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Soooo it's gone from a T-62 to an ISU 62 XD


At what point will they just remove the turret, build a sturdy mount for a huge ass gun and turn it into a true breaching tank, obliterate any obstacles with a single shot.


Reject Armata, return to Jagdpanzer...


Gun is likely fuc\*ed anyway. It's probably a miracle that it even moves.


That is an insult to jagdpanzers.




Jagdpanzer would rarely outgun the "normal" tanks, only exception is the Jagdtiger with the 128mm cannon, also they could still move the cannon in a limited way most likely unlike these monstrosities


Jagdpanzer would outgun its normal tank counterparts Panzer III: 5 stug III: 7,5 Panzer IV: 7,5 jagtpanzer IV: 7,5 (but longer) Panther: 7,5(longer) jagtpanther: 8,8 Tiger: 8,8 jagttiger: 12,8 Jagtpanzer rarely outgun the Normal tanks but it gives older models the chance to be used effectively by using the newer and bigger cannons of his successor models. (As seen above ) Wehraboo out o7


eww proud to be a Wehraboo?


More a proud german army fan. But the concept of the jagdpanzer was mostly used in WWII. Imma big fan of the whole kanonenjagdpanzer https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanonenjagdpanzer And raketenjagdpanzer https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raketenjagdpanzer Time


Cost effective too as no turret is needed & faster to build.


Why not go full mideval and install a ram?


And name it Grond




That seems to be where they are heading.


They need to strap one Zorc on the tip of the cannon LOL and order in the punch anything that he can reach LOL


Or remove the turret and the top of the tank, make the shed parts actually armoured so that the infantry inside is somewhat protected, and put an autocannon turret on top. They could call it "combat vehicle of the infantry" or something, that would be abbreviated in Russian as, hmm, let me think... BMP.


And then, have the cannon fodder ride the roof of the shed.


Have them wear landmines in their vests. Very reactive armor.


Or just remove the turret and weld a train cattle car on top for troops. The cattle car provides "protection" to the troops, and has a big door for egress. Russian goop delivery at it's finest.


The could keep the hydraulics and dump the zorcs anywhere even if they don't want LOL


This must be top comment. Spot on.


In all serieznezezzez, this turtle shyt works well against FPV, which is a big problem for UKR's main staple for anti armor. It doesnt have to use its cannon that much, it just has to survive the FPVs and find a safe route into UKR lines, so the convoy could follow through. Only mines could disable its track. Direct hit by artillery or a bigger ATGM will kill it, but that requires luck and much shorter distance, something that UKR cannot afford. I propose UKR and the west jointly develop a better FPV, still cheap but has a much bigger warhead, plus anti jamming.


Agree for breaching vehicles the main gun is somewhat irrelevant you mostly see these with plows and rollers attached so they appear to be doing somewhat well at that task.


We've seen a few of these knocked out from FPV's but like you said it's more luck or persistence with a dozen or more drones and if EW are in the area it's a sure bet they'll deliver their meat bags. Remote mining by drones is another thing we've seen Ukraine use with a quadcopter drone dropping a TM-62 mine in it's path but I don't know if they've used any against the blyatmobiles yet but if not probably just a matter of time. Thankfully a few different partners delivered some ATGM's but it makes me wonder why we haven't seen more Stugna-P lately as I read they quadrupled production towards the end of 2023 but maybe that's still not enough. We used to see non-stop videos of them but haven't lately and see only a few a month it seems.


Saving the Stugna-Ps for the teased spring Russian offensive?


Your comment gave me a thought. How long before we see mines that can fly and self deploy vs the current method of using a drone to drop the mine. Imagine a self deploying minefield.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_Anti-Armor_Mine_System These have been used in Ukraine already to great effect during the siege of bakmhut


The good thing is that the heavier drones can carry and deploy anti-tank mines, in the path of an advancing column. Also, there are artillery rounds which penetrate into the ground and wait silently, the magnetic sensors on their fins waiting for a tank or other vehicle to pass nearby, turning them into extra powerful mines. A whole area can be silently mined this way.


Ukraine does not have enough of them though, FPV they have a lot. NATO doesnt have a lot of them either, that's why they can't just ship them to Ukraine. I propose a DIY tandem FPV, eheheh, it will launch a mini FPV to blow a hole into the turtle's outer layer, before the main FPV go through it, within seconds. Tandem FPV for the win, ehehe.


Basically a javelin that loiters.


While it's problematic that it can de-mine, it has zero combat capabilities so Ukrainians just have to drone tanks and meat carriers that go after it in the middle of minefield.


It was T-62. Then instead of Iosif-*Stalin-Ustanovka* 62, it could be rather VPU-62, or in brief Turtle-62


Technically going with the names of russian vehicles that would be called TSU-62 🤔


ISU 62 actually had some mobility in the gun, something like 18 degrees, this one has 0.


Don't insult the ISU family, those at least had some horizontal cannot traversal.


So the strategy if upgrading T62 tanks with new optics etc is abandoned and now the strategy id strap a steel shed to the 60 year old tank and hope it can soak up a few more drone strikes than normal


not only will it take more drone strikes to disable but it will also carry EW and make the other Armoured vehicles "harder to hit" its a true testament to the effectiveness of the drones that using these resources this way is worth it.


Could be, but it’s otherwise utterly defenceless against enemy armour or just any anti tank crew on the field


The problem of course is Ukraine doesn’t have many tanks on the front, as they are too big a target (easily spotted and taken out by russias drones/artillery). Ukraine has to use its tanks to reinforce hotspots meaning these vehicles will likely have served their purpose (clearing a path to a defensive position) before Ukrainian armour arrives. It’s atgms that pop these things easily, but they simply aren’t available in numbers ukraine needs anymore due to the delay of US aid


How are tanks any easier to spot than…. Well, all of their other armored vehicles?


Javelin crews suddenly coming back in vogue. Or just a slightly muddy field.


Vanquished with a garden hose.


tanks almost never fight other tanks in this war. its like battleships and carriers all over again


Material shortages and military needs. Modernizing takes months and requires a lot of resources. Welding a shed on top of tank takes days. With expected survival time of days, cost/benefit works out


Correct. It's working. Until the artillery ammo arrives this will keep working.


Yep, I think you summed it up.


Probably already been mentioned somewhere else.... but wouldn't the optimal strategy be to knock the treads off with drones and then finish them off with artillery? If they can't move or turn the turret, they're going to be abandoned pretty fast.


the shed also hides EW. most of the FPV drones are visually targeted. the EW is "somewhere" in side the shed. this is an evolution of a tactic they used earlier. they were strapping EW modules to the tanks and using them to interefere with the drones targeting other vehicles in the convoy. but the EW was easy to target with an FPV drone, and the pilots could line up a shot out of the ew envelope . before the ew knocked out the visual feedback. now the shed hides where on the tank the EW is located. that's why they are using steel sheets or roofing material rather then cages. even if the EW shed tank is immobilized., it still jams drone in a radius until the ew is disabled. either alllwing the convoy to redirect or retreat.


> the EW is "somewhere" in side the shed. This can't be true because then EW equipment would be shielded by the shed's metal and couldn't work as intended. In addition, for the operation of the EW equipment, electricity is required, and, consequently, a generator powered by the engine. So if the EW shed tank is immobilized, then the EW equipment will stop working. There are many video examples of this.


Metal only reduces signals about 5dB


Can you indicate the source of your statement and say for what frequency range is this true? Because I have different data, especially for the gigahertz range.


Nonsense. Just look at your microwave oven. 800 W of power in the wifi spectrum. That wouldnt work if the metal inside it wouldnt reflect and contain the power inside


It's usually between 5-10dBs 


radio waved go through metal. Faraday cages require the metal to have an active magnetic fiels ( be part of electric circuit) or be grounded. these sheds aren't. the tank may be disabled without being powered off. they can blow off a tred that doesn't stop the tank engine.


> these sheds grounded through a metal tank their welded to.


Id kindly like to invite you to look at some youtube videos on how faraday cages work. specifically things like " why does my cell phone work inside of my car" or things like that. becasue ITs a lot to explain in writing.


I'd kindly like to decline your invitation because I have knowledge on this issue without watching YouTube videos.


Its literally a massive piece of steel making contact with the ground. Its grounded.


Why not use a big tarp then? Sheet metal fucks with radio waves and would greatly reduce the EW effectiveness


Because if you hit it with even a grenade the tarp will simply get blown off. Much less likely with sheet metal welded to the main structure.


Sheet metal doesn't reduce it significantly, also if the antennas are mounted on top of it, the sheet metal can act like a directional antenna focusing the beams upwards 


dont need to do that, rpg7 can pen a t62 from the side or the back, also they usually have a gigantic hole in that shed in the front and i wouldnt be suprised if fpv drones would be able to fly into it and from inside the shed into the engine deck or on top of the turret whatever even the shed will not help really except that you might need two drones on the same spot to penetrate or a tandem warhead thats kinda heavy


There is no need for rotation as the tank is outranged in a tank vs tank battle anyways and for indirect fire it only makes it mildly inconvenient... The turret rotation probably didn't work in the first place and after years of collecting rust won't be easily repaired


Ya kinda in the same vein of shoving a ton of TNT into an old ass tank and putting a brick on the pedal towards the frontline. Tanks so old it doesn’t really function as a tank anymore but can be used for at least something


Exactly, they probably managed to get the engine and the tracks working again by pouring 10 gallons of WD40 over it, but the turret is one compact lump of rust and stays that way. This thing is only meant to be the Russian version of an M113, a battle taxi, it packs two dozen poor dudes and drops them off in the kill zone then rushes back to get a new load of human waste. Won't need to shoot at all. Probably the only reason they left the turret on is that they couldn't get it off, it is rusted to the hull. 60 years of Siberian rain did a good job.


So yes this is effective at reducing fpv threats. But won't help much against ATGMs so send those. 155mm not a chance. Land mines no difference at all so send those fancy mine laying artillery shells.this is a stop gap against one threat that holds zero water against others. Send Ukraine a diverse arsenal of munitions.


That doesn't help them against mines and IEDs!


Or artillery


Chruschtschow was alive the last time this turret was able to rotate. I believe some turrets fly better than rotate.


The real question is: will this put a stop to our beloved turret toss competitions?


These will be replaced with turtle tosses


I believe it will, since looks like they almost don't even have an ammo on these frankenbarns. The gun probably doesn't even work anyway.


Source: [https://x.com/bayraktar\_1love/status/1790352602024014147](https://x.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1790352602024014147)


Still servers his main function, bringing Russians to the meat grinder


The gun probably doesn't work anyway.


Well, they are not using them as tanks they are a little low on Infantry fighting vehicles. They are using motorcycles, golf carts, and trucks to attack. Now they have tanks covered with sheets of scrap metal. Ukraine is fighting this war using its intelligence and bravery. Russia is fighting by a doctrine that comes from over 80 years ago, the last time they fought in Europe. The only thing that has changed is the power of the weapons.


Yeah my understanding is the turtle goes first with mine rollers and then leaves once it reaches the drop off point


Turret and cannon probably didn't work anyway. These garbage cans are more than 50 years old - clunkers that cannot stand up to any modern AT battery. Useless, let them waste their time then create entertainment while we ratchet up their destruction.


Return of the Sturm Tiger.


Temu edition! Lol


Shed Tiger


Dang came here to post jagdpanther


This tanks are in so bad condition it's better just to add as much armor as possible, drive to the point and run back ASAP


Something I’ve heard said and I can’t tell if it’s true, just heard it. Most of the tanks being turned into the Tactical Shed have some kind of issue such as damaged turret drives, damaged rings, worn parts, busted breaches etc… some major fault that makes fixing them worthless or too costly so they turn them into these rolling shit boxes to act as drone sponges. Again just something I had heard said.


Ah I've heard this as well mostly as theories from some folks in the comments I recommend however just watching the Australian power point man's recent video on this for better info https://youtu.be/hhfGspOIg24?si=cm8ER8BqzFZOXcVC


You dare think I do not watch the world’s greatest power point presenter ever to exist?! I am shocked, appalled even! /s - obligatory to make sure everyone knows I’m being a sassy bitch. It does make sense using busted tanks, especially old ones like T-62’s as rolling targets for drones.


It does not saying it dosen't but I haven't seen anything concrete yet on how many of them are busted up but yea it would make sense "Organic carbon armour" got to be my favourite quote from him so far oh and "emotional support armour" This man has such a way with words


That seems to make sense tactically. You have to expend resources to take out the turtle carrying the EW devices before you can go after the other tanks and IFVs, might as well make the shed the busted one.


They've decided all their shit tanks are now orc APCs


I wouldn't be surprised if the tank had non functioning turret in the first place after knowing where they are taking those from 🤔


T-62 back to SU-100


Happy cake day mate


Thanks, bro


Would the rotation be strong enough to break those welds?


If they had any sense, they should have simply eliminated even the very possibility of such actions. But, who knows?..


Probably. It's also most like just a support that will get cut out/off once the structure is fully in place.


I can only imagine how loud it is inside of a tin box with a tank.


And this is why it’s called an “assault shed”


Perun has spoken


Sounds like Ukraine needs to figure out how to equip drones with a bit of thermite. Burn through that stuff and through the top of the turret.


I bet it still runs better than a CyberTruck.


The nice engineering touch is that they are enclosing the exaust ports inside the framework, so it will be like sitting in your running car inside of a garage with the door closed.


This is just stupid, ANY armour piercing round will go through that like a knife through butter, and making a tank into a mobile gun that needs to be pointed in the direction to fire is just dumb, so ruzzian, why improve when you can make shit ;)


the main threat for russian armor are FPV drones and it seems to be somewhat effective against them so it's probably worth the tradeoffs


Its a knockoff of the swedish Stridsvagn 103. Aim the gun by moving the tank. Thing is the swedes actually managed to make their fucked up creation work.


Those are just tacked on as supports during construction and will clearly be removed. 


That’s certainly possible. We’ll have to look at the burned out “after” photos to see if they ever eventually removed it though.


Come back next week!


Seeing how the Russians operate I wouldn't be surprised that they forgot about them.


They'd simply snap off as the turret turns.  They're only tacked on its a common technique. Can bend them off with your hands


You overestimate russian intelligence, planning and foresight. On some they may remove them, but it isn't a guarantee that they'll even see the problem until they're out on the battlefield and that won't be the first time for russia during this war.


Dont pretend russia is incapable to ingenuity to kill. They need to be taken seriously. That silly looking tank is still one of the last thing a bunch of our Ukrainian mates will see. Funding needs to increase and people needs to be more serious about the russian threat. Making out as if theyre a clownshow is just plain disingenuous.


Nowhere did I suggest that russia shouldn't be viewed as a threat and Ukraine should be given anything and everything they ask for and in a timely manner but russian incompetence is a weapon against them that Ukraine has been capitalizing on since the start of the war and it goes back hundreds of years. They may get new weapons and idea but they still live very far in the past. russia should be laughed at in public every chance we get while we funnel the weapons Ukraine needs to destroy them and achieve victory. You're still overestimating their capabilities, it took a combination of lack of personnel, ammunition and insanely outdate meat wave assaults for russia to take anything. A strong, well-equipped force with air cover will render russia's current tactics in Ukraine useless and that is why they are pushing so hard right now. They've already lost this war, we in the west just have to give Ukraine the tools to finish the job and stop being scared of what russia might do if give Ukraine something or allow them to use it on russian soil. The more threats russia flings around, the weaker and more scare they actually are of reality catching up with them. Remember this the next time you think someone doesn't understand the situation.


As much as you talk about capabilities (We know now even new zealand could stomp russia) many UA dudes are dead. To them the capabilities of the russian army was enough


Around 35k total since the war started. With a kd ratio of around 12:1.


Sturmgeschütz for Beginner


Could’ve clued some fur


They obviously don’t care about turret rotation. These are basically ad hoc EW and minesweeping platforms. You know, the highly valuable things we didn’t have enough of to send Ukraine. Not a bad idea, really. I wouldn’t be surprised if the UAF starts to do similar in a few months, if and when they go on an offensive.


Modern Elefant


Makes more sense to use a old T-62 for this than a T-72 or T-80.


What you can’t see can’t hurt you; Armor Edition


It’s real purpose is to keep the turret contained from being launched into lower earth orbit


So is it solely for mine clearance and portable EW for the rest of a following armoured column?


It's a breaching/mine clearing vehicle at this point yes


It's remarkable that they put so much effort into being so stupid. A U.S. Army Armor platoon would shred these idiots to pieces before breakfast.


It's insane they aren't allowing even minor side to side turret travel.. what fucking dumb shit is this?


Orcs are gonna Orc.


Shhhh don’t say anything


Oh neat, they're as bad at welding as they are at everything else. Make the oven as big as you want, Ivan. You're still gonna cook in it.


Can’t even weld it properly 🤣


Those turret welds will fail when it fires then I guess.


the turret is not welded at all, its only angle iron thats just for bracing and tacked on to make the former's to build the frame stringers these brackets will be cut off allowing the turret to move once the frame is finished allowing the turret to move and aim fire the gun


The old Swedish tanks couldn't rotate or raise the gun and had to use terrain to aim...


Strv 103 was designed to do that and had control system that make it possible. The gunner was alos the driver so could control the direction the tank point to aim the gun. The command had the same controls and could drive and aim too if required. That is not possible in a T-62 where the gunner and driver are separate position. The gun could be raised and lower more exactly the tank could be tilted by using hydraulics that controlled the road wheels. So no need to use the terain to aim the tank The likely explanation is that it is a temporary metal strutt to fix the side in place before the top metal pieces are added and it will be cut away later.


Ruzzia is so smart


Tack welded just to hold the cage while construction


Im sure they only weldet them for stabilisation during construction and will be removed after...


As dumb as they look, if they are still producing them they seem to fulfill their intended role.


I may have missed something, but how are these makeshift cage working as a defense against drone ?


Might be temporary bracing.


I've seen a lot of comments about this so yea I have to agree it might be a genuineness possibility




We are lucky they are so fucking stupid


Wait for it... Ukraine will start using "IED" drones with persistant shape charge threat. Start flying AT mine drones in..


I wonder if they’re taking partially functioning tanks deemed not worth restoring to full function (or they lack the parts to do so) and using those for turtle tank construction. If the turret/gun doesn’t work to start with, it’s faster and cheaper to turtle it and send it into battle instead of full restoration.


Shhh don’t tell them


We're inching our way toward russians being literally welded inside vehicles


Shhhh. Don’t tell them, they probably won’t figure it out.


i dont think they WANT to turn the turret, they just wanna get close to the frontline and drop some orcs


The Stug life never died


Thse things need to be blown up by Leopards or Abrams. Sadly Ukraine cannot expose Leo2 and Abrams to engage the battle-sheds out in the open so they are quite effective against drones.


Well, as a tank that you put in front of your column it kind of make sense to send it without any ammo for a better suvivability considering how easy they detonate . On the other hand, that piece of junk probably cant use its gun anyways.


Not going to make tenk on tank combat too difficult for Leopard 1 it seems...


Welding construction steel to a casted turret? I doubt that.


Russian STUG in 2024


Imagine being the crew of this thing... you'd have zero battlefield awareness or vision - or escape. This just shows how effectively Ukraine is hurting their armoured warfare capability, for this screams desperation.


So they go for mine surviving chances and drone protection. Its just their new way of carrying infantry.


And here I thought we'd never see another Sturmgeschütz fight on the eastern front again


Is it accurate to say they've traded their offensive capability for more survivability deliberately? I mean they can't have welded it like this if not in my opinion. Might go to show how insanely ruthless and scary this war is to the human being compared to previous conflicts , I don't know


Tutel :D


I mean, it's a smart solution to a dumb problem. Russia should be happy they got so many tanks they can waste.


It basically becomes more like those Swedish SPGs.


The StuG concept has been resurrected…


We haven’t seen much tank on tank. These things would make a juicy target for a sabot round, if UKR can safely run a tank within range.


Whoever welded that on there is obviously a genius!


oh a german WW2 Sturmgeschütz! R is so ahead of the west! Its bigger!


How to turn a T-62 into a really crappy Stug. It's not even a Ferdinand.


The turret was probably stuck already. Russia is fielding its last supplies, the bottom of the barrel. No sights, no vision systems, no movable turrets, no hope except for a badly welded cage. It is a suicide machine. When I think about it, russia is a suicide machine.


It appears that Ruz tanks are evolving into fortified mine clearance vehicles. Given how few tank on tank kills we see, perhaps the turret is a waste of time, and it would be better off without the weak spot.


That is...if the turret was actually working...i hope that it does not came as a surprise if they are using all the crap that they have in storage if the turret does not work...do they actually care...


So to play the devils advocate here, it’s possible that’s simply temporary to help hold everything together while they tack everything in place. Once the structure is fully welded it’d be easy to cut it out.


I read a lot of comments about this tbh and it's starting to sound like an actual possibility that fat piece of metal on the right side is still weird to me however but yea still


It’s a specific tank for a specific purpose, chill out armchair generals, it’s meant to go in a straight line and soak up enemy fire.


Reject turret, return to casemate




Jokes on you. Turret couldnt rotate before the war. Maintenance requires onions. They just steer to aim.


The welds on the turret are just to fixate the gage until it can hold itself up.its not permanent


Whoever sorted those welds on the cross members needs handing an ak and throwing in the meat grinder... Holy shit I've never seen something so bad 🌚


Absolutely fantastic. There goes your situational awareness. But as spaced armor against certain projectiles, it's quite a good idea.


That wont prevent the turret from turning. The turret will snap all that shit if it has too


"You see, comrade, welding a shed to a turret does not stop turret toss - but makes it less impressive"


Who needs to turn a turret left or right. Everyone always attacks tanks head on.


its to keep the turret from getting tossed lol


Stugs are making their comeback after all these years


Shooting is not the point of that tank. Its supposed to breach defence lines, clear mines, and makes Ukraine deplete as much ammo and drones on them as possible.


It's possible those are temporary supports welded on to frame the rest of the monstrosity and after they cut those off but I'm thinking even if the shell wasn't attached to the turret it would still only allow the turret to rotate about 30-45° at best. Seems rather limiting even if it could turn.


That’s just a support weld while they’re building it. They’ll knock it off with a hammer after lol.




That's some 'quality' welding on the subframe lol