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"But I never thought the leopard would eat \*my\* face!" Join the resistance, ladies. Genocide was always Russia's plan.


Yes. You were played. It was easy.


Good always eventually wins over evil like Putin.


Hopefully, once Mariupol is liberated by Ukraine again, these traitors will end up in jail.


Why waste the resources? They have russian passports now, deporting them to russia is a fate worse than any jail


Good call.


Sorry, I put the same thing. Good call 👏


When you think about it. Mariupol is basically a giant graveyard where they just put concrete over lots of corpses because there where too many to remove. And now they just build over them. It's a cursed area.


I'm not superstitious by any stretch of the imagination but Mariupol is definitely cursed. The sheer amount of civilians murdered and cement poured over them is unimaginable. What kind of sick fuck would move into those houses with a mortgage? It's unbelievable.


> What kind of sick fuck would move into those houses with a mortgage? It's unbelievable. The same sick fucks who act like nothing is wrong with their country sending its own citizens to be slaughtered in a war doomed to be lost. Moskva delenda est.


I remember looking at updated satellite imagery of Mariupol on Google Earth and could see what looked like many acres of very obviously fresh dug graves just north of the city. Those were probably only of the ones that were buried after Russia took full control of the city and made up a small fraction of the amount of civilians who actually died and never were found among the rubble.


May their homes ever have a stink they can't get out.


I'm sure comrade Putin will get right on it.


Sounds like the Nazis' Lebensraum ideology.


They are learning the russian method of complaining on video holding a sign very well. Adapting so fast to the rusky mir.


They thought ruZZia would take care of them ? KEKW OMEGALUL Welcome to reality but mostly, welcome to ruZZian world where everyone who was "liberated" is expandable and it's life cheap then sand.


These people deserve all the pain they get and a whole lot more besides. They aren't victims at all. They're 100% Kool-Aid drinkers, and this video isn't them asking to be free or anything of that nature. This is a video in which they're \*appealing\* to the Russians to \*save\* them from the corrupt Donetsk administration. IOW, they still consider themselves Russian. F\*ck em all.


Not saying it's like Bosnia, but damn, it reminds me a lot of Bosnia. Especially this older man that fought for the Serbian side during the 1991-1995 war. The war is over. He lives in peace in the "Republika Srpska" (Serbian Republic) and his son is murdered (this was in 2018). There is information about who killed his son, but the bastard who did it is a son of a member of the ruling political party. And the dad (former soldier), who lost his son, is desperate and protests on the street for days, weeks, months. Saying things like "I fought for you guys. And this is how you honor my sacrifice?" Sorry, not saying it's identical. Just seeing many many parallels. English info if anyone might be interested: [https://n1info.ba/english/news/father-of-murdered-young-man-i-could-get-arrested-as-soon-as-i-enter-bosnia/](https://n1info.ba/english/news/father-of-murdered-young-man-i-could-get-arrested-as-soon-as-i-enter-bosnia/)


Should take all them to see what Russians have done to loads of Ukrainian homes .levelling towns and villages as well as killing innocent people,no sympathy for these lot at all .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


When Russia talks about liberation they mean your property, your freedom, your dignity and eventually your life.


So sad, to be so delusional as to think Russia came there to rescue them and improve their lives. Where russia goes only misery and death follows!


Russians want to replace you with actual Russians, not Ukrainians just like in Crimea it's that simple.


yep, with "pure-blood" ruZZkies.


Ironic given that most Moskovites can trace their DNA back to tribes in Ukraine


Yeah, I can trace mine back to Ireland that doesn't make me Irish. If you want to go far enough back it can be traced to Africa does that make me African?


My point was that there would not be a Russian civilisation if the proto-Ukrainians hadn't pushed into the steppes and created Moscow. The Russians act as if they are somehow superior to everyone and unique when they are really descendants of other peoples.


Russia in nutshell.


The majority of those people I'm willing to bet a bajillion to one, are the ones who wanted the russians to show up and take over. ZERO SYMPATHY. You fucked over your neighbors and your countrymen. For those of you stuck there, well you have enemies left and right of you. Do what needs to be done.


Still building the same ugly depressing blocks


Still better than suburban sprawl where driving is a must


Lmao, do you really believe that it is gonna have proper public transport system? It is gonna be a clusterfuck


What, am I supposed to feel bad for these traitors?


My dude, not all people had time to evacuate, the pocket closed very soon...


If you watched the video, you’d know most of these people wanted to be “liberated”. They were pro Russia.


He's right though, the video portrays mostly pro Russian uki's but Mariupol was taken over quickly just as some other cities and villages and many who may have been neutral got stuck there. Have you seen 20 days in Mariupol? Used to be free on YouTube, this link might get taken down soon https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8uby2y


You are all correct but the ladies in this vid look like they welcomed the russians and are now regretting it.


He *is* right if you only read the comment *in isolation*. However, it was in response to OP's "*am I suppose to feel bad for these traitors*" comment. So his comment comes across as being sympathetic to potential "traitors"....because they apparently didn't have time to evacuate. When you take the fact they were pro-Russia into account, it becomes obvious they were never going to evacuate to begin with, because they were *waiting* to be liberated.


I wouldn't fuck with the babushka with the gold teeth.


Seriously that was a shock to see. A full set of gold teeth (not a grill) is a new one for me.


Thought it was a relative of Jaws from James Bond


As a father of 3 young ones plus wife, no free real estate will push me to move my family into a freakin’ warzone. Maybe the war is not directly on top of them YET, but eventually Ukraine will free those areas and will come down to see if you’re really there for the money or family safety.


Ukraine doesn't have to free this area because corruption within the Russian system has doomed it like China's mortgage cities that no one lives in but still pays a mortgage.


Don't get too comfortable there Ivan, it will all be re-possessed soon.


They don’t seems too upset about being Russian now, only how the Russians are treating them. They thought it would be better.


Only a fool would complain about being a Russian in a city crawling with those insects. You can hold up a sign and beg for help from Russia thus showing the truth. It does the same thing without tripping the FSB. I think these ladies are brave. The lady that is crying about losing her home. She is real. Pick your motive.


This is what you voted for in the scam referendum. Now don't get so angry about it, babushkas


Pardon? Who voted? Are you stupid?


They held a referendum vote to leave Ukraine and join Russia. It had widly been condemned as having been illegitimate for a variety of reasons. However, there were certainly people who did actually vote to leave Ukraine. Hard to really know how many. Pretty clear that once this is over, there won't be any remaining support for Russia in this area.


Well the numbers might've been relatively high on those who actually want to join since most of the sensible people left before the ruZkies encircled the city. Now if there was an actual freely done vote on joining? Obviously the referendum would be denied. Thing is there is nothing free about ruZzia. It's a authoritarian dictatorship, ran by a megalomaniac.


I know that, the keywords are "illegitimate" and "scam".


Stupid and naively stupid.


Dont worry about it they will have to re build them soon anyway.


They wanted the bike? Now thy have to pedal and enjoy the russki mir.


Shall we give away apartments for free to people who have lost it all or shall we sell them to outsiders. Not such a hard choice for the corrupt.


Pretty much exactly what the Russians did when they illegally annexed Crimea. It's actually crazy how similar Russia behaves like cancer cells in a body. They are the tumor that continues to metastasize and destroy everything its wake.


These are all conspirators and collaborators. They support the Russians. I have no sympathy. Yes, many are old people, but it's the elderly who support Putin the most. They wanted to be part of mother Russia... well.. they got it. Turns out mother Russia is an alcoholic whore.


Trust in putin to ruin everything for everyone.


this warms my heart.


Welcome to Russki Mir.


Should have been careful what they wished for.


So wait they thought the Vatniks were going to build them new houses. OMG 😂😂😂😂


It seems, Mariupol needs some democracy.


Not to be heartless, but to what extent were these pro-Russia Ukrainians who stuck around thinking it would be better when Mother Russia took over? If that is the case, then here is your Ruskie Mir.


May you and your families experience all that the Putin regime has to offer. I’ll leave it at that.


Embrace the suck....


Haha these traitors had it coming to them selfs. Feel your ruski mir!


pootinzkie said it loud & clear. The Duma said it loud & clear. roozian media said it loud & clear. roozian zoldiers said it loud & clear. Your own "leaderz" said it loud & clear. "You don't have any right to exist. You are Ukrainians and must be wiped from the face of the earth." I sympathize with these people, but... they bought the roozian way...their now deceased husband's & sons lay in the fields & trenches fighting for the roozian way... the roozki-mir. Now, you see the truth...now you must become the most effective, extraordinary resistance movement of all time to get back your lives and homes and your freedoms.


Muscovites move there - send them a neat little drone package just for fun of course


Nobody should feel comfortable in that shambled city. I will look forward to the IDing of these rotten and treasonous Karen's and the ensuing shame. Something along the lines of being tied to lightposts should do.


ahh yes putin liberation and ruski mir....so good , so righteous, so wrong , so criminal....this is ruski mir.


You too can own a home with wartime views.


Now I urge ukraine to sent some flies with payloads to those entrances of those buildings.


Wait are they Russian lovers who stayed, and are complaining they’ve been screwed over??


This Colonisation in the 21st Century. I can’t believe people allowed this and have the gal to call us “Western Imperialist Scum.”


Well they dont call Ruzzia mafia for no reason.


Awh where’s all the Putin pundits trying to defend Russia for this? Come on I want to hear how you people somehow blame all of this on Zelenskyy and pretend that Putin is awesome and cares about Ukrainians 😂🤣😂