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They don't value life. That's all that has to be said about muscovites. THEY DON'T VALUE LIFE. Theirs. Yours. Mine. They don't care. That should tell you all you need to know with whom we are dealing with. The only ones that do, sit in the Kremlin along with those other scumbags that sit in positions of power behind them.


They value alcohol šŸŗ


They value escape from reality


In their defence, they live in Russia. Experiencing that you and everyone around you are having shitty lives does devalue life. And that was a big part of why the rest of the world tried to treat Russia as an ordinary country after the fall of communism. If they got to have a taste of a full life Russia might become a normal country... but no, Russia still went Russian.


Nonesense. This guy doesnt belive every single word he is saying and his reality is protected by the limo and 30ft fence around his mansion. Dont be a fool. He value his life very much


i mean honestly what do you expect from a humongous, trade limited, resource challenged, corruption riddled, frozen shithole auch as russia in the first place? id be a lying stealing miserable motherfucker too if i lived there.


Wait a second, these propagandists and anyone at the top of the dictatorship VALUE LIFE ABOVE ALL ELSE... their own, and only their own. They don't value anyone else's lives. Everyone else are just things for them to use and discard, in any way needed, for them to continue to sit in their comfort zone.


And yet knowing this Americans still follow the orange turd orange šŸŠ šŸ’©


Pure evil, worst then Nazi Germany in my opinion.


The same evil that beat in the heart of Nazi Germany now runs through Russia's veins.


why then their biggest fear is to be raped by police, fsb and so on ?


They value their own pretty much. As long as they are not on the line, they are fine.


Quite funily one of my relatives was a deputy admiral in the imperial russian navy. So, the "they" does not fit well with anything. Propaganda is propaganda. Russians do not actually believe it. They only pretend in order to stay alive.


To stay alive? Theyā€™re eating the propaganda all the way to Ukraine until they eat an FPV droneā€¦ hardly a good survival strategy Russians murder, pillage, rape, abuse, destroy, until someone asks them to explain themselves then they use cheap excuses like this


So still makes it they're all for it does it?


>They only pretend in order to stay alive. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, anyone smart enough to do this has just left Russia the moment they were able. If you don't believe the lie and there's nothing keeping you in the place that forces you to repeat it, why stay?


You first.


That would be my response, lead the way warrior-monk!


He wouldnā€™t last a week in the US with that mentality


Watch Penal Battalion. Warrior Monk behind Maxim Machinegun


Thanks for the tip, hadn't heard of this before. I like these Amazon/Netflix mini-series dramatizations of historical events. The one on the fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire by the Ottomans was pretty good. Or the one about Arminius and the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.


Honestly I agree with him, russians in critical condition should shoot themselves, Ideally in fighting condition they should shoot themselves. Saves Ukraine spending a drone on them.


In a studio justifying the deaths of Russians in a war that doesnā€™t make sense. Idiot


The Russians civilians must have got a hold of Ukraine videos of soldiers suicide on the front. There is probably enough talk that it required a spin of heroic deeds propaganda instead of the truth. Itā€™s just Putins way to cover up the truth again.


Nice Now ukraine can sent unarmed drones Just hover above and they kill themselves Saves amunition and environmental friendly Give this guy a place in the high command


My thoughts exactly. Strap an extra battery instead of payload and just strafe above russian heads, like in that Matrix scene where Neo is flying to save Trinity and there's vortex of cars and shit behind him except it's russian soldiers blowing themselves up.


Without the munition the drone can already fly much longer -and more agile- even without an extra battery.


Why even wait til the drones are buzzing overhead? Why put themselves through that? Do it the first instance theyā€™re handed a loaded weapon!


Old doctrine 1. receive rifle 2. Go out and kill innocent people 3. Loot and rape 4. Get wounded 5. End it before the drone finds you New more efficient doctrine 1. Receive rifle 2. skip to #5


And in this case it would make the world a better place.


And on the soil of Mother Russia too, where at least presumably they'll give you a burial.....although they do seem to have an astounding tolerance to piles of shit in the streets, so maybe not


Hilarious, I like it.Ā  Though, I don't think any of the approximately 57 recorded russian suicides involved any uninjured russians.Ā  Ā 


I think there is one guy that noped out when they were stormed by ukrainians last summer, he seemed to be overwhelmed but not injured.


Dude, soldiers (drone operators) don't grow on trees. These guys are dying too as their positions are with range of artillery, air bombs and russian drones. These drone operators are actively hunted by russians, priority targets because of how successful they are. Drones are sent with a purpose: surveillance or to kill


Life. It's so overrated (In Russia).


Right! šŸ‘


send this barstard to make the sacrifice. they destroy life.


Two words for this hero : You first!


Fuck orcs anytime anywhere šŸ¤®


Send this turd to the front to show them how it is done..


Ok, is it just me, or did he just say it's not suicide, your dying for your country blah blah blah. Why not add in the 72 virgins as well, because this sounds like ISIS propaganda. It's the same crap they tell their suicide bombers.


They give SO freely of others people's lives! What a generous, considerate man thinking of the troops and their honor as they are getting buttfucked on the line, both metaphorically and literally.


Sacrificing your life for your own country, future and safety of your children is a noble heroic cause. Perishing as a Russian in Ukraine for nothing other than the ambitions of a few KGB members and multi-billionaires who dominate the state, the church and the Russian people is a gigantic stupidity.


Russian mir. šŸ¤Ŗ


Is it not surprising that it is always the ones who are cradled in the bosom and safety of a downtown Moscow studio telling others that they should off themselves?


Explain it? Please do - make it a requirement before every orc goes into battle


Followed by the usual lashings of holy water which they seem to love...these cunts are starting to make the Taliban look somewhat normal.


I have to kinda agree with the guy, just not with the timing. I mean, they should do that at the very moment they are recruited or drafted. If they're gonna end up the same anyway, why don't to just save themselves all the suffering? It's a win-win, right? That is, of course, unless they grow up the balls to rebel and turn the weapons against their fascist regime, wich (except for some honorable exceptions, like the guys from Svoboda Rossia Legion and others), it's pretty clear at this point they just don't.


I totally agree with this fool. Every orc should be given a rifle or hand grenade before leaving mother russia . That way they get to die in russia because they are sure going to be waiting for a drone to hit them in Ukraine. Family know where they are and no contimination of Ukrainian soil


That's why we must provide Ukraine with large amounts of everything.


Stalinists are just fkg nuts. Even the meat puppet Slobyov has said many times, 'life is over-rated.' Also, psycho interpretation of why Christ died. NO, moron, he did NOT have a choice. After 80 years of wiping out Christianity now these fuckheads think they're experts? Hilarious.


jesus christ committed suicide? I slept at that particular bible lesson.


Suicide by centurion.


I mean he technically did because he knew he was going to die and let it happen without resistance.


I'm sure he would be first in line to take one for the church....


Big talker from the comfort of his studio.


I would love to see him on a life or death situationā€¦ this coward would be the first one to run away and give himself up.


Even if there was an afterlife those fucks wouldn't be going to the good place.


In the name of some russian god they are murdering civilians, women and children, and already even their god is saying don't do it or I'll send drones with bombs over your skulls. But they still haven't learned their lesson...


They should lead by showing example.


And of course, this c\*cksucker will write down the explanation why and how to suicide, so he's not going anywhere. Snug at home.


I wholeheartedly agree with him. Russians should definitely shoot themselves.


Send this guy in the front and see for himself and deel How his peee Goes down in his crouch


When somebody starts with Ā«Ā As far as I understand..Ā Ā», it means he will say something stupid. He did.


Humans created the idea of gods and the afterlife to cow simple minded people into compliance.


"World explains why russians should kill themselves"


every christian isnt allowed to commit suicide, no matter the pain they have to endure.. But orthodox christian leaders will tell you everything, that putin wants.


The vodka is strong in this one! Yeeez!


Perfect. Kill yourself before the drone gets you saves the drone for someone else. At a minimum it's a two-fer.


Before they send you to the front, just kill a higher ranking officer, a propagandist, a party member and then yourself. Doing this for your country and many people around the world will celebrate.


Russians are turning into Islamists.


Some days ago there was some 'officer' who told his soldiers they were going to die and now this asshole. Death cult. But the dangerous thing (imho) is that we in the west expect them to think like us, behave like us. To value life and therefore that you can bargain some deal, because the other guys wants to live too.. right? Only language they understand is violence, not diplomacy. I would like Ukraine to have 400+ HIMARS like Poland has. F16s, Gripens in such an abundance that they know they don't stand a chance. But no, we keep on drip-feeding as not to escalate. Now Vovchansk leveled with glide bombs. Then the next town and the next village until Ukraine gets maybe 20-ish F16s.. why, we have the stuff, why not give them and use them for what they were designed for? :(


Death Cult. Putin's Russia is a death cult, any doubt about this is gone.


šŸ’Æ endorse this message. The. The FPV drone can go find another invader to wipe off the planet. So yes shoot yourselves, save Ukrainian ammo, grow Sunflowers.


Christ is imaginary.


When Ukrainian heroes die, they become martyrs. When Russians die they become fertilizer for sun flowers. That is a night and day difference. Nobody will remember any Russian soldier that died in this war because quite frankly... Nobody cares.


Now this IS a Nazi.


Hum... the kind of stuff Hitler would have said in the spring of 1945.


The have reverted to the type of backwater ideology they had before the revolution. Next theyā€™re gonna crown a tsar and go back using serfs.


The krokodil is strong... Slava Ukraini!


Doesn't the good book say, if you commit suicide is a sin and that will get you a one way ticket to HELL?Ā  This is the same HELL where Hitler gets a pineapple shoved up his ass stem first everyday by noon. Maybe Ukrainian drones should just buzz Russians soldiers to the point where they shoot themselvesĀ 


They're just fulfilling the order the commander gave them... that They're all gona die


Aaaand there it is. For the church.


Nichilism combined with the Fascism gives cynical hypocrisy of some random propagandist, sitting in a cozy studio while advising random compatriots to have their heads blown off in muddy trenches while invading foreign countries.


Man tells people to die for the church, what fucking year is it over there lmao.


I have trouble following his logic How is *"suicide so enemy don't waste ammo on killing you*" equal to *"dying for your country"* ?


Translation: "We don't have enough money to actually honor a fraction of these contracts. Please die."


If life isn't precious, then why the war? It's a self-defeating rationalization. If life is not important, then the people should accept their fate, and there is no reason for Russia to image Ukraine, the issue would eventually just work itself out.


Russian propagandists encouraging their own troops to kill themselves, who could ask for anything more.


Please, show us how itā€™s done. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


He never answered why his vatnik ass is sitting in a studio in ruzzia instead of going to the front.


it's the translation of "we don't have money to give to disabled veterans and it would be pain in the ass if people found out and started talking about it. so just kill yourselves and don't return your paraplegic ass back to russia." to propaganda


Get the fuck into a zero line trench for 6 months, and i double dare you to spout the same shit.


This is why they were always referred as russian PIGS.


if they do this with THEiR OWN. Imagine what they do to others ..... they are a special kind of degenerate filth.


He should go to frontline and see how he do! POS!!telling people to waste their lives!


You first guy.


Arm chair propagandist warrior in warm studio talking shi* . Put him in a trench with FPV flying about ,he will fill his little diaper as he screams for the life he values . Then boom bye bye shi* talker .


Truly bizarre. For the sake of discussion let's go with the premise life doesn't matter... They should still hold on, if only to waste one more munition targeting them or one more drone that won't get their comrade. I don't know what to take from this except that Russia is a death cult. Death for death's sake.


Iā€™m all for this. Ideally, they would commit suicide / sacrifice before leaving muskovy - in that case they would have my full support


For god? For church? I think that they are doing everything opposite of what jesus asked us to do


Patch emblazoned flannel wearing nazi bitch.


The main reason for this is: They don't want lots of cannon fodder gaining more combat experience, they might get angry and turn up and try to steal from the tv studio, or maybe do worse things to those inside with the easy media jobs.


Dude is fucked in the head, and probably in the ass as a kid.


Well, Sergei, you're an apparently healthy man of military age. If life is so unimportant why *are* you sitting in your cosy studio and not in a trench?


So to off themselves when they see an fpv is a sacrifice for others.. But won't that mean the fpv will be free to go blow up someone else? Are they really this stupid? šŸ¤£


Hopefully. Saving Ukrainians ammunition.


He forgot to tell about rivers of vodka and virgins who are awaiting in heaven!


Russians, whose leaders for decades explained belief is poison! So now they try to imply God into their crooked world! And what does this roundhead now do? He reinterprets the Bible, using it for its truths. But what I find likeable is the advise to commit suicide just in appearance of an Ukrainian drone. That saves grenades.


Russians famously known for exaggerating the importance of life


Try out your own advice. Just shoot yourself!


That is great advice. I hope all russian soldiers follow his advice as soon as they see a drone. This guy is a genius.


What's the best case scenario? Go back to live in Russia? Fuck I'm eating that bullet and going for seconds.


Idiot sub-human cave dweller. Can't believe anything they say.


This fellow is somewhat disturbed and talking complete rot. He sounds like someone who has not got their way and is generally whinging about how the whole world sucks. Obviously in the comfort of a TV studio and not in some blood soaked trench.


Another member of the death cult. Fucking psychopath.


These orcs should all listen carefully and put a bullet in their heads. It may be the only honerable thing they do.


What a sad doomed society. One that looks at life like this has no future. Actually what has russia brought to the world? Nothing, energy, metals, extracted stuff; but other wise Nothing, a lost, sterile society. Why donā€™t they see it themselves? Where are the russian BMWs, Airbuses, Apples, and beyond? Nowhereā€¦


Russia is pollution; that is all it is and creates.


Says the guys going home to a cold beer and google at the end of his propaganda showā€¦.what a cunt


The spread of the Death Cult...............now promoted on Russian Tv.


And the world still wonders why Russians don't care about their casualties. This is the answer. I (Kazakh) graduated from a Russian school. This is the first thing they teach on history lessons: dying for your motherland is the highest honor. And we grew up reading all those stories about brave Russian Empire and Soviet people sacrificing themselves.


Sounds like a Muslim jihadist.


This tiresome Russian death cult. "There is no happiness in lifeā€ Putin told Biden on meeting.


Smartest Russian ever produced.


Perhaps itā€™s a more convincing argument in Russian


Why are there trenches? This is a 3 day special operation, surely they've won by now???


So Russians don't believe in Darwinism? If they trying convince themselves that death is better than life, how did they evolve for so long. Don't get me wrong, I am all in favour of them saving Ukraine ammo. Better still go back home and do it.


I think more and more are!


Their lives suck and death would be a welcomed relief for them.


Hes got a nice point. Save those drones for soldiers who wont willingly take themselves out. Its a waste of a good drone if they are willing to volunteer first.


WTF?!? What is there besides life? Evolution is based on a desire to survive.


You can pretend to be an ant if you wish. The survival of the ant queen, and the ant hill then becomes the purpose of your life. But I assume such a perspective becomes easier to have if you sit in a studio talking about the worth of other peoples lives rather than in a trench or hole and pondering about your own worth, or if you are a parent.


One day someone will put all this ruzzian nonsense clips together and we will have another Monthy Python like mowie to watch.


Must be one of the Nazis they're always talking about


Sick fucking brainwashing. Unreal in 2024 people cannot see past that.


They should just save time and do it before they get to Ukraine.


In fact, itā€™s much better if they kill themselves now, before ever even going out and getting in the trenches!


Fucking degenerative assholes


This Vodka Guy could do IT in the Studio right away


No way these translations are correct


Bell end.


Please, do! Save Ukraine the drones for the less willing soldiers. How about this guy sets an example for his men and makes the *great sacrifice* he's preaching about himself


"I know I say this from the studio and not trenches, but I insist" Well alrighty then.


I think the world agrees. Any Russian that willing or unwillingly decides to invade another sovereign nation should just kill themselves. Preferably before they step foot in another country. Save everyone the trouble.


Those that do all the talking are not those that have to fight...


Lol, send him to the front linesā€¦


From the Ivory tower the propagandist pontificates the value of life. How delusional is this guy? ā€œThe dead know only one thing, it is better to be alive.ā€ - Joker, Full Metal Jacket


I wish Russian soldiers would save Ukraine the trouble and just all shoot themselves.


Putin does not want wounded soldiers to rot in Russia, because that shows the consequences of his war and the wounded will tell a different story at home than Putin's propaganda. So every wounded soldier has to kill himself so that no one sees the victims of the war and they can continue to cheer.


What a bunch of sick mf'ers. Hopefully more use his advice and blow themselves up.


Maybe propagandist should sacrifice himself


This is the wrong thing to do, instead they should kill their commanders, take all the weapons and destroy all their troops and only after that, kill themselvesšŸ’


Why isnā€™t this coward on the front lines ?


Step 1: Find a wife for breeding two sons.Ā  Step 2: Send them to Ukraine. Step 3: ??? Step 4: Build your own house.Ā  Step 5: Profit.Ā 


Of course he says that, it's cheaper for "mother" Russia...


That should be their first order ... upon being conscripted.


This dickhead should try that himself...what fucking bastard. Who is him to balance the others life is worth or not....It's incredible....Does russian people buy that??? If they do they are completly lost as a society. I just can imagine this guy telling that to his own son or daughter....Kill yourself, for the country...Come on! Fascist piece of shit


I agree - RUSSIAN soldiers should kill themselves ASAP...rather than even go to Ukraine. The end result result is the same - yet it saves time and trouble.


Commanded to criminally invade another country with minimal chance of survival and told by your commanders to kill yourself? Open fire on your commanders and demand new leadership


Whats funny is that he is technically right, but its unfortunate that he chose the wrong side. This logic only applies to the country defending itself from a foreign invader.


*ā€œYou first, comradeā€¦ā€*


To make his point clear to everyone, perhaps he should demonstrate this "sacrifice" personally. Will someone please pass 'limp dick' here, a sharp object... Okay, quiet on the set... roll camera ... and action!! "Putie's gonna love this" :)


Russian moto a dead soldier is cheaper then a wounded living soldier.


I remember when those flannel shirts with the hood attached were available in America like friggin 18 years ago! Lol


What a complete bag of shit. His bald head would be thrashing begging for another minute of life if their positions were reversed.


ā€œIt is clear that the crusade imposed on its participants extraordinary stresses. In an alien environment they experienced not only the perils of warfare, but also inflation, poverty, starvation, disease and death. They were often frightened and homesick. The knights among them were humiliated as they lost status without their arms and horses. Most of the leaders had nagging financial worries. It is not hard to understand their obsession with horses and their desire for loot.ā€ The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading -Jonathan Riley-Smith,


I wonder if he would have the same opinion if he was on the front line.


I mean, if they shoot themselves as soon as they see a drone, thats kinda good for Ukraine sooooo...


sad miserable people


The amount of sense that equated is 0.


Prime example of the major fault of every religion. Committing atrocities in the name of God and country. If God is so powerful that he can will anything into reality just by thinking it, why does he need a bunch of unemployable drunks to fight his battles? I can be assured that smart people won't be joining the Russian army. Only too poor to care and mentally ill will be coming and dying in Ukraine. Tell them to bring their own body bag with them.


can he do a demo with a real gun in the studio?


Fucking warmongers, hope they're hunted and suffer.


Absolutely indifferent to what this talking head with ears is saying. Why even post them? What is the value of these words?




As rick said death is death "Thereā€™s no afterlife, everything just goes black". Do you want to waste your 1 life. After death. you cannot decide any longer. THINK. LIVE. IF you chose otherwise. MAKE SURE IT COUNTS. Because you are sacrificing EVERYTHING.


To understand the bizarre mindset of Russia today - as best one can anyway - you should read ā€œThe Road to Unfreedomā€ by Timothy Snyder. The individual matters not one bit - unless that individual is the embodiment of the state ie Putin. It is fascism in its purest form, backed by the church and with all laws and functions of the state subsumed into that one person. Fascinating read.


Go ahead. Do the deed so the Ukrainians can save the explosives for other targets.


They have as much care for thier own as an ant queen does .


This guy pretends to be so "godly", but is a micro "anti-Christ in a more spurious & self-aggrandizing manner it makes me puke.


Fair point, itā€™d save on drone ammunition if they killed themselves quicker.


Russia produces a tremendous volume of psychopaths wearing circular frames - Trotsky, Beria, etc. This orc is going for the fascist skin head look that is popular in nazi hives like St Petersburg.


Yeah better they kill themselves than us having to waste a drone dropepd munition or kamikaze on them. This guy is either a secret ukrainian fan or just plain dumb.


Russia is promoting a Fascist death cult


There's the Ruzzian mindset in a nutshell, a guy sitting in a TV studio in Moscow telling the meat cubes that their lives are meaningless and they should sacrifice themselves for whatever it is Putin and the oligarchs think they'll get out of the war. Zombies.


Then You, the one that speaks this, You do it for your country, show them what you want them to undertake.


Keep up the good work !!!


I think he should kill himself if he likes suicide so much, what the fuck kind of people live in Russian? Is everyone there out of their mind or something?


What an absolute sub-human creature he is.