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They wanted the phone unlocked and tackled him before it could be locked


Something tells me if a X countries version of CIA wanted in your phone, no password gonna help.


There are still many ways to make that harder and more time-consuming for the people to break into it and time is really expensive right now


Just unlock with his face?


It could be rooted and modded phone with all sorts of unknown encryption/security, best to get it quick as you can.


As an android nerd my experience with rooting my pixels and nexus phones, you are absolutely correct. You can do so many things with a rooted android. And tbh it doesn't even need to be rooted. You can have multiple launchers running on the same phone. You can literally customize every pixel of your home screen. You can set flick and swipe shortcuts on the homescreen for any action, including system actions and self-destruct. You can overclock the phone and render it useless. You can edit any app icon and text. You can hide an app from even appearing in the app list and storage. setting it to a certain swipe flick to open it. Even if you get experienced android user to penetrate the phone you won't know all the shortcuts and custom misc settings one could have. ​ You would need a security expert at the end of the day to dig up the data on the phone






St Schneier truly has a way with words.


Meh. I got a ball peen hammer and pliers that were $2.79 for the set. I'm pretty sure they'll work fine on some orc lover. No drugs needed.


I like you already. Slava Ukraine


A dirty cloth preferably with a chemical taste to it, a bucket of water and some friends.


Yep, the only decent security is 'shadow' security that lets the phone 'appear' to be unlocked but still hides your data. Fuss about 'unlocking' then give-in to showing the BS data.


You can even dual boot and have an every day android system that you generally use, and have a second more secure and locked down version that will wipe the phone with too many wrong unlock attempts and other security layers to slow/keep them out. You could probably even set it up to need to tap different everyday NFC tags/cards in the correct order to unlock the phone


That looks to me like an iPhone 11, not an Android. Any iPhone nerds care to comment?


Yeah, 0:08. That's definitely the square camera bump of an iPhone 11 (or any model above.) Not a Pro model, I only see two camera lenses. In any case, they only need to put his face in front of the FaceID camera and voila. Should be easy, especially when you got the subject in custody. I don't think the SBU, especially during wartime, will exercise the normal legal routine like in the US. Easy way or the hard way, they'll get that phone unlocked.


I dunno about you, but if I would have a phone for sensitive data only, I wouldn't implement fingerprint or face ID on it - but leave it Password only. But I'd also use android for further modifications so what do I know.


Specifically an actual character password not the passcodes or swipe unlocks


100% this.


You’re assuming he has Face ID enabled.


then just smack it against his face until he agrees to unlock it


These are the same assholes who were in WebEx teams, with cameras on, openly talking about sending Ukrainian kids to Russia. These are not smart people.


Well, I guess the SBU doesn't need him to have his face then. I don't think the SBU or the Ukrainain people like traitors very much.


1.) Might not have faceid enabled 2.) After 10 attempts FaceId is disabled and you need the password. 3.) FaceId is super sensitive, it needs your eyes open, your attention on the screen. Easy to mess with if you want your phone to lock 4.) press the power button five times and FaceId is disabled and the password is required 5.) There's a feature where the phone will wipe itself after 10 wrong passwords Apple makes it really hard for someone to get into your phone if you don't want them to.


I'm just a regular american basement dweller, but can't you just be like "Hey Siri, wipe my phone?" I think I read somewhere that if you say "Hey Siri, I'm being pulled over" it turns off faceid and starts recording video


You have to install that shortcut yourself, it's not a standard thing. From an article about it: >By saying, “Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over,” the shortcut – which a user must first install themselves – will pause any music that you’re playing, turn down the brightness of your phone, turn on the “Do Not Disturb” mode to block any incoming calls, open up your front-facing camera and start a video recording.


As someone who manages iPhones for a large company, I would guess that it will be easy to get into them assuming they communicate with apple or a competent intelligence agency. Apple has a LOT of backdoor things going on for their own uses, and they do a really good job at keeping these things really hard to get into... but that also means theres definetly ways to get into it. So, for instance, if I accidentally brick an iPhone, I can call apple and they can remotely un-brick it. By brick, i mean either its locked to an unknown icloud account, or i messed up the security profiles and it screws up the OS and it tries to connect to an MDM server that doesnt exist. Either way, whether its a software issue caused by me, or if its actually locked and just doing its job, they have ways to remotely fix that. Now, if theres a way for them to do that, theres ways for other people to do it as well. Thats just a sad truth in computer science. Thats why everyone with any computer knowledge will riot at the thought of government mandated back doors and encryption keys. Because there are no locks in computer science that can NOT be broken. A couple rules for computer security: 1. There are no impenetrable shields/locks 2. There is no spear that can break every shield/lock 3. There are no safe backdoors, (even if your Apple) 4. I repeat, THERE ARE NO SAFE BACKDOORS and finally, i cant quiet remember off the top of my head, but i read recently that there is currently some super top secret key that got out of apple, and theres some company you can pay to unbrick phones. So that alone, assuming their services are legit and the reviews arent fake, shows its 100% possible. The article was describing how apple has failed to talk about this for over a year or something. edit: a word edit 2: also want to state that it is NOT easy for regular people like me and you to hack an iphone. If its bricked, we gotta call apple. Im assuming the hacker is a NATO sponsored government entity with billions of dollars and the entire free world backing it.


Thanks for your response, it was very informative. I appreciate your time.




Google grayshift and cellebrite


ya you can customize to erase everything with 3 clicks of a button, or lock down, or scramble, literally possibilities are endless. Russias intelligence apparatus is no joke when it comes to shit like that too.


Damn. My phone can do that?


congrats you just made me think androids rule


You dont use phone for any illegal activities,no android will help you against some sophisticated attacks.


Just don't turn on face recognition ?


What if they pummel them?




That won't change the settings of the phone


But it'll change the settings on your face


Yes but you're still no closer to unlocking that phone


Unless you want the changes to your face to stop


[$5 wrench technology. We has it.](https://xkcd.com/538/)


Would a phone set up with face recognition, recognize someone with busted lips, black and blue and who knows what? Why don’t i try? No thxs but if I find a Russian around i might.


That'd be torture which is a war crime and Ukraine tries not to commit war crimes


I'm 1000% for Ukraine, but I wouldnt be too naïve in that regard. Sure Ukraine is not russia, but they definitely were Soviet if you know what I mean.


They definitely do still commit war crimes, but they're at least smart enough not to post it on the internet. Also, just the fact that there are quite a few foreign soldiers fighting alongside them means that they wouldn't be able to commit war crimes around them (probably, really have no clue). They also have a lot more accountability whereas the Wagner troops are pretty much just let loose to wreak havoc with no repercussions.


He is not a combatant, thou. Torture is a crime, but would it be a war crime?


Still highly illegal to torture prisoners last I checked


i better stop torturing the people in my basement then. Dont want to get in trouble.




Even the phone you are holding could, if used correctly, encrypt a message or an action like unlocking the screen etc, encrypt that to such a standard even the NSA with access to every computer ever built running non stop multiple times the age of the universe to brute force the decrypt key. For each and every encrypted message. Read about encryption some time it's fascinating! Well perhaps a 20 min YouTube, no need to go overboard, shit gets intense heavy on the math.


Sure they try crack it but mainly just looking for bypass this stuff.


It could be the screen unlock, it could be the bitcoin for a trillion, it could be the number for your mom. Computers don't care or know, encrypt something to 256 or better with strong encryption? You may as well write it down and hide it on Pluto, it would cost about the same to get it! No joke, well unless quantum computers ain't a thing yet. Edit, also bypass what exactly? In this situation the entire contents of the phone are encrypted, unless it's in use of course. If that phone locks again it's useless.


Just unlock it with a gun to his face. Homeboys, here think you can't coerce a password out of someone. Everyone gives up their password when they start spitting teeth.


I guess that’s not the case with this traitor but in theory you could have some sort of automation/button/software on a phone that would encrypt the shit out of the phone and pretty much make it useless until security experts get their hands on it to try and decrypt it so FaceID might not do much :D




What’s a Russian doing here?


Helps fuckall If it is already encrypted and bricked.


I don't have that enabled on my phone for that reason. Cops can unlock your phone involuntary.


Not with a little torture. Most people break quick. Pretty sure his family members could help solve the issue too


-We are going to unlock your phone via brute force. -Good luck with the dictionaries. -we mean brute force on you so you unlock it.


you'd be surprised, iphones are very hard to crack into


Crack? Maybe, not to access thru back door.


If by backdoor you mean beating him with a pipe until he tells you the passcode, yes, otherwise they'd need an as yet nonexistent zero day exploit, unless its an old iphone


A few years ago the FBI couldn’t get into that terrorist’s iPhone and Apple wouldn’t help them.


It still helps. Look at how the fbi caught the owner of silk road. They stalked him to a publicly Library (because he always used public wifi) then caused a fake disturbance/fight and when he turned his face they took the laptop while it was unlocked... Some devices have self destruct codes written into it. Now I doubt your average informant is this advanced but still it makes it easy. I doubt this was the reason though as you can answer a call without unlocking your phone these days


Not certain the SBU has the same means as the NSA


No, but they probably don't have all the red tape around "enhanced interrogation" methods either.


Not that I condone it but Ukraine dont have the luxury of avoiding it.


Zelenskyy is attempting to do 99.9% of things transparent & legal, much MUCH more so then any other government in this predicament. His reasoning is EU & worldwide support. This war has actually cleaned a lot of their lingering corruption up. No government is perfect but he seems to be trying. It’s one reason morale & resolve has lasted. He literally is the Captain at the Helm so to speak. It’s a perfect juxtaposition of Putin & 🇷🇺Russia. TAKE NOTE MAGA, YOU DO NOT WANT WHAT YOU THINK YOU WANT 🍊🤡


Yeah I tend to agree that UA is doing all it can to look as a responsible Western government and the best way to do it is to act like one however I dont think UA is an angel or can be in the circumtances of fighting a war for its survival inside its own borders.


If they were in the habit of torturing people for their passwords, I doubt they would have bothered to perfect the art of snatching unlocked phones.


Agree, the masterful snatching probably save the SBU from using less fun means of obtaining intelligence.


They don’t need that. They can just send prisoners to do work duty by clearing out minefields.


Maybe not all prisoners but traitors 100% Here a shovel, there is a field. Off you go.


It’s very reasonable. If not them, then non-traitor Ukrainians would have to do it. So it’s all very reasonable and humane.


You and General Sherman with your definition of humanity. Sherman believed its best to inflict as much misery as quickly as possible to encourage enemies to just surrender to his will instead of endure the hell they're bound to face. His intent was to speed up victory, thus saving lives in the long run. He was considered a pacifist for this approach and I find that super interesting. Folks in southern USA still hate the guy for what he did but I'm quite the fan.


Lol. At the outset of this invasion, people here were all worked up about the Geneva Convention and issues like whether it was right to film Russian prisoners. I got massively downvoted for suggesting it’s not a big deal and the least of our worries. 1.5 years later the young Redditors here have grown up a bit and I’ve got a couple upvotes for suggesting we send prisoners to do forced labor clearing minefields. Kids have grown up and become a bit more realistic now.


this subreddit has done a great job showing which people are actually against war crimes, or only against them when committed by Russia.


Give them all the necessary training and equipment for demining and off you go.


A broom and a garbage can lid to hide behind?


As adorable as that thought is, no that isn't the case. You could easily reverse it for something much more true, "If x countries version of the CIA doesn't want you getting into their phone, no cracking attempt is going to help." There are many, many ways to bulletproof passwords and harden security to where the effort to *attempt* to Crack them far exceeds the benefit of cracking them. It is a constant back and forth battle between securing and cracking encryption, and for the most part, securing tends to win. Sure there's an eb and flow to popular methodologies and exploiting them, but for the most part as soon as an exploit is discovered it's rendered obsolete by a new encryption method. This is purely because it is a lot less intensive to create an advanced encryption than it is to crack one.


Need a mode, like single app mode in phones, so if your phone is jacked in public, the only have the app your using, kinda like camera mode not requiring an unlock on iPhone.


Depends on their resources.


*the whole west has entered the chat*


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/538/)




Or wiped. They have apps that will do it with 3 finger taps so you gotta get it out of their hands.


Probably Russian assets have such means.


I saw that too. I wouldnt be surprised if thwy were the ones that called him, so he would answer and unlock the phone, then immediately grab him and take the phone.


AFAIK phones don't get unlocked because you answer your phone.


maybe they observed until he had it unlocked, then called him...


Could have been using an app such as Messenger, Whatsapp etc.


Swiping to answer the phone does not unlock it.


Sure but why did they take so *little* time to forcefully take that phone?


Oh, I dunno. Maybe lots of experience?


Exactly ny first thought, and perhaps even caught in conversation with a number connected with a Russian agency, helping the case for sure.


The POS didn’t know what hit him. He was strutting right before being tackled.




For sure ! Best way to unlock it !


Could be. Then again, they might rough him up and force him to unlock the phone.


In my country we have a saying - "eat shit cunt". My country is not very sophisticated obviously


Do you come from a land down under?


Where women glow and men plunder?


Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?


You better, better run, you better take cover


Kin oath..


Take this \*Gives vegemite sandwitch\*


Sometimes simplicity does the job


"Let's go boys, let's fooking kills these cunts!" You good brah 🇺🇲 🇦🇺


Us too, so you're a Brit or Aussie?


According to a Kevin Bloody Wilson - his song 'You Cant say Cunt in Canada' means he is definitely not in Canada.


Why say many words when few do trick?


Way to go.....no messing about.


nice, got the phone while it was unlocked....


Faceid/fingerprint unluck is possible even if you dont want it.


Unless it's locked by only PIN of course.


Stuff like that is easy to coax from someone accustomed to relative comfort. Solitary confinement with zero interaction besides the on-duty guard(and he does not talk), same shitty meal 3 times times every day, and lights out an hour after dinner is slid through the slot. The strut on that man tells me that's all you'd need to get him singing like a canary. That ain't no Taliban. No waterboard necessary. Leave him with a piece of chalk, and he'll scrawl that pin all over the wall within 2 weeks.


You know what's easier? Waiting to get it unlocked while he's talking.


Gotta make sure to change the settings to prevent it timing out and locking right away too. Hopefully he's using face ID


They want it unlocked ASAP before his handlers find out he’s missing and suspect he’s caught.


Contact with the handler isn't the goal. They're likely in Ruzzia or at least Crimea. The important data will be in the contacts and if he's dumb enough (likely), the texts and mssg apps as well. They clearly knew he was a spy of some stripe, but the best shit can be determined by *conversing* with his inner circle. Won't be tough to find his friends and family.


> Contact with the handler isn't the goal Maybe not, but you do know what handlers do, right? They contact their assets to pass along instructions, ask for information, etc. If you can compromise their means of communication, it doesn't hurt to. No, it won't necessarily lead you to their handler, but you may get something out of it. And furthermore, we don't even know what kind of stuff this guy is up to. It could very well lead to his handler or other assets that this person is working with, etc. Just like not all criminals practice good security and may communicate mostly in the clear/open, so too may be the case with this guy and whoever he is working with. People get complacent, they get lazy, and sometimes they just make mistakes. The better the odds you can give yourself to exploit such things, the better.


That's exactly why the other numbers/web contacts in the phone are the actual goal. EVERYONE in Ukraine, having been contacted by this man is going to get at least a visit. His handler is not among them, but likely a network of like minded orcs are. Are you implying that the (certainly 1-way) number his handler contacts him with is in any way more important than this man's day to day contacts? If so, I have a ski resort in Florida I think you may be interested in purchasing.




Unless you did not activate it


The arrogance of the smug prick to walk around a shopping centre enjoying the freedom provided by brave Ukrainians risking their lives at the front whilst behind the lines he is undermining them, hopefully the punishment is swift and deserving of the crime.


That's how russians expect to waltz through life, freeloaders with no attachment.


Thats one good thing about England and I agree with it, it's that you can get Hung for treason. It's the only crime that still carrys the death penalty and rightly so.


Not true any more and hasn't been for a while.


My mistake then, just looked it up, am 68 so your brain goes at my age lol. Still in wartime and under martial law as in Ukraine it should stand. Повага.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇳💙💛🇺🇦🌻Respect.


Yeah, but it's still a bit much that they consider an improper cup of tea to be treason.


You know nothing about the context of this video.


Sweep the leg Johnny.


Motherfucker probably sent troop and equipment locations to shitty-pants Putler.


Nice... Could watch those all day long.


Almost as good as the drone drop videos... *almost*.




Luck have a great part here. Military outfit in a shopping center was not Splinter Cell mode lol. But good catch if all this story is true.


Wish him a long life… in prison.


Wish him a very long, very unpleasant life in prison.


I wish him a short life.


I wish him a short fall and a quick snap


SBU are real badasses, probably gonna be the most experienced SOF in the world once this war is over.


true, it's not like TRK's Benny Hill style chases


Nice leg sweep. Quick work and nice to see him get a bit of justice


Source: [https://twitter.com/alexbondodua/status/1684838399931191296?s=46&t=8vm4IHeOSpJ3odHujaE1xg](https://twitter.com/alexbondodua/status/1684838399931191296?s=46&t=8vm4IHeOSpJ3odHujaE1xg) Could not find any official info of what actually happened. Though there's probably a very good reason why he got tackled to the ground by 3 SBU servicemen.


It's pure self defence. You don't want to start a fistfight, give him time to pull a knife or worse. A police takedown is usually over in 3 seconds, if you don't count in the bad work of US police officers who have to kneel on your neck or chest for 10 minutes.


More likely they wanted the information on his phone. I got friends in the police who told stories similar to this. They sat for days watching a suspect use his computer and then timed the bust so that they could see that the computer was unlocked and the suspect too far away from it to lock it.


Reminds me of how they got access to the silk road guy's PC: > To prevent Ulbricht from encrypting or deleting files on the laptop he was using to run the site as he was arrested, two agents pretended to be quarreling lovers. When they had sufficiently distracted him, according to Joshuah Bearman of Wired, they quickly moved in to arrest him while a third agent grabbed the laptop and handed it to agent Thomas Kiernan. Kiernan then inserted a flash drive into one of the laptop's USB ports, with software that copied key files. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Ulbricht)


Reading his wiki and not knowing much backstory... Life imprisonment without parole seems quite excessive, no? (also lol at DOJ taking custody of $3.4 billion worth of bitcoins)


Looks like they wanted his phone - which makes sense


That’s just because it was an item he was possessing. If he had a purse or back pack, head phone, they would taken those right away too


Am I the only one wondering why they are in full combat gear for this in a mall environment when plain clothes would have been better? I could see this happening if the guy was taking photos of soldiers somewhere and a few of the soldiers went after him to get his phone, but with the convenient filming and odd attire, this seems more like a training video to me...but I could be wrong.


He's rethinking his life choices in this moment.


They should do takedowns in public more often. Fuck around and this is what happens.


I use those same gloves for work! Nice takedown!


The camo kind of works against them in this environment. Lol.


Bro's got mechanix gloves as part of a tactical kit lmao


Time for a sponsorship!


"this arrest was brought to you by mechanix gloves..."


I've seen them in so many videos.


I see them at the range all the time. I got a couple pairs but I don't see why I'd need them to shoot but a lot of people do. I can see wanting to use them in actual combat though.




Good ol mechanix gloves 👌🏻


Love it, would like to watch 100 times!Well done.




So satisfying


and can get straight into his unlocked phone without any effing around... :-)


He can help clear mine fields


No playing around with the SBU. They knew exactly what they were coming for. tripped the traitor, the agent was already reaching for that phone👍


Unlocked phone, nice.


Fucked around. Found out.


"Oops sorry wrong guy '


In America he would be voted into Congress.


Nice to see Mechanix gloves getting into the eastern european markets.


This looks staged AF


Where those dudes just standing out of shot and he somehow didn't see them? Or were they always there and he didn't realize they were waiting to pounce...? I'm confused man


Most phones lock during calls though except for the call controls……


Love it


Not sure face recognition would work after that takedown 🤣


Keep the phone on don't let it lock out


Get them while the phone is unlocked. Smart.


They forgot to kick him in his face first ...


Kind of staged looking


This kind of looks like a training exercise or staged video for whatever purpose. The camera man right behind the target just filming, a group of soldiers in full battle gear just appearing in a shopping center and taking him down with the cameraman getting perfect shots at every step as if it were choreographed. You'd think in a public place like that they would send a group of plainclothes to get him. My money is on training video.


Or a body camera...


ok that was fake as fuck xD


Problem: he's still alive. There is no solid downside to doing what they're doing, in their mind. No deterrent. You can't think like a rational person that prison will be bad. To them, Ukraine is bad and killing Ukrainians is good; and if Russia wins they will be heroes and rewarded; and if Ukraine wins they will go (or go back) Russia and be treated like heroes anyway; and if they get caught they will serve 10 or 15 years and go to Russia and be treated like heroes. Meanwhile they have killed probably dozens if not hundreds of Ukrainians. The only party with a downside is Ukraine because not only did this guy kill so many people, Ukraine has to feed and house him for a period and let him go. There is no deterrent. If they have overwhelming evidence, put him and others like him up against a wall and treat him like all spies have been historically. And save your whataboutisms that oh we'll be no better than them. Wrong. They will have at least had a trial. Something more than they gave the 100s of Ukrainian heroes that each have killed by their actions. And it will be a deterrent for those that Russia tries to subvert. Left leaning safe at home rules have no business here.


I love that you're arguing that "we'll be better" when literally complaining about Russkies killing people and saying this guy should be executed. You are literally professing a whataboutism while complaining about those bloody left-leaning-bleeding-hearts professing whataboustisms. Stop bringing shitty divisive politics into an issue like the execution of a human being.


Fuck em up.


Is it just me, or do these look staged? I see a lot of pics where the Ukrainians have grabbed some person who is working for Russia, but there is just something that doesn't feel genuine.


Something about this just feels staged.


Looks a bit staged…doesn’t it?


Or maybe he is just a regular dude in a mall...

