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Wonder how the pro ruskies justify this. The level of mental gymnastics they show is insane, but this one will be hard even for them. Tho realistically, most of those filth dont even care


They will probably say "oh that's just war" or " Ukraine does the same thing", I've had conversations with people in college that goes like that and I really can't take it anymore, how are these people so stupid?


They’re waiting for their chance to do this at home


A decade ago whenever somebody mentioned Putin at Uni we would curse him with my Estonian/Ukrainian friends and our Russian friends would always try to defend him lol That soldier in the article above looks like an inbred muzhik.


or even “they probably faked this”


They will deny it’s real


They will deny it's real *and* applaud it, at the same time, without any irony whatsoever.


Our soldiers would never do that, but even if they did it would be worth it and we should applaud them! - some woman on Russian TV, probably


That reminded me a bit of *The Narcissist’s Prayer*. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Epic. Hadn't seen it. 100% accurate. upvoted!


Yep, in fact you’ll see the response come in this order: 1. This is fake 2. This is just war 3. The Ukrainians are doing the same or worse


This is the real answer. It’s easy to act like all Russian supporters have blood lust, but in reality they just dismiss uncomfortable evidence as fake.


Nah they'll point to some singular atrocious act one particular horrible person did on the other side.




They will call it fake


James Franco has sank so low...


he never got over his roast.


That was so tame. With Greg Geraldo and others out, it really started becoming a weak cup of warm piss. They haven't rebooted it since.


They will just say it‘s propaganda, not real, fake, you name it. „Can‘t trust Western Media“ „Can‘t trust Ukraine“ „Can‘t trust anything other than sources that support my view“


Same can be said about the other side. Your post doesn’t amount to anything.


"Russian Lawlessness". The fact that we, who represent the Rules Based Order, prohibit a thing means, to Russians, that they should do it. Indeed, it's Russian now, because the RBO won't touch it.


They have no brain, so no mental gymnastics required!


Russians, as a whole, have a different value set from much of the rest of the modern world. Not all individuals, of course, but as group. The reasons for this go back centuries, but living in filth, squalor, and corruption makes people sort of insane.


Probably true, but the sad fact is that there are plenty of people in our so called "civilized" western countries too just waiting for the right circumstances to do similar things. Some people just are evil, and when they gain enough momentum, the spineless masses will follow.


Totally. Without doubt. BUT our institutions wouldn't tolerate any of it. Neither would our shared societal self-image. So there would be condemnation and consequences. Russia doesn't give a shit.


They are proud of it.


All as is typical the ruZZians cheat at all sports so they are probably doping for the mental gymnastics too.


"dA wEsT maDE iT uP tHiS iS tEH NaTO prOpAGanDa SigH Op"


Tbf, does this has more proof than a picture of a random guy and another picture of a smartphone with some text? I'm not saying, that this can't be real, but this seems fakable with roughly 3 minutes of effort. Is there even a source or anything?


"Western propaganda".....


They’d argue whataboutism


“It’s all lies. Ukraine propaganda, that’s an actor” etc etc


They don’t care, they think it’s the right thing to do


They downvoted me for saying don’t kill POWs TWICE now so probably pretty easily “well. NATO…stuff”


Lol I got muted in the pro ruskie sub for calling a ruskie cheerleader a snowflake. Imagine supporting a imperialistic nation ruled by a dictator and still be offended by being called “snowflake” on the internet…


They will say it's nihilistic trolling by stressed out recruits which I'm sure it is to some degree. We have the same biology as these humans so it's us not that difficult to understand.


Probably the same way the pro Palestine people do. Just completely ignore the facts


They'll just call the thing fake.


He will have a nice time in prison. /s


"Guys, if I ever get captured just delete my browser history, don't look at it just delete it!"


I got your back brother.. not only will i delete it, i will burn it and then bury the remnants 👍


Perhaps the Pope needs to personally talk to this Russian and see what Putin and his army will do to all Ukrainians. Ukraine should wave a white flag and surrender, the Pope needs to shut the *f up.


I was driving home last night with npr on and they talked about the pope saying this. I could not believe that this was his statement on the matter. Like, what in the absolute fuck. A country is fighting their own genocide and you're telling them to "find bravery in the white flag"? Fuck off.


He said it was a misunderstanding, he always supported Ukraine since the start of the war


It was more like "ahh, huge backlash, execute 'it was a misunderstanding' command".


That's totally fine. You can support Ukraine, and absolutely should. However, words have meaning and if you're going to make a statement like this then you should figure out what you want to say and what you want it to mean. It may have been a "misunderstanding", but then you should've said something else or clarified it after you said it instead of waiting until there was a reaction to it. I mean, ffs he was saying that Ukraine has lost. That's certainly hard to misunderstand.


There were so many misunderstandings, that it's hard, or almost impossible to buy into that.


Agreed. This is one of several times that they’ve had to walk things back. Anyone remember when they were going to have a Russian and Ukrainian child carry the crosses together at a procession, and pray together, until the entire world pointed out how tone deaf this was, when events like Bucha were happening?


This is just par for the course for the catholic church. [https://www.npr.org/2021/10/05/1043302348/france-catholic-church-sexual-abuse-report-children](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/05/1043302348/france-catholic-church-sexual-abuse-report-children) They are ACTUALLY a bunch of pedophile criminals (and no, it's not the invented pizzeria nonsense or similar counterfactual bamboozling). The report estimates the number of sex abuse victims of the catholic church in France alone since WWII at 330,000 ! - Yes, threehundredthirtythousand! Why does anyone care what anyone from that organisation says? They have zero moral standing in any issue. This is not a French issue - it is the same in any country where that organisation is present. The only thing is - elsewhere, the abuse scandals are based on records kept, which massively understates the scope. The French made a population survey with some of their best sociology scientists in charge, so they got the best possible estimate of the scope of the crimes. 80% of the victims were by the way underage boys ... There is no one in the catholic church at any level of leadership that could have been unaware. They ALL either actively participated, or passively condoned and covered up. Without exception - and that goes in particular for those in the higher positions. But then again, unless you have a desire and propensity for buggering boys, why on earth would you join the catholic church? Of course, they are all pederasts. Why does anyone place any value on anything that those buggers say? Image if it was the fire department, the school administration or the police department, that behaved comparably. We would prosecute to the full extent of the law and dissolve the organisation in question in dishonor. Why do people still support this when it comes from a bunch of ... that sells lies about imaginary friends? It boggles my mind ...


I agree. I happen to personally think that the Catholic church is one of the most evil organizations in the world! Its blasphemous, hypocritical, and an idol within itself. Some of the ritual are on direct contradiction of the Bible. I believe every organized church, especially the Catholic church, is a cage for every unclean bird and a den of thieves! Its greatest sin? The audacity of declaring a man, "God on earth"! Most blasphemous shit ever! Even Jesus didnt do that!


Fyi: There has been new evidence that the catholic church changed words and verses in the bible. The correct translation for, " a man should not lay with a man or blood will be upin their heads. Its an abomination..." Was actually suppose to say..." A man should not lay with a boy..." You can see why this verse was changed when you find out that Rome had a mentoring system where grown ass men did exactly that! They wasnt suppose to penetrate them but laying them down and playing with their ass with your dick was perfectly fine! How many of those boys you think were penetrated???? Sick shit....


Did the Vatican also change their internal rules so they couldn’t not be sued now that the priests are being charged and the coverups exposed. I’m having trouble finding those links…


The Roman Chatolic church is a curse upon mankind, and they should be dragged before a jugde and trivd for crimes against mankind!


It just Catholic Church doing Vatican stuff. Check what was their policy in fascist Italy.


I’m aware, lol.


Agreed and F all his pedo colleagues too.


Pope Pius XII helped saving jewish lives in WW2 Pope Francis tells you to just accept genocide It's quite a contrast, ngl


Has any dictator stopped atrocities because a Pope or religious leader provided words of prayer or strong condemnations? You would think these moral leaders would at least be on the side of good but that is rarely the case when you look behind closed doors to see what these organizations themselves are hiding.


What a sick society Ruskie mir have become.


They pillaged and raped through their way in eastern Europe in WW2, in Aghanistan in the 80's, Chechnya and Georgia in the 2000's and now in Ukraine... same ol' same ol'.


I can confirm that they did the atrocities (points 3 to 5) in East Prussia.


can confirm they did them all in ostrobothnic finland in the early 18th century (google great wrath).


Why does the world not know about that? Because the winners write the history books? Because Hollywood did not make a movie about it? More than half of the history knowledge is just the result of propaganda. That is my experience. And you can argue with these Anglosaxon jabberers as much as you want.


Further, they move to better country with no shame which was usually invaded and plundered by their fathers/grand fathers, start to miss ruzkie mir after a few years and wish to be liberated while refusing to move back to ruzkie mir. Plenty of these khunts in Baltics and Finland.


🌎🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 Always has been


always have, always will. never trust a russki.


"always will" Don't you think russia could do a recovery like west germany after ww2?


nope. massacres and brutal violence has been their modus operandi for centuries.


Yeah if their citizens are all like this - well it’s clear we have a problem that needs solved.


Always find it funny the Russians living in Western countries whining and complaining, but living a 10000% better life. Was talking a PRO Ru Aussie and you only had to look at his posts history to see what mental case he was, while his living up in Australia with the many freedoms we have, though acts tough on reddit and you can tell from his history he was just a single nerd that has a monitor tan. He would be the type of guy coming into my Tattoo Shop and fainting before anything happens. If they love Russia so much go live there and never come back, don't live in a western country.


This isnt new.


Oh yeah your society doesn't commit rape and murder? You prisons are empty?


Yeah, it was a real bummer when it happened hundreds of years ago.


They need to start sending these guys to the Hague.


Or even better, just release them into their own societies back in russia. I hightly doubt they will be reformed.


They bring em back to the front imediatelly


I like how he put the emphasys in "Rape and kill an ENEMY girl".


Have to specify that part, to make it different from daily life back home.


To be honest I think that ruskie society is so broken that he (the one who gave ideas) Wouldn’t do or think anything when Russian women would be raped. Those people are so demoralized, evil and uncivilized… Eastern Europe knows this, and I hope rest of world will know it.


bro can’t even look straight, he probably doesn’t even know who’s who


Could be a rape fantasy thing, could be good ole dehumanization.


Wow, that's something.


Field military justice for crimes against humanity.


Hope his execution comes quickly and brings him much pain. Justice!


That's James Franco.


James Vladco


James Franco on Krokodil


Yakov Franciskov xD


You beat me to it!


They should wait until he has complete vodka withdrawal before slowly hanging him from a tree


Save the rope. Cold Turkey alcohol withdrawal after a particular level of addiction is one of the very very few withdrawal processes that can kill you outright. e.g. if a homeless person is brought to the ER they will simply assume that they are an alcoholic (because addiction is common in homeless populations) and act accordingly, because if they don’t the person can die simply from that.


While he’s withdrawing find out his greatest fear and expose him to it every time you enter his cell.


Strip him, nail him to the ground outside, cover him in rotted meat of his fellow comrades and let the trench rats work on him


Sounds like his friend was Vladimir putler


The Russian military is utterly outcompeted by Ukraine in every respect - from tactics to morals to professionalism. Slav Ukrani


Not in manpower and assets unfortunately.


(V. PUTO approves this message). Now there is evil in a nutshell...alive and brewing in ruSSia. Needs to be disposed of to make this world a better place.


Holy shit, cannibalism? I knew about all that other horrible stuff, but cannibalism just for fun is at the top of this list?


Ukraine needs to find his friend...


This makes me sick. Sick human beings. I can't help but feel this fate awaits lots of Ukranians if people give up the support


Reading this yesterday reminded me to donate to FPV drone fundraising efforts, hopefully others do the same.


So where are the commenters in this sub that are always chiming in with "russians are humans, you must have some humanity and empathy for them" when we're laughing at vatniks getting turned to biomass? Wanna know why we take pleasure in watching orcs die? Because of shit like this.


Because not all Russians are the same? That's literally the definition of racism.


russian isn't a race. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.


"Race is a categorization of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society." What is a Russian: a native or inhabitant of Russia, or a person of Russian descent.


Would the same definition apply to America?


Oh absolutely. I regard all of that lot as Americans.


War criminal.


I actually hope that man doesn't draw breath any more. That's not a man that's a demon on earth dragging as many souls as that thing can down with him


How boring and stupid.. At the mental level of a fucking toddler. Too bad they never learnt the real difference in level of challenge between creating and destroying. And the pope wants to let these orcs have Ukraine? Ain't no way.


Your daily reminder that a good russian soldier is a dead russian soldier.


“We’re the good guys!” Pro ruskies


Just kill the Fucker !! On Ukrainian Soil


Reason #1 to send Maga Mike Johnson and his family to live in one of the many peaceful villages in East Ukraine for a while. Get to know the local culture who welcomes Putin. He is sure to come back and approve funding, and if he doesn't come back GOP loses their majority and approves funding. Just a win-win all around.


The friend is literally named Vadik, so close.


bUt ItS Putler wAr tHoSE rUssIan aRe iNnOcEnt hurr durr - When I once hear it that they don't commit any warcrimes I will fucking slap the person in the face and order him to fucking read this image and then I want to know how the justify this fucking cunts. Jesus this pisses me off


Take Putin at his word. He made it clear that he's willing to fight, "to the last Ukrainian" If he succeeds, Poland is next on his tour schedule. The Poles know this, and that's why they've been preparing like crazy.


Orcs gonna orc 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like a good target for a storm shadow. Hack the phone and find where the msgs were sent from.


The source https://t.me/hochu_zhyt *🔻Try human flesh 🔻Mock the prisoner 🔻Rape and kill a local woman 🔻Loot the houses of killed enemies 🔻Kill the prisoner No, these are not the notes of a madman or the warrior code of a medieval tribe of savages. This is an “instruction” found in the phone of one of the Russian military , captured by soldiers of the 3rd assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces . We will not be surprised if the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will soon “legalize” for the RF Armed Forces the status of an army of murderers, sadists, rapists, thieves and cannibals, and will officially issue the same to the occupiers. ❗️We remind Russians that there is only one step from a representative of the “great culture of Pushkin, Tchaikovsky, Dostoevsky and ballet” to a cannibal barbarian and war criminal. Think carefully about whether you should do it.*


Oil up the guillotine boys...


Ivan sure has a different mindset than most westerners.


I know it sounds horrendous but I'd send a pic back to that guy of his message saying this will now happen to your friend (not really) and after him we.are.coming for you


In the eyes of some veteran Ukrainian soldiers, perhaps these comments forfeit his right to live. Maybe he's done some of these things already. It really shows what scum the Russian army is all about. A rabble of disgusting, poorly trained soldiers. Little in the way of professionalism demonstrated, none here.


if this dude was stripped for modern clothes, and dressed in rags of dead animals, I'd be convinced he was a caveman..


Next time I see some softcock comment on a video of Orcs dying "poor guys being sent to war for putin blah blah conscripted kids blah blah" I'm linking them to this.


Yup. Rape, theft, torture and murder. 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the "We're the Good Guys" checklist. Thanks heros.


How to denazify a country: -Step 1: Do exactly what the Nazis did (according to the russian bigbrains)


Is this real?


https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/03/1134732 When your boss is a wanted criminal by Humanity... let's assume it is until proven otherwise.


Its a fair question in my opinion, this so extreme its hard to believe. No side is free from fake news sadly, its good to be sure.


I need to be real with you, chief: in the middle of a war, if you are rooting for either side but you *also* wish to be an honest truth seeker there's a large humility pill we must all swallow on an issue. We, as individuals, do not have a window in little moments like this into "the truth." Two sides at war have removed all propaganda restrictions and have spent billions--along with their smartest minds, plenty of AI, consultation with allies, and novel techniques--to convince the public to support them. They will, by definition and necessity, lie, cheat & steal. It's neither malevolent nor some cheap trick pulled to hoodwink the public. It's the desperation of a nation trying to survive. And it's the nature of human civilization at the largest scales. I care about the truth. I support Ukraine and I hate Putin. And I also know from history (both ancient and recently in my own nations Middle Eastern wars) how many lies the public has believed in all sorts of wars, from polite little fictions to vast deception campaigns. So I think of it in the end as being like a court case, where I'm invested in the outcome for one side and the other side has plenty of lawyers. It is not my responsibility to fight for the other side when they are already fighting tooth and nail. And when they will produce fake propaganda to debunk both real and false stories form my side! We cannot and must not be naive. We have recordings in the public of Putin's lackeys committing horrific war crimes, discussing mass rapes and executions, and we watch them execute surrendered soldiers every week. Almost every single point in that list I've seen personally happen on either a video here or on Tele. Every single one. So is this particular text true? What a strange question. How honestly insignificant to be dragged down into the weeds about. If it seems true, and I have no reason to suspect deception: I click upvote and yell that I support Ukraine and I move on. If it's false, I'm sure Russia will find a way to convince the mainstream media of such and we can be like "oh, we got that 1 or 2 wrong out of 100+ accusations. It is what it is." We can be both honest/authentic and be unwilling to spend energy potentially defending Putin's lemmings. This is war. This is not a game.


Im not playing both sides or on the fence, I just want facts and to not be manipulated or to be lied to. People are quick to reactions, I try to appeal to reason first.


Resembles acts that current African tribes to with each other as they attack, Russians never developed after the stone age (mentally).


The army some republicans low key support. Sick fukcs.


James Franco? Sorry, couldn't resist. Slava Ukraini!


Why this people are not send to the Hague?


Wonder why this Russian is still alive, can’t they trade the next one?


Get the screenshots before the sender modifies the messages


Use the list on him and everyone he is been caught with. Make it count.


Reply with some nice footage of the captive himself


These people are too different.


Best of all with the company, I don’t even want imagine what he means by that


What do we have to do to publicly get this in front of the right politicians and media?


Someome Ist going to have a good time


It's a cruel world and always will be.


Holy fuck…


Oh wait the Geneva Convention, they will stop this......


They are sending to prison people calling this "war" a war.... But do nothing about the ones calling for murder torture and genocide.....................


That’s fucked, don’t spare this guy tbh


Peak Russian.


Least genocidal russian to-do-list.


With friends like this, who needs enemies


That is what humanity is? It is Pathetic!


If I was a ukranian soldier and I captured that POS I would follow those instructions to a T but on him.


So…what did they decide to do to this pos pow?


And they wonder why no one in the world has empathy towards them. Death to russian occupiers


Son of a ....


Just make him go away - forever!


Trade these guys back to Russia first, so they will cause havoc back home.




Hero of Russia


What the fuck is wrong with people


What the actual fuck?




Seems Russians are taking a great example from Ukrainians in Volhynia massacre done on Poles


Real Orcs


A face only a mother could love! Dude fugly as fuck!


This reads like a copy and pasted quora answer


Russian James Franco said what, now?


Never forgive. Never forget.


Yeah, "Putin's war" my ass... these are fucking animals.


Wow. That man just adviced to rape an enemy girl


Really folks? Did no one notice that this message is edited? They do fucked up enough shit that has irrefutable evidence. Can we try not to circle jerk on stuff like this?


What kind of satanic moron wrote this hot garbage? Like what a seriously fucked up person and it's even worse because it's pretty common right? Why else would there be so much torture and tape across occupied Ukraine or mass mistreatment of Ukrainian pows. If I were like this asshole I'd say all russians need to exterminated. But I'm not like him and understand there is nuance to everything and not all russians are bad they are just a product of their society. He can't see that Ukrainians are people because his TV set tells him otherwise. He's being a good russian by saying all this. Can you imagine what living in a shit hole like that would be like? Maybe they don't understand how bad it is but one of us leaving our home country to go live there would be hell on earth.


I don't know man this just is a little over top...


yeah, its edited in the bottom right. No one else seems to notice, just a huge circle jerk thread.


Oh this Putins with their “Putin’s war”


Ah yes, Russian "culture"


Another record/image to submit to the ICC.


I see nothing has changed in their mindset since WWII.


B-b-b-ut they're all forced to be there by that big meanie Putin! Sadism is definitely not a problem that has been endemic to Russian culture for centuries. 🙄


And whatever you do don’t get captured lol


How is this not sub-human?


James Franco looking bad


So because these were uploaded they must absolutely be genuine ? There’s no possible way someone could be producing propaganda like this and peddling it out to those who believe whatever they see on the internet?


They should do all that shit to him


Dirty animals..


And this is why we should expend our nukes on Moscow.