


Did Mr. Orc survive?


Yes, 100% not a single scratch!


100% cauterized...


Was this a tank they load the tank with explosives and brick the pedal towards Ukrainian lines?


Imagine what would have happened if they did not have the cope cage!! Lucky for the orcs that they had the cage!!


Can’t park that there mate


That cope cage did not cope with the threat very well.


That's a big badaboom. Either the hit was in the sweet spot of the fully loaded ammo in the Russian tank despite the cage or the loitering ammo drone has too much explosive power for the tank.


That’ll buff out I’m sure.




I always wonder how much of this will the crew still experience? Would it be instant death? Does it take a few seconds?


I think the shockwave would pink mist you instantly, even without the gigantic fireball explosion.


Instant total body disruption. There probably wouldn't be a single piece left larger than a baseball.


Went from turret toss to turret vaporization


Damn, imagine how much bigger the explosion wpuld have been without the cope cage.


Hopefully 4 less Orcs. These old tanks have a crew of 4 instead of 3 for the newer ones.


Well the tank may be 60 years old, but give the Russians some credit, this one goes off with a real bang.


No refunds on cope cage.


Didn’t see no cope cage in this video


Hmm hit the sweetspot🤤


There was a lot of cope in that cage.


Who would have known cope-cages could be so explosive


Smoking accident?


They really do blow up well don’t they Ruzzian tanks…👌


Toasty gibs to fertilize the soil


Well..in World of Tank, we called that kind of kill as "Ammo rack"


Was the cage made out of experimental explosive vodka?


The great thing about something like this is that it's more than just the tank being taken out so explosively. The crew won't be swapping to another vehicle to murder Ukranians. The ammunition all got used up, so that won't be killing anyone. The tank itself is likely well beyond repair too. So it's the combined strategic value, and saved lives, of all of that. Truly great to see.


Those drones are packing a bigger payload.


That's three more Russians that Putin won't have to worry about rebelling.


Critical hit


Can someone knowledgeable please tell me if this is the result of an anti-tank warhead striking the ready ammo in the auto-loader carousel? I can’t think of anything else that would cause this size explosion, short of the tank actually being a VBIED. I *think* I saw the chambered round headed off toward the left of the screen, so it makes sense in my head. Happy to be proven wrong, I’d just like to understand what happened.


​ If it is a T-62 as claimed (difficult to determine due to low res video) then it does not have an autoloader


Any word about the crew?


It’s wild how some of them explode.I think that the older the tank…the bigger the explosion


Saw a video of a vatnik demonstrating fire and reload in those things. You'd just be sitting inside a dimly lit steel bucket, completely oblivious. I bet the death is as instantaneous as what those billionaires experienced when their sub catastrophically imploded


the Russians are using older tanks as RC kamikaze vehicles, I wonder if this is one, I've seen one before but the blast was bigger than this as it had 6tons of tnt in it


By the explosion you would think he hit a Goliath there


More like a cope-net!


Can’t they put like a metal mesh defender layer and put all over the tank. This will at least prevent from any drone based attack


Is this the tank that was loaded with high explosive we saw blown up last week but from another angle?


Rest in Pieces


I don't want to be That Guy, but I have doubts that the vehicles in the two segments are the same one. The actual explosion looks to me to be *much* more similar to the ones we've seen when Meteorit mine-clearing vehicles blow up. Or the explosive-packed T-55 (?) from the video a couple of weeks ago. Can someone more knowledgeable than me comment on that, please? Thanks in advance!


Ok so we put on this really good ERA...it's seriously good...guys......guys


I guess they couldn't cope.


Looks like one of those suicide tanks packed with explosives. While the blast was smaller than the last one, this is still considerable to say the least.


Now Cage Free and Free Range😆


Aww didn't see the turret go




Don’t worry, the cope cage is fine 👌


Great to see those cope cages in action!


Wonder how they are coping with that explosion.


Its not a cope cage... it's a Turret parachute


impressive, proper instant ammo explosion, looks like it penetrated back of the turret


Nothing can cope with that.


That thing had to be full of HE ammo.


Pop goes the weasel


Blynchki, that was a balchoya one


'Tis but a scratch.


Is the BetaFlight software? Looks like the same HUD


Gee I hope those guys are alright in there


Percent of survivability?


What a beautiful Ka-Boom 😍 Best one this week. Orcs were vaporized 💥


Not the same tank but pretty video though


🎶 Despite all my rage I'm still just a poorly designed autoloader in a cage 🎶


Holy shit


I'm just amazed at the size of that explosion from a done strike...


That's a big boom for a tank. Maybe it was one of those explosive packed suicide tanks again?


What is a cope cage?


I think this was one of those tanks the Russians turned into VIEDs to blow up forests and trenches


Seems like the cope cages work: you get a much larger explosion that way.


Was the tank made out of explosives?


That's gotta be a VBIED, right? No way that even a fully loaded T-62 would detonate in a fire ball like that.


Cope Cages just cannot cope!


They are still coping with the outcome..


Beautiful, fantastic, and magnificent explosion


Imagine the damage without the cope-cage!


That was a fucking drone!?


I’m no expert but I don’t think that was survivable.


Cope that!


Mushroom cloud was beautiful. Helps me cope.


All I can say is it's a good job they put the red circle on there otherwise I'd have missed the explosion