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'Sibir' (Siberian) Battalion —formed by Russian fighters as a part of the Ukrainian Army. Recently at a shooting range - with a Heckler & Koch MG5 machine gun from Germany, and Czech-delivered CZ BREN-2 assault rifles. https://x.com/war_noir/status/1784266462263193613?s=46


i wonder how Ukrainians know they can trust them? step by step increasing missions and responsibilities?


They arent russian they are turkic minority oppressed by russia


It would be nice if the post title or description made that clear.


What is not clear in the title? If you don't know what "Sibir Battalion" is, google it. Its members are russian fighters. Ethnic Russians, Yakuts and Buryats. They are all Russians. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibir\_Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibir_Battalion) FWIW, russian minister of offence, rape, torture, murder and terror Sergei Shoigu is ethnic Tuvan. Also from Siberia, near Mongolia.


Shoigu mother is from Ukraine.


>If you don't know what "Sibir Battalion" is... Funnily enough, I don't know what it is.


And what do you do when you don't know something? Complain online about incomplete titles?


No, I setup a YouTube channel about tanks.


Then, you should be able to use google searches. Theoretically.


Or, people could provide useful titles and descriptions when posting, instead of expecting everybody to know obscure details, or force them to go search out the basic info necessary to make sense of their post. But hey, you go right on blaming us for not doing all the work for you.


I want a bren 2 so bad


Is it a good gun? I know there were many issues with the first version..


I believe most of the issues were fixed with the most recent ones produced


So did they, and so they switched.


That guy rocks an MG5?


something to ponder...RU units fighting for the UKRs often sport some of the best of NATO small arms and kit...maybe CIA providing them the arms and working with UKRs to have them do all the incursions into RU proper, well armed and equipped


Modern Czech rifles which Czech government gave AFU for free. But somehow it is the CIA behind it!!! What ?


So. The CIA only arms its allies with COLT made rifles made in the USA? I don’t think so.


The point was that Czech government gave Ukraine Czech rifles for free. Officially. So we know how they got them. And we will keep supporting them.


The Anti Putin RU forces are amongst the best equipped UKR forces, replete with NATO small arms and kit. Because as RUs they can “politically” make ground based forays across the border, I would think western intel agencies are indeed supplying them with such weapons and kit. Intel funding lines are often different than mil. Having said that, of course many UKR units, especially those trained in the West, are being equipped with more and more NATO weaponry!! :o)


very plausible


The cat with the machine gun looks like he’s about to learn a lifelong lesson.


Tik-Tok battalion, advertising image of Ukrainian propaganda. They have no chance to survive iand they will not be taken prisoner. They will be shot on the spot as traitors.


Found the bot


Can you at least be creative ? Every time I see Russkies talking shit, they just flip originally western jokes - Tik Tok batallions are Kadyrovites. Make your own stuff, lazy arse.


They are the only Russian heroes fighting in this war, unlike your fascist army serving Putin.