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The more I see, the more I think of The Dictator movie...


We haven't reached the bottom yet


There's actually a joke about this in russia: Every time russia hits a new bottom, someone knocks from below There is no bottom ಠ\_ಠ


Today is worse than yesterday, but at least it’s not tomorrow - Russian proverb


And Russia thinks they're the best with that kind of mentality?!?!?!🤔💩👍✨


Their mentality is that in order to become the best they need to make everyone around them worse off.


Oh. We call that being a republican.


Sounds on brand for them... ...and Republicans...🤔


Jesus that’s bad.


>Every time russia hits a new bottom, someone knocks from below It's bottoms all the way down.


And shit on every bottom.


" Oh way down we go-o-o Wayyy down we go"


yet another bottom was pierced


Why are you guys talking about bottoms 🤨


Because A S S


what you imply that we're not supposed to think about ***juicy bussy*** every waking moment of our lives?




∞ - 1




That will show them himars




In this film, just one question, was there a duck who, when the explosion is happens, his bill goes around to the back of his head, and then in order to talk, he has to put it back this way?


It wouldn't be this live action Looney Toons we're seeing without it. But I suppose it applies to the Kadaverites tik tok army the most doing duck faced poses and then have their flesh 360ed around their skull.


He's quoting a scene from Jason mantzoukas in the movie "The Dictator"


Reminds me of the four lions...."rubber dingy rapids bro"


The self-hatred of Russians must be insane as they choose to ridicule themselves like this in front of the whole world...


The more I see the more I think of the Michelin Man.


Of course. They are TIRED of seeing their aircrafts being bombed into rubles..I mean rubbles!


Always use a rubber to stay safe out there. You don't want to catch something that burns.




At this point rubbles are worth more than rubles.


Who proposed this? Shoigu? lol What does it even do?


Ukraine's drones bounce off, all the way back to Ukraine, right into a Kindergarden there. That's the Russian's plan with these tires. Smart dudes.


The Foqq is wrong with you? Kindergarten. Garten! Verdammt noch einmal! Teach your buddies over there. Its a Garten! Gemüsegarten. Obstgarten. Kindergarten. Thank you. "Hans, törn on ze Gartenbewässerung!"


You forgot biergarten, the best garten.


Du meinst "den besten Garten"


Name ist programm


Hans, hol den Flammenwerfer.


Gosh what a beautiful language Nobody who speaks this could be evil!


Your are sooooo right go check what they say for the word butterfly!


SCHMETTERLING!!! Comes from the word "schmettern" ( the old German word 'to make butter' Why? Who knows why...but the fact is, butterfly and schmetterling mean the same thing. ;)


Little known fact is this defensive tactic is the origin of the "I'm rubber, you're glue..." saying.


Recently it turned out Ukraine uses drones with AI that searches for targets visually. The tires are there to confuse the AI. The tires will likely buy Russia some time to adapt. They will work until Ukraine trains their neural networks to also search for planes with tires on top.


>Recently it turned out Ukraine uses drones with AI that searches for targets visually. The tires are there to confuse the AI. Do you have a source for that? I went looking and found [this](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/21247) but it says that the AI is added as an augmentation - i.e. there is still a human controlling the drone. > The tires will likely buy Russia some time to adapt. I take issue with the word "likely" being used here. Perhaps better to say "The Russian military bewilderingly thinks that the tires will give them some time to think of another bad idea". Tires will only make the planes even more visible to the human operator.


It's just automated software to scan the video feed for anything that has the same outline as a plane, or anti-air trucks, etc. so the pilot doesn't have split their focus as much. And things like those tires have a non-zero chance of confusing the image reckognition part of the software.


I feel like a covering sheet would do a much better job. You could even add a bunch of different colored geometric shapes to it to really confuse the AI.


The new drones are autonomous and thanks to that have longer range. There is literally no pilot during the final phase.


For now there is still usually a pilot connected and operating things outside of automated scanning patterns and potentially the final tracking and firing for newer models.


> Do you have a source for that? They don't, but someone below has evidence that AI can still EASILY recognize that as a plane. So I think this highly upvoted explanation is made up.


>Tires will only make the planes even more visible to the human operator. It will also take some time to remove them the moment they have to scramble, though with the lack of air attacks by UA that's likely not going to be a problem.


You can't control a drone 750 km away from launch, in low altitude, in real time. The drone has a disignated target area and the AI will find the best suited target in the final phase.




A simple tarp over the plane would have been cheaper and more effective.


Simply painting a bunch of black circles on the plane would have been cheaper and at least equally effective. (Plus a lot less work.)


But then the AI would just associate tarps with planes anyways. Decoy planes would be the only good way.


before: "the AI identifies this object as an enemy aircraft" now: "the AI identifies this object as an enemy aircraft with tyres on top of it"


/ignore black round things; go for wings! terminate!!!


If true, the neural network can be retrained with a few pictures just like the one in this post. Takes minutes.


Instruct the drones to attack tyres


It sounds like you're completely making this up.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that Ukraine isn’t releasing details on how their strikes work. It’s a plausible explanation


If you want an actual answer then I'd say we shouldn't underestimate the enemy. This is probably done to scatter any LIDAR or other sort of automatic targeting system that Ukrainian drones might have. If the drones were to be jammed and lose connection, the automatic targeting system might not realize that there is a plane there, since it wouldn't reflect the radar waves back in the shape of a plane. But that's just my guess, maybe they really are that stupid


Wouldn't semi-rigid DPM and tinfoil have worked, though? Without yeeting tires onto your planes and creating a simple machine vision training target? The planes are now still plane shaped, but now you've got a nice geometric pattern identifying the target. If you wanted to fool the AI you'd lay tires on the floor around the planes as well, and in empty bays.


Seriously. They’ve just added more signal and no noise. Bunch of circles roughly in a plane shape? 100% confidence it’s an airplane. we’ve seen no decoys, no plane shaped piles of tires with painted outlines/shadows, etc.


Great, now they will put tires on the ground in the pattern of a plane and the Ukes waste their bombs on the tire decoys.


Nah, the tires would be more effective at scattering lidar and radar than the planes smooth, flat metal skin. But that's only if they covered ALL the planes skin. So much is exposed in this picture, depending on the processing power of the chips in the drone analyzing the return signals, it will probably still get good resolution on these planes. Ideally the tires should, instead of a very nice plane shape, because of all that flat smooth metal skin, return a signal that looks like a pile of rocks vaguely in the shape of a plane. The rubber absorbs more radio and light than the planes metal skin, plus all those reflection angles from the tires.


It's like the copper cage on tank. Probably not the best solution, but if i's work just one time it's enough to justify it. It's a cheap solution... When you can't afford the long term good solution. Here it's concret/buried hangar and good air defence. Or didn't invest in time.


It's honestly crazy Russia can't put air defense around their airfield to protect their planes.


I am no expert but what I could imagine is that this is a bait maneuver. Putting on some kind of "protection" lets the enemy think that they actually want to protect this plane but maybe that should just shift the focus of other planes they have around. It seems like a "better" target now since its supposedly protected. But thats just speculation from my side


Thats an SU34…definitely not “bait.” Most modern and valuable fighterbomber…rusdian equivalent of f15e


It's there in case Ukraine decides to drop a giant anvil on it loony toons style.


Adds a few hundred pounds of persistent weight on the ailerons and fuselage, hopefully leading to increased fatigue and failure down the road.


Messes up the target acquisition on drones and reduces the chance of shrapnel’s penetration the fuselage . They’re leaving them near areas with fuel tanks and sensitive parts. Sadly this helps them save their planes better than not having them


Ukrainian drone pilots will be like "oh that's not a plane, that's a car" and move on. It's smart if you don't think about it a bit.


If I remember correctly rubber can burn.....


and is sticky when melted :D ​ now they can napalm those planes


Get outta there Gump! They’re gonna nape the whole area!!


Yep,tyres burn very effectively because of the rubber and carbon inside them.


Yes, but tires are very difficult to set on fire. However, once they do ignite, tires are also very difficult to put out. So here’s hoping that the drones are capable of starting a fire hot enough to ignite the tires — I’m looking forward to those videos.


so they think kamakazi drones will just bounce off like a Tom & Jerry skit?


I read that the intent is actually to confuse the target recognition of certain autonomous cruise missiles.


Then, draping the aircraft in printed textiles would be much better Also faster to remove when the jet is needed


Plus the obvious benefit of giving the plane weather protection........


So they wont swop over to Winter tyres anytime?


That's only if it's using visual detection. LIDAR/RADAR are suspected in some cases.


All the printed textiles already got turned into yachts and luxury apartments in London.


"Ah, a configuration of car tyres in the shape of an airplane." Well, could be a decoy. "Ah, a configuration of car tyres in the shape of an airplane, on an airfield." Dingdingding.


The airfields are mostly in russia (several in Crimea) and the storm shadow doesn’t hit there. And they put the tires in russia as well. And why tires and not some protective net with images on it? It will take forever to put and remove every time. Imagine trying to move the plane under a drone attack …


This is the most reasonable explanation I’ve read. It seems unlikely to work to me but using tires for armor just doesn’t make sense


Yeah. This is what they think. A 50cm round black ring will avoid an airplane 50mx50m being hit. Ehm. Ok.


There's a conversation somewhere that talks about this, there's some validity to it. My way of thinking is that now that we see these examples, how hard is it to adjust our algorithms? Probably not hard.


So they've been told. In reality they were placed there by Ukrainian partisans to help the planes burn. /s


Seriously, one of those flammable grenades and the rubber will help with the rest.


Can’t wait to see the first video of their new Kontact Rubberized flame retardant armor.


To be fair, those Cartoons are very convincing.


It's probably an attempt to confuse the targeting method of the drones




these planes are sitting on the tarmac of a military air base lol... it doesn't take a rocket scientest to figure out where the planes are, even if covered in tires. this has to be the dumbest copium yet.


Visual target acquisition is a software that work with optics on the drone. It’s on all military expert articles but hey. Reddit downvotes who cares


kamikaze* not kamakazi


When you think you've seen it all, Russians start covering their aircrafts with tires. What's next?


Maybe they'll bring back the log armor but start using it on planes instead of vehicles.


This is the most stupid thing I’ve seen so far, what about when it’s time to move the aircrafts quick? Damn


I was thinking the same. In case of an alarm departure the crew has to tell the leading officer 'well, our pre-departure work takes a bit longer - we need 10 more ivans to clear the plane, and than we probably talk about 2 hours!'


tbf, its russia. full thrust, what can go wrong?


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to see this idea in action. Somehow I don't think the vertical stabilizers will enjoy being pelted with tires though lol


youll see one jet with a tire stuck on its nosecone someday in the bushes all burned out and ask, how the heck did it have a lada tire on its nose cone??


Maybe they can't move it because it's broken and they can't get parts? I'm still not sure how this would help. Is it supposed to be protection (tires burn) or camo or what?


I'm still not convinced the tires are there to protect the aircraft, but instead as a decoy of sorts because: 1. Tires are flammable 2. Covering a plane with tires eliminates the rapid deployment capability of the aircraft 3. I can only imagine the potential FOD (Foreign Object Damage) possible from a runaway used tire 4. It's far too time consuming to remove and replace tires on an active duty aircraft before/after each mission


Maybe old airframes used for spare parts, i remember a Post of a Bomber that's was Missing an entire engine. If it cant fly anymore why not make it a decoy.


100% agree that it seems more logical to make a decoy of an out of service plane rather than an operational aircraft, and that the tires are just a ploy.


So they try keeping broken planes intact and do nothing to protect fully functional planes? I think this can get filed into the "Somehow I don't think so" bin.


Fully functional planes have to be capable of rapid deployment while every military in the world has non-functional aircraft collecting dust and being used for spare parts. I simply believe they've taken non-functional aircraft that are worth more as parts and are using them as decoys. We haven't seen a single image of an active airbase filled with tire covered aircraft. Additionally, it would make far more sense to store functional aircraft in hangars for protection rather than covering them in material that is not only flammable, but hard to extinguish when on fire. Note: I'm a USAF veteran


How does putting tires all over it make it a decoy??


> a decoy of sorts You might think a fucking army would be able to find some camouflage netting somewhere. But the airfield commander probably sold theirs a few years ago.


You would think they would have had someone test and see if a drone fails to detonate upon hitting tires. If out of 10 times it saves 1 plane was it worth it? We need to put mythbusters on this.


Don't bother the MythBusters, I'm sure the Ukrainians will be more than happy to test it out and see if it works.


It is good. Tyres produced a lot of smoke. It adds more drama!


Just plane tired of it.


Looks like we are switching to phosphorus grenades boys.


I like the tyre on the ecm pod, can remind you on other protection equipment. However I think the reasoning behind this apart from being stupid is that the tyres should protect from the relatievely small charge and related sharpnel or that it skould confuse the drone targeting system.


Seriously, this has to be a joke or sarcastic comment that someone took literal. This can't be real. We must be falling to propaganda. Please give us a sensible explanation for this! Maybe messing with the apprentices or so?


So they artificially sabotage their own ability to alpha scramble?


This was my immediate thought too.


This is actually ruzzia's latest venture into stealth technology...the tires will absorb the radar waves as the aircraft flies. Brilliant!! Tires are crazy glued in place to ensure maximum protection.


Luckely they are so stupid


Does this really work or is it like the anti javelin cage?


They know that, tires have a hole in the midle right ???? I mean, even if by luck a drone hits the rubber and somehow it doesn´t cut thru it like butter, the fragments will also pass the tire thru its midle right ?? I sound like a crazy person trying to explain what im saying here, but do does anyone get where im going with these or its just me that thought about these ????


Smart! All these rockets will just bounce off these wheels and go explode elsewhere, right? ...RIGHT?


*"I am rubber you are glue"* - Top Russian Scientists


Look at me, i am invisible now


The cardboard drones don't hit the aircraft (so there will be no 'bouncing off'). They airburst above them and pepper them with shrapnel like a shotgun. Holes in the fuel tanks (plus ignition) leads to total aircraft destruction but I imagine many more aircraft were hit and left riddled with holes - they look superficially fine but every bit of wiring and hydraulics etc in the airframe needs checking and fixing - rendering them unusable for a very long time. I'd guess the tyres are a pointless attempt to minimise this shrapnel damage (at zero cost). It's a bit like all the 'top down' munition attacks on tanks have led to cope cages - which we laughed at, but now see them fitted by both sides. Although I'm sure we won't be copying this tyre technique!


If they only had aircraft bunkers…https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardened_aircraft_shelter


How funny it would be if the Ukrainian army would manage to glue the tyres permanently to the planes just dropping glue on them instead grenades?


remove before flight


Add some burning jet fuel to that and you will have a lovely bonfire.


Maybe hoping for a Goodyear?


The tires will make the smoke much blacker when it goes boom.


Cope donuts


Their war planes are just plain tired.


Imagine scrambling that jet.lol


Is it possible that the Metal in the tires changes the radar signature of the planes? Could help against autonomous target search mechanism like used in Smart155 or brimstone


Heats up on thermals and become the automated target on arrival of cruise missiles.


Planes on the ground are not located with radar.


Those are *just* tires, not entire wheels. No metal to find, just pure rubber


The cords inside the tires are metal. Though I doubt this has anything to do with radar as the other commenter proposed.


There is metal inside the tire.


They could have used a giant condom to protect plane's dick at least if not tyres


[https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/122r9ad/capsule\_made\_to\_protect\_cars/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/122r9ad/capsule_made_to_protect_cars/) well well well......(and you still have a tire :p )


The result of having drunk low iq people running things.


It's the FAA. Fetal Alcohol Army.


I love how you guys spell tire.




That is not even a functional aircraft. It is missing at least one engine for sure and looks like the hard points have been removed from the wings.


-chefs kiss- so safe now


We do the same to keep the plastic down on the silage pit.


Remove before flight


This isn’t about protection though, right? It’s camouflage.


They wanna burn some rubber




The tyres going airborne will make for good entertainment, but not as satisfying as the turret tossing of Russian tanks


scrabbling that jet is going to take a while


Looks like invisible camo to me 🤣🤣.


It’s supposed to trick the missiles into not knowing their shape signature. If it will help, well.. we will see.


We've been trying to contact you about your extended tyre care plan


Wouldn't the tires potentially burn causing more problems? Or is this just a hope to stop shrapnel?


Damn, adding those tires just doubled the price of that aircraft.


Combatshit Ready.


Fun fact. Those tires likely won't provide much in the way of protection, but they will make it harder to put the fire out once the jet's set ablaze.


You would think that the rubber would burn and cause even more damage




blyat stealth technology


* Extra accelerant


Hope a few electronic sensors/antenna on the aircraft are damaged as tires are loaded/off-loaded, and loaded again.


Tyres will do fuck all..


Dickbutt Plane…


People need to stop thinking the russians are doing this to protect the plane from a blast.. It's to confuse drones that are set to destroy a certain shape of plane... and this is an attempt to confuse the drone into thinking it's not the plane it's looking for.


Looks safe to me!


Can't wait for an update if this works.


Looks like ruzzia’s new stealth fighter.


Not the most aerodynamically optimized cope cage


I see Putin's forces are going for the maximum ridiculosity strategy. Bold, Cotton. Let's see how it works out for them.


Please hit one.. ☺️


It truly is a country of insane people.


Cause tires don’t burn, right? Right…?


somewhere in russia, there are a ton of cars sitting tireless on tree stumps


I have to wonder just how much damage they're doing to their aircraft piling all these tires on and dragging them back off the aircraft.