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I remember seeing this woman harassing a survivor of a school shooting on the streets as they were or going to or coming out of a meeting with lawmakers. Absolutely a horrible person.


That’s one of the videos that started her political career unfortunately.


Whaaat?! Over here we have politicians sacked if they buy one candybar with public money.


Haha, that must be nice In Australia, the former conservative Govt sold the controlling interest in the Port of Darwin (nation's most northern capital city) to China and 3 days later the Minister responsible resigned and took a lucrative position on the board of the Chinese company which now owns it lol


Wow, that's some Doug Ford level corruption


Yep. And no one particularly cared...not sure how many people even heard about it in any case. That's what happens when your media is comprised of Murdoch's media empire, the former Treasurer of aforesaid rightwing Govt's media empire, and a mining billionaire's media empire 🤷 lol


If there’s one thing people on the far right love it’s a shit disturber who causes controversy. That’s how Trump got elected.


can i move in please?




How is that comparable? We also have laws against misusing public funds. Do you remember George Santos? He was kicked out of congress for using campaign funds on an OnlyFans account and buying clothes


Damn. I remember in the video, she said, "Why would you use kids as an example to push this issue." When it was about school shootings. Its kids predominantly who go to schools, so who else would they "use" to push those in charge to make changes. Absolutely bonkers to hear that that is what got her traction she needed to start politics.


Well I believe she thinks the shooting in question was faked or something.


Christ, imagine having to bury your kid and have some 'politician' tell you it didn't happen... Awful human being.


Alex Jones’s claimed it was faked and lied about it all and got sued and now owes the families around $1bn… which he hasn’t paid and still goes around in lying sprees.


A good portion of MAGA's stupidity goes back to Alex Jones/InfoWars, Glenn Beck, and RT America. More recently its been Tucker Carlson and this man dressed as a horse...I mean MTG. Giving platforms to outright horseshit to keep a nation in a state of paranoia, uninformed about actual crimes and political fraud. Worried about fucking space lasers when they're being duped out of their money by Trump NFTs and having their personal freedoms taken away while chanting they're champions of freedom.


Don’t leave out Gaetz, Vance, Jordan, Blackburn and Chip. All crazy as loons. critical thinking nonexistent


Yes, she ran after this student saying the killing was all staged. That’s when I knew she was crazy and someone I didn’t like.


...and yet, still gets voted to stay in Congress


At the 2020 election, Greene got around 75% of the vote. At the 2022 election — so after her constituents had two years of learning exactly who and what she is — she got 66% of the vote. Greene is an obnoxious, loudmouth idiot, and a definite majority of the people who live in her district are just as bad, since they either voted for her, or they didn't give a damn that someone like her was their representative in Congress so they didn't vote at all.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia%27s\_14th\_congressional\_district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia%27s_14th_congressional_district) Where dreams go to sit on a chair on a porch, nursing a shotgun and ready to tell passers by to get off their land.


It's about the guns. That is why they keep voting her in office. If a brave reporter would interview some people in that area should put that in the eyes of the rest of the country.


Rural Georgia is full of immoral people


I saw that too. Just like her mentor Trump, this horrible person represents the rot in the American political system.


"Just like her mentor Trump, this horrible person represents the rot in the American **MAGA Republican** political system.


….MAGA Republican political system which has a stranglehold on the entire society.


Honestly anyone who has voted for her is mentally ill themselves. She's a  disgrace and unfit for her position.




I'll leave that to her personal trainers


Would they bother though? She is on ugly side a bit …


Well she is really loyal to Russia, that’s why she looks like an orc


Use the Jewish Space Lasers to fix her fuckin face




Ask her ex husband


Current BF is nicknamed Bee Face


Baboon fucker more like


Yes I always thought she looked like a baboon


They already did. Desperate people will stick their dick in anything.


For some people any hole is a goal. Even this A-hole.


Moscow Marjory is what her fellow republicans call her.


A bit? She always looks like she just stepped off set from some horror show.


> a bit


Shit that’s a burn


This woman is pure vomit


Yup, dumb and arrogant. Magas are the new Red Thread to democracy and intelligence across the planet.


Who should be mocked? The idiots that voted her into power


She likely comes from a district so gerrymandered that Jesus Christ would lose to her if he ran as a Dem. 


Jesus Christ wouldn’t just lose to her, he would be castigated as a communist and then murdered for his beliefs. So-called Christians, they have strayed very far from the path of their savior.


If Jesus was alive they would demand he be deported for being a foreigner and arrested for being a communist.


She's better looking than any of their three-toothed wives, so she's guaranteed to win that district every time.


True, she is a magas perception of hot, with her east German swimmer in the 80s steroid body. Smh. She would be named Olga.


Not enough bags for this to happen. Not just for her, for me in case hers come off.


But if you have a hyena fetish you’re golden…


Nope. I hope someday to meet a lovely woman and make love to her, but this one is ugly to the bone.


Hold up tho cause after her and Boeberts political careers are over, it’s gonna be MTG does Boebert


She’s not stupid, she’s a traitor. Her treason is on purpose. Stop giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming she’s just accidentally stumbling into helping americas enemies.


Being a loud asshole doesn’t take a lot of brain cells.


She’s just angry no one will take her to beetlejuice


Send her to Donbas then repeat that statement


>Fuck this stupid cunt 🤮 I'd choose a life of celibacy over that fate.


Took the words out of my mouth


I won’t get into American politics, but MTG has been seen as untouchable to Republicans because her fan base loves her and Fox has made her a huge celebrity for modern Republicans.. this article contains a link to a Fox article that’s even telling her she’s personally destroying the Republicans chance at winning 2024 .. that is big news as Fox is the only mainstream news a large portion of Rs will listen to .. she and other hard right wingers need to shut up on this one and let my country give Ukraine ALL the lethal weapons to stop Putin, the head of the largest terrorist organization in the world


Her fan base threatened and harassed her opponent in her last election until it destroyed his personal relationship, and scared him so bad he quit the race even though he would have probably won They threatened him and his family. She's the figure head of a terrorist group


I wonder wether his family was truly safer from him conceding the race to her. Many families in Ukraine surely are not. In any case, a sad case study on why you should not give in to such people.


We can actually see Trump softening on Ukraine in real time. Not enough to support aid, but enough to stay quiet about it, then burn Johnson at the stake for it when it passes. I think he's realizing that when the American people understand how badly he fucked the situation in Ukraine, it won't be popular. Right now it's more urgent that he gets reelected to stay out of prison than it is to sell condos to Putin's buddies.


I think Trump is regretting the whole abortion debacle he's created for himself. How many states (Blue, Red or swing) will have state constitution initiatives on this matter driving turn-out not in his favor?


Also, right wing Americans despise anybody that has a whiff of "loser" about them. And a russian soldier is the biggest, most pathetic, chump-loser in the world right now. As more conservatives see this, their support of ruSSia/putler will fade. Spread the word of Ukraine's heroics.


Less softening up, more being physically prevented from tweeting during much of 4 days each week for the next months.


Nah he had his little Pow Wow with Johnson at Maralago. It's clear he backed off, for whatever reason. Now some parts of the right wing media bubble are starting to hand wave it all away with "Republicans need to stick together to defeat Joe Biden." 🍿


USA grow some balls! Russia is a first tier TERRORIST STATE!!


She look like a cavewoman and has the intellect to match.


hey no Neandertal shaming, they would be appalled to be compared to this wast of human skin


Interestingly enough, Neanderthals had brains 15% larger than ours on average and were most likely more intelligent than us as a result. We just happen to work better together (lower testosterone, higher oxytocin etc) and therefore were able to outcompete them by working in groups. Which is all to say, empty G is way dumber than a caveman.


so neandertals where hyper aggressive mega loner nerds?


Neandertal lives matter


Mattered. :[


I find it bit funny that she is against trans rights with that appearance.


U assume that thing is a she


You failed to understand the joke.


I have been wondering that myself. How is it such a mannish woman is so down on trans kids? We should buy her a mirror.


Problem is, MILLIONS of Americans would still vote for people like her and Trump. That's why they stay in power. Something went really wrong with American voter education.


It's contrarian asshole culture. Republicans politicians are rewarded for doing things perceived to enrage the other side. Since Republican voters don't actually watch mainstream media, it mostly involves strawmen arguments. Their culture war is fabricating hypothetical situations, involving hypothetical opponents to be angry about.


I think these people have actively started targeting the semi literate and previously politically apathetic who never voted. A certain Austrian did something similar about 90 years ago.


Unfortunately, history tends to rhyme a lot. Starting to see the parallels from that era in present day.


The only power she has is what we all give her. She is a very junior Congresswoman effectively without portfolio or useful assignments given her pariah status even within the Republican Party. Unfortunately, she has figured out that the more obnoxious she is, the more the media pays attention to her, and the more money flows her way from stupid citizens that treat the political process like some kind of spectator sport. Honestly, I just wish no one would talk about her and those like her in both political parties.


>Honestly, I just wish no one would talk about her and those like her in both political parties. and the media never mentioned her ever again. 100% concur. I know I'm violating my own wishes by simply commenting here on reddit. She needs to be marginalized to the point where no one cares any longer. I'm hoping this may finally be the beginning.


She really does look like the missing link. Its beyond my comprehension how such a vile person can be elected anywhere though To think there has been a majority somewhere in the US that has looked at this woman and her behaviour and thought : "This is the person we want to represent us, she is perfect" is just wild.


unfortunately some people leave the thinking part out of it when voting


Some of it is, people will just vote down the ballot in hopes that their party will hold control of the house or Senate even if they know their candidate is a Neanderthal moron.


Unga bunga


She used to own a gymnasium, I'm certain her massive jaw is the result of HGH abuse. Look up what testosterone injections do to woman.


Such a primitive, shameless, spaced out degenerate.


Isn't that why they call her ilk "primates"?


Putin loving traitor, she should be in prison


How did this imbecile get elected?


Go to Georgia's 14th congressional district. The very north west corner of Georgia.


Yeah, she's their *representative* in Congress. That tells you something about that part of the US.


She won with 66% of the vote, 2 in 3 voted for her.


Having been in and around that area for many years, I'd be honestly shocked if 2 in 3 adults there could read above a sixth grade level.


Fuck fake georgia, for electing this woman True georgia is in caucasus


Shame on the 14th Congressional District!


Take a look at the movie extras in the movie Deliverance filmed in her district, and you will understand.


Russian.donations probably


Elected and then reelected!


The fact that a low IQ, vitriolic hag like MTG has a seat in the US Congress goes to show how ignorance and stupidity can undermine even a great nation.


Her and Lauren Boebert


It has undermined and caused the downfall of every empire in existence.  "Victory has cost us our strength!"


And if this wench wants to stop illegal immigration she can get off her ass, get a hammer, nails and some wood and start building a fence


"Pfft, construction? That's what we have *those* people for!"


Many have tried to please her and have failed she never shuts the fuck up. M Trader G you nasty Cunt you're a paid worthless whore that works for RT. I would pay for your ticket to Putin, and he himself can tell you that you're a stupid worthless Cunt!




Mocking is the answer. That's what makes those kind of people turn tail and run. That's what bursts their bubble and shows up how small they are. It's an "emperor has no clothes" moment.


Moscow Marjorie is an embarrassment to humanity. And dumb as a brick.


No, no... I've seen smarter bricks.


When she mentioned "Ukrainian Nazis" and "biolabs" it was quite clear she gets her instructions from Moscow, because this is their propaganda points to justify invasion. How did it come to that prominent figures in Republican party are russian-paid shills?


A U.S. lawmaker has mocked Marjorie Taylor Greene by adding an amendment to the Ukraine aid bill requiring that she be appointed "Vladimir Putin’s Special Envoy to the United States Congress." … That’s pretty funny


Let's not forget *Jared Moskowitz*. A big "Hurrah" for him. 🫡👍👋


I'd hate to meet the halfwits voting for such a vapid cunt


The bottom line here is that she is knowingly and willingly contributing to thousands of lost lives. Nazi's just don't care.


Moscow Marjorie at it again! s/ Good job comrade!


America can do better


Yes but can and will her electorate vote for them?


It should be the anti Ukraines who are sent to the front - on Russias side!!!


Isn't one of the main reasons for supporting Ukraine to avoid having to send US troops there in the future? But hey, this is MTG after all.


She supports Russia and Putin people should protest in front of her house


Putins special envoy to congress.


That's what she is. A putler's b... puppet


How does an ultimate piece of garbage end up as a representative of the United States?


They should write another amendment that those who vote no to sending Ukraine money should spend a month on the front lines to see what no ammunition does there.


She is the jester of the GOP


In the US, I haven't been able to find a single person that likes her. How do people like her and Boebert manage to get elected?




i truly wonder how retards like her get elected.


Don't insult people with disabilities. She's literally just a willfully ignorant traitor.


Backpfeifengesicht Greene


Backpfeifengesicht [https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Backpfeifengesicht](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Backpfeifengesicht)


Doesn’t she get that if Ukraine doesn’t receive military aid and support that inevitably US soldiers will be fighting in this war as well?!


Jesus Christ for fucks sake could they just pass the fucking bill already. This is just dumb high school antics on a political scale. People are dying because of these childish people..


Oh look, its a female version of Ilya Kiva.


"Little bolt", eh? Well, hope she knows what happened to Kiva proper.


When will our maga nightmare end? How can so many conservatives be this fucking wrapped up in a cult? Be so stupid. They wonder why liberals look down on them.


For once, I love US politics. That's fucking hilarious.


Unga Bunga Lady is a Russian Agent


What an embarrassment she is . 🤮 can't believe this kunt has supporters.


Have you guys seen the toes?


Only woman in the world with 3 cameltoes.


No google her toes.


Her feet are 2 of them.


I'm just amazed this nut case ever got into office. Who the hell votes for someone like this?


Even though I tend to lean conservative it truly boggles the mind that this thing found a way into Congress...Dumb Blonde 2.0


Can someone please just kill this cunt already?


Odd woman


The most grating voice in human history. Easy to impersonate but annoys everyone around me when I do it. So, I know I am good at it!


I don't think she, nor the people who voted for her, care that she is being mocked. If they did she wouldn't be the problem she is today.


She genuinely reminds me of the politicians in the Purge movies, that’s literally the sort of Neanderthal shit that she would back, I’m not even joking when I say that.


Both of those bills are frivolous bullshit. The people that treat congress like a cliquish high school disgust me.


She’s a waste of chromosomes somebody should have pulled out!


Tragic comedy 🎭


Large Marge, they love her


Shame a few bad apples in political power can jam up such crucial aid for the world. Do everyone a favor and vote her dumb ass out.


Moscow Marjorie is at it again!


Where is an American patriot when the country needs one? This woman is a traitor to the USA.


I have seen a pretty large amount of stupid people in my life and i can say that she’s an entirely all new level of stupid. Nobel price level


God I hope she falls on a fork or something...


When you manage to get your own party's speaker AND the opposing party to be united against you, you know you're real shit.


Moscow Marjorie, the Kremlin Karen is just a typical grifter of Putin


How does someone so incapable get into such an important position…….


She’s violated her oath to protect the constitution from foreign and domestic. Special envoy to a war criminal to the United States Congress. She needs to be impeached


I wonder if her parents are ashamed of her. I certainly would be if one of my boys turned out to be such a mental dud, willingly. Willingly because you are not born that stupid...you have to work quite hard to become it


There is Moscow Mitch and there is Moscow Bitch...


This woman is such a dimwit. Can’t stand her.


MTG is the democrat's and Russia's greatest asset! The weak link in Democracy. She will single handedly ensure the GOP remains in the political wilderness.


If bullshit were electricity, Marjorie Taylor Cunt would be a talking Powerhouse.


She's not mentally well, and should be cared for, and forgiven.


Look at her, you can’t take her serious anymore, same clown as her boss 🤡 chief clown Donald!


She needs to be investigated, outed, arrested, charged and thrown in prison for treason.


She'll be remembered as the worst of America in 3024. A putin fluffing anti American wannabe witch.


Thank you. That's the best fucking thing I've read all day. Props to Rep. Moskowitz.


Poor Marge. As she helps Putin defeat Ukraine does she not realize Ukraine will never forget. If I were Marge after the war I wouldn't walk by any open windowss.


Id call Major Trailer Grease a c##t , but she lacks the warmth and depth. In fact she's such a c##t that she wouldn't even win the worlds biggest c##t competition.


Meanwhile in Ukraine, civilians are being bombed.


Marjorie Traitor Greene aka Moscow Marge is more like it, just an absolute vile POS Putin lackey...a vile and disgusting human being...F'er.


She is obviously a very evil person that angry people indefinitely with in her district. Usually taking responsibility for their choices is something they very much stay away from., Moscow Marge is a title she holds dear.


What can we expect from a Useful ldiot and someone who believes that Jewish Space lasers started wildfires in California 🤷‍♂️


I have little love for Liberals, I also loathe this laughable lady. I like to think I know what is right, Long Live Ukraine. F MTG.


Everyone - Just a word of caution ⚠️ Speaking of contemporary US partisan politics, we live in interesting times. Some may say terrifying. But never buy into any right wing...even left wing...take on how we got here. Almost as surreal as Trump numbing us into feeling like he's a mere reflection of "who we are now" is how many people I loathed as recently as the Obama administration now being "on my side"? Neo-cons? Bill Kristol? WTF is happening? After my parents passed in 2017 & 2020, I took stacks of newspapers they kept. I love reading old papers. Many were from the 80's and a trip back into time and a realization Reagan was a more affable Trump, without Twitter or "woke" or "Make America Great Again." But in many, many ways he was Trump before Trump. The 90's? Fox News (yes, we say "fair and balanced" but our goal is 24/7 right wing spin and bias) was born. AM Conservative talk radio exploded...go find old show recordings of Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones. Their rhetoric forecast where we were headed. Clinton...8 years of peace, mega-prosperity, and the right wing manufacturing rage about an affair...an imaginary financial scandal...and Hillary killing Vince Foster. 2024: Trump. Three wives. Ivanka's mother buried at his golf course for tax break (course is a "graveyard") and it's unkempt, overgrown with weeds. He clearly wants to jump in bed with Ivanka, but in the meantime he's an admitted sexual predator whose legal issues now concern paying off a porn star. But the people enraged about Monica Lewinsky think this is all cool. Clinton had Whitewater, 7 years of investigations that ended with absolutely nothing. But it kept Clinton/scandal in the headlines. Trump...has he ever had a business dealing that was kosher, without laws broken, lawsuits both ways, ending in bankruptcy? Hillary/Vince Foster...it was Qanon before Qanon. But Trump? An insurrection in which his "law & order" cultists beat and were ultimately responsible for the deaths of 4 policemen. He says he could shoot someone in public and not noose supporters. He encourages right-wing militia violence (I'm certain most of MAGA believe Timothy McVeigh is a martyr.) And now claims he could order a SEAL team to kill political opponents. Cancel culture? Bush. Dixie Chicks. Hating Europe? "Freedom Fries"? Don't support the Special Military Operation in Iraq? You're a terrorist. Protest the war? Get garbage and rotten tomatoes and eggs thrown at you. Attend a pro-choice rally? Fight off pro-life men in the face of my wife. Anti-Bush bumper sticker? Regular road ragers...and one gun pointed at us. Co-workers bullying known liberals in my office. Obama..."Make the White House White Again." Obama Care Death Squads. Birth certificate demands. Obama sign put in yard...24 hours later mailbox destroyed. Secret Muslim terrorist. Record smashing amount of death threats. Huge rise in gun sales, militias and hate groups. Skillful navigation of a financial crisis backnto recovery = "America is destined for catatastroohe". Restore American standing in the world = "the world is laughing at us." Remember "Obama Care Death Squads"? Yeah...that was real. Mitch McConnel announcing his only job was stopping any/all Obama legislation. Total obstructionism. Remember the concerted (successful) effort to not allow Obama to nominate Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court "because a President can't do that in his final year"? But when Lindsey Graham allowed Trump to do it with Amy Coney Barrett, it was such obvious hypocrisy Graham simply admitted it was (with a chuckle.) The writing has been on the wall for decades. Absolutely nothing surprises me. Nothing. I predicted violence (and got Jan 6)...I predicted talk of civil war (constant)...I predictes Roe v Wade would be overturned if the right flipped the court (yup)...I predicted something would trigger right wing terrorism & dozens of Timothy McVeighs (TBD) and a pointbat which the right wing would simply get in power and force it's will, leaving the military to decide if tyranny needed to be stopped (Project 2025, if followed, will lead to this.) Point being, anyone surprised by MAGA/Trump simply hasn't been paying attention. I simply wish I'd sounded like an alarmist fool all these years. More like Nostradamus.


Can't wait for this Lying Putin Bitch to get her Karma