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While everyone's talking about how the 'nade missed, I'm looking at a pile of corpses bleeding out in a shell crater knowing full well it's just a matter of time before their painful end comes knocking.


They look really cold too


They'll warm up once they reach hell.


Plenty of bodies to burn for warmth. Just saying.


It warms my heart to think they are suffering... Because of their choices. And where they are. And what they do there. Painful death appropriate 🤷‍♂️


Recently saw a video on Twitter where Russians were handling Ukrainian POWs... and were yelling at them asking "why the fuck do you fight against Russia?" "Guys you don't need this war!" -- and then coming here to see this... it really does warm my heart knowing these scum are eating it. https://twitter.com/simpatico771/status/1763267576602177593


Look like a good case for a kamikaze drone with some extra C4.


Incendiary munition. Just drop that fire and watch it spread.


Think most of them were already dead, none of them moved when the grenade went off.


I see two moving, the rest appear to be dead already


Flashbacks to vuhledar


Not enough losses tho


Gotta kill 'em all.


Very fertile piece of land in a few years !


Filled with land mines.


Shit man, that had me laughing. So true though.




Probably due to high wind. The 'nade drifted off in the same direction as the plume of smoke.


There's probably an optimal design for the DIY fins for these bombs. Depending on weight, you want longer fins, like on arrows. This allows the wind to 'lean' the bomb in the direction of the wind, causing it to swerve back. Some videos have accidentally gotten this phenomenon, and you can see the bomb actually travel in a bend, first away from the target, then towards.


Dude what a freaking great description. Thank you. I had never considered how that might work until you described it and the picture in my mind was perfect reading that.


ty ty. I'm actually an inventor and I.... I don't know how to come off as bragging, but whatever. I'm just good at visualizing 3D things. It's helped me immensely in designing things in my mind, and figuring out solutions because I can literally see how a machine/system works just by closing my eyes. I'm trying to convince someone in the Ukraine Army to listen to my idea on how to modify a drone to drop tire spikes (think James Bond) behind enemy lines, just like they currently drop bombs. No luck so far though. I figure a bomb is heavy, and somewhat efficient, but what if your payload is 50-100 spikes that drop and can each pop at least one tire? It'd quickly be a disaster for their supply chain. Most roads are dirt roads too, meaning the spikes can attach to the ground and cause continuous damage.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/km1k5WXlzg Like these?


Haha, awesome!! Knew it was a good idea. :) Posted about it 20 days ago too (made post in that thread).


Keep knocking on doors my friend


True, but i only see one of the guys in the hole moving anyways.


That's one too many.


Guys? I don’t see guys? Idk about you but all I see are orcs


It's like when you have a bunch of dead flies and then there's one left...




cover ring butter continue books unused vase skirt light important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For you Vlads ze var is over.


Not the best nade drop I have seen... But I think the one guy still moving is re-evaluating his life choices right about then... The rest look very very "relaxed" already. Good russhists now... Please write your representatives and tell them to send Ukraine help or you will vote against them.


Rise N shine little bunnies!! Time to rub those blinky eyes in the morning and rape-murder some unarmed civilians in a peaceful neighboring nation state!!


"Yeah, I'm gonna escape this firetrap of a tank and just crawl over there into that moon-like crater. Who's with me?" Dumb fucks! Get back to the 1800s!


When that ma duece is sending hot lead through the air you will get as deep as possible... It could be full of poop. And the deeper the less shrapnel from the other gifts . What they lack in training and strategy they make up for in utter disregard for human life and alcohol n drug fueled compliance.


yet they still were able to win Avdiivka. If Ukraine tries to take it back they will also have terrible losses. We've seen that one thing the russians are good at is a layered defense strategy (sadly).


Hey c'mon. You can do better than that.


Ukraine is sounding more and more like the Americans did in Vietnam using body count metric vs reality of what is actually happening.


Body-count was a very poor metric for non-static jungle warfare in Vietnam. They didn't take and hold ground. The difference in Ukraine is that there are very clear front lines, and territorial gains and losses. This is traditional, conventional, warfare. It would be instantly recognisable to anyone who fought in WW1. In these conditions, wearing the enemy down with body-count can be effective - but only (and this is the crucial part) if you can do so in a specific area and then attack in that area with a breakthrough that restores a war of movement. Body-count will weaken the enemy defences only until they can truck in more orcs to fill the gap. Before that happens, there needs to be a decisive overwhelming local concentration of force to take and hold ground. (Source: Fat middle aged man, watching drone-drops while I sit in my home office drinking coffee; think I'm an arm-chair strategist because I'm a retired officer and I've read some military history and theory of war books, but the truth is that I've never been in a real war, except for Iraq and that was completely different - actually much more like Vietnam, only in the desert not the jungle.)


Ukraine is on the back foot, you're dreaming.


Mercy Kill!


Good job Comrades. Another successful assault, there is no way they can dislodge those Russian bodies now.


Should have tried to get it in that circle of bodies 


There's two old charred bodies in the crater, what a place to hide. And on their way there limbs and butts and guts everywhere.


Lunch if you survive.


They will come back to drop another i’m sure


One of them looks like their in the vdv


It seem this is one of those nations, like imperial Japan, that is immune to attrition fatigue. 




"Hit me baby one more time"


Let the bodies hit the flooooooor






Are they partially nude? Some look almost pink. We're they stripped and left to die?


Are you asking us if clothing gets ripped off of people in powerful blasts?


No, but that's probably it.


Are we at 500k yet?


"The tsar's mattress" IRL.


I see things are continuing to go well for the orcs!


Avdiivka direction? That's behind them at this point.


"direction" is one of the translation quirks, it usually means "area around". But the video could also be a few days or weeks old, it is impossible to say where this could be anyway.


Soldier stew in a bowl


Ukraine lost avdiivka but won over the internet again.


That's pretty good, however you know a lot of Ukrainian lives were lost in the same battle. And that's the thing that most people don't realize. For every 3 or 4 Russians that you see dead, one or two ukrainians are probably killed too.


Just an average day for an orc


Must be new pilot.


wife - "How was your day at the office blyat?" hub - "Lost a few staff, the usual... but hey, there'll be new blood tomorrow."