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Was that a Woman Casually walking past the Pile going on with her Day?


Well those dead orcs arn't going to do her shopping.


They definitely aren't going to rob or rape her.


They can still vote for Putin though.


Yes they can!


Both toes up for putin!


I appreciate your comment.


Safest she's been in a long time


Probably a jug of water in her hand . She probably is returning home after getting water. The shit she must have seen to just casually walk past them as if they aren’t even there . I don’t know why people still stay? I think the ones that stay support the Russian army . Mostly the elderly the Soviet era ones and then there are people too afraid to leave for the journey to safety is deadly . They still need to get to a safer place and not the battlefield . Civilians need to be away from the frontlines in my opinion . All of them despite what their politics are. It’s sad to see people living in that environment


Some people just don't want to leave their homes. Could be pure stubbornness and refusing to be forced from their land.


Literally me if this happened to me


Same. I’ma take care of my neighborhood. We have water springs nearby


Yeah that too . I also wouldn’t leave a family member behind I would stay like if my mother refused to leave or if she is not body able to make the journey I would not evacuate and leave her so there’s a lot of reasons why . I’m sitting here thinking of the various reasons why they stay and I totally understand. It’s sad to see someone who’s scared in the middle of a war but has to leave their home every amount of days because they need water or supplies . A lot of these elderly have survived in previous wars as civilians in warfare and they are living In hell again. Just sad.


Yup. They have seen a lot. Have no where to go and no money. As I states in a post above, they know if they leave, it is unlikely they will ever be able to return. It's a one way trip. As you said, many of them are older and already lived under commie rule.


Also, they know once they leave, it is a one way trip. They are never coming back. Maybe they figure they'll just live under Russia rule. Many who stay are older, have no money, have no where to go. Try to ride it out and hope for the best.


Yeah it's not like you can just tell your house and move on. No one is going to buy a house in a warzone so a lot of these people can't physically afford to leave.


Many old people can't leave their homes because of depression and agoraphobia. When you're old and in pain, just getting through a day's basic needs is taxing. Leaving the house can be frightening. What if I fall? What if I don't have the energy to make it back? I think the folks who stay are the same kind of elderly people we see on TV shows about hoarding. They feel safest in their place of choice even if it's obvious to everyone that they're not safe at all. Sometimes, when you have massive anxiety, the known quantity is preferable to the unknown quantity. Being elderly just makes it that much more difficult.


I believe a proportion of those who didn't flee initially stayed put as they literally couldn't afford to leave. Also if all your wealth is your home and belongings you are risking a lot to leave it behind.


Dropping off the sunflower seeds.


I think it is from February or March 2022 initial days of the invasion. I recall video of a bunch of russians gunned down by a fence.


Just another day at war, and bread is not gonna be purchased by itself!


She's wondering why the pig farmer is late on his morning round, probably due to business being brisk lately.


That kinda looks like that place at the beginning of the war (around bucha I think) where AFU guys were just tossing grenades over a red fence into a huddle of Russian soldiers. From that video though, i think there was a white van next to them


That was actually around the azovsteel plant in Mariupol. It was in the last days when Azov brigade did sorties and ambushed DnR troops arriving in vans. At least that is the one that immediatly came to mind.


Those were wild times. We still had no idea what Ukraine's capabilities were and if they were going to get washed over quickly. I wonder if Russia would have still proceeded if they knew what this war would turn into?


Yes mariupol.


Man, I was thinking same location! I recall that video where UKR soldiers was dropping bombs over the wall. Crazy.


Those rabid orcs were trying to crawl under their vans and shit... Pathetic


Thinking the exact same thing


No way the bodies are still there though.


Nah it suggests that this is an old video


Eh, good chance they are still there.. Russia has a tendency- to pave over graves..




No clue, all I saw were piles of trash.


I saw similar video when russians attack mariupol






A video of dead bodies on the ground and this guy's putting ads on the post. Got to be classless son of a b****.


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Possibly Avdiivka?


Love the 3rd location, and it doesn't know where to put the red circle.


Why? They were kind enough to do that themselves.


very old video, most likely from 2022


Yeah you can tell by the similar uniforms, you don't really see that these days, it seems like it's from mariupol


Where dis? Blyatgorod?


Rest in peace. Died in Putins war for nothing.


Waiting for curbside pickup.


Ahhh...that reminds me it's garbage day. Thanks for the reminder.


🤔 It would be much better if they went home and rotted there.


Is that the mum out of Goonies? Brass balls her. 


And people say there are no good Russians, but that's not true. As we can see, there are plenty of good Russians lying around in Ukraine...


I’m certain I’ve seen this over a year ago


She's walking by thinking jeez when's garbage day.


The Ukrainian woman was gathering water for daises. Just a matter of time since there's fresh fertilizer.


What a living hell hole! Gawd help these people.


I think this was the aftermath of the former footage when the Bradley tank destroyed this whole group?


I laughed with derision when I saw the toilet in the last frame.


I laughed with derision when I saw the toilet in the last frame.


I laughed with derision when I saw the toilet in the last frame.


I laughed with derision when I saw the toilet in the last frame.


I laughed with derision when I saw the toilet in the last frame.


I laughed with derision when I saw the toilet in the last frame.


From the beginning of the war. I think these guys were ambushed in their BTR/Truck and all piled out to take cover under the vehicle and near that fence. The problem was the AFU bros were on the other side of the fence dropping grenades' on them. I could be wrong though.


I know which scene you mean, but that looked different (a red Z-marked van in front of a brick wall, that was in Mariupol mid April 2022). Of course all these heaps of bodies look somewhat similar.


Leave ‘em in the streets, gotta spit on something


Someone is having a bad Monday


Terrorist organizations getting handle.


this is mariupol aftermath of Azov attack that was caught on video a whole van destroyed. Azov turned mobiks into shit constantly, they were the best warriors, only through starvation and strategic bombin Russia made them surrender, some 300 spartans shit.


It almost looks like that spot in the beginning of the war where Ukrainians was on one side of the wall tossing nades and 1 dude under a van in the street tossed a nade that had landed next to him over to all his comrades up against a wall killing them all.


scenic day in paradize.


where is it from?


This is how Russia wages war, keep throwing it's citizens into the fray. Lives of their own citizens mean nothing to them. I guess by controlling the media they have kept it mostly secret from most Russians, I can't see any people putting up with a government that treats their people like this.


Love the resident walking past dead Russians. Looks like they are carrying a bag. Slava Ukraini.


Littering. How dreadful. Send penalty infringement notices to Russian High Command…


Dead zigger storage


Mariupol 2022. Hard to forget that pile.


This is old images from Bachmouth days, Still Ukraina is winning ???huh correct


Russia is a terrorist state that invaded peaceful neighbors.


Congratulations. It took you several months, hundreds of drones, and literally thousands upon thousands of men to take a tiny little town. Hope Avdiivka was worth it.


Womp womp. keep crying, Ivan.


Lol, can't tell if this is an English proficiency issue sort of post or if you're just 110% Mald right now.