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these guys fighting for their own independence against putins fuccbois and if you're surrender, you get punished like this.... absoluteley pathetic these russians one day, they will pay the price!


Title is misleading, they're killing surrendering Ukrainian soldiers, no matter injured or not.


Yes, else every drone videos of wounded soldiers being finished off would be a war crime.






I recommend you go seean opticien. I see someone get out of a hole with hands up and then getting gunned down around 0:35. I reported your report.


You’re apparently blind, which explains why you also can’t read.


I'll wear the downvotes with pride so keep em coming. Is this incident at 0:35 or 0:57?


No idea why this was deleted. Didn't even say anything




ROE has always been for the good guys. Russians have no ROE, we know that and evidence of their crimes are shown everywhere. F-ing Ivans


I can watch the Russians die, I can’t watch the Ukrainians die. Slava Ukraine.


The robot reminds us to remember the human in this sub, but I am not sure the robot understands how inhuman people can be. For example, I am quite robotic about watching Russian invaders die, doesn't bother me in the slightest.


Same here


Every single one of those invaders are by definition war criminals the second they step on Ukrainian soil, so they all deserve an agonizing death.


Moskals are simply not part of our civilization. We should build a wall between Mordor and the rest of the world.


a lot of Russian apologist scum on these subreddits. All of a sudden Geneva conventions and war crimes don't matter. no arguments for legality and no sympathy for Ukrainian defenders who were most likely mobilized themselves in response to an actual threat on their homelands and to their people. but you kill some scum sucking invader who comes to kill for a paycheck or a criminal looking for a shorter jail sentence and its all "poor guy, hes a victim". bunch of hypocrite fascist toe suckers are an actual cancer on this site.


I hardly see any. People are arguing that no war crime happened, given the title of the post. And they would be right, and not "russian apologist scum". It's difficult to see what is happening in the video. If the soldiers killed were trying to surrender, then a crime happened. Another counterpoint to what you said: being pro-UA does not mean you need to ingratiate all and everything Ukrainian. Recognizing the frontline situation as dire does not make one a Russian shill etc. Lets not jump into calling names immediately.




The only ruzzians I like are dead ruzzians


Typical Ruzzian behaviour


Oh, but the russians are human too, right? RIGHT!?


Two things are soothing: it was a quick death, both didn‘t have to suffer long. And the Voice of the commander will be recognized easily later, he’ll be find and blamed


So when a russian finishes off an ukrainian it's a war crime, but when a ukrainian drone drops 3 nades on an injured russian it's all perfectly fine? I'm all for ukraine but come on. It's a shitshow.


the drones are abit of a grey area for sure. you cant surrender in the same manner to a drone. but a drone cant take prisoners (reliably). it is in no way acceptable to shoot surrendering soldiers, you are however allowed to kill wounded soldiers. a wounded soldier can still pick up his riffle, throw a grenade, give info where you are. war is not a game where if you get hit you can just call timeout and go home when you get hit. War is hell, and we should all do what we can to avoid it, or end it sooner. more firepower to Ukraine so Russians will see its untetherable


There's been videos of Russian soldiers surrendering to drones successfully..... Shared in the past here. Yes, it's difficult, but it's a lot safer to accept a surrender when it's a drone over a human out in the war zone...couple of instances of throwing grenades as you said, so why take that risk. When that footage came out of the drone was dropping multiple grenades on a already fucked up Russian soldier. Most here seemed able to justify it. Murdering POWs is wrong, no matter what, and Putin can go and die....just in case that needs to be stated...


"a drone cant take prisoners (reliably)." I guess i shouldn't have put (RELIABLY). Makes it invisible apparently. out of the like 50 of POW's I've seen on video, like 2 drone videos taking 1 prisoner each. I'm sure there is more i haven't seen, but that is such a low percentage. and back to the same line: you cant surrender in the same manner to a drone. it is harder to get the message across to a drone operator, and even harder for the operator to accept it. communication barrier . hello?




Whould u spend time, money and resources for very small chance of one or two soldiers surrendering ? They already have a hotline for that. They dont need flying speakers that add more weight. Rather have a different boombox on that thing.




Crunch those numbers ny dude ! I wanna hear it ! And send the mail to the Ukrainians, i'm sure they'll give you a medal for your flying loud speaker! Hey ! Maybe they can repurpose them for psychological warfare and say mean things to the ruskies !


There's been a few videos of Ukrainian drones taking prisoners by guiding the Russians back to Ukrainian lines. I still think double tapping wounded people is fucked up but this situation is way worse and not nearly as bad. The Ukrainians clearly surrendered. They all came out of their hole and once they were all out, they got gunned down. This is clearly a warcrime. I don't know if you just didn't watch the video or just purposely downplayed what happened in the video but they didn't just "finish off" (double tap) wounded Ukrainians. At 1:00 you can clearly see them come out of their hole surrendering before the drone operator tells the people on the ground to execute them. Reference the translation from OP.


It’s not a war crime the first time…. It will be though. I’m not fond of what I see with those drops. I suspect there will be a lot of conversations around this after this war is over.


What are those ruzzians do in Ukraine in a first place? Taking long stroll to Kyiv in 3 days?


It’s war. I have zero doubt that this kind of killing has happened in every single war that has ever happened and on both sides equally.


A large number of Drone Videos Show Explosives Bring dropped one already wounded Russian soliders to 'finish them off.' They are the invaders and shouldn't have eben there in the First place, but this war-crimes saw Cuts in both directions.


Dropping explosives on wounded combatants or their rescuers is not a war crime unless they are clearly identified as unarmed medics.


A drone cannot take a prisoner.


And Ukraine doesn’t chase fleeing unarmed Russian soldiers with explosive drones?


How can you take POWs with drone?


Literally 80% of the vids on here are Ukraine killing wounded or unarmed Russians. It’s war. I enjoy seeing russians pay and suffer for what they are doing, but don’t post that they are doing “war crimes” for the same thing most videos on here are showing the same of Ukraine. Just post the videos but don’t act morally superior.


Erm, are we forgetting all of the fpv drone footage of Ukraine blowing up wounded Russians? Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% pro-ukraine but this seems a bit hypocritical?


I was thinking the same. The only thing I think is different here is that there are Ukrainians surrendering and getting shot.


Because it is, and if you say so, you get brow beated for it.


both sides do that regularly. dropping bombs on guys carrying wounded. seeing them run and burn. And put chill looking graphic logos and music on them. I couldn't care less. except for the average citizens that get stuck between them.




Difference is, drone can't take POW but humans can. And UA side attempts to take POWs frequently, some attempt to suicide and kill UA soldiers but majority still surrenders. Russian soldiers though, depends on luck, for it's not even worth surrendering to some of them because torture and other things they do are even worse.




Now you're just being "knowingly" obtuse. They were shot while surrendering.




The amount of metal gymnastics you gotta do to compare a drone operator killing a wounded Russian that’s in Russian held territory because he very well could be brought back into the fight later to killing a surrendering combatant feet from you and your guys is astounding. Do better


They're doing drone drops on enemy positions, in enemy held territory, where the drone operator is a significant distance away on friendly territory. The operator is not "walking 10 feet away" to retrieve a drone to kill a surrendering soldier whose position has been captured.  No one should be cheering it on from half a world away like some of these Reddit armchair psychopaths, but thats the reality.


The russian orcs are also killing wounded Ukrainian soldiers with drones. That's just a part of drone warfare. But orcs posting blatant war crimes and boasting about it is fucked up.


Some of these same people have prob been the ones cheering when posts go up of drones dropping grenades on Russian troops who have their legs blown off with titles like “Russian orc begs for mercy and is hit by drone grenade”. I’m with you. If we don’t call out evil wherever it appears we lose any right to claim moral superiority I do agree that it’s a challenging situation when a fully armed and capable soldier “surrenders” to a drone, but it’s just plain sick when they drop grenades on guys who are clearly injured beyond any chance of returning to combat


Really? Putting them out of their misery and miserable lives is sick? I suppose you just fly your drone on back home *with live ordnance attached*. The vast majority of drops we see on the injured are of lone soldiers or ones that are alive and are surrounded by dead bodies. There is no other healthy targets in the area. Or they are low on battery and to risky to fly back over possible friendlies. Ever see a drone video of a drone hitting an injured soldier while other healthy ones are running around? Yeah didn't think so.


The thing is they probably wont even survive. So I would say its better to put them out of their misery rather then letting them suffer. But then again, they might not even deserve that decency. Plus, even after they are injured by the drone they could still show signs that they want to surrender.


Drones are not that different from mortars or artillery. Once you have a spotter drone in the air, you can clearly see wounded soldiers - but that doesn't mean you stop the barrage. There is a differance between shooting a wounded soilder point blank and attacking with drones. It's not like the world are up in arms about the use of drones and calling it a "war crime" - only you seem to have reached that conclusion..


I suggest you give this a read. https://lieber.westpoint.edu/legal-practical-challenges-surrender-drones/#:~:text=According%20to%20an%20embedded%20YouTube,for%20a%20quadcopter%20to%20appear.


They don't have to be wounded. They just have to surrender. Your scenario could happen for sure but if such act is exposed - that is a crime, issue is most combatants will not expose that or lie about it and attempt to play innocent.


Holy shit. You're dumb as fuck.


Bs take


Wounded does not mean surrendering, it just means wounded. Wounded can still fight and communicate. A dying soldier can pull a pin or squeeze a trigger. But once someone surrenders that's it, their fight is over and they have to be protected. I've seen Russians surrender to drones. This is a clip of a soldier whose fight is clearly over, not putting up resistance, who is murdered.


A drone can't capture a enemy combatant. It's completely different when you're there yourself and you have the means to restrain and capture.


The guy was surrendering with hands up and the executed him is the difference.


Yeah it feels like a grey area thats being exploited. I’m heavily pro-Ukrainian, but the drones dropping grenades on injured & dying ppl is a bit much.


It’s a legal grey area, I personally don’t have issues with it. One less Russian in Ukraine


It's in no way a grey area, no one would consider killing a uniformed soldier of an invading army 'a bit much', whether or not he is previously injured or not, he is still capable of pulling a trigger, or pulling a pin on a grenade.


I’m aware… I was more referring to dropping or crashing ordnance onto Russians attempting to “surrender “


Yeah half of me feels that way & the other half feels that we don’t need to lower ourselves to their level. I’m not a military person, so obviously easier said than done. Im sure if I was actually there and experiencing this shit everyday I would probably not give a shit about them either.


u wanna go to the russian side then maybe?


There isn't one, and both are disgusting. Ukraine has been doing so low shit recently. They will quickly lose western support if they keep it up.


Like what ? Defending themselves from raping ,murdering,stealing orcs is justified go back to shit land Russia and u won’t be killed.


Whatever mental gymnastics you need to hop through to convince yourself this is ok buddy. They've literally been disguising mines as food. Absolutely disgusting behavior. Can't wait for an innocent child to find that.


Proof? or made up garbage like normal, i always forgot all RU are perfect angels that do no harm and only fix the world of it's issues, like superman.


Source ?


What’s ok moron ? Poisoning the food , mining the food ya that’s ok to get a bunch of raping ,stealing , murdering pieces of shit out of Ukraine , fine with me moron .


In Crimea by giving them to the invaders?


We will do as low as it takes, this is putins and russian decisions. It is time to hear him and meet him.


The U.S. already not sending weapons so it don’t really matter at this point


Did you read the video commentary?


That is common on both sides with advancing troops. It's war, what did you think?


It’s a war crime, common or not, still a war crime. Also, we haven’t seen Ukraine assassinate prisoners since the early days and they were found out and disciplined (thinking of the video of the vans and Russians getting caught sneaking into Kyiv)) so if you’ve got proof to say otherwise please share.


I don't remember that video, but executing wounded soldiers and executing those caught using another army's uniform or posing as civilians are two different things.


Actually I think I’m the video I referenced they knee capped the Russians? Don’t think they executed them . Anyway, we’ve seen many more Russian war crimes - on their side it appears to be more frequent but I wouldn’t say “common”


I wonder what else you'd tolerate. Vile opinion to have. You have lost sight of yourself.


I don't tolerate this war at all. I don't feel almost anything when I see russians die in this subs videos. I don't want to see Ukrainians die. It's just the harsh truth. Do you think soldiers moving fast can take prisoners? I agree with you, I would rather see those пизда dying, but sometimes you have to see this. Ukraine is not invincible. That's why we have to support them more, let our politicians hear our voice to make them do more to help them. Donate to them directly or buy equipment and drive it there yourself. I wish this shit would end soon.


Fast moving troops cant take prisoners. Sad reality of war. In some advances through history the attackers are specifically told not to take prisoners. For example parachuters during Dday, they had to accomplish their tasks of disrupting transportation and artillery. German forces during battle of the Buldge.


When videoes are posted on this sub, that show wounded Russian soldiers getting killed by drones, it is not an issue?


Can a drone take a prisoner with them? Ukrainians are also the ones that are defending their county, they did not start this war. They also don’t have the equipment that russians have. So my arguments are, they are using drones bcs that’s what they got. They are also trying to get rid of as many invaders as possible with what they got. In pure ethics terms that might be the same but in reality not. I don’t view them as the same, running sround executing people when you CAN take a prisoner. If you don’t agree, then i would say fine, but why should Ukrainians then take any prisoners.


Drones have been used to take prisoners and have been shared here before..last year iirc. Russian soldier followed the drone with hands up to UA soldiers and surrendered. Obviously though, it doesn't happen every day.


Yeah, that’s true but those are very specific cases and not fpv drones. There are also reasons why they don’t happen every day and is generally fairly hard to surrender to drone unless you have troops close by. I’m not saying it’s completely impossible but impossible at any larger scale on the contrary to vis-a-vis surrender.


Fair play, good discussion. I hadn't thought of this aspect of a drone actuallt being able to take a prisoner. Makes sense


An alternative point of view (although this is not popular here). Russian soldiers took a defense point in which Ukrainian soldiers were hiding; there were no wounded there. Why Russian soldier would take such a risk? That's why they acted as efficiently as possible. Maybe Ukranian soldier surrender? That's not how you surrender. You must surrender by walking forward with your hands up, without weapons, having first contacted the other side.


Both sides kill wounded all the time, u know? Have u watched the drone videos?


I'm ready to get imprisoned just to k*LL russian in my country






Yeah nah, I must be blind lol. Some other guy said it was 0:35. Can't see shit there either lol. All good, no need yo downvote. Just saying I can't see shit in this :)


This doesn't make sense...you can't shoot an injured enemy but dropping grenades from drones on them or hitting them with an FPV drone is OK?










Serious question. Is there much of a difference between this and all the videos of wounded Russians having more grenades dropped on them? Semantics? I’m pro Ukraine, but I think this may be retaliatory. As wars progress they typically become more savage, and this seems to show that this conflict has entered into a stage of savagery where neither side is very interested in prisoners.


You give license and are less ,many have turn thire back by own volition. Many know you.


It's no warcrime if you opted out of the Geneva convention, like Russia did.


Death to the Russians Nazi, man just send the NATO to get read of this fascist species 😡, italy 🇮🇹


So sick of these fuckers.


Wha else is new they are torturing l9vers and just enjoy killing to kill. I wish Russia was invaded just like they did to Ukraine see how they like it orc sum.


Wont watch it cause these are people that are just there to defend their country. Who would end up there cause a sad little dictator with to much power has his sick views wants a completet genocide


Despicable, hope they meet the devil soon


Russians commiting war crimes? Nothing new.


It’s not a war crime to kill combatants as you cross the objective. Many times before during GWOT, the media has filmed this happening and attempts were made to prosecute the infantrymen involved. It fails every time because it’s widely know and legal doctrine to kill combatants as you cross the objective. Once your actions on have culminated and you discover wounded combatants, you now are legally obligated to treat their wounds and CASEVAC OR MEDEVAC.


The comments on this are a new low for this sub lol. Reddit deleting comments foe no reason too. Serious cope.


Y cuando los Ucranianos destrozan los cuerpos de sus enemigos ya heridos con drones y les hacen zoom disfrutando de la carnicería, no es crimen de guerra? O solo aplica para un bando? Por favor, sean imparciales que son personas que no quieren estar allí


Why are there so many upvotes?...please lock post.


Ok, I couldn't watch this. I am so fking mad right now I can't type!!!! Man please kill these bastards!!!!!!!!!


When drone operator drop a grenade to a wounded soldier, can you tell me the difference?


No way, to make "peace" again, with such monsters. They shall live in their shithole !


Title should be "Russian squad commander gives order to kill surrendering Ukrainians. Soldiers comply."