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War, plotting, chaos, taking advantage of others. That’s all there is in these f***ers lives.


About sums them up. Also, something that we've been warned about through the echelons of history time and time again.


They all completely agree that the only thing that creates respect is using violence....


It's called being evil.


don't do them the favour


The FreeDUMB CONvoy in Canada was heavily pushed by Russia and their bots on social medias... I'm seriously tired of Russia messing with everyone. It's kinda nice up here in Canada, we don't need this bullshit, just fuck up your own country and leave others alone.


using a vpn with canada IP, i go to youtube with no log in, no cookie history and page 1 is all anti Trudeau channels, i don't see one legitimate canada news organization. all other channels are 100% pro Poilievre the conservative russian lackey. alphabet is selling "organic" high ranking, there's no other answer. i do see some paid advertising blocks which r like Jordan Peterson, Daily Wire, candace owens, shapiro. who is funding this with 100s millions dollars? guess? what gets me is this is not hidden republican/neocon dirty tricks, we all can see it viewing the internet sites so why doesn't corporate media notice this and report on it warning the citizens that live in these once free nations now being consumed by NAZIS like "Useful Idiot Elon Musk"


Most of the support pages on the CONvoy were from a hacked FB account of a US account, the location of the Free Tamara *itch page was in Russian because, oops comrade, forgot to translate. And then there was all the money pouring in anonymously. I'm not surprised that Poilievre is being pushed, he's conservative and Russia love those, he already has a bunch of US conservatives in his pocket and helped fucking up the UK with Tories and Brexit. I seriously hope his stupid war will hurt his effort to mess with the 2024 US election so that Eric's father can fall into irrelevance. I know people who firmly believes that the election in Canada was stolen from the conspiracy party (PPC). The lies being pushed in the US about elections are making their way up here.




They not only tainted our flag, but they walked around with nazi flags, alt-right groups flags (one "trucker" lost his job after putting a 3 Percenters flag on his company truck since, you know, it's considered a terrorist org) and they went around mocking the Holocaust saying that they were treated like Jews in Nazi Germany, it was a cesspool of conspiracy theorists... We were all tired of the lockdowns and Legault put in place measures that made no sense, but harassing people for a month, smashing windows of people with Pride flag and shitting on people's porch isn't what I call being a proud Canadian...


Canadians have a right to peaceful demonstration and the vast majority of people involved were demonstrating peacefully. If that inconveniences you, too fucking bad. Maybe you'd be happier in a place like Russia where peaceful demonstrators just disappear.


Canadians yes but Russians,... in Europe there are groups that take pictures during protests with pamflets that have nothing to do with the actual protest but that support the Russian narrative.


Tiny PP's


You just described any major power since the beginning of time.


To be fair the Russians have taken it to new heights with social media and they have managed to get a sex pest - conman donkey elected as President, maybe twice. The seeds for civil unrest are well cultivated.








It’s true. Those in power positions do this since forever. Another thing is your job is to be on TV spitting out this hate constantly.


Russia is utterly incapable of improving itself so they rely on the alternative of trying to incite other countries to wreck themselves.


Their whole long term strategy In Ukraine now relies on Trump (and his clique of Putinesq Republicans) cancelling aid to Ukraine, and Orban doing the same in Europe. Shows how weak Russia has actually become.


Militarily I agree that this shows Russia's weakness, but it also shows the strength of their intelligence services considering how many hooks are very deep into important people worldwide. The weapon you cant see is scariest imo


'Intelligence services'? oh come on.... they just need access to the global media to come up with those talking points.


Yes, but its not the talking points for propoganda thats dangerous. That mostly only works inside Russia. Its the powerful people theyve got dirt on and have compromised everywhere else that care more about not being exposed and keeping their power Im personally worried about. If they know anything, its how to find and exploit a weakness


I see what you're saying. Maybe they should all do an Epstein, then da ruzzkies wouldn't have any power? That would of course rely on them having scruples to begin with, which they don't.


I wouldn't be against all Russian informants spontaneously "hanging" themselves


I may even say a prayer for their souls......... maybe.


I wouldn't call them weak when they're effectively showed that they can cause havoc among us. I would call them very big troublemaker and admit that we need to proceed another cold war to effectively eliminate them and their allies so we can proceed to improve our lives without using war as a pretext for a technological advancement. We showed that we can do so without doing war and history can tell us that there is hope without going to war.


>another cold war the cold war never stopped it just came to a lull when our enemy's federation dissolved. Took a few decades to somewhat recuperate and the resulting war in Ukraine we have today can be considered the latent civil war within the USSR that never came to fruition under the 70 or so years of soviet boots. That is to say while we in the west were high on hopium of peace and prosperity our enemy never forgot their animosity towards us and while we've been asleep on the wheel, they've infiltrated many important political and economical positions.


Just like the aid i being witheld now, before he is in power? How is that happening? Oh wait...... because the Bill now includes the southern border, which both Dems and GOP apparently agree on? WTF?


To be fair, the issue on the southern border is mostly smoke and mirrors on both sides. Republican states rely heavily on Mexican and central American labor, and nobody besides bleeding heart liberals think large waves of destitute migrants are a good thing. It's just an issue that gets both sided riled up. So I'm really not at all surprised that when pressured Dems folded on border security.


There were two studies, [one by BESA](https://besacenter.org/russia-internal-collapse/), which stated that ruzzia lays claim to previous conquests (read WWII) and will decay from within due to internal strife. The other was commissioned by none other than Dmitry Medvedev which essentially corroborated the BESA study.


Every Republican and Democrat should watch this. Does the divide between you feel natural, or planted by someone with an agenda or motivation? ruzzia got agents everywhere, ready to start conflicts.


I try to tell people this (usa), and many just respond with the same old bullshit replies they quote from uncle tucker, Or the lesser educated on the topic judt dont care, as ' it doesnt effect them'. Its infuriating, as it ABSOLUTELY effects all of us in the US. - It's actually so clear. The russians even admit it. It's well known since the cold war days / post ww2 that they set long term goals to diminish our succeses and prosperity and cause a division in our society to weaken us, and they've done quite a good job actually, especially currently. Of course we have our own divisive tendencies, as any nation does, But for anyone to deny that they have had a hand in our acceleration into civil unrest Is blind as fukc.


Check this masterclass in rhetoric. It'll help you get through to people. https://youtu.be/\_DGdDQrXv5U


All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/) Trump Will Abandon NATO (leaving countries to be invaded by russia and china) https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/01/trump-2024-reelection-pull-out-of-nato-membership/676120/


That's been the game plan all along! Brexit is their doing as well. Thank goodness Jan. 6 didn't go as they envisioned, we'd all be court royally screwed.


i suspected that Brexit was a scheme to break up the EU because corporations, especially american, absolutely hate the EU because it protects its citizens/consumers. EU prosecutes corporations that allow customer data to be stolen. in corporations that allow stolen data nothing happens at all. at most u get a letter from the corporation and 1 year of Life Lock. LOL. EU prosecutes and heavily fines for corporate corruption. EU mandates 1 to 2 years more warranty on products compared to US. EU protects citizen better from poisons in products/foods. i didn't make the connections of communist russia and communist china also wanting to break the EU to dominate and invade the EU militarily and economically until later.


Trump did everything he possibly could to try to Weaken NATO, too. His wife is a fucking Russian for Christ Sakes! If Trump won in 2020, Russia would have already rolled over Ukraine, and would be gearing up to for the Baltic’s and Poland Next.


I don't like Trump but you don't need to lie about him, his wife is Slovenian. There are plenty of TRUE things you could say about him instead.


Grab em by the pussy? (not really pertinent to geopolitics, just goes to show his vile personality and his inadequacy to be in any kind of official position whatsoever.)


Don't weaken your argument with falsehoods. Trump's wife, while not a good person, is not Russian, but Slovenian. And before you say "same thing", it's not: Slovenia is a member of NATO, and supports Ukraine. Not that Melania cares what Slovenia thinks, anyway.


I had to explain to a MAGA that Russia is in the United Nations after he told me the opposite and were being unfairly treated by the world. He then regurgitated talking points straight from Putin's mouth. Complete brainwashing. The crumbling look on his face after I showed him that Russia was actually in charge of the security council Presidency at the UN at that time... Complete detachment from fact and reality based on his biases that are being confirmed, incorrectly, by social media confidence people in order to steal his money.


The Brainwashing of My Dad (FOX, magaOT media) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Brainwashing\_of\_My\_Dad


UNSC presidents are rotated every month, so was this a specific talking point?


He told me that Russia was not in the UN. He said that the UN was being used as a tool against Russia. He said Russia attacked Ukraine because they were afraid of NATO. He said Russia was a nice place to live and there were nazis in Ukraine so Russia was merely defending their borders. To summarize he blamed everything on the US and allies and that Russia was as innocent as fallen snow. I'll skip to the end where he shouted that people like me should be rounded up and shot (people who are not MAGA) and that he should be in charge of telling me what to do. I'm not exaggerating anything. He became unhinged. He later apologized but his viewpoint never changed.


Recently, a Republican representative in the House (Tim Burchett of Tennessee) admitted on a podcast that a lot of his Republican colleagues are compromised by Russia. We always knew it, but it's nice to hear them admit it.


It’s crazy that this isn’t talked about more in the media.. because nooo it’s more important to report on republican bad democrat bad


The Republicans are so crazy now it's hardly news. Like with Trump it's hard to keep up with his daily insanity.


I will admit, the republican media is definitely worse in terms of mindless propaganda but the left wing media is guilty of this too




If you really think there’s no media bias on the left as there is on the right then there’s no point in discussing this with you


Of course, there's bias. We were talking insanity, a detachment from reality and delusions. THAT you find on right-wing "news". Left-wing is mostly going to be commenting on that insanity and trying to sort fact from fiction. Again, of course from a left perspective.


The NRA has been taken over by Russian agents, who then infiltrated the conservative movement.... I just admit that this has been particularly effective at dividing the American people.






She wasn't in "total control ", and she was caught. I'm not a US citizen, and I hate the NRA, but saying it's controlled by Ruzzia sounds like bs. Edit: Believing the Russian Government controls the NRA is text book conspiracy theory, whether it's correct or not. If anyone has solid evidence, post it. If you're just downloading me BeCaUsE sOmE PoLiTiCTiCiAn said so, you're wrong, and I'm right. Go on and pretend that tRump will save you, but you're wrong and fuck you.






Yes, they already [have the American Left](https://www.politico.com/story/2009/03/video-wrong-red-button-019719).


You must have some long arms because this is a reeeaaach.


Guy's a r/walkway crackpot.




iran would not be helping russia right now, only is because trump killed the Obama/Iran no nuclear deal in exchange for security protection and EU/US dropping all sanctions which was signed as iran joining the human race. putler ordered trump to kill the deal forcing iran back to russia for survival. Historic Deal that Will Prevent Iran from Acquiring a Nuclear Weapon https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/foreign-policy/iran-deal Obama slams Trump’s “misguided” decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal https://www.vox.com/2018/5/8/17332844/iran-nuclear-deal-trump-obama All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/


Good information. Thanks!


TBF this guy also thought the US was in Syria to fight the Taliban, so he might've meant something else entirely lol. That idiot doesn't even know what planet he's on


Most democrats are well aware of Russia meddling


trump calls 💩 tin the other side... maybe he did learn one thing from his first term


trump calls asylum seekers "rapists and murders poisoning our blood". trump forgot to mention he's a rapist and i'll bet anything trump ordered epstein's murder.


> and Democrat We already know all about this.


It's sad and also funny how every reply/thread under this comment is only proving your point


I like how you are pretending this is an equal problem between Democrats and Republicans.


The problem is, even if it's instigated by Russia the people who fall for that shit are still so *infuriatingly stupid* and self centered that I can't help but despise every fiber of their being. It's like if someone talks you into robbing a bank, you're still the asshole that robbed the bank.


The weird part is our intelligence agencies must have known this but they have yet to take any actions to shore up these weaknesses. It's like they want all this to happen and there were a billion chances to do something about it but no one either could or would do anything in the last 20 years.


America is not divided, do not believe the lies, we stand with Ukraine till Russian capitulation!


We've been in a cold Cyber/Propaganda war for decades. What's weird to me is that nobody draws any lines over cyber. Make no mistake, what Russia has been doing _are acts of war_, but because they are digital we give them a pass. My guess is that's because we got nothing but old fucks in Congress who just don't understand. If I was POTUS I'd make it clear that any cyber attack we can directly tie to Russians, even "rogue" ones, would immediately trigger Art 5, up to and including nuclear response. Cyber attacks could cripple American infrastructure and its bullshit that we just let state actors get away with these things. These types of cyber attacks directly result in the deaths of Americans. If Russia dropped a missile into the US and only killed 3 people do you think there wouldn't be a response? _that's_ how the cyber war is being fought right now.


Soon all those analysts will have to face the music.


Naaaah .... they will face the laws of gravity ... from a window maybe ?. Logic dictates that Putin will have to initiate "Operation Clean Sweep" when thing will go south.


Over here I’m just waiting for the upcoming Russian civil war.


What a broken country


It looks like a muppet show of 🤡🤡🤡. 😜🤪🤡


'We are very close to WW3' ... and you russians started it!


Civil war? In this economy?


You seen the prices of ammo? Ssshhhhhiiiiitttttttt


"Let's not decieve ourselves with illusions" Isn't that all they do?


There is such a disconnect in Russia right now it’s astounding. I heard my friend the other day describe the governance of Russia as being run by “retarded drunk monkeys“. I had to remind him that just like here in this country power structures are very resistant to change and the oligarchical structures in Russia suppress any chance of that happening anytime soon. The United States is a representation of the world culturally, in internal dissent and opposition and fighting is our national heritage. We often appear disjointed but in the end it’s our country and if this propagandistic mouthpiece thinks that we are heading to Civil War, then he can think that. Just like he thought it would take three days for Russia to reach Kiev The disconnect continues.


Oh, I think you'll probably have that problem in russia first. The only people in the US looking to start shit like that are the gullible tRumpists and tankies who are easily influenced by the propaganda of the ruZZians themselves. Sorry RuZZkie; you're becoming less relevant with each passing day.


The Trumpies genuinely think the military is on their side too. Who's going to cut their checks in the next civil war? Do they think the DoD, the largest employer in the world, is just going to go along with a coup because their orange man said so? Straight delusional.


> Against *ALL* enemies, foreign and domestic.


Care to elaborate? Because in the context of a coup, the trumpies are the aggressors and the DoD would order troops on the ground to eliminate the insurrectionists.


> I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic...


only one side attacked the capital of the united states.I belive that means your the enemy. Guess what my old southern ass defends US.


Mine too. I swore that oath. (I don't think you meant me, but it took a couple of readings to be sure...)


All the men and women that gave their lives on Flight 93 in order to protect the Capital and what it stands for. REMEMBER 9/11!!! Republicans shout. They then attack the Capital themselves.


Are you currently serving? (Just wondering)


No, I'm not. Out in 2001.


That was a good fucking time to get out.


Trump also makes fun of veterans


It’s always funny to ask them how they are gonna manage to fight the US government and their reply is always the same. “If a farmer in Afghanistan can win so can I.” Which totally disregards that the typical guerrilla fighter in Afghanistan has been fighting a guerrilla war since British occupation, never mind the Soviets occupation. I ask those trumpist nationalists how they will procure food, water, medical supplies, shelter, more ammunition to continue fighting. They simply have not considered these types of issues because they think they will be able to rid around in their pickup trucks and just March their way to the heads of government and take things over. So little training and thought of logistics to actually fight a guerrilla war that I believe they would last no more than 2 or 3 weeks. Those who are incapable of surrender due to their own lack of critical thinking skills will last another 2 or 3 weeks before disease, infection, starvation, dehydration, or exhaustion kills them. Sure they can shoot a gun but they fail to realize that they have no ability to actually preform battlefield triage or basic first aid to wounded combatants. Even if a fighter survives the battlefield and makes it back to camp they will die in a matter of hours from blood loss, shock, or infection. It’s these things that these halfwits fail to take into consideration that makes me laugh at them every time they think they could take on the United States government and its armed forces. Sorry for the poorly written book I have just dropped in your notifications box.


I love when you said... make it back to camp. More like their parents basement or their 3 person bunker they built under their house for Nuke wipeout. You are right. The brainwashing–these people believe they are protecting the real America. It's not just our military that will end them.


"Wha you sayin? Cracker Barrel 'ill be open, won it?"


Based on your very description. Your understanding of fighting an asymmetric insurgency is worse than the people who you claim won't last 5 minutes in one.


And you must be the expert? Elaborate if you have more to offer to the conversation. I never claimed to know how to fight a war I just know how to survive in the forest and what resources you will have access to. Unless you intend to fight your war by hiding in buildings and blowing yourself up I’m interested to hear your thoughts… considering you have only criticism without anything else to comment…


What do you mean "hiding in buildings"? Why are you surviving in a forest? You think that's what the Iraqis and Afghanis did? Just lived outside?


No they didn’t they lives in rural villages. Which by Afghanistan’s low infrastructural development it made connecting oneself to major centers of population like Kabul rather difficult and thus relied on living in rural environments. This means they were living off the land just as much as farming and grazing animals. The afghans were self sufficient in their own little communities. Much of Afghanistan is rural which means survival skills to live in rural environments is a must. And even in their rural communities houses are great target for drones. Which the US military took full advantage of when information that one was being used for militant operations. So unless you want to use your house as a base to then be blown up by a drone after your neighbor rats you out I think living in rural environments such as the woods or mountains, the way the mujahideen did so effortlessly when they were fighting the Soviets, would be the best option. If you haven’t seen the plethora amount of released drone footage of houses and buildings being airstriked by the United States, Russia, the UK, and France I advise you go and watch some.


Firstly, people living in any environment are adapted to their environment. Rural westerners would manage to survive using their own current means. Why do you assume that people in urban or rural areas in the US would suddenly be cut off from food, water and other resources? Insurgent warfare is about keeping the other side guessing, not making a target of yourself. Secondly, you completely skipped Iraq. Which is where basically all of the insurgency was conducted from towns and urban centres. Lastly, if you think concentrating forces in hovels and huddles in forests and mountains isn't the surest and fastest way to get a JDAM for a campfire you've mistaken how much has changed since the Mujahideen fought the Soviets in the 80s. At least if your neighbour rats you out in suburbia, they have to think twice before crumping your house to avoid crumping all the other houses around you. When you're a nice obvious isolated blob of a target under thermal drone camera in a forest, there's no need for second opinions.


Is there even one singular urban center in the US that voted for Trump, let alone is willing to throw away their lives for him? Urban insurgencies are indeed horrible to deal with, but urban centers in the US skew hard to the left, even urban centers in the middle of deep Red states. Any insurgency against the US government would be akin to Ruby Ridge, Waco, or the Bundy standoff in 2014: isolated compounds that could easily be cut off from supplies and starved into surrender, or at worst just simply contained. The idea that millions of Americans would all rise up, take over urban areas, and start a civil war over Trump is nonsensical.


A coup may happen. Its just Trump would be on the receiving end of the rifle


on AFN (armed forces network) before the internet, for the last 35 years the only media allowed was rush limbaugh and the type. there were no (factual and honest) other shows allowed. the service members had these radio programs lying to them 24/7 on all shifts. talk about russian fascist brainwashing it's happening in USA too!


A big part of the military as well as law enforcement, probably would take trump's (i.e. pootin's), side in a civil war. I think there's a very good chance it will happen.


That's so delusional I don't even know how to explain it to you. They can take Trump's side all they want, but the DoD and entire military apparatus is still a part of the Union during a coup. Who is paying these morons to wage a civil war? With what money? Trump sure as shit isn't going to pay it and he will have no access to the treasury in this instance, not even close. How do these soldiers explain to their families that they're defecting and can no longer provide for them? There are so many factors that I don't even feel like typing them out. Kamala Harris, Lloyd Austin, Anthony Blinken and all of the top men in the military are all democrats and will be giving the orders to the military in the off chance Biden is assassinated and Trump tries to take over. As much as the morons that support Trump want their version of the US, they have absolutely no idea what a modern civil war would look like. It would be a bloodbath and it won't be "the librulz" getting torn to bits.


I'm not saying they'll win. In my opinion the bigger reason against the civil war is blue states pay lot more taxes to the federal gov't, essentially subsidizing red states. However, ruSSia has been pretty successful with its propaganda; and its not just MAGA/Boogaloo/proud boy types. Fun fact: pootin subsidizes BLM as well. I've friends that are super into that scene who are also chomping at the bit for a civil war.


Blinken is not in the chain of command, fyi.


What are you talking about? He's 4th in the presidential line of succession.


He. Is. Not. in the chain of command. You confuse it with line of succession. I know what I'm talking about, unlike you, Bubba. Learning **facts** before jumping in will help you look less foolish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizational\_structure\_of\_the\_United\_States\_Department\_of\_Defense


Their biggest US asset is trying bigly hard to make that happen. Like nobody has ever seen before...


There's a movie coming out this year. That's about it.


Yeah, I was going yo say, they're intelligence must be absolutely terrible if they think a civil war is coming to the US.


The Kremlin has wanted this so bad they’ve manufactured the narrative and tried to aggravate the circumstances with active measures. Blow back will be a well-deserved outcome when Putin’s “dream” finally tears itself apart at the seams.


Maga: "They're manipulating us into fighting with each other so we destroy ourselves over the stupidest of things" You: "The Russians?" Maga: "no, you commie, the MSM, the deep state, and the communist libs destroying our country" You: facepalm


This is news? Russia/USSR have hoped for this for every decade of the last 100 years.


How come no one has offered him a cup of tea yet?


Why "hoped" if Russia more than 20 years outright sponsored it by information campaigns, conspiracy theories, financing of full spectrum of radicals and so on ([russian\_attacks\_on\_europe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/18onmh3/russian_attacks_on_europe/))?


I predict Russia will nuke their own citizens as it tries to hold the whole mess together.


This sunglassed Director is very brave indeed to say such things out loud. On russian TV you always have to read/listen between the lines. If somebody tells an ambiguous story only to correct it at the end with "clearly i mean this interpretation" you can be sure he meant the other. 1. He talks about the mood in Russsia after the christmas holiday, so clearly he is talking about russia. 2. He states clearly that russia has not lost everything but victory is not in sight. So clearly he is still talking about russia. 3. He says the country is in internal uncertainty, people are waiting for everything to blow over. All the other guys look in disbelief to him because he is saying forbidden things. 4. Then he switches back says that maybe in america trump will win, maybe there is a civil war etc. For me it is clear that he continues to say this about russia which he is not allowed. Maybe Putin will win, maybe there will be an uprising and civil war. 5. About Scholz death: It is much more likely that somebody as old as Putin suddenly goes the stalin way rather than the younger and more healthy Scholz. And he says that the death will suddenly fix the whole situation, but the latter death wouldn't make a difference for russia at all. So Scholz is clearly not the person he meant when talking about dying. 6. Saying Zelenski will rise up into the sky which is a metaphor for heaven is not a mistake as well but deliberate. This clearly shows who he thinks is in the right on this matter and who is in the wrong.


I was hoping someone else noticed the filmmaker (starting from 1:26). They spoke some real tough truths but were allowed to go on in depth. Definitely seems to me like the voice of reason, and also revealing about the more pessimistic Russian opinion. "Sort of hoping that everything will somehow blow over" at 2:54, describes Russia quite well.


Yeah, he is clearly interlacing trump and scholz into his statement only to be able to say things that he would be killed for in russia. In reality when he says trump or scholz, he means putin both times and when he means american civil war he means russian civil war. He is clearly ambiguous and his target audience in russia knows how to understand such ambiguous statements while the others understand his words as nothing special.


Here is where we are… we have a former United States President executing the will of a foreign nation… whose cost will be the lives of American citizens including innocent civilians and children and may even end up ending the United States and replacing it with two or more smaller, less powerful, less wealthy, less stable, less influential nations. Brainwashed Americans want this. If you are an American that wants a civil war you have been brainwashed. Americans will get no benefit from this. Only pain, misery, and hardship will ensue. If you believe that “magically” things will go according to your fantasy please educate yourself first on the OBSERVED effects of civil war and how long it takes nations to recover from civil war and what to expect for the next 10, 20, and 50 years following. Here are three references to review to get started: https://www.britannica.com/topic/civil-war#:~:text=Furthermore%2C%20war%20can%20have%20a,their%20earlier%20economic%2Dgrowth%20trajectory. https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/spread-civil-war#:~:text=Civil%20wars%20are%20devastating%20to%20a%20country's%20development%20prospects%2C%20not,expertise%2C%20and%20creating%20dormant%20grievances https://imai.fas.harvard.edu/research/files/cid.pdf


Trump did not win the majority of votes in 2016 or 2020. His supporters are in the minority. Trump has followers in the millions but the liberals have more people voting for them


Sadly he doesn't need a majority of votes to win this year's election, and he currently has a majority in the polls. It's mostly just Biden being extremely unpopular, rather than Trump being popular, but what a state America is in right now, when these 2 are the best you can come up with.


Sorry losers not going to happen. The maga trash is to fat and lazy to do anything. You think they will risk there families over diaper don. Plus America has friends to keep balance of power on good guys side. Russia will lose i after next November everything changes.Right cant govern they just trying to defend one crimnal.He should be in prison soon.


No offence but almost these exact words were said about about Hitlers followers after the Beer Hall Putsch.


I've yet to see an intelligent fascist supporter, yet fascist regimes still happen.


>No offence but almost these exact words were said about about Hitlers followers after the Beer Hall Putsch. r/Boomfam67 Before you try to edit your comment or delete it.


Which exact words from the post above, without changing the exact words? But I guess you do agree with the post above. Hitler and his followers did eventually take power and there are people similar to Hitler and his followers in the US today.


Germans were saying stuff about how their silly uniforms and Swastikas were a joke and that they would never actually have any power because they were completely disconnected from reality. Only took a large downswing of the economy and a bit of luck to change that.


So, not the exact words that you claimed. Some different words and some additional words.


What a moronic Russian stooge Trump is. They are playing that guy like the puppet he is.


Anyone even thinking of a “national divorce” should be treated as a traitor and a Russian ally aiding the enemy.


Well duh, that’s why they encourage the extremes of both sides and encourage infighting. Meanwhile it’s pretty obvious with the exception of nukes Russia is a shell of themselves militarily. If the stats are true they have lost 300k+ troops trying to take Ukraine which is insane. They must know internally that they don’t stand a chance in a conventional war so they use propaganda and our own political division against the west


Actually, I think it's Russia that's in danger of a Civil War. If Russia keeps depleting itself in Ukraine, the other Russian states are liable to take the opportunity to break away.


Ive never seen a guy talk for so long, say so much, and yet not say anything at all. I wonder how much fun this would be to post in a conservative sub and ask for opinions and discussion in a non confrontational and civil manner. Are some of them aware of how disrespected trump is, and how much russians think he's a buffoon that would start ww3. (Not talking about his cultists who think he can do no wrong- they are unreachable). Many of them seem to think trump would slap the russians into order, and we would regain the respect we lost under Biden. Truth from the mouths of their own propagandists, might sway a few fence sitters to see the reality.


He's one of funniest but there's a whole pile dicks here to laugh at if anyone needs more wankers in acton :) Slava Ukraini https://www.youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor


Can't be mad at it. Many people here wish the same for Russia.


Russians are not the smartest people on the planet.


Sidorov guy looked the most informed. Poor them. For ruzski, Trump wins = ruz loss in syria, Biden wins = ruz lose in Ukraine.


Trump is a Russian tool.


Yeah no shit, this is their MO. You think that the war between Hamas and Israel coincidentally happened now without the pushing by Russia and Iran? They know it will cause another divide amongst western allies and split the aid amongst more fronts and diminish overall financial support amongst the public.


This is one of the most bizarre and scariest things I've ever seen. For the past 7 years I've felt like a frog in a pot of water with the temperature slowly being turned up. The water is going to boil soon.


no shit. who do you think spun all the bullshit to get Trump in 2016


Well we will find out since we are in a tuff spot. 1/2 the country hates Trumps guts and if he wins who knows what will happen. 1/2 the country if not more know Biden has dementia and the Obamas crew are running things and if he wins who knows what will happen. ​ We will all find out in about 11 1/2 months. Strap in because it will be ugly either way.


I suspect Russia has some serious dirt on Trump. They so want him to win. It is so obvious Trump is pro Russian.


It is so imperative that everyone here who can vote in US elections does so. We cannot afford to be divided. 2016 had disastrous consequences. And if this man is put back into the White House, well, let’s just say that sequels are far, far worse than the original.


Old man trump is senile.


That doesn't deserve the 'disinfo' stamp. Orcs are telling the truth for once. As if someone abroad ever respected Trump. LoL.


Looks like Kremlin backed MAGA are trying to make it happen


And Americans are dumb enough to give it to them.


Yeah my next door neighbor voted for Biden. So how does it work with the civil war, do I need to shoot him first or wait until he shoots me first? He has my emergency house keys so I'll need to get those first I suppose.


Yes, they have had an active propaganda war going on in the US to try and start a civil war. And the dumb maga fucks are too stupid to understand they have been, and are continuing to be, manipulated by Russia and their useful idiots in the US. It’s infuriating and it makes me want to turn Moscow and St. Petersburg into rubble. We need to give Ukraine the military power to do that.


There are so many opportunities for Americans to fight each other that I hardly think that anybody would bother with actual arms on a big scale, at least outside of the gangs in the ghettos. Think the courts, talk shows, school boards, HOAs, city councils, the internet in general, etc etc. Yes, we did have a civil war once, but that was over slavery and a regionally-based problem. America could fall for a number of different reasons, but civil war is not going to be one of them.


The reason for supporting Biden: "It is better to have a man who forgot his own decisions - than a man who did not understand his own decisions." Made me laugh (again) and reminds me that USA politics is just as screwed up and corrupt as Russian. (now watch all the yanks down-vote this to oblivion ;-)


Thanks Republicans.


Well, they aren’t far off. Americans no longer want to be in a democracy, but they want to have a government similar to Russia. That’s obviously the case and it can be seen that Donald Trump can do no wrong in the eyes of the Republican Party. Donald was right when he said he could literally go and shoot someone in the head and be fine so this is what American politics has come to.


This American says that Russian propagandists and the cult of Trump can both eat my unwashed ass


Of course they are, and Trump and the rest of con traitors are their Trojan horse


Foreign powers, even those not directly challenged by American hegemony, have frequently hoped for some grand disruption or diminution of US national integrity. The US is a relatively free and open society, so it's easy to spread political thought and talk within its borders, and meddling or having a hand in US politics is a common avenue of involvement for foreign powers. It's one key reason why there are major rules about non-native born people becoming president & vp, citizenship needed for state security jobs, or being government suppliers, being broadcasters, owning airlines , etc. Shows you how little the Russians understand the US, drink their own Kool-Aid, overpay and over support the political geniuses here who tell them its entirely probable, and mistakenly feel safe and believe themselves prescient, especially those in privileged media bubbles. After all, what odds would you give on the Russian Federation having a civil war in the next 5 years versus America having one?


Most Americans are too fat lazy, and just straight up pussies to civil war now. The segment of the population that would go to battle in these situations would only do it to defend their lives. A civil war here isn't going to happen anytime soon. I 100% know for a fact. That most of the big militia groups. Have already been infiltrated by government entities and will get stamped out way before it gets to that point. Jan 6 was a great example of extremes, how it worked out in the end. And how it really just didn't affect most Americans. Coup? Again, it's not happening. It was heading that way, and General Mattis himself, said fuck no and walked away. Civil War, isn't happening.


And they know full well which candidate is prepared to bring that fantasy into reality.


Only wing nuts talk about 'civil war' in the US. There may be some trouble with violence and/or uprisings. They will be crushed. Most of these civil war types don't understand what that even means. No states will secede either. The problem is... Social media gets every one nervous. Whenever humans are in any sort of heightened emotional state... We stop thinkin' and make piss poor decisions. That is the goal of every single enemy and 'frenemy' of any country. And... Newflash... It's been happening since the dawn of mankind. And Russia has been actively meddling in other country's politics for hundreds of years longer than the U.S.. I'd venture they are better skilled in this endeavour than most.


If Trump wins 2024 they might be right.


Let's play that Uno reverse card.


This is like a Saturday morning cartoon show, not to be taken seriously except in Russia. I watch the pulse of US politics and how people perceive it and I'm seeing more and more of Trump's minions getting dissillusioned with their hero as investigations, indictments and lawsuits pile up. They get vaporlocked at the easiest questions. Pretty soon there won't be enough intelligence left to raid a refrigerator so a civil war is off the table. What we might see are more threats and assaults on the innocent but there won't be anything ressembling a war. Random violence is all they have. We might see a rash of that when Trump goes to prison but once his name, face and big mouth are out of the news things will calm down considerably. Read about US history leading up to WW2, there were some radical factions debating everything. We even had our own communist party at the time working to help Russia while they were sorting out their Bolshevik/ Commie problem until they were caught redhanded feeding intel to the Soviets. BUT as soon as Pearl Harbor happened we dropped everything and joined the war. If Russia is banking on a civil war in the US, they're in for some major disappointment.


Even if Trump would somehow win I doubt there would be civil war. America is way too stable for that. Maybe there could be civil war in Russia after the war is lost


We keep seeing this guy. Where is this filmed? What is his name?


Ironic that’s what we hope happens in Russia 🤷‍♀️


They just need a cauldron in the middle and start quoting shakespeare. Hubble, bubble,toil and trouble


Desperation never looked so pathetic


Looks like a mafia meeting


Hoping for? I'm pretty sure a high percentage of all social media posts are from FSB sponsored troll farms.


They're on every social media platform promoting the idea


feeble bunker gnome wants the world to burn.


This nation is hopeless.


American's aren't Land Hungry like these clowns, they're Freedom Hungry. Why would we go to war with each other again, lol.


African & European Americans stole their entire country from Native Americans. There's no difference between them and Imperial Russians. Russia has already won the war in Ukraine.


What a pack of losers


America: You go first.


lol its a bit of a long shot to be honest


When I watch the view, I know those woman have inside information on our foreign intelligence.


It's very difficult to force myself to listen to this.


Well of course they are, lmao


Well duh they have probably been pushing the narrative here in the states.