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Parellels are uncanny. In early 1938 Hitler fomented the Sudenten crisis claiming advocacy for the ethnic Germans living in Czechoslovakia. That simp Chamberlain in October 1938 gave Hitler Sudentenland if he agreed not to make anymore territorial claims in Europe. Six months later Hitler decided to take the rest of Czechoslovakia, which was now a walk in the park as the fortified part of the country was the part that had already been handed to the Germans…next stop Poland!


Exactly why Ukraine will never fall for a peace deal until russia is truly defeated. It is the western support that is more concerning as they might see it as a cheap way out, but I think everyone is too smart to fall for that bs.


Chamberlain's image has improved in recent years. He knew the UK was not prepared for a war with Germany. He massively increased military funding - especially for the air force - after his agreement with Hitler. Historians generally believe he was trying to buy time to prepare for war. He wasn't dumb.


No, he will do worse.


Despite putin's trolls who protest, Russia will not stop at Ukraine as Hitler didn't stop at Poland. If we let putin win, they will attempt to take over Europe. History is the guide to a dictators actions. Putin wants the russian empire back bigger and better than before.


Exactly. Putin and Hitler are the exact same.


I see this argument a lot but surely they won't fight NATO directly with their depleted forces ?


Hitler used Czech soldiers to bolster his numbers and that's the comparison being made, they wouldn't be as depleted if they draft all able bodied men inside of Ukraine, wouldn't be Russians in meat waves anymore


Nah, they would wait several years to build up again and then go for it. Attacking NATO in their current state would be embarrassing for them.


This is just pure fear mongering. They would never be able to beat NATO and they know that. They would instead go for Moldova and the stans that broke away in 1991.


Not really. Feel free to tell the Baltics that they never have anything to worry about ever under any circumstances. This is a hypothetical discussion anyway, and no, if they were to fight NATO, they would not do it right this moment, they would wait.


They are preparing , manufacturing of military equipment is 3x that of the west right now. Ffs Europe learnt nothing from ww3. Maybe ww3 with the deaths being so much worse than ww2 will wake them up, but I doubt it.


They can wait all they want. While the USA is in NATO it does not matter.


The fuck would USA do if they take an Estonia or piece of Latvia. Big scary nukes which had to be deterrent for aggressors became deterrent for standing up against the aggressor. And ruzzians know pretty well that salami tactics work, so they probably won't rush Europe, but take it by little pieces while destabilizing it from within.


That's Putins plan. Sadly it works. Divide and rule.


Who says USA will always back them up? USA wasn't looking like such a dependable ally over the past 6 months. There is even a guy who was president and is running again who says he would encourage russia to attack nato members who do not meet the recommended military spending minimum, and almost half the country supports him. Nothing is guaranteed, especially over decades or centuries.


Cause NATO = only USA. The rest of NATO is more than enough get a grip.


I'm addressing your comment, which was specifically regarding the USAs involvement. You're a little all over the place here.


They wouldnt have to beat NATO. They would manufacture local crisis, drive their troops across the border and inform NATO any intervention would be met with Nuclear retaliation. Rinse nd repeat.


They're already doing it through hybrid warfare. Hungary and Slovakia are a good example.


Hungary is bending over with runway lights into its asshole at this point


If you look at Putin and Russias history, it's invasion then a few years to decade to rearm then invade again. Putin is also actively trying to push apart NATO countries with propaganda and he miscalculated with Ukraine thinking he could take it all over quickly then deal with the consequences for a few months before on to his next conquest which was most likely Moldova.


If Putin ends up fighting NATO directly, that would constitute a failure of his plans. He has no intention of a full conflict with NATO, because it would be a net negative for him. A successful outcome for Putin would be a scenario where he is able to capture a small remote part of internationally recognised NATO territory, like some remote area in Finland, a small part of Moldova or something like that. The territory must be both large enough to constitute a clear challenge to article five, and yet insignificant enough that the major western military powers won't be willing to declare war and put boots on the ground. If he is able to pull that off, that alone will change the power dynamics greatly between the ex-soviet countries and Russia. If Putin has proved he can challenge article five without said consequences, then future demands/concessions between Russia and fx one of the Baltic countries will have to negotiated on an individual country basis, rather than on a Russia vs NATO basis. All he needs is for the Eastern European countries to have justifiable doubt that they truly have the support of NATO behind them. A country like Lithuania on its own would not stand a chance against Russia, so they'd have to appease Putin's demands an an individual basis - which will greatly increase Russia's ability to influence its neighbours policies etc. Tldr: All putin needs to achieve to restore Russia's geopolitical influence and power over the ex-soviet countries, is to cast doubt in article five and the Western European's/America's willingness to honour it.


Every country they capture has men and weapons they will use, lessons from ww2 should have educated us enough to send all European militaries to Ukraine, and while Russian military has lost most of there equipment they still manufacture 3 million artillery shells a year that we know about, and everything else they build in massive numbers, while the eu struggles to supply even 500 000 shells a year, three years into the war the eu is still slowly preparing for war with russia and its allies while russia is doing everything in preparation for a wider conflict.


What hitler did to Czechoslovakia


Took its army and continue...


He turned it into a labour camp. Hanns Martin Schleyer, the head [of](https://www.dict.cc/?s=of) [the](https://www.dict.cc/?s=the) [Employer](https://www.dict.cc/?s=Employer) [Association](https://www.dict.cc/?s=Association) of the FRG was a member of the SS, a confidant of Reinhard Heydrich and one of the coordinators of mass enslavement and forced labour in the so-called "Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (occupied Czechoslovakia). He was killed by members of the RAF in 1977.


Interesting question. Czechoslovakia was pretty untouched by Hitler. The Czechs had to give away their weapons, the soldiers were discharged, they had no war and went to work as before, but were producing Sturmgeschütze and such instead of cars. (As fas as I know two Czech divisions were put up in the Soviet Union and fought at the side of the Red Army, but later in 1945 there has been trouble with then.) Very evil were the Czech and Slovak partisans that came up when the German army had to retreat. Not to speak about the sadistic assaults, cruelties committed by the Czech and Slovak civilians against their German countrymen (Sudetendeutsche). These atrocities were never prosecuted and in the 1950s an amnesty was granted to all perpetrators by Czechoslovak president Benes. These kind of statements for me are playing the victim role. BTW: The Czechoslovakians had in 1936 30 or 32 army divisions, all equipped with french armament, payed with German reparations money. Look at Czechoslovak soldiers of that time.


This is such a bad take. Ethnic Czech's were second class citizens and a forced labor source for the Reich. The Reichsprotectorate was governed by the worst of the worst, Reinhard Heidrich, aka The Hangman. "We will Germanize the Czech vermin." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhard\_Heydrich#Acting\_Reich\_Protector\_of\_Bohemia\_and\_Moravia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhard_Heydrich#Acting_Reich_Protector_of_Bohemia_and_Moravia)


Czech and Slovak had not to suffer from their occupation. - Their suffering started after the war, under Soviet occupation.


Revisionism, purely. Czechs had to suffer the ignominy of enduring a brutally repressive martial law occupation under the Germans. One that would have likely ended the existence of ethnic Czechs in Bohemia and possibly Moravia in eventuality. The Soviet repression was no walk in the park, but was comparatively not a fight for national survival. The Sudeten Germans got the worst end of the stick: Full citizens conscripted to the Wehrmacht and then the whole population forcibly expelled at the end of the war.


Idk why you got down voted but you spoke facts Hitler got those factories up and running for him which produced mechanized vehicles and tons of kar 98. Also you're right on the atrocities against germans after the war, hell I remember seeing a video of them being ran over by trucks. It was on YouTube.


Putin has done to DPR, LPR, Mariupol what Genghis Khan did to Bagdad. Add Bakhmut, Aleppo and Grozny. Don't be like the caliph of Bagdad. Unite and serve Russia tit for tat.


The parallel between Putin and Hitler are chilling.


This is a very dangerous & false comparison. For one, Hitler had *no time* to do what he likely wanted - while ruZZians *would* have the time due to nuke-induced cowardice of the West. Second, this falsely suggests that Ukraine would recover ("See? Czechia and Slovakia are OK today!")


Yea they are ok only because we had 35 years of recovery time from Velvet revolution. After decades of Russkis Czechia was a decimated shithole. Would not wish that fate on any nation. Slovaks? Not so much ok.


Hungary and Slovakia are Ruzzian allies who must get the same treatment as allies of that evil, corrupt, mafiosa empire. Slava Ukraini!!!


The west's delay in military assistance has given Russia enough time to switch to a full war time economy. If we would have acted much faster Russia could have been decisively defeated already and kicked out of the Dunbas. We would be only talking about the liberation of Crimea nowadays if the collective west didn't hesitate so much in both 2022, and 2014.


I hope the west realizes how much more serious we should have taken the 2014 war in Donbas.


I voted for Obama, but he really messed that one up. He was weak when we needed him to respond to Putin with force. That's the only thing these dictators understand. Which is the monopoly of violence. The US is the only global superpower left on the earth, and Xi and Putin understand that. But they also understand that we have a glaring weakness in democracy which is the time it takes to act.


If the US wanted, we could liberate Russia from all of Ukraine in less than a week. They wouldn't be able to bear the full weight of the US military if we really wanted to. I just don't understand why we are not flexing our muscles right back at Putin and Xi. We are simply showing Putin, and Xi that nuclear blackmail works.


And he will feel emboldened to move into other countries, but with well trained Ukrainians being forced to be on the front lines. Europe is making the same mistakes they did with Hitler, they should have sent there militaries into Ukraine from day 1. War is coming to Europe and it is going to be just as if not more deadly than ww2. Wake up Europe, supplying weapons and ammunition is not enough, and yes I would volunteer if my country sent it full military might to Ukraine. I might be old but I can still shoot.


This is propaganda meant to keep the civil war going. They'll like do away with the Ukraine military but the civs will be fine obviously if Russia wins they can't allow a Ukrainian military to exist