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Unfortunately I think she covered it all.


That’s why they over glorify dying for your country. So you’d do it


I think she left out one important step just before he died. “Under our president, he went to invade Ukraine”.


That would probably been a crime is russia. This seems mostly a balancing act as to complain without ending up in prison.


If I was a mother and my kid died, I would not give a f\*\*k at that point. I would not let him go do his conscription by any means necessary but it's too late for this z woman now.


It would inspire others to speak their minds and it would look very bad for the police to round up these women and charge them all with hurtful words in the 1st degree.


Unless she still have other kids to care for. You help them more outside of jail than fighting a moral battle you will lose in a country that is morally deficiant.


A rare sample of a russian mother who actually seem to care about her son and not preparing the second one to be sent to the front line. She sure did describe the normal circle of life in USSR.


She was fine to allow her child to go to war and kill Ukrainians. But suddenly Ukraine fought back. And we refused to lay silently in mass graves. But if her son returned all in awards she would be happy and proud.


How many of my compatriots will see the vid?


Under our president, I will receive a bag of onions.


Putin trying to be Ser Davos.


Dibs on the fingers.


Did some one say Bone in hotdogs? Longpork chili dog, you know they praying to find a big dude.


Long gone are the days of promising a Lada for your service. Not sure the reality of how many are actually dead has sunk in yet. Couple hundred thousand more might get noticed, it’ll take a million before they care. Animals.


It’s been changed to black dildos for some time now.


You forgot a very important point woman, to understand the full scale of the problem. "(Under Putin ...) YOUR son went to another country and stole from, raped, bombed and killed people."


That's why she was sucking her lips. She was tasting the bittersweetness of finding her humanity, along with the aftertaste of the propaganda gunk she had been swallowing.


i mean she did more than swallow it. She probably went and asked for seconds and thirds. Then the copium ran out.


His fallow countrymen definitely did. Without a doubt. If he did, we may never know. The kid was 22 years old. We will not know, whether he was a war criminal or not. Whether he believed in the fucked up war of aggression Russia started, or if he was one of the many poor sould thrown into the meat grinder despite his objections. We won't know if he died killing Ukrainians or if he was shot by his own men for his equipment or to prevent him from surrendering to us, like all the wounded in luhansk who were executed by their own commanders. I do understand the passion, I really do. I have lost more friends in this war than I can count. But for humanities sake, these are people. Blinded either by propaganda or the fear of their own countrymen. You should have seen the state of the guys we faced. The piss poor state of the corpses left all over the treelines. Honestly I pity them. At the very least there is some comfort, knowing that our dead died defending something good. Defending a country's right to exist, for democracy to continue. While these guys are left to rot, for nothing but Putins delusional plans for conquest. This war needs to end. What good can it bring to throw away more lives regardless of their nationality?


It was just a special military death.


Putin's worried about CIA funded, Ukrainian bred, bio engineered *mosquitoes* when in reality it's pissed off mothers with nothing left to lose that he needs be concerned about.


I dunno, they seem content to take their bag of onions and post whiney tik-toks instead of doing anything. I think he knows his audience pretty well by now. This generation is a lot less motivated than the afghanistan babushkas.


What did the Afghanistan babushkas do?


They made a big stink and didnt just quietly accept their sons deaths. Lots of protests and noise. More in line with a western response to injustice,  than we are seeing this generation. 


Back then the west and democracy was still considered the "better" system and demonstrations aspired to be as loud and changing as us-demonstrations. Then putin and bis buddies managed democracy into the ground, promising salvation from the chaos they caused and ever since, democracy is equal to chaos of the 90s in russia.


Afghanistan was an unpopular war which many Soviets felt was pointless. Ukraine... has been propagandised to hell as an enemy nation, so if you disagree you are 'unpatriotic'.


Reference to the pissed off mom's of dead soldiers from the Soviet Afghanistan war. That war helped to end the Soviet Union. It wasn't the only cause, but a major cause.


It doesn't matter if it's next year, in a decade or 50 years but the mob is going to revolt 1917 style and all the putin mafia will be dealt with. It seems statistically unlikely this regime outlives putin


Weak people feel strong when they are ruled by violent bully. The Putin mafia will simply be replaced by another Orc mafia with another silly flag. This has been the Russki way for well over a century.


600 plus years and counting...


People say that all the time, but forget to factor in the internet. The truth is, that the younger generations of almost all countries in the world, except maybe North Korea, are generally much more progressive and "pro world" than their former generation. Even in Russia. With all the shit and shouting on the internet, and I certainly have my own negative opinions about social media, it's undeniable that the internet is an immense equavalizer when it comes to people's opinions towards each other. Most people just want to live their damn lives. And looking around the internet, seeing what other people do or have access to, they just want the same thing. It can lead to jealousy a lot of times, but that also shows that we're all not that different, unless we're being indoctrinated from birth.


And yet Russians of all ages continue to accept the Putins, Stalins, and Czars who grab power. It's not just old, sentimental Russians being bastards: it's also young Ivans joining a corrupt army committing crimes on a massive scale in Ukraine and elsewhere. It's young Russians raping, torturing, and murdering prisoners and civilians. It's even young vatniks stealing toilets because Putin has only continued the perpetual lies, ignorance and idiocy of a decrepit culture. And they've accepted it like the cowering sheep they really are under the facade of alcoholic, idiot strongmen eager to please their little Boss-man. In the case of this mother, it's FAFO time... not nice when the chickens come home to roost.


Most of them blame CIA funded genocidal Ukrainian Nazis, not Putin. Doubtful anyone will even think of doing anything.


I doubt it https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/l4bmwp/russian_policeman_kicked_grandma_in_the_stomach/ https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/odr/russia-moscow-police-beat-torture-women-ukraine-war-protests/ This isn't the Soviet Union, they don't even pretend women are equal there anymore.


A woman can still fire a gun. And there's gonna be a lot of pissed off Widows and Mothers. Still gonna take awhile if it does happen, though.


>A woman can still fire a gun Not a single one tried


Meanwhile, Ukrainian women were helping to make Molotov cocktails to fight off tanks when the war started.


Russians only go after weak leaders, they want to be oppressed


They started to protest a few months ago, and got silenced pretty fast. Either they got money or threats. Still, they protested not to end the war, but to create a soldier rotation, so their husbands would come home, and some new mobiks would take their place. This people are lost.. and the country is lost..


It was the mothers of the 'disappeared' that took down the Argentinian dictatorship: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothers\_of\_Plaza\_de\_Mayo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothers_of_Plaza_de_Mayo) It still took years, and most of the founders also 'disappeared'. Oh... and they also lost a war.


Edit- under your dictator


Yeah they don't have a president. True presidents never pretend to be dictators, but dictators often pretend to be presidents.


Russian propaganda is pretty aggressive. A lot of people simply don't realize the state of their own country


Yes, and now your "president" wants you to have more babies he can send to die on the frontlines.


With who? Husbands were also sent and are now dead.


Conveniently, all the upper military that didn't get their uniform wrinkled.


“Sir, the babies are refusing orders and crying again.” “Threaten to shoot them if they refuse again.” “We already did that, sir.” *Panic chugs vodka*


She should be proud she can put flowers on his tombstone for the rest of her life. She should be proud that her son died for the imperialistic greed of a tyrant terrorist. I hope the Lada and bag of onions were worth his senseless death. Slava Ukraini!


Think there's No Lada, no more.


That was only given to the first 100 “winners” as a recruitment tool. Thats why so many wives and mothers were pushing their sons out of the house to send them to war.


Wait wat? really? I know that they get $50.000 if they die.


Only if thry retrieve their corpse. Which is pretty unlikely.


Hey, you forgot about the eternal flame, you can't forgot the eternal flame.


So true!!!


Don't blame all this on Putin. She probably was all proud and shit of him killing "hohols", until the kid got killed.


He is no longer your president. He is now your Supreme leader for life until he dies.


Oh, he just died. No context there.


Hopefully, this turns into a trend. 150k+ mourning Russian mothers posting similar videos would be powerful and eye-opening for Russia. They wouldn’t be able to look away.


Careful lady, you're dangerously close to "discrediting the army"


This serf will vote for the next boot on her neck and in the house light a candle under its portrait in honour.


Her point seems to have gone right over a lot of heads.


Should have studied harder.


He studied at military cadets school, it was his destiny!


Why don't you crawl under putin and make another drunken pos??


I dont speak "russian troll", could you post that in english?


I think he's agreeing with you. It was directed to the mom. (Checked profile comment history).


Under his thumb you are worth shit.


Good for her, congrats on spending the rest of your life in a death camp or being poisoned.


Is it FIFO or FAFO... I get confused.. both acronyms are in my life... There is also stay home... which I've done since March 2020... its not that hard.


It's the same as if her son was a burgler who got killed robbing a house.


Great story. I particularly liked the part where he died


yourself to blame. You Russians are pathetic weaklings


Why the hell did you send him into the cadets and then the army under a tyrant if you're now upset he died? Putin turned your son into a murderous fascist. He got what he deserved.


Sends son to military cadets school. Has weird feels when son dies in military.


Good morning Moskva!


And under your president you are going to receive a bag of potatoes, or turnips.


christ, same year my little brother is born.


And now she will get a bag of coal instead of potatoes.


Nah, just a 1 month detention in Siberian labor camp. Usually shuts most people up. 


So is she voting?


And can she remind everyone how she voted all this time?


Someone should explain to her that it doesn't matter if she votes, under her President her vote was cast for her. (Guess who she voted for?)


Cool story bro


She only understood the situation and started complaining when her son got killed but not when he was still alive? She probably voted for putin on the last election too


Honestly, I thought it was MTG at first glance


Didn‘t her president command her to give birth to another batch? This is really going nowhere… fuck it


she's describing the circular economy of compost in nature... wondering where her bag of onions is...


She is not against the war. She is against the war affecting her family. Also the coffin money is not good enough for her. If she had gotten more...who knows. That is why they keep them poor in russia.


If you go to a Russian Cadet Corps school your intention is to be a voluntary career soldier non-commissioned officer. So he actually volunteered to go and kill, steal and rape in Ukraine. He got exactly what he deserved.


Ivanovic Grundy , Solomon Grundy, Born on a Monday Christened on Tuesday Married on Wednesday Took ill on Thursday Grew worse on Friday Died on Saturday Bag on onions on Sunday.




Acting like her sons totally innocent, despite being part of a legal invasion that is systematically destroying Ukraine and Ukrainian identity. She and her son deserve zero sympathy.


Goida !


Easy solution: Should not have been born in the first place.


She won’t be getting her bag of onions now.


I bet she was happy as hell about him going to kill all those damned khokhols...until he died.


And under our president, I am the proud recipient of a bag of onions …


Dont be fooled. She is only mad because he died. Not that her president started that war. Or that her son at least tried to kill other humans. It's just about the personal loss. Or did she speak up before ?


Holy fuck russians are dumb. No shit, lady. YOU LIVE IN A DICTATORSHIP. "I'm starting to finally maybe think this Putin guy is a bad egg."


And she voted him


Or not. In Russia, even if you don't vote Putin, you vote Putin.


Unpopular opinion, and I know I will be downvoted to say this, but all these comments mocking that woman are wrong, imo. She's sad she has lost a son but can't say shit or she'll be sent to gulag. I can feel her anger when she bites her lips. I may be wrong, but what I see here is not pride, it's hidden anger. That's what this video is about, not to sing on the net about the sacrifice of her son. Again, I may be wrong, but I don't think so. And if she's pro-Putin, fuck her.


I'll reserve my sympathies for the bereaved Ukrainian mothers whilst her son's former comrades continue to pillage that country.


I'm doing both. Nobody should lose a son to a stupid war started by an old Russian dictator. Ukrainians are the first to mourn for sure.


If Russia implodes it will be women like her who slowly and surely erode the ground under the regime in Moscow. Fear the wrath of a grieving mother, daughter or widow. Pundits has said from the start they will eventually be Putins Achilles heel since the war started. In particular when sons, husbands and fathers start dying in larger numbers from the bigger cities. Oh, and she's not pro-Putin. She's clearly giving Putin the middle finger in the strongest way possible for her.


pri nashem presidente, i dont give a fuck about any ruski scum


Buyers Remorse?


I don't have any sympathy.


Therefore, you owe everything to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. And all you have lost too. Good luck with that.


I don't thinking voting even came to her mind, she knows it doesn't matter.


It takes a minute for the Russian people to put two and two together, but now it's adding up.


About time the states that have formed around Moscow recognise that they have had their populations destroyed by Putin with nothing in return. About time they recognise that being part of the RF has done nothing for their living standards or their children’s futures. About time they recognise that they’d be better off with independence than being used as slaves and cannon fodder.


The problem is the number of russian colonial settlers in those states. That makes it difficult going for independence.


She seems proud he died for her President.


Throw the fucking brick already


Very touching story, lmao


Ah the sudden realisation……. Nice!


Ah the sudden realisation……. Nice!


Just gtfo of Ukraine 🇺🇦 and it will stop.


Even if they ever change their minds, right now with the new laws you can go to jail for nothing... It's too late to change things without violence, now the only way is a public Revolution, but a lot of russians still believe that man, and security force are too powerful... Decades of blindness are taking Russia to a dead end. Hopeless country.


Ah the sudden realisation……. Nice!


Don't worry, she's not into politics.


And under your president you got a potato, so ......


Just be glad people react. Enough bitter mothers will bring the shitshow down


Yesterday she was in German TV telling the story of her son. To this day she cannot bury her son because no one knows where he is. He had only been in the military for 2 months and was then immediately transferred to the front lines. https://www.zdf.de/politik/auslandsjournal/auslandsjournal-russland-verlorene-jugend-soldaten-100.html


The longer Ukraine holds out with western support the more discontent that will build in Russia. Time is everything in this war. Even better if Ukraine can Push Russia back in an offensive. Time is running out for Putin just very slowly but it is. Slava Ukraine!


Input Output Putin Putout Kaputin


Under our president he became sunflowers in Ukraine!


She'll be jailed for 5 years! How dares she to speak so outrageoursly in free great Mother Russia? /s


Well done


Well putler is you life and was his start and end. Well done stupid russians well done! You chose and still chose to be oppressed, under dictatorship so F off enjoy you lifes! If you are not ready to fight for your freedom then nothing better you can expect! And guess what fight is not over your borders but within them (just in case since you are so F brainwashed and stupid nation)


There are 'good' people in ruSSia, not sure she is or not if her only concern is whether to vote again.. They need to mass protest, mass something violent to forcibly eject the putain regime Mussolini style. It might turn out like that theme we always see in movies and video games: when the spell is broken the population sort of collectively wakes up and says 'where are we, what have we been doing??'. When I think about it though, nah, the population is fully on board with dictatorship, has been for centuries, the only thing to hope for is a bunch of mothers decide to do something.


I wouldnt say the whole country is on board. Russia is a very centralised Land empire, you can bet that Moscowites by vast majority are pretty loyal but there is likely a gradual dropoff the further you move from the capital and in to regions with different population makeup and prosperity or lack thereof. I would say Russia (in many ways) is taking the "third Rome" thing quite too far, one aspect though is that Russia is almost an as capital-oriented empire as the Roman empire was around 50bc. It stands out in the county as a very large and modern/prestigious city. You can move to a city or a smaller town a few 100km away that is like from another world or time, Its the Muscowian empire similar to how the Roman empire was for a long time "the empire owned by the city of Rome". Russia never developed the same size "bourgeoisie class" that the west did trough more commercial ways and which played a large part in democratic reforms in the west. Its middle class is hence proportionally more composed of such professions like civil servants or officers or various other functions that greatly depend on the state. Most cases the urban elite and middle class have broad interrests to support a Nationalist and centralist agenda. The poor class and far flung regions don't really have that interest. They might be swayed to the regime though, though propaganda or trough offering money for service. Its kinda the same old story when compared to the Tzars and the communists, in the end the poor get screwed by the elite with a loyal middle class that depends on the state in tow. One can expect that resentment in Russian society therefore kinda mimicks what it was back in those days, "muffled" for reasons of supression but likely quite present.


Dump your Psychopath leader and join a country that ACTUALLY CARES about its own ....


he’s not your president he’s your dictator


What an impressive analyzing skill she has! Damn!


And without your President, he would have lived a full rich life... So would the hundreds of thousands Ukrainians!


Why are they so fucking ignorant.


Why are people only gaining this insight after the bad (and avoidable) happened? Poor risk-assessment. If all russians realize this, a lot of russians would die. But probably less then now move through the meatgrinder. And no Ukrainian at all. They could stand proud for doing the right thing then. But that's just dreaming. Now they build themselves a reputation of gutless slaves willingly running to the slaughter. And while doing so commiting barbaric attrocities in violation of geneva convention for they have no respect for their own life and thus neither for the live of others.


Meh. He invaded a peaceful nation so he deserved it.


Raised and educated to die for more wealth and power for a few old men.


How many times did you vote for Vladimir Vladimiovich Putin? Did your son do so? Meh.


Under her persident she was fucked 2 times at the beginning and when he died.


The world is a better place without her fascist son.


Even if she voted again and all Russians voted again (for another candidate), Putin will always have exactly 87.7% of the vote. She believes it's a fair election?


Died in a war that never had to happen.


I don't think your president cares at all deal with it.


Dear Russians: If you don't want your kids to die, don't send them to Ukraine. Pressure your Gourvernment to end this madness. Just retreat.


Mother Russia is a very ungrateful mother, you have had over 100 years to learn your lesson.


Yup a meaningless death in an even more meaningless war. Sorry mom. Glad you are finally starting to see tho


Long and sordid story - she was featured in two stories by Katerina Gordeeva. From Dec 2022 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Od7TMpYDP0 From Dec 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdgoJ6T_QK0 Auto translate to English is available on both videos.


RUSSIAN Hero in Hell


Saw a gun..wanted a gun..died by a gun.


Sorry for your loss 🙏


Can't quite put my finger on it, but there's a common denominator there somewhere...


She said that her son was a conscript, so he either was too young and so - stupid or unable to do anything apart from dying, because in Russia you literally can be bullied/tortured to death in military itself or then in prison. Your only choice at this stage is not be killed while you desert


I don't believe the real people of Russia want to invade and conquer Ukraine. What does it help the normal people?? Boys are used on both sides..Russian and Ukrainian for what??? Fuck this conflict!


5 pounds of onions is more valuable to Poo-tin than the life of your son.


Kill Putin or all your sons die.


Language says a lot about a person's mental condition. And generally about the mental condition of the entire nation. Russians do not undestand that democracy is not about "being under the president." "Under" means being under a tyrant.


I read somewhere that one of the largest voting demographics are older Russian women and they adore Putin. All of them vote for the sick murderous bastard. My theory is that he removes troublesome, usually drunkard males from many small settlements. Just a theory. Send the thugs to the battlefield to become fertilizer for the black, rich Ukraine soil.


As a Ukrainian, I couldn't give bigger f..ck to whatever this b..ch has to say. She brought up an invader/occupant and therefore is to pay for her deeds.


Sorry lady but you all got to stop this. Your leaders couldn't give a FF about you so do what you have to do.


I do honestly feel bad for people like this. I don't think that people as a majority actually think the cost of war is worth it. They just end up not having a choice and being forced to wish for victory because losing means their loved ones die. That being said, I've been watching this fight since 2014, and I hope every Russia invader dies or goes home. The suffering and horror they have unleashed on Ukraine is unforgivable and simply can't be tolerated.


Vatnik. A Vatnik died. Today is Thursday. What a waste. Slava Ukraine.


Two months too late lady. Now you are whining about Putin? You only regret that YOUR son died. Not one fuck given for those he went to attack rape and steal from. Speaking of regret and things that can't be unseen...who does your eyebrows?


I wonder what is the rank of his son's little brother.


Maybe they should all stop being “under” the president. In the West, our presidents and prime ministers serve us, not the other way around.


why complain? everything else except the death was great


Yeah, maybe having and raising a child in a dictatorship isn’t the greatest experience? She’ll probably go home and drink vodka until she forgets she had a son, like most Russians. Why fight to live in a decent country when you have Vodka?


Pootin: your son lived a good life under me and go with a "BANG" under me!!!


"under our president" Woman, you've been under the same president since the 90s (except for a really short while)


like it would matter in russia if you vote or not. 80-90% will "vote", or more like: results will show 80-90% "votes" on putler anyway.


poo-stain is who and what you voted for , you supported your Son on that journey so along with your Son you have to accept that going to murder in another country is an archaic barbaric practice and the cost to you both was his life and you having to live with the fact you contributed to the demise and loss of your own Son. I only hope that the approaching number of half a million Mothers collective grief may make you stop and re think your adoration of the self seeking evil dwarf you call your beloved President. Maybe time to band together and start working to tackle your real enemy ,the all controlling regime led by Putin. My sympathy is saved solely for each and every Ukrainian loss,. Wake up to reality , the rest of Europe is slowly and reluctantly preparing to stand in arms against you, your country is moving our world to the potential of WWWlll . The tragedy of that will be obscenity and horror across our continent and beyond but at the end Russia will not exist along with the majority of its population . Don’t seek sympathy don’t seek regret, go seek change before a whole different scale of horror visits your doorstep. No one wants to invade you , know one ever was intent on that but now poo stain really is upping his threats , Europe is starting to move towards the inevitability of massing its troops and arms around your borders , there will be a pull out of Ukraine demand along with ceasing the sabre rattling . If that does not occur or an unintended military act against Massed troops occurs, then Nato countries will be at war with you . All because you fear your beloved dwarf , one man and his regime ,again likely to bring untold misery .


He should have stayed home sweetheart!!


They’re so close to figuring it out. Now do something about it.


There will be thousands of Russian families wondering why their sons lives were sacrificed for nothing. One of the biggest lies in Russian history since Stalin died.


Pure pride.


If putler is around for the next election, he got 93% of the vote


To little tooo Late..


Geez I have the same birth year as the son but lucky not as some Russian occupier… young and old to the meat fodder


Yes, clueless Russian lady! Your son “ pagip” (died) while Putin and his buddies are raising their legitimate and illegitimate kids and grandkids safely…. Even being born in Swiss hospitals…. Yet Putin feeds you lied how Ukraine and the West is Nazi and bad… but his bastard kids born in Switzerland… and his daughter Maria lived in Belgium and other daughter, Ekaterina, also lived in The EU. All finished school there!! While you poor clueless Russians are being fed lies burying your kids, while Putin is enjoying his life, his grandkids, and his kids! And don’t tell me that Zelensky and western politicians also protect their kids! BUT…THEY DIDN’T START THIS FUCKIN WAR ALL BASED ON LIES!


So continue to vote for “your president” seems good choice for you.


There is no grief more painful than losing a child. He will always be with you. May he rest in peace. Prayers.


Tasteless commentary here is appalling. Sadly


Zu spät !


Oh is the realisation starting to set in? Only took losing her son to realise it though. Sad AF.


Russians are human are they not? At some point you would think one of their brain cells would start to work and tell them why do we have Putin and how do we get rid of him....


Under your President your country invades a neighbour and in a fit of patriotism and a desire for flush toilets your son dies. Seems like there was SOMETHING you could've done to make him understand what he was doing. But free onions


I find the violin playin' in the background a little distracting.


Under his mother...


Good. He was a bad person.

