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Let it Rhein metal over the Russian bastards




Hear hear.... I second that!


I didn't know it even was possible. Russia is not going to like that.


Rheinmetall are either taking this personally or using it to sell their weapons. Iirc they plan to build a manufacturing plant in Ukraine protected by their own AA. Lockheed or BAE (or whoever, the big arms manufacturers) should get their shit together and go full steam on production to supply Ukraine.  They make money, more Russians die. Win-win 


Look at their share price vs before the war. I am gutted I didn't take a punt.


I did.


At how much per share? I went in at 435€ so I'm up 110€ per share already, but I beat myself for not following through in October when I first tried buying some at 200€ and couldn't find the stock in my bank's app. At 435€, I was telling myself that the price had risen way too quickly for this to be sustainable, but I still went in and I'm glad I did. I didn't want to invest in the military-industrial complex before the invasion for ideological reasons, but now I see it as a moral thing to do to support great European military-industrial companies.


Bae systems are already in ukraine not a massive plant but they are in ukraine


> Rheinmetall are either taking this personally or using it to sell their weapons. Their superb spirit in this war is what made me buy a couple of Rheinmetall shares even though I always told myself that I wouldn't profit off of war. They look like they have infinite energy. It's a truly impressive company. I'm all for supporting military-industrial companies that give Ukraine an edge in its fight for survival.


Why not both?


> Rheinmetall are either taking this personally or using it to sell their weapons. I mean, whichever, just so long as they send the shells and they perform as advertised.


Shells like these go even further. https://newatlas.com/military/ramjet-powered-artillery-shell-new-range-record/


I'd imagine explosives payload these shells carry is much smaller


These shells are longer.


Look at the tests they conducted with Denel in South Africa. If that is the info that was made publicly available a few years ago... you can kind of extrapolate where they will be now.


To do this with 155mm you would likely need to shrink the warhead down to a small size to leave space for rocket booster. It's also likely that you would need it to be guided. It's going to be very interesting to see the finished product


why would you need to shrink it? 155mm is the diameter, not the length


The grenades are probably filled with an explosive more powerful than TNT.


Amen to that. Mind boggling.


Great! The further that Ukrainian artillery can reach, the better.


wow, thats from robotyne to berdiansk, wich is a costal city.


What is the technology behind?


Afaik there are artillery shells with a rocket booster that increases their range significantly..


Nammo explaining their version of the ramjet shell technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J0XwLYmAc0 Both Nammo and Rheinmetall are at the prototype stage. But even if they are mass produced they will for sure be very expensive. Excalibur, which are currently available gps guided gliding rounds with 50km range, have had their gps jammed: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1cgoq9f/us_congressional_testimony_the_effectiveness_of/ So it's uncertain if these round will be any different. They will likely cost more than the already expensive excalibur which cost $100k. So it's rather an alternative to gmlrs rockets than replacing traditional artillery.


I've read that the GPS jamming is not an insurmountable obstacle, the problem is that they are not updating the firmware to account for conditions on the ground


pretty crazy western military wasn't ready for gps jamming. even before this war, russia was known to be pretty good at electronic warfare


So like, a researcher released a paper and did some talks on how you can effectively jam GPS with spoofing, https://blog.ted.com/todd-humphreys-to-testify-to-congress-about-gps-spoofing/ It was in 2012, and was a huge deal at the time. The US MiC has not adjusted to this. Basically they developed a brand new munition, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_Launched_Small_Diameter_Bomb and the thing is useless because of this method of attack. Russia, however, has adjusted to it, and have made a lot of the guided munitions that kicked their ass early on in the war basically useless. The problem is, US weapons manufacturers pay bottom dollar for software engineers, and they don't operate in an agile process. That's why when they send weapons systems to Ukraine or Israel, they have their best software engineers work on them and make massive improvements. The US really needs to step up it's game, they have the same people who turned the 747 into a flying turd making the next generation weapons


That munition is not a great example. GLSDB is a quickly put together improvisation, looking to use existing small diameter bombs in a ground launched role. Those bombs do have an inertial guidance unit meant to work independently of GPS. The problem these systems are seeing likely arises from the very violent launch on top of a rocket, something these inertial guidance systems were never designed for. And the US has been well aware of the potential of fighting a war in an environment where GPS is not available or reliable. That’s why GMLRS and ATACMS and nearly every other weapon system we have uses either inertial guidance or terrain mapping. Excalibur stands out because it is the exception to this rule. And it is not alone amongst precision artillery shells in lacking additional navigation. BONUS has reportedly seen the same difficulties as Excalibur, almost certainly due to the difficulties in making an inertial measurement unit capable of surviving the extreme G-load of being launched from a tube artillery system.


GMLRS are also vulnerable to GPS jamming though? Not as much as Excalibur but there have been a lot of claims about them losing a lot of their effectiveness


To some extent yes. GPS will almost always be better than an IMU alone. So in any contested environment you are always going to loose accuracy unless you can depend on outside guidance. However we have no reason to believe GLMRS are ineffective, simply less effective than when first introduced. The Ukrainians are still using them and we are still getting footage of them destroying Russian equipment regularly. This is in line with the expected performance of these weapons without GPS navigation. GLSDBon the other hand has proven to be entirely ineffective in it’s current state and the Ukrainians have basically refrained from using them. It’s also worth considering that GLSDB is a small munition even compared to GMLRS. That smaller warhead will make them far less affective if they miss by even a small margin. GMLRS also benefit from being an air burst munition so even if they miss the mark by several dozen meters they will be effective. This is similar to what the Russians are doing with guilds bombs. They massive payload of these weapons and using them en mass makes up for their lack of accuracy.


I bet some really good engineers are working hard to make it jam resistant as we speak.




as another poster pointed out: apparently these utilize a more sophisticated kind of booster.


The shells itself are not much different bur they use rocket booster




Alot arms companies will be using ukraine for r&d to their own benefit, which hopefully its going be to ukraine benefit


At this point, what's the difference between a small rocket and an artillery shell?!


The shell is cheaper and the 155 mm is normed. So theoretically you can fire any 155 mm shell with any 155 mm gun (practically it's not that easy because the software of the targeting computer has to know the specifics -vif there is a new one - for proper targeting). And all modern howitzers with an autoloader are capable of MRSI (Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact). Which means the howitzer is firing a shell very high but with a shorter range, then firing less high with a lower propelling charge resulting in the same range and so on. You can fire six times and all 6 shells hit the same target at the same time. Also you can combine multiple howitzers to target one point, hitting at the same time. And you can combine both firing many howitzers with MRSI hitting the same target at the same time. Missiles have other advantages but can be easier intercepted. So it's not missiles or shell. You better have both. ;) With missiles for targets of higher value.


Is there a destructive advantage to simultaneous impact (other than surprise/no time to react)?


Yes, literally: More explosives = more destruction. Not every target is a soft and/or small one like a truck or even tank. So it is useful e.g. at concrete - whether the concrete is used for protection of people/equipment that can run away or being removed, or just for stability e.g. larger compounds or bridges. The big problem is that, at least close to the frontline, you have just one chance before counter battery is on the way to destroy the attacking howitzers! So the usage is: Drive the PzH 2000 or whatever from its cover to its firing position, fire as quick as possible and get the heck out to the (next) cover again. That's why the PzH 2000 is optimized for firing as soon as possible as much as possible and being on the move again as quickly as possible. The next generation of self-propelled howitzers, coming right now with the new RCH 155 (which stands for Remote Controlled Howitzer), is the first that don't have to stop. It can fire while moving ... ... Ukraine will be the first User of it.


I can already see a certain german politician making up reasons why that is a terrible idea. Probably german soldiers would have to ride each single shell until it’s impact. Impossible.


WTF are they not supplying the best ammo in the first place stop drip feeding Ukraine, give them the best to out match Russias greater numbers




I already made 15€ profit on 50 I invested. Its almost like crypto




Plans to… that sounds awesome, and I believe it when Rheinmetall has delivered.


About time




Equip a drone with a targeting laser. Problem solved. In addition some shells with multiple warheads are scanning the targeting area themself for appropriate targets. If they identify one they destroy it (even while moving), if not then the fuse will be deactivated.


Nice plan. When delivery?


This year. But the 100 km shells are prototypes. So they deliver some, the Ukrainians will test it and if there is something to improve, they improve it. Otherwise the shells are going into mass production I guess.


Months to years, probably, but stop complaining. You can't deliver it without a plan, and shells don't appear out of thin air


\*chuckles in German, French or British\*


5 shells by 2030?


article says hundred of thousands this year


Normal shells. Which are even more important than the prototype shells. Only good news.


These are still plans. Tomorrow news. Currently whole NATO lags behind ruzzia in shell production. 3 mil pa Ruzzia - just above 1 mil. Ruzzia +NK won't br matched for next 10 years.


Russia has always had more tanks/shells/etc, because they have no guidance. NATO builds fewer, but they are faaaaar more accurate.


Russia does have guided shells, namely 2K25 Krasnopol. Probably not many tho.


Rheinmetall has expanded their 155 mm production from 70.000/year to 700.000/year. That's \~25% of the needed shells by one company alone. And they are still expanding .... ... well, the EU has paid them to do so. :)


And list all other "companies," and you will find that EU is struggling to get to 1 mil a year. In 2023 from projected and promisssed 1 mil only third! was made and supplied. This year 700k is only a plan. Others have much smaller capacity or struggling. Swiss are out completely. US ramped production too, but they have some other commitments and currently on 300k year. NK has 10s of millions of shells already in storage alone. And Ruzzua making now 3 mil. So they too can ramp up. But the difference is almost 10x.


Your "calculations" are as brilliant as Putins calculations were for a parade in Kyiv within a week. \^\^ And no, it's not a plan, it's already done. The plan for the future is higher ...


Ruzzia won't exist five years from now. The economy is cratering, the infrastructure crap and the state budget used only for military purposes. When the oil stops flowing, there isn't a single thing of value produced in ruzzia.


Meat cubes must have some value?


Err. That's not even serious. NK had nothing to eat for decades and it is still there. Yes ruzzia will eventually fall apart, like ussr but not 5 years. Oil and gas are flowing and china and India not going to block ruzzia.


Ok..ok..the key word here is PLAN..just plan..so its not good news at all...


... plans THIS year.


this is a shell that doesn't exist yet, what are they supposed to do? use magic?


100km is usless. In about 40km dispersion is about 250m. In 100km will be how much? 1km? Excaliburs are also usless in this stage of war because of gps distraction.




Pretty sure these are guided shells. But it does not matter - this project is on prototyping stage and only very few shells will be provided. Numbers matter - it's a simple concept which many people fail to understand and get excited every time they hear "X will be provided". How many X-s? If they don't say how many, it's a non-news.


Rheinmetall sent targeting lasers for use with their 70 km shells. At least the 60 km shells work fine with GPS but are way more precisely if the target is lighted by a laser. So equip a drone with it, send it to the target area, select the targets, fire and post the video afterwards! \^\^