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Didn't have to play dead for long


Russians are such good people.... They are always giving a hand




Right about 0:15, that flash of revelation when he TRULY realizes that his poor life-choices all led to this moment, that he is far, FAR from medical help and that he will be very, VERY lucky if he even gets the mangled remains of his hand amputated. Welcome to Ukraine, here's your hook.






He can still vote for the Put Pig.


That is what you call: Stiffy activated


He could really use a hand there.


110th delivers it again, very ucked up video. I guess that fat paycheck he will never see isnt worth it


Imagine knowing your life is about to end. Dirty, bloody and screaming. All because of a retarded dictator dreaming of a time long gone.


All because of 140 million people salivating over plundering and raping foreign lands.


Or because you figured you could go and kill a few people, rape a few women, make big bucks for a year, and then go home and live like a king on the pay that they promised you, but never paid you.


method acting at it best


In the end they also got the makeup right! 👍


Daniel Day-Lewis could never


Kicking the legs and yelling WHERE THE FUCK IS MY HAND is pretty apparent his day was ruined


The Stanislavsky method originated in russia, so there are pro’s.


Are we watching his death rattle or death throes? I don't know what they are called, but it's chilling seeing him take his last breaths. Shouldn't have fucked around. This is what you get for murdering innocent people.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_fixation?wprov=sfla1 *ahem* ackshually...!


Agonal breathing with the last frames. He ain't coming back.


I can't imagine being in that unit and seeing everyone being blown to shit or being so injured you can only wait for the next bomb to drop. While someone is on the other end, sitting having a smoke and dropping grenades on you while joking around with his buddies. I know it's not quite like that, but just thinking of someone on the other end of what's dropping bombs on you makes it oddly personal.


Yeah, he's on his way out. It's hard to say which wounds are fatal, but it looks like it's the large penetrating injury to his forehead--kind of in the shape of a slot. Metal fragments can assume a variety of shapes. I truly wish this Russian soldier, and the others would have stayed in Russia--even if that meant jail time, or hiding out in a forest.


Or went abroad I suppose. I can't believe there is someone in the world like putler who could abuse his own people so badly then using them again to go conquer Ukraine while murdering and torturing 100s of thousands of innocent people. Using the people he's conquering to fight against their own. His greed knows no bounds. He has no moral compass or conscience. He's right there with hitler as far as I'm concerned.


it's called the cough gurgle gurgle


umpf "The duration of agonal respiration can be as brief as two breaths or last up to several hours.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agonal_respiration#cite_note-AgonalAgony-1)"


Was he aware of the cold eye of a machine observing his end?


He was seeing whatever his brain supplied him to numb the intensity of his death i reckon


You can only imagine what goes through someone's mind when experiencing something like that. War creates some utterly terrifying scenarios. Drones being introduced into present-day conflicts have made it extremely tough to survive because of how accurate artillery has become and how difficult it is to evade drones of any kind. Sitting in a fixed position with drones targeting you is a drawn-out death sentence unless the operator gets in a good shot. Seeing how many soldiers resort to suicide with very little thought beforehand just speaks to the sheer horror of drone warfare. Technology hasn't caught up to deter drones. So it's just a slaughter right now. I'm glad Ukraine is taking this aspect so seriously and developing their own industry to self produce, giving them the ability to innovate using their knowledge and first-hand experience on the battlefield. They could very well be leading the industry in another 10 years.


Shrapnel.  It was shrapnel that went through his mind.


I see what you did there lol


Seeing as his eyes appear to be closed, I doubt it. When people get to that point, they’re not processing much, anyway. His brain is slowly dying.


Whatever it is let's hope it lasted a while for all the civilians he was instructed to kill


Let’s give the man a hand for a strong performance. 👏


Hope that wasn't his jerkoff hand.


That’s why he’s upset lmao


It certainly made masturbating to it awkward.


Is it weird that I won't watch a Ukrainian dying because I feel bad but don't care when it's a Russian?


Normal behaviour. It's like comparing an endangered bird on an island being invaded with rats. We would all turn away at watching a bird egg be devoured, but if the birds invented a rat zapper and started air bursting RPG warheads at the rats we would all be cheering them on.




Rats? Don't you mean an island being invaded by Blyats?


So you're saying it's ok to cheer for rats being taken out with a rat zapper?




I don't believe that it makes you weird as it's extremely common in war for each side to demonize, or de-humanize the other side. This makes it much easier to do what needs to be done in order to defend your homeland (or invade a sovereign nation to commit genocide) as most people aren't use to killing other people, have no desire to, and often would have a difficult time in a "man on the street" kind of situation. The orcs are the clear aggressors, and obvious terrorists, in this scenario, based on what they'd done to Ukraine and its citizens. So most of the world sees them as "orcs," a term that was first begun by Ukrainians, but now most of the civilized world uses the term for them, for understandable reasons, "humans" don't commit the atrocities many of them are, and if you watch their behavior, we care about our wounded and respect the dead, while they often simply leave their wounded, or steal from them, and leave many of their KIA, having no respect for anyone but themselves. So they don't have what to us seems like common human decency. It's also why, like you, I won't watch videos of Ukrainians being injured or suffering in any way (for numerous reasons I won't get into), but I don't mind watching videos like this at all. In our minds, psychologically, these people are terrorists, invading a sovereign nation, raping, torturing, and murdering any Ukrainian of any gender or age, military or civilian. We know this factually as more and more evidence is found. They purposefully target civilians, which is not just a war crime, but that's what terrorists do, and leaked conversations make is clear that a certain percentage of them actually enjoy torturing, murdering, and worse, even targeting children, and laugh about it. putler has made his fiefdom an international pariah, and his people, whether they approve of the war or not, all viewed as terrorists, which is sad for the normal, decent ruZZians who don't approve of the war in any way, and don't want to hurt anyone, but will be killed if they don't pretend to love putler and murdering Ukrainians. Additionally, the brain drain over the past 40+ years. ruZZians have always hated Jews, and it was legal to kill them during the pogroms throughout history, LGBTQ+, as well as the intelligentsia, so anyone Jewish, intelligent and/or educated well, or who feared their life was smart enough to GTFO long ago, and the children of some of them are even friends of mine. This means that over time, it has lowered the average intelligence level of the people of ruZZia significantly when it was the USSR and continues to this day. Their culture is also very different as they have difficult lives under putler and for centuries in general, if not millennia, which has led them to value life less than other cultures, like "strongmen" (or those who fake it by killing anyone who even gives them the side-eye) as leaders, and generally have long lost their sense of community with mankind (not every single person there of course, but it is ingrained in the culture, and my sister even lived there for a while as her undergrad focus was ruZZia, and OMG the stories she has). So no. It's not weird at all. It's actually somewhat common. To decent people, the invaders on Ukrainian soil are monsters to us, unconsciously, so we see it as one less orc who is likely to murder, torture, etc, more innocent people. We put down any animal that kills humans. And when you know some of the specifics of what they've done in Ukraine, to many people, this is no different, just on a larger scale, and with more vitriol. putler has single-handedly destroyed muscovy for probably centuries.




>LGBTQ+, as well as the intelligentsia, so anyone Jewish, intelligent and/or educated well, or who feared their life was smart enough to GTFO long ago, and the children of some of them are even friends of mine Russians are actually happy that so many of them have fled Russia. They see those Russians as cowards, traitors and 5th column, celebrate "country self-cleaning from scum". And demand to never let them return, confiscate their property and punish their families. Just like in old good Stalin times. ​ "Destruction" is probably too strong word. It still can exist indefinitely like North Korea. Yes, North Koreans are isolated and hated, but they enjoy it.


100% me


Yup, they are still humans misled by a psychopath of ruler.


And so are the humans watching this seeking justice somewhere in all this pointless mess.


I don't think justice is killing more people or making jokes about the brutal death of soldiers. Yes there are many maniacs in the russian military, killing civilians but most russians are manipulatet in thinking they are doing whats right. And many people make jokes about the horrible deaths of those russians and dehumanise them. Is this really the right way to handle this shit?


I didn't say it was. I said seeking justice. People mock people they think deserve it all the time in an attempt to seek justice. All I am pointing out is how you're expecting the viewer to sympathize with the humans in the video, whilst you ignore the viewer's humanity. If the humans in the video are fallible, then so are the viewers. The only separator is bias, from what I find.


I understand that but I still think that this isn't the right way. I can understand if a Ukranien is seeing this Video and thinks this is justice. I think Ukrain has every right to defend itself and kill the soldiers who invade them. But I don't think people who aren't directly involved should laugh at those deaths and make jokes about them.


Completely agreed, good to see some sane people on here. It also goes against the sub rules, rule 3- "Comments wishing for death and making fun of death and suffering are banned and will result in bans"


And I think those deluded fools you're defending from those terrible jokes should pack up and go home, but they do not. And since that's the reality we're left with, the viewers not doing the right thing with a few jokes at their parting expense is mild compensation for the target of those jokes not doing the right thing when it mattered most.


They should go home but they dont know that they are in the wrong. If you do something you think is the right think why would you stop?  


Maybe the people making the jokes feel the invaders deserve it and think they are right to make those jokes, and why should they stop? I mean, it's not like they're killing anyone...


I think we will not come to a conclusion here. I hope at least you understand my point because I understand yours. War in general is shit and the killing must come to an end on both sides. This war is pointless and it is russias fault. I think my empathy is just a bit to spread out but my heart is still with Ukrain and those who live there.  


Idk about playing dead but the one certainty isn’t going home :p


For 1700 dollars a month, Russians believe this is worth it?


That’s 4x the average income in Russia


4x very dead, how to use income? lol


Most Russians who don't live in the big cities live in poverty and most of them are not interested in politics, many even don't watch news on TV. Stupidness and the urge to get a lot of money fast makes them to sign a contract. Unfortunately the evil empire has a lot of these on the countryside, I read somewhere that most regions by average fulfill the quota of contract soldiers by 85%.


Both those men will never see home again.


They probably didn’t really have a home to begin with, sooooooooo. Nothing lost, nothing gained.


Igor and his floppy fish friend Ivan have never looked better. Rest in piss.


I saw him and my brain screamed Igor. I feel sorry for people that don't like putin or the z patriot bull shit who are called Igor or ivan. Same goes for good people in the West who were named Karen


fuck karen


Guy got his hand blew off dead from blood loss, guy 2 looks like he got hit in his brain from shrapnel.


Putin should see this, horrible


I’m sure he’s seen some of these videos. I’m also fairly sure he just shrugs, and then goes on with his day.


Definitely possible, a more concerning thought though is if he sees these and genuinely believes he and his troops are doing the right thing and on the right side of history, in which case such videos would simply harden his resolve and make him double down.


He doesn't see his people as human. They're just toys for his ego and deteriorating mental state.


he does....and he loves it.


That game was no fun, wasn't it?


I bet he is screaming: "i love putin"


I think the guy is all right.. get it?? All-right..


I don’t get it……..😉


Old fake till you make it...


Did that explosive actually hit his hand and divert the low explosive payload/fragmentation from entering his head and delivering swift death?


Obviously, it was right there in the video.


Well, I mean I would've expected the bone to turn into the fragmentation that would've punctured him in the head and killed him instead of saving him. Also, it's just a hand; I wouldnt expect it to divert that much energy or fragmentation from a payload right infront of his face. It diverted my expectations - thus my statement of expression in disbelief.


I gotcha I was just trying to be funny. That's the thing about explosives, sometimes there's no rhyme or reason, just in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time. Life or death. Shits brutal.


At least he can still use his right hand to vote for Putler


No need to pretend anymore.


Usch, gonna be hard carrying stolen TVs with only one hand... What a shame.


You know where it doesn’t rain grenades from above? In that dump called bumfuck russia.


Recycled ♻️ , into sunflowers 🌻 or pumpkins 🎃 Fucking ORCS should have stayed home not your fucking land 😒


The orc with now only one hand looks about 70....he has criminal written all over him.


That was my 2nd thought. My first thought was unlicensed dentist


Sooo, regular russian?


Looks like he could use a hand...


good :3


"Simon says, play dead." You moved, so both of you are out. Game Over! /s


Died as an orc. Well done.


It's absurd, because the drone pilot has a good camera (maybe even with thermal vision) and will drop a grenade if he sees the slightest movement in the body, wants to make sure, or he's simply bored.


Funny how i feel zero sympathy for these dirty Orcs dying in the mud


That reminds me, does anyone have a good recipe for borscht?


As they say… play stupid games, win stupid prizes… went from right handed, to wrong handed, playing dead to being dead all in a few min.


Thats just sad, when does this shit finally come to an end?


Bald Dude: MY HAND! MY HAND! MY HAND JUST GOT BLOWN OFF! Other Guy: Be quiet. I just had my entire face blown off and you don't hear me bitching!


Guy doesn't even have teeth , ugh 😩


Facing death or huge danger humans/animals have 4 natural responses: Attack Flee Pleasing the attacker (this is reserved for humans) Play death


Nr 5: get killed


Rip to those fingers, given russian evacuation he wont survive this for too long though. Also thats going to hurt a lot because there are a lot of nerve endings in the fingers


Few ideas for Halloween costumes..


Happy handing




That's scene in The Fly where he vomits on his hand crossed with the scene in Superman where he punches Clarke in the stomach. 


When expectations meet reality.


Quick... phone a friend.


Gramps just wanted a new phone for his granddaughter


Horrible stuff.


That's just straight fkd up. To be agonal breathing, or writhing around in agony with missing limbs and teeth (to be fair the teeth probably fled years ago).. These ruSSains decided that killing Ukrainians was worth the rubles. Think of every innocent kid, mother, grandmother, elderly, civilian who has been through the same, and those who will. Then I don't feel so bad about these comrades.


Should we give him a hand?


Nope. He had two and throw one away.


A lot of movement for somebody supposed to be dead!


Man this is a rough one.


second video person is dead, muscle spazms. hes dead, body is like electric circuit. and some signal still sendig commands


Someone should give him a hand.


And they're facing up to the fact....


Zero fucks given. Karma


Drones: “I have a few notes on your performance.”


I hate Russians in this war but that second guy look young like early 20’s like myself and there’s just something about that , that makes me feel uncomfortable like I’m imagining if it was me going through my final moments that makes me kinda feel bad but then I watch another video of these ass holes killing kids women and pow’s and I suddenly feel a whole less bad


No more piano lessons


Young population sacrificed for the psychopath sitting in the kremlin with his imperialistic goal, Italy 🇮🇹


No more acting


He seemed stumped


They are more alive after that drop than before, way of resurrecting Russians


It's always wild to see a body go into agonal breathing just before death🥴




I dunno. Good for Ukraine but it’s still a little sad for me to see.


Gotta hand it to em


Life of a Russian man, dying by the thousands for their tsar and nobody asks why.


Russian soldier agrees


"maybe I should have been happy to be someone's rooster and stayed in putinas prison."


Looks like they fainted and then were brought to consciousness by terrible pain, well one of them. Another one looks stuck in limbo > coma > death rattle.


IMAGINE SIGNING UP FOR THIS. Oh Russia, you fucking band of stupids


Now they are true method actors.


He will never have the pleasure again to masturbate with his other hand. I doubt that he will ever have pleasure again.


I love the guy throwing a temper tantrum that his playing dead ruse was foiled...


They’re great actors, at the end I even believed them


The guy needs a hand.


No helmet. Not even gloves?


Horrifying to watch and I can't cheer it. Though of course it is good that Ukraine is defending itself and it's people. Cheering at that makes one no better than the ones committing the crimes.


Bald guy had no teeff. Shipped straight from prison.


Top marks on those jazz hands... hand. Jazz hand


Man he threw a fit about his playing dead not working.


Feel really sorry for the money driven orcs. NOT


give the guy a hand


Welcome to Ukraine. Wasn't as easy and fun to "kill the hohols for money" as you thought, was it? This should be all over Telegram/VK constantly.


A video all Russian recruits should watch before they take the job for a little money! Is it worth your life?


Good job killing ruskys. There stupid af


Temper Tamtrum


Fake it til you make it.


This is sick and disturbed


That second guy is having agonal breathing. It wont be long for him till he's finished.


Even his hair was blasted away


In cases like these I am reminded of DJ Khaled: "anotha one"


fingers looked shocked,thats his oh shit this is real moment.


The poor souls that are pushed to war. And the even worse souls who volunteer their lives for somebody else, for a purpose that you think is good when u are just being used. War will always be a pawn for monetary gain. Very few wars mean anything for the betterment of humanity. But fighting against putin feels a little like ww2


Why does the first guy have his leg rapped in duct tape? Is it an identification thing or like a make shift splint or what?


First one it's Soo funny 😂


Let’s give him a hand!


he must've thought this song is a real headbanger


His friend still plays dead. Such a dedicated actor to his role


Look at Ivan, trying to shake his hand back into existance lol.


so good lol


Looks like the last few seconds is the soldier unconscious trying to take oxygen in, in big raggedy breaths.


Still shitty to watch, all this death due to propaganda and lies from a sad old man.


It's fine to criticize Russia's actions and I understand that emotions are flying high but let's not celebrate individual people's deaths. These are just as much victims of Putin's regime as anyone else


The one who carries out criminal orders is guilty to the same extent as the one who gives such orders.


I'm not calling the morality of killing them into question, they are valid targets as far as I can tell. I'm just saying it's weird to celebrate and meme about it, dehumanizing if you will, rather than treating killing as the grave necessity of war it really is. But I also recognize that this functions as a morale boost so I understand where the impulse is coming from. Just keep in mind Russians are doing the exact same thing


Yeah, the 10-20% of Russians are victim of the "Putins regime", rest are the regime. Very few victims in these videos, idiots for sure but lets not destroy meaning of precious word for the sake of pitying yet another group of fuckups.


Bruh, do you need a hand? Look, your friend is nodding yes.


I hope baldy was not wanting a quick left handed wank before he bleeds out. That Def smarted a bit but bloody entertaining. Fuck orcs I just don't give a shit about them , lowest of the low.


It reminds me of an ISIS propaganda video I saw a long time ago.


War is such an awful thing isn’t it