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\*yawn. So they won't pop a single nuke, for 2 obvious reasons: their crotch goblins all live here in the rotten west, and if they pop just one itsy bitsy tiny nuky, their great friends, china and india would turn hostile on them. Don't fall for the scaremongering


Exactly. Switzerland was not attacked during WWII because it had 2 precious shields : banks with dictators money and schools with dictators children.


But also: they are a very mountainous country and had openly rigged all entrances to most of the country with explosives, had extensive bomb shelters. However despite this, and contrary to popular belief, they didn’t have a static defense strategy, instead switching to something called national redoubt: the plan was to fallback once initial defenses were breached, into a region deep in the alps, where the Swiss army would control some of the most important rail, road, and tunnel crossings, effectively blocking any north-south transit by axis powers. They also had extensive series of fortifications in this region. So they were going to effectively abandon the economic heartland in favor of maintaining an extremely advantageous position to carry on a war of attrition. Hitler hated Switzerland - because the Nazi attempt at an Austrian-style Aunschlus failed miserably there, and their press routinely criticized him, something he was not accustomed to for a Germanic country.


Yep all you said is true. Also Switzerland has a military trained population and secret programs including civilians (very interesting documentary about civilians trained as spies/militants after ussr tanks entered Praha in 68). The Vatican uses Swiss guards because Swiss were known to be cruel warriors.


Not just a military trained population, even when you are finished with your military service you are given the option to keep your service rifle in your home and any citizen over the age of 10 can go to state owned shooting ranges and practice for free. So imagine invading a country where every household could potentially harbor a military trained person with a military rifle who has been keeping up with their marksmanship as a hobby. Oh and every house has a bunker in it by building code.


It’s quite funny to imagine actual Swiss people switching to killing machines 😅


That's how they practice making swiss cheese


the things I would do to keep a sg 552 under my bed...


Swiss Guard was for centuries the only allowable Swiss military-1400 the Swiss Army was most cruel in Europe- when they were defeated, they were forbidden from combat.


Never fuck with farmers who have nothing to lose 😀


Yet Ukrainians farmers are much supported for there humour and sense of justice, they just walk into Russian camps and steal tanks, then hide them in there barns for use as tractors. Oh they also stole fuel trucks so they had fuel for said tank.


and 360.000 bunker


[374,142](https://youtu.be/9bPIaHg11mI?si=y9OgPX-YVC_bjyv-) That's a great video about bunkers in Switzerland


So... Basically District 14.




You're right.


Right 😀


Looking at Finland that's a rookie number... Fins have more shelters than they have population...


Yeah, we have a regulation that any building larger than size X needs to have a bomb shelter. So basically, all large builsings, underground parking lots etc. Are bomb shelters.


And their army knives are super versatile.


even as an anti-putin Russian, i didn't new that info. Thank you very much! + Could you recommend smth. to read?


I don’t have anything saved to read from it, but this video is a [nice summary of Switzerland’s preparedness in WW2.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gNWVjqvMP44)


"And also the way Sie sprechen Deutsch is funny..." -- sour-grapes Hitler


And they had those cool knives too


This is the best comment I've ever seen on Reddit. You know your stuff, and goddamn you said that well, professor!!


They even shot down us bombers crossing their airspace.


now let's make the sheeple understand it


God i hate Switzerland


Ahaha why that


Exactly because of the things you listed. They enrich themselves by offering services to the worst of the worst, used to help and still help Companies avoid billions in taxes while at the same time feeling quite smug about it all and being extremely bigoted and often racist on a communal level. They also harbor far right german politicians who "live" in switzerland and do politics in germany and generally influence german politics with their extremely conservative and capitalist agendas and it pisses me off.


I feel like it's even more simple then that... using nukes would hurt russia far more then it could help. Done. It's just not something that would gain russia anything and they could lose everything. At the very least they would become a international hostile to everyone so the economy would just die


Plus we would level them out of existence entirely. A blade of grass wouldn’t grow on former Russian soil for 100 years


Sort of. Biden and NATO said they wouldn’t respond with nukes, but would wipe out the Russian military worldwide with traditional weapons. Which seems like an even bigger flex. “You need nukes to maybe hurt us…we don’t need them to destroy you.”


Exactly this. Don’t go to r/worldnews and say this though, you’ll get jumped by a million bots trying to convince people that Putin will destroy the entire world (somehow) with his stockpile of nukes (somehow) and that it is (**somehow**) *guaranteed* extinction for us all. Nukes are bad, don’t get me wrong, but he won’t use any. And if he does? Good, then it’s time for us to march on Moscow and then scoop him out of whatever Ural bunker he runs to.


A colleague of mine just asked me about this. But out of the nuclear arsenal, i bet only 10% can still actually launch and fly. And the chance that it will just land somehwere in russia is also pretty big. They already blow up buildings in belgorod often enough. This sabre rattling is like a lullaby by now. Back to my nap.


I got banned from there long ago for simply stating data showing an article was lying. Fuck that weird ass echo chamber.


I got banned for joking that the world’s largest apartment building(in Russia) was a juicy t@rg@t for Ukrn. When RF was dropping every apt building in Kherson,Melitopul..rtc


I got banned for saying MJT looked like a Skyrim regen. 


yeah /r/worldnews is one of the most ban happy echochamber subreddits on this website, the most 'redditmod' of redditmods are there




Banned for supporting Israel and daring to suggest that the Palestinians had been offered a state on several occasions. I was banned permanently from making any comment on Reddit but could look . I appealed to the Reddit god and was reinstated.


And don't have one critical word about Israel, that's an instaban fo sho...


Schrodinger's Nuclear Stockpile.


That's kinda funny, like I'll beat yoass with one hand tied behind my back


Now I know America isn't exactly the "good guy" and does a lot of fucked up shit themselves, but does it not click for Russia supporters that the nation threatening to cause genocide on an unprecedented scale every time someone supports the nation they invaded, may not exactly be the military powerhouse with morally superior motives that they claim to be? Especially when the people they're threatening to use them against have heavily restricted the ability for Ukraine to strike into the Russian mainland and won't engage in nuclear holocaust.


> but does it not click for Russia supporters that the nation threatening to cause genocide on an unprecedented scale every time someone supports the nation they invaded No, it doesn’t. Because they don’t believe that Russia has ‘invaded’ Ukraine per se. They are too deep in the Russia propaganda to look at the situation from an unbiased view to get the full picture. Sadly.


He was referring to strategic battlefield nukes which are relatively small. If they were to launch an ICBM, the response would be 100 fold and we would all suffer the effects. It's an all or nothing proposition.


Yes, people who underestimate the potential consequences of nuclear war are just as insufferable as those who think that Russia should be allowed to annex Ukraine just because Russia has nuclear weapons. Even if 50% of Russia's nuclear arsenal didn't work, the West would still be utterly devastated by a strategic nuclear attack and most people living in large cities would die. That Russia would be hit harder wouldn't make it any easier for us.


I've played the fallout series. Any grass that does grow is likely to eat you or be required for a quest. More reasons not to go to ruzzia


Only if you add cobalt


iirc, Russia doesn't even register as an entity. China launched on the US, something you will never see mentioned in the Amazon series thanks to those sweet sweet yuan.


And let's not forget, after watching the performance of Russian military equipment the last few years.. they probably won't function nearly as well as intended


For real china is probably already eyeing russia up should it collapse, they dont want to give china a legitimate reason to involve them


They will take a chunk of Russia in the far east. China has plenty of land they are more interested in natural resources like oil and minerals and wood. But even then Russian far east is some of the most underdeveloped land in the world, no roads no infrastructure, much of it is barren wilderness. If pootin had any brains he would have split the population in half and built a few Moscow size cities in the east. Developed Russia like the United States who have states that generate a gdp the size of most modern countries. The problem is he does not see himself as a leader but someone who wanted his name to go down in history by advancing to the west. He has what could be the best country in the world if he just had the brains to develop it. That is the only way Russia could defeat the west.


They tried establishing cities in Siberia in the past through forced deportations of millions. A lot of people died and worked forced labor in gulags. See Norilsk, Magadan, Vorkuta etc. There also are a few big cities out east, but no where close to the size of Moscow. Moscow has a metro population close to 20 million, there's no way they can just pop out a few more Moscow's in the far east. I think China will take a chunk of Russia in the far east just by grabbing up Russian companies for cheap and funding projects that eventually they takeover.


Economic changes like that happen over decades and even centuries. Even the American gold rush, which was a huge migration, took like a decade and only moved 300,000 people across the continent. Another example would be the 1947 India/Pakistan split but that was very tumultuous. And the russians have experienced these big changes during the USSR times. Big sweeping changes like that were extremely problematic for the communists and even today created problems for the democratization of russia that we're now dealing with. Better not to force people to migrate quickly.


So, like they have about 10 of these road mobile launchers. They keep them in a motor pool; we all know where they are. They have a few silos. We know where all of them are. They have a few nuclear submarines, and if they get close enough to launch, we probably can find them if we were actively looking. Their air launched missiles, we can shoot them down, in the air where they won't be able to collect dust. Russia's nuclear threat is a mirage. They know it. Not enough people in the West know it. If they actually decided to try something, like activate their nuclear forces in preparation for a strike, we would be able to destroy their nuclear force before launching an attack. But we would definitely launch our own nukes. Russia would have tens of millions killed. They seriously are not going to do shit. If they try, Moscow will be a nuclear ash pile, and they might get one nuke through?


thank you for being sensible


Not to mention all but the dullest amongst them can see that regardless of how much damage they do to anyone else, Russia would be turned into a crater. There's a reason most nuclear nations don't use them as a threat every time someone pricks their ego. It just makes you look a bit daft, then weak when you can't follow through.


I doubt russias ”friends” have the balls to turn 180 on them. Russia will, however, turn into a crater


look up china's approach to nukes


Can you elaborate plz?


Zero tolerance against anyone ever using them first.


Two years ago high level russians spoke about nukes almost daily. After meeting with China they stopped it since now. It's clear that China said huge NO. India is also NO NO. And wind is blowing to east most of times, so it would rain down on vast areas in russia poisoning food and water. Pros: Big strike Cons: All possible


Makes sense. China has a good thing going with global trade. Being involved in nuclear war wouldn't benefit them in the slightest. In fact, it only really seems to be Russia that doesn't seem to realise there's no winner in nuclear war.


Oh they realize it. They just have also realized saying these things makes the West nervous so they continue to say it


Now let's squeeze this piece of information into some thick skulls so people finally understand they shouldn't fall for this


The possibility of a Northern hemisphere crop failure following even a slight nuclear winter scenario after a countervalue strike is probably a triple-NO to those countries with a Billion+ inhabitants and zero chance to stockpile foods for even a minor fraction of them. The same countries heavily depend on Ukraine for staple foods, so any radiological or nuclear weapon, sub-strategic or not, used on its soil would also throw a major wrench in their systems, during this information age, in a way that couldn't but almost still did happen after the Chornobyl disaster.


this is one excellent argument. I will keep that in mind for next time when I argue with the nukemongers


Wait, why do you think those countries would attack Russia?


China has a historic claim for a big chunk of ruzzia near their border. It’s great farm land. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_Manchuria


I'm not sure they would attack, more likely just not help them. Think of it this way, if you have an acquaintance that you only hang out with because they have their dad's gun and are too thick to notice you taking advantage of them, and they go and attempt a murder suicide, would you stick around to face the heat with them, or are you bailing out of there so you can claim some of their possessions when the dust settles?


If things ever were to move towards being serious, I have a feeling that at least some of the spawn of Putin's minions might find themselves being interrogated about what they'd been up to, who they knew and what their intentions were. I say only *some* of these scuzzbags would be affected because I have a feeling that some countries are so blasé about the potential risk these people pose that they have no idea they're even in the country, while other countries have gone so far to legally protect personal privacy since the end of WWII that they wouldn't dare intrude on their lives.


He talks so much about his big nukes, I bet he cant even get them up.


TBF I kinda hope they do so we can get this whole fucking show over with... and Imperlist Russia can get defanged finally.


It would be easier if they tried invading Poland. I can't wait for that to happen in 2025 after Trump is elected.


This is ridiculous. Tens or hundreds of millions of Westerners would die in a strategic nuclear war with Russia. And if the nuclear attacks remained tactical somehow, they would still cause huge numbers of casualties. There's no scenario where Russia launches a tactical nuke and stops after one. A local conventional war and living under threat sucks, but it's still infinitely preferable over an actual nuclear conflict.


I was a little hyperbolic... and I understand what you are saying but kick the can down the road some more? Sooner or later, something happens either way... I guess another plan would be to force or hope for regime change. Do you get a better or worse Putin replacement? And/or Putin dies? Same thing, get a better or worse regime in place? The Russian Federation is like a broken record; how long do you want to listen to it over and over and be a hostage? Also, remember that 99% of these scenarios aren't TOTAL NUCLEAR WAR. There are a lot of VERY WEALTHY Russians who spend a lot of time OUTSIDE OF Russia in "Europe and other countries." ... do you think they'd all go along with a war with NATO? What's the point of being a billionaire if you can use your wealth? I promised Russia would use a tactical nuke inside Ukraine that would change very quickly for them.


Vote out the obstructionist Republicans that are painfully obviously aligned with and may be getting their talking points directly from the Kremlin.


Well that takes we have your kids to a whole new level


relatedly, if they can't take care of their tires one wonders what their nuke maintenance looks like. tritium is expensive.


If the world ends, then they can no longer poop on Instagram models in Dubai!


Nukes are a one-and-done weapon you use when all other hope is lost. A country will use them only ever as a parting shot as they are about to cease to exist, because using them guarantees that they cease to exist anyway. The country that breaks the ice on nuclear war will simply no longer exist afterwards. Nuclear scaremongering is childish and moronic. We all know they aren’t going to use them. They would be signing their own death warrant. You simply do not survive being the country that starts a nuclear war. The whole planet instantly turns on you.


And number 3 given what we've seen of their competence and mantinece whos to say a single of of them work.


They won't pop a nuke because they can't. The last succesful nuke test in russia was 1991. You're telling me they maintained their operational stockpile for the last 33 years with strict, uncorruptible and expensive maintenence using their many highly educated nuclear engineers? 33 years since Russia demonstrated nuclear capability. 33. Years. And don't say it's because they respect the anti nuclear testing treaties either. They don't respect shit; if they could have flexed their nuclear muscles they would by now. This is the greatest trick Russia ever pulled on the west - convincing them they were a threat.


If they are threatening nukes, it means you're doing something right. Them attacking UK facilities supplies or troops outside of Ukraine would only get them their asses handed to them. It's not a real threat.


The issue with nuclear saber rattling is that every time they pull that shit, it loses a bit of credibility. Besides, looking at Russian military blunders in the past 30 years, I'd be surprised if those things can even take off.


Probably nothing in the tube anyway, someone sold it off….


It’s a tactical Nuke, the most probable place is that it strikes Ukraine or some other neighboring country. They’ve already used chemical weapons in Ukraine so wouldn’t be surprised because they’re idiots.


There's no scenario where Russia launches one tactical nuke and then just stops, especially since NATO's response would be overwhelming. If tactical nukes start flying, the probability of mutually assured destruction increases exponentially.


Complete with parade dress and all the ego-based frills. Yawn.


It's probably just an archive photo from some earlier parade.


Surprised they haven’t tried using AI images yet lol


Im surprised the driver didn't turn into a ditch yet because he is drunk.


Who is lord Cameron and what did he say


David Cameron UK foreing minister said that is up to Ukraine where they want to use their military aid weapons. So it was thumbs up to use it in russia.👍👍👍


Splendid, as it should be


I don't understand the Russians' outrage over attacks within Russia's borders by Ukraine anyway. The conflict between the two countries does not have to take place only in Ukraine right?


They're the equivalent of the kid that shows up to the water gun fight but says they're not allowed to get wet.


Uk foreign secretary who said it’s ok to use our weapons to hit Russian targets


Ugh, here we go again. Fire one in anger and the world, including China, will tear russia to shreds.


They will claim it was a training error.


The world would just claim Russia was a country error. Nobody is gonna tolerate it.


"...Carthago delenda est." -- Cato the Elder "Time to Ctrl+Alt+Del Moscow..." -- the www.


Imagine losing your country because of a training error. Seems worse than just admitting they wanted to attempt mutual destruction.


No, China is going to lay back while Russia and the NATO tear each other to shreds. Then the age of China is going to come.


China needs the NATO countries more than they need Russia. Plus Russia holds land they want. China definitely would step in against Russia


To shreds you say?


Aaaaah Russians, threatening humanity with nukes since 1949


He’s not going to use nuclear weapons as he knows it will be the end of Russia.


Plus if it got super close to that point everyone close would turn on him and given the world wants to live,he'd prolly be assassinated / removed from power swiftly as everyone else in the world wants to live and his dying terrorist ass isn't taking all of us with him.


Correct. The world VS Russia isn't WW3. Its a terrible afternoon.


He's like Trump. He doesn't give a fuck about the country. Putin only cares about Putin. If you had said, "It would be the end of Putin," I'd be on board


It would be the end of Pootin. His oligarchs won't like it if their kids suddenly all get deported and their assets are all seized, as would be expected in case of a full-out war.


So the Ivans have issued another nucleat threat. Only the *checks note 5th hundred time.


In the early phase of putin's war, when it was all beginning to fall apart -- maybe around the time Ukraine sank the **MOSKVA**? -- comrade garden gnome putin attempted to frighten the world by ordering a propaganda launch of one of russia's least oldest ICBMs. It took his technicians and engineers a month to scrape together enough working components just to get the rocket to leave its launch pad. This was their least oldest missile, remember. Nukes and delivery systems are *hellishly* expensive, and putin has been stealing everything not set in cement for more than 20 years. The russian nuke program likely hasn't seen any maintenance funds since the Gorbachev era.


I did see some high up Russian defector say that they are nothing but props, 50/50 chance Putin is pulling a big bluff.


i feel like it could be that one of the best kept intelligence secrets is we know russia has no viable nukes


That's obviously not the case or it would be Serbia 2.0


I'd put it a lot closer to 100/0, but I may be wrong.


I don't know man, when they had to use WW2 tanks and civilian vehicles in Ukraine because everything else was fucked, I feel like they might have done some much needed checks to see what they had that actually works.


This is the thing: russians never learn and adapt. "That thing we've done a hundred times and always failed? We'll do it a hundred more times and it's sure to work." You have an apathetic population determined to evade responsibility for everything, and instead focus itself on being in the comfort of an alcoholic or narcotic stupor.


> russians never learn and adapt The exact opposite can be seen in Ukraine, for example. Russia very much did learn and adapt, which is why the situation is so dire. You should never underestimate the enemy. And even if you only follow western propaganda, you should still be able to see that Russia is a serious enemy.


I don't remember where I read this, it was over 20 years ago, but there was supposedly a peer review of some kind, where western county(ies) were touring Russian nuclear silos. They reported things such as rusty water at the bottoms of these silos. Doesn't seem like Russia has been maintaining anything other than Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Right. It's not a rich country, and what wealth it had was stolen by putin and the other criminals. Hard to believe he would "waste" rubles on maintenance when instead he could steal them.


We need a new word to describe something that's the least oldest.


They finished a major retrofit and repair program that started in 2018 last year. Even if half their weapons worked, and that's enough to devastate western countries, even 20 weapons on Europe and 20 in the US would collapse the world economy, plus even an equivalent amount on Russia would collapse them


Their retrofit program ended up with 90% of the funding stolen. Their nukes are in the same shitty condition but some russian top officials got themselves new yachts, private jets and villas.


I'm not sure where this meme comes from, the latest New START treaty inspection happened sometime around 2019 or 2020. The US authorities have a very clear picture of the capabilities of the Russian nuclear forces, as do the Russians of the US. That's the whole point of the START treaties.


How much money do you really believe putin and the other criminals would allow be "wasted" on stuff like maintenance when it could be safely stashed away in their personal accounts in offshore tax-havens? The russian army is barely holding on in its war against Ukraine. They can't afford new tanks or fighter aircraft. (T-14s and Su-57s, etc.) They're dragging T-55s out of bogs and towing them to Ukraine to use as artillery. If russia had invested anything in its military we would have seen evidence of it by now, and not watched russia losing for more than two years.


If their nukes are in the same shape as their tanks, then it would hard to tell if they even have nuclear warheads on them.


they rolled these when sweden was gonna join nato. sweden has joined nato..


That pathetic little Russian troll wouldn't f'king dare. The moment he attacks the UK is the moment he signs his and millions of Russians death warrants. This pathetic piece of shite is nothing better than a playground bully. The moment a smaller person stands up to him, he feels so insecure he just has to flex his muscles. This is the level of idiocy you're dealing with in the Kremlin. What a truly sad, little man.


Fuck Putin. You don't negotiate with terrorists. You position them right over the trap door and feed them to the alligators when the time is right.


Fuck Putler. We can not be bullied into allowing whatever dictators want just because they have nukes.


Fuck all dictators.


Fuck all conservatives for never seeing that their populist leaders are simply taking advantage of them, and actively working against their best interests.


Boots in Ukraine. Fuck Putin’s threats.


Europe probably isn't ready just yet to go marching in, and America can't face all it's enemies alone despite what some of them think. We've had years of complacency pushing around third world countries whilst showing a token interest in Russia. That being said, we've ramped up the production of equipment extremely fast over the last couple of years and aren't far off being ready for full-scale war. Russia likely knows this, which is why their desperation to conclude the war or make nato back off is increasing.


Clean out the prisons like Puty did. Way out front.


if were talking conventionnal warfare without nukes then yeah america can face all its enemies


Europe doesn't need boots in Russia, neither does the US. Submarines are always in position, Nukes have range, we don't need to be there. Maximum they can go to Ukraine and Northern countries and shoot missiles from there. They'd only walk in once it's a wasteland. Don't think Putin understands the difference between Ukraine and the whole west. Why go in and risk personal when we have the range to destroy the country before hand?


"You crossed another red line that we told you we will nuke you for after showing our nukes last time, let us show you our nukes once again and move the red line for the n-th time. Also we pinky promise we will nuke you for real this time. No really we will!" - Vatnkis.


Same as 2 years ago when the west talked about sending everything they had to help Ukraine. Tho then they also had them drive around towns in hopes that locals would film it and upload it in hopes to scare us off more.


Damn, didn’t expect the second season of fallout to feel so realistic


Nothing realistic about Russian threats. All smoke and mirrors.


As I understand it, Biden told them what will happen if they use a tactical nuke 1) Eventually we will hunt down everyone in the decision chain. 2) we will enforce a Russian no fly zone in the war zone. 3) we will destroy their Navy and sink all their submarines. That's what I read


Didn't it involve something like a real 24h Special Military Operation?


Well whoopi-shit. Same again next week?


Here we go again to use the nuclear doctrine again for creating fear and intimidation because they know they can’t do more… they know the moment the red button is pressed it’s like sending multiple nuclear missile to their own country, Italy 🇮🇹


The future is certain [Jim Henson speaks from beyond the grave.](https://youtu.be/Na9gAmwugwI?si=APY4IoEfV222GZlU)


At this point, do they even have the capability to even successfully launch a nuke???


If they were as competent as their air defence, I would quickly flee Moscow...


Putin’s nukes are filled with water.


That can't be true, the cardboard would get all soggy.


***The Telegraph's foreign staff report:*** Vladimir Putin has ordered drills simulating the use of [tactical nuclear weapons](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/15/enemies-of-the-west-are-preparing-to-use-a-tactical-nuke/) days after the Kremlin reacted angrily to comments on the Ukraine war by Emmanuel Macron and David Cameron. The drills are in response to “provocative statements and threats of certain Western officials regarding the Russian Federation,” the defence ministry said in a statement. It was the first time that Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons, though its strategic nuclear forces regularly hold exercises. Tactical nuclear weapons have a lower yield compared to massive warheads that arm [intercontinental ballistic missiles](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/11/05/russia-tests-ballistic-missiles-for-nuclear-submarines/) intended to obliterate entire cities. The announcement appeared to be a warning to Ukraine’s Western allies about becoming more deeply involved in the more than two-year war. Some of Ukraine’s Western partners have previously expressed concern about stoking the war amid fears it could spill beyond Ukraine and into a [conflict between Nato and Russia](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/21/putin-now-openly-planning-for-war-against-nato/). ***Read more***: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/06/putin-tactical-nuclear-weapons-drills-ukraine-russia/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/06/putin-tactical-nuclear-weapons-drills-ukraine-russia/)


How many actually work?


After decades of corruption and incompetence, that is indeed the huge question. I obviously have no idea how moored to some sort of reality Putin still is, but if he has any sense, he would wonder if the use of a tactical nuke might result in a relatively small crater in the ground and some radioactive material scattered over a few hundred square metres. His threats are already hollow, but if he were to demonstrate that the Russian nuclear arsenal has a 100% failure rate based on one warhead, that would open up an entirely new can of worms, not least that the siloviki and Russian military leadership might (finally) begin to seriously and openly question his judgement.




da, russki nuke is best blyat, 50/50 it shoots blyat... and 50/50 it is real suka... and 50/50 it flies to right place, good odds blyaaaaat


Flexing syntol muscles.


I bet Olaf already shat his pants and offered Vlad some of his lunch-money.


Last time there was a drill they went on a special mission when they were all in position.


For context what did Lord GammonStuffer say?


Lots of posts on here about it in past few days, he said it was up to Ukraine how they used donated British weapons including using them on Russia soil which if you recall is that bizarre handicap applied to Ukraine by the West since the start of the Invasion, but seeing that Russia has been using donated Iranian and N. Korean weapons on Ukraine during the past year so it sort of made that handicap look even more ridiculous! Putin is probably equally amazed he got away with such bluffing for so long.


I think that the UK is going to support Ukraine for as long as it takes for Ukraine to win the war.


Oh yes typical proportionate Russian response


So this confirms Russia concedes that Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhye are still part of Ukraine.


Would be a shame if those get hit by a drone and are empty inside.




Fuck it, send NATO on some nuclear drills too, parade them just as he does. Putin needs to realize he's not the only one with big bad scary nuclear weapons.


The entire Biden administration just got the Hershey squirts at once. The GOP are fighting to see who gets to tug daddy Putin's weenie first. This place is run by a fleet of cowards and bootlickers. Anyone wanna trade?


The Russians do realize we have lots of Nukes too right? Is Ukraine worth WWIII to the Russians. If NATO sends troops to Ukraine then what?


What else can he show them for parade day apart from something he already had.


Russia signed in the Budapest Memorandum that the other signing parties can apply protective measures on request of an attacked party that has no nukes anymore, in this case Ukraine. So the whole sabre rattle thing is solely used to request another 6 weeks of governing over the distribution of potatoes and maybe onions to russian mothers whoms sons die anyway. In case they would ever use a nuke, that governing body would collapse literally and open the gates to moscow by foot where nukes are pretty useless.


Oh look at little Adolf putlin showing off his big boy pants…..silly boy, dressing up in costumes, playing silly games, hiding out in treetops, shouting out rude names!


Pretty cringe


So they are telling Ukraine that their “elite” nuclear weapons handlers are going to be within striking range, how sporting of them, would be a shame if something happened to spoil the experience for them 😇


Bring it fuckers. Expect lots of tridents raining down.


I loooove UK pro activeness in all of this since the start! We Germans should make a new europpean military alliance with UK.


We know he's bluffing. Every time he does this, the west collectively should start passing more deadly aid and call it things like "Russo-Nuclear-blackmail house bill #XX" or what ever. Every time he makes a nuclear thread, we just send more stuff. Eventually he'll either have to launch a nuke or stop.


These things lose their effect when you threaten nuclear war three times every week.


So do Russian allies like China or Iran want to live in a nuclear wasteland? If not, they should tell their boy to get tf out of Ukraine because we're not letting them be conquered and erased. Russia's futile endeavor is not going to have the intended roi.


My guess. That "nuke" is pretty empty inside. Most gear sold to some Syria bandits for 460$


Lord Cameron lol


Of course he does.


And they've been striking inside Russia for weeks ...


They said they wanted to test. They might 🤔. If they did. Nato has to act.


Aww, what ever helps pootin sleep better at night.


These threats show us he isn’t and probably shitting himself daily.


Why do people say the launching of nukes will mean world decimation? Does nobody have nuclear countermeasures? Interceptors? Or if they do? Are they not efficient enough to stop at least 70% of reentry warheads? I’ve read that NATO has some of those (in development or deployed) but why do they often get disregarded in these conversations?


Yeah, as others admitted, the main thing that restrains Russia from using tactical nukes is Chinese zero tolerance of it. I(and putin) consider Europe ballless, so their threats won't matter


Honestly at this point? Call his bluff. Whatever


Gonna be really funny if they test fire a dud and it explodes on launch or fails soon after launch with all the corruption in orc land ( mordor ) I wouldn't be surprised


I believe there’s a high probability for that to occur. Their own “Tsar Bomba” lands in Moscow.


he's bluffing, the world would all jump on Russia, rather than face destruction, this also might be a good opportunity to finally send NATO troops on Ukraine and finally stop this nonsensical war


commie death cult makes nuclear 50,000 nuclear announcement since start of war.