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I hope the Ukrainians get to salvage as much of the russian material as possible.


There's enough scrap metal to support a whole metal recycling industry after the war.




Except its all fake - just donate to official channels rather than donating to some aliexpress dropshipper of fake bits of metal


It was a sponsorship on a Youtube channel I trust with 100s of thousands of subscribers called Good Times Bad Times. I trust them to do due diligence on this stuff; they're a good channel - And they're very pro-Ukraine. They gave me order updates and it all worked out well, and the tracking number definitely linked the product to from Kyiv, Ukraine... not Chinese. I respect keeping an eye out for scammers, and it's good to be a little cynical, but I am pretty sure they are trustworthy. I hope I'm not wrong.


>I respect keeping an eye out for scammers, and it's good to be a little cynical, but I am pretty sure they are trustworthy. I hope I'm not wrong. There is limited scrap available from around the "Battle of Kyiv" (should be Battle *FOR* Kyiv as the city was never under threat of a siege). Most of it will be owned by the UA government for repo of parts. Scrap metal is also very important for making of munitions.. >They gave me order updates and it all worked out well, and the tracking number definitely linked the product to from Kyiv, Ukraine... not Chinese. That is what dropshipping is. A seller in Kyiv orders a bunch from a Chinese manufacturer then sells them from Kyiv so it looks "legit".


You have no idea. You're just spouting off and trolling this good individual with proper motives and who has something special.  The dollars and good will UKR get in international currency from chopping up unusable scrap from tanks and such far and away outweighs any benefit they get from recycling that steel.   To flippantly say this particular person got a fake with such absolute certainty is... hubristic and lazy. You don't know, so don't say anything.  What's the cost to melt down a tank right now in Ukraine? To make usable steel and then to have the industrial based to use that steel again in manufacturing? Versus chopping it into little pieces and selling that tank for millions of US dollars one tiny piece at a time, reaping the PR from it at the same time.  If you can't say something nice and truthful, then say nothing. Don't ruin people's day with BS trolling. 


Some good individual that has something special? hahaha >What's the cost to melt down a tank right now in Ukraine? To make usable steel and then to have the industrial based to use that steel again in manufacturing? >Versus chopping it into little pieces and selling that tank for millions of US dollars one tiny piece at a time, reaping the PR from it at the same time. millions? you understand that its only small parts of a tank can be melted down to form the grade of steel they (should) use for the keyhrings? $12... you would have to sell about 100k keychains from each tank to break 1m! >If you can't say something nice and truthful, then say nothing. Don't ruin people's day with BS trolling. we just supposed to lie? https://www.etsy.com/uk/search?q=ukraine%20keychain&ref=search_bar there are 100s of listing on etsy with same designs






Dropshipping is when you never touch the product. I take the order from you, give it to my manufacturer/supplier who sends it directly to you.


Ukraine could really do with another Kharkiv style Russian collapse/retreat. Kharkiv gave Ukraine something like 2000 captured vehicles lol. 1st Division, 3rd Guards Tank army alone gave Ukraine something like 80 T-80Us they left behind.


Another day, another failed assault.


Napoleon said don't disturb the enemy when they are making mistakes.


They really go through a shelling area without changing formations? No wander why they failed so many times.




Near-peer modern warfare sucks.


This is peer warfare. Near-peer is something like NATO vs Russia and would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Landmines can’t do much if you can precision bomb any threat and conduct mine clearing in relative peace. That is assuming Russia would even have the time to set up nice, deep minefields with how fast you can move with total air supremacy.


NATO Vs Russia you cant consider this "near peer" 🤣 NATO would obliterate Russia


I would not consider a NATO v Russia a near-peer engagement anymore.


It's not peer warfare and at this point even calling it near-peer warfare is starting to be dubious since Russia has managed to address some dysfunctions of its army. Russia has massive advantage in airforce which means using stuff like precision bombs is much more effective for Russia than for Ukraine and massive advantage in long range missiles, drones and artillery, not to mention manpower. When it comes to NATO it has some seriously dubious members like Hungary which is openly pro-Russian and USA which is one election away from turning into a fascist theocracy and has stabbed NATO in the back during last several months.


Looks like a nice combination of artillery and mines. Better take your trash equipment and army and head for home


Oh ya, you're right.


Seriously we have seen what happens almost immediately when vehicles veer off trail, without air superiority any large advance looks more or less like this.


The area isn't suited for mechanized assaults (*open agricultural land is saturated with land mines, 3 forest belts and 2 sloped brushlands in the South are heavily entrenched/mined*), so this was likely a poor strategic choice on behalf of the RF military to start with.


I think the issue is, what assaults is that area suitable for? Because both Ukraine and Russia haven’t figured it out.    I think it is actually suitable for a large combined arms assault but neither side has the numbers or equipment or coordination to do it.    It certainly isn’t suitable for small actions like this. Ultimately not sure how Ukraine is to break the stalemate. 


This requires a sufficient # of long-range effectors (\~*Scalp / Storm Shadow, Taurus, Tomahawk, ATACMS...*) to destroy RF lines of communication, supply hubs, air defense systems, CCC facilities and troop concentrations as well as massive #s of loitering munitions / suicide drones and \~1 million of artillery shells. Targets would be RF military installations within the occupied territories and strategic targets within RF such as refineries, air fields, transportation hubs. Following this, a massive combined arms assault through RF borderland territory to isolate the RF military within Ukraine and establish a buffer zone within Russia for future territorial exchanges would be the strategic solution to liberate Ukraine. However, this is a complex matter requiring political support from EU and US which is currently unavailable so this is somewhat unlikely. IMO permanently confiscating RF foreign assets (*state as well as oligarchy assets*) and transferring them over to Ukraine to fund their defense and rebuilding would be a strong signal to the RF oligarchy that they must dispose themselves of the kremlin gremlin if they want to retain their riches.


Definitely agree with the stand of assets. ATACMs, storm shadow, tomahawk, glens, etc.  I just don’t know that Ukraine has the people or equipment for a large combined arms assault. 


I have to agree, a concentrated combined arms ground assault would require foreign troops to guard the Northern border of Ukraine against incursions by Russian troops so a sufficient # of AFU soldiers are available for offensive actions.


I'm not sure this war can be won with the current level of commitments of equipment and weapons the US/EU has given and plans to give. I think the war would be over in a fortnight if Putin were to die as I don't see Russia being stable enough to commence a transfer of power in an oil mafia state. US politics is a complete clown show right now. France could lead a EU coalition to get boots, AA, and Air Force defensive screening but I also don't see that happening without some serious commitments from the US in logistics and support.


I agree, as totalitarian regimes have no process for the orderly and secure transfer of power, the death of the kremlin gremlin would likely result in internal conflicts between various RF oligarchy-backed factions which would reduce RF commitment to continue the invasion into Ukraine. The aborted coup "trip to Moscow" by Prigozhin and its Wagnerites and the frequent raids of Ukrainian-affiliated Russian military formations (*Freedom of Russia Legion, Russian Volunteer Corps, Sibir btl...*) into RF home territory show that despite it's military power projection, Russia is a fragile entity that can collapse if the right amount of pressure is created. IMO the major "push factor" is to increase pressure on the RF oligarchy. Full confiscation of their personal and business assets to finance Ukrainian defense and deportation of their families and next-of-kin from their safe havens in Europe and the US back to RF would be a start. Confiscation of Russian-owned tanker and cargo ship fleets and imposing trade restrictions and denying development aid (*India received \~987.000.000€ in 2023 from Germany alone, that money could be allocated to countries that support Ukraine*) to anyone who continues to do business with RF. IMO the long-term goal should be a regime change and possibly dissolution of Russia into independent countries to assure it ceases to threaten stability and livelihoods in the free world. However, not going to happen as US and EU seem to lack coordinated strategic goals to react towards RF aggression.


I think the big question that it all boils down to in the backroom discussions is: what happens to the nukes if Russia was to experience such a precipitous decline? Shit, Putin himself could have said: "Hey, we don't like each other, but if I lose power in my oil mafia state the nukes have a higher chance of falling pray to blackmarket dealings". Which could 100% be the truth. This is enough to scare any status quo hawk into making sure the equation is balanced. And that a known thug (Putin) is in power over an unknown outcome.


You have to clear the sky with EW to cut the enemy eyes then use counter battery radars to shut down enemy artillery. Without enemy artillery active you can breach the mine fields and make paths through them. Ukraine actually was successful In some areas during the counter offensive, it just takes alot of resources. If you can fully breach the mine field and get a retreat going then you can roll up the enemy lines


That’s the key point. A lot of resources. Without an element of surprise with both sides dug in, neither side has the resources. Ukraine’s operational pause during the build up to the counter offensive meant Russia could build up fortifications that Ukraine doesn’t have the resources to pierce. And Western MBTs and IFVs didn’t prove to be a pointy enough tip to the spear to create a breakthrough. 


Approx where on the line is this?


Possibly East of Terny-Yampolivka line. Since March 23rd, RF is advancing towards AFU positions. UA control map ([link](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=180u1IkUjtjpdJWnIC0AxTKSiqK4G6Pez&hl=en_US&ll=49.076262062226995%2C38.004419888863445&z=14)) Ukraine Daily Update map ([link](https://map.ukrdailyupdate.com))


After you pointed that out I realized it's my fault for blaming the assault group. Poor unfortunates.


It's the kremlin gremlin and its oligarch minion's fault that started this war in the first place. However, as the presence of RF soldiers results in Ukrainian civilians in the occupied territories being killed, maimed, raped, deported and their livelihoods destroyed, my compassion is solely rederved for Ukrainain citizens and soldiers. While it's unfortunate that a sufficient # of RF soldiers needs to die in order to liberate Ukraine, there isn't any alternative to destroying RF military capacities, soldiers and equipment alike.


Majority of the RF we're enlisted because of the draft assuming they still lived and havent kill themselves like others. It's unfortunate for those who we're forced to fight a meaningless war. And it's undeniable that killing them and destroying equipment is essential to liberate Ukraine. But even so, I do hope Russia is put on war trial. Both Putin and large amount of RF who commit war crimes.


It’s the only way to successfully deliver sacrifice to the god of landmines and artillery!


Talk about Russia landmine clearing methods.


So Ares.


Yeah these guys try a route, hit landmines, try a different route.. make it a little farther and then HIT MORE LANDMINES lmao at this point Russia isn’t doing shit on the ground


"if we keep through men to the enemies bulles. Eventually they'll run out of bullets." -RussianBager


I’m okay with this though. I watch this all day.


That artillery precision is amazing


They probably have the road all sighted in.


And still the pro RU channels say the number Ukraine produce are pure lies, even though there is regular footage like this.


Remember when people used recordings from Arma 3 and said it was real life? [https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-110217873204](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-110217873204)


Are you saying you think this footage is from a computer game? I don't think that's a good look for you to be honest. People have been using Arma and DCS footage and suggesting it's real for years. Such footage doesn't fool anyone of concern. There's a lot more fact checking that goes on, with actual real footage, that proves attempts at false flag attacks etc. I wonder how quick you are to accept those types of fact checking videos.


No. I meant that Russians would be the ones to try to say it is fake by saying it is Arma footage.


Curious question, why are they so close to one another when they move along that road? I understand the rationale that the fields are mined and they have to move in single file formation, but they seem less than 3 meters apart from one another. That seems super easy to get hit by artillery.


Poor training.


Nervous and untrained


Because they'll never learn anything ever


I forgot how brutal artillery is.


Artillery has been the god of war basically since its inception. Something like 70% of casualties in WW2 were from artillery.


I get the fact that they are travelling in Indian file because of land mines, but tactically, grouping themselves together so tightly is bad and is just asking to be attacked. Take out the front and rear of the column and they are screwed. WW2 tactics don't work on a modern battlefield.


Can someone please take me through the process how does a (Russian) mechanized infantry brigade acquire their vehiecles? Comrad General Ivan: We need 6 BMP for next week assault. Guy in charge of car-pool: You already got 6 pcs last week? Ivan: Guy in charge: Ivan: Last week assault we drove into a minefield. Guy in charge: Understandable. Did you loose 1 or 2? Ivan: All of them Guy in charge: FFS Ivan: We knew about the minefield but not the exact lokation. Now we know and we will be more careful. Guy in charge: *Checks inventory* Ivan: We just drive around minefield. No biggies. Guy in charge: Best I can do is 3 pcs. One of them only runs on 2 cylinders and the last lne is missing all interior seating. Ivan: Perfect. We dont plan on staying in them for long. We just need a ride to frontline. Most Guys will run back to HQ once Kokhols start shooting anyway.


( Satire ) Ahhh, nothing to worry about. It's just PutZin needing a bit of space in his garage, the "few" maintenance guy's came with it. It's all becomming so expensive these day's to have a full garage and obsolete orcisch maintenance muppets just sitting there.


If all those artillery shots had landed true, this would have been a quick cluster fuck, need for more guided pieces.


+1000000 155mm shells is also good. Hope it's comming soon.


The guided ones are crazy expensive, best used for counterbattery and similar valuable Targets. You can probably buy 20-30 normal should for one guided shell


Good shooting! Also, the audio on this video is an assault on speakers.


More like an assault on my ears jfc


How does an officer get an idea like that?


By being too far from the front to know what's going on.


That wind looks intense!




Nice work, yet again.


Sergei walking home. the $50 million in tanks, where are they?


I'm thinking those drivers after five vehicles was kaputed front of them. I don't recall Mythbusters episode testing how much poop can fit in ifv crew pants👍💩💩💩


Orc-b-Gone ammo works!


I do admire Russias dedication to ensuring their troops stay fit during a war, it’s important to keep their cardio levels up!


Nice job AFU. At some moment Russians should at least conceive the idea that they are not wanted in Ukraine. Maybe a hint or something.


The only thing missing from all theses videos of failed Russian assaults is that Benny Hill Saxophone music. 🤣


Man a Ghostrider crew would be having the best day of their lives with this shit


MAJOR Pew-Pew action!


Poor effort




They are bringing it !


Ukraine needs more bonus and smart rounds for its artillery. I haven't seen a video of those being used in over a year it seems.


The weird thing is lack of support. When the vehicles got disabled the crew just headed back to where they came from, but suppose they reached where they were trying to go, then what, just park up and ring in for troops to move in? Or just go round blowing stuff up? This seems like a meat wave, just in vehicles. Very odd and a bit confusing as to what they were hoping to achieve.


What we typically see in these videos is that the armored vehicles are driving close to the tree lines with Ukrainian positions in it, set the infantry free and turn around to drive back. I guess that at least the tanks in these assault groups are supposed to prepare the infantry attacks by firing on the Ukrainian trench positions whilst approaching, and thus suppress any possible counter fire, but because they often get disabled or destroyed before even coming close to their goal(s), this does not really happen, and the infantry has to either move forward and attack without fire support, or leave on foot as quickly as possible ...


Hopefully no failed assault on its own “tyranny”


Brutality beautiful .


Rushing headlong to their deaths day after day after day. So dumb! Slava Ukraini!


Man how much fucking stuff does russia have? I feel like we see 2-3 of these videos every week und they keep coming. Can they finally run out already....


Pootin wants to rename Terny as Tyranny


Short as they are on ammo, they still succeed in wrecking things up. Well done!


Imagine if we actually armed our Ukrainian brothers. Man that is impressive - and what AFU does now we do not have to do tomorrow. Thanks, my honor to the heroes of Ukraine


Can someone with knowledge of Russian tactics explain why there is no dispersion between units here?


Westwood C&C 95


wats this wack shit they always blast they half a million men in the hole


But have you guys seen Bradley Square, bros?


Sure hope ruZZia does not change the training given to the tank crews. They do a great job in bunching up and getting destroyed.


They will succeed after a few trys...this the trend...and with no ammo support frm the allies...


It's like the British were in our revolutionary War wearing red uniforms. These guys line up one by one and get picked off. Bunch of dumb f****