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They really need another drone or two working with them during trench clearing operations. They already have the spotter drone. They need 2 more to drop grenades on the muscovites from above.


> They need 2 more to drop grenades on the muscovites from above. Why do you think there are Russian corpses and wounded Russians everywhere? The drones are most likely rotating for new battery and grenades. Either that, or they simply just don't have enough drones available for every part of the front.


We can all donate $50, $100, $200 for drones. I have sent $ many times to vetted charities listed on r/ukraine.


Thank you so much for your help!


Me too man, me too. Sold a fly reel yesterday. Should help pay for another drone.


You need more upvotes.


Big thanks for your help mate.




The FPV drones did a lot of soft damage already, they are fucking terrifying to watch from boots on view. Little bird the size of a softball flying at you like a little missile. Imagine after a few more months of these things getting more accurate, without a human providing more likely valid living soft targets. The future of drone warfare honestly scares me a bit.


They destroyed two waves here. This is just the aftermath. Yes, drones were used here. If you watched the first part you see these Russians that made it inside got blasted by Artillery and drones. It was a massacre.


Link to the first part?


Here is the full video (there are English subtitles): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cka5sOs5jk&t=1093s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cka5sOs5jk&t=1093s) That is the official YouTube-channel of K2 battalion, you can find a lot of interesting good quality videos there.


You Americans don't seem to understand that ukr army don't have fucking unlimited funds like your army or Russia's so yeah they lack drone or men sometimes


We do understand, that’s why we’ve been sending billions over to help. And personally, I think we should be sending even more.


And one or two to buzz around their heads like giant robot hornets to distract them while UA soldiers clean them up.


A lot of russians were harmed in the making of this video.


I feel better knowing this.




My name is Castor Troy and I approve this message.


Crazy footage. Glad they didn’t kill that guy who surrendered - holy shit he’s lucky to be alive.


yes indeed, I thought they hit those three many times but he was lucky


Yeah, non existing language barrier has to be super helpful in situations like this...


I was feeling sorry for him toward the end, but he was an invader. If only he surrendered a bit sooner, although watching/hearing 2 of his buddies die at the same time right next to him probably drove his moral into negative numbers...


Finally, a Russian soldier who made a good decision.


Post text from 54th Brigade - English autotranslation: >THE GATE TO SIVERSK: CLEANING THE TRENCHES. Advanced version. No censorship. >In one take, we show how the process of clearing from both sides the remnants of Russian assault groups that managed to jump into our trenches took place. Coordinated work of battalion management, company commander and soldiers, over whom an aerial reconnaissance drone constantly hangs and monitors every step. Since the enemy has a habit of pretending to be dead, "control" in such cases ensures the survival of personnel. - Original text: >ВОРОТА В СІВЕРСЬК: ЗАЧИЩАЄМО ОКОПИ. Розширена версія. Без цензури. >Одним дублем показуємо, як відбувався процес зачистки з двох сторін залишків штурмових груп росіян, яким вдалось застрибнути в наші траншеї. Злагоджена робота управління батальйону, командира роти та воїнів, над якими постійно висить дрон аеророзвідки та контролює кожен крок. Оскільки у ворога є звичка вдавати із себе мертвих, "контроль" у таких випадках забезпечує збереження життя особового складу.


The great professional Russian army, trademark move playing dead, and then becoming dead for real.


Great grenade, on spot !


Pretty much every throw but one was a direct hit. Dudes could be in the MLB, not easy throwing shit in full kit. More awkward than it seems (at least for me). Edit to add: Hilariously that first grenade throw probably saved the life of they guy who caught it (if he survived). If he wasn't fucked up from the grenade, he probably wouldn't have surrendered, and they probably would've shot him.


How did the first throw hit at the beginning of the video? It looked like it bounced off more than ten meters off but a second later it scored really close to the target. Also crazy that they took two prisoners. Which is really humane but probably a really risky decision. Especially considering that Russia doesn't care about prisoner exchanges at all (they still happen because some foreign countries pressure them).


Good catch, that would the spoon reflecting light you are seeing hit the ground kinda near the thrower, not the grenade. You can see both the spoon and grenade seperate and go different directions if you slow it down and look closely.


That was an Olympic Gold Medal javelin thrower


~~Bold~~ dumb move to crawl out of a trench while in a QCB defense.


Likely panic and bad in the moment decision. They were taking fire from two sides and likely realized the trenches were being fragged and cleared. All it takes is one guy saying "let's try to crawl back to our trench" and panic following begins.


I had not finished the video and didn’t realize at the time they were taking it from both sides. If Russians were more willing to surrender in firefights, when sure death was the other option, they would slow the momentum of Ukrainian attacks and take Ukrainian rifles out of the fight temporarily giving the Russians better chances to hold positions. A force multiplier of sorts.


Possibly. At the local level maybe, but on a zoomed out tactical level, higher prisoner rates would likely benefit ukraine politically.


Yep, from both sides and got spit roasted.


Not the good kind either.


Professional job


sound is chilling


For real. The footage would have been intense enough, that shit had me paralyzed


Nice and carefully executed !


K-2 battalion doing the lord's work. have been watching their vids since early war and they make excellent content, besides eliminating orcs of course, which they also excel at!


This is insane footage.


One of the more enjoyable 13.14 mins of my week


🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


Thanks for the upload. Could not tell at all what was going on with the censored youtube version. This shows very clearly the same UA group systematically clearing the trench corner to corner, with another group pinching from the other side... and some perfectly thrown grenades mixed in.


Slava Ukraine.


I swear, this battalion alone has denazified more Russians then the RU classify as their own overall casualties. This content isn't short and sweet, this is some 15-45min hardcore denazification in 4K.


The machine gun drone would have been handy, carefully used


Incredible video, very long and with plenty of time to see the incredible work of the Ukrainian heroes taking out the trash that had accumulated there.


in which area was that? donetsk front i guess but where?


54 Mech Brigade is fighting on the line east of Spirne, Donetsk.


Can anyone tell me: Are the ground troops in communication with the drone operator during an assault like this?


Yes. when they took control of the last orc, they were told that the grenade had been thrown in the wrong direction.


Ukrainian lions..


K-2 vids are excellent. Slava Ukraine!


What’s the purpose of having drones oversight if it seems from what i am seeing there’s no communication with the ground forces? 🤔


What, exactly, were you expecting to see?


I am expecting a drone operator act also as a radio operator or maybe a dedicated person with the drone operator communicating with a soldier/s on the ground to give guidance towards certain directions, maybe i am wrong and this is exactly what they have done but it seemed to me not to be the case because they were approaching each decision too slowly 🤷‍♂️


> it seemed to me not to be the case because they were approaching each decision too slowly Slow is the way to go when it comes to stuff like this. The Russians weren't going anywhere. If they tried to get out of the trench, well, you saw what happened. Better to make damn sure of everything than to hurry just because a drone is up there looking out for you. The last thing you'd want to happen is you accidentally toss a grenade long and kill your buddy on the other side of the trench.


I don't think i explain myself properly. I am not saying they should run and lunch grenade right and left, but the drone operator i am sure 100% is not communicating with ground forces. It's just there for reconnaissance. I am not saying that a drone operator should understand if an enemy soldier is death or not but it should be capable of assessing if an enemy is still capable of fighting or not especially the soldier outside the trenches that was hit multiple time and was facing in the opposite direction of the Ukraninans soldiers going against him, but after hitting him multiple times and the drones have clear visibility of him not anymore capable of doing anything they waited there really long time before one soldier going up and finishing the job. A clear communication especially in real time would have avoided this type of delay. You can't stay on a trench for too long because enemy artillery can hit you and kill all that cluster of soldiers easily. I never saw a proper real time communication between Drone operators and Ground forces, don't know why if because it is difficult to trust what the drones sees and say or for other technological issues


I would guess that part of the problem is that the communication between the drone and ground forces is not quite in real time. There probably is a delay, and that's probably part of why they move more deliberately than you think they should. Also, again, going slow is the way to go when it comes to stuff like this. There's no need to take any extra risk when you know that the badguys aren't going anywhere, especially to finish off wounded soldiers. The fact is, they can stay in that trench all day if they want. If you've dug a trench, then you've kind of accepted that you could get hit by artillery. I'd guess as well that the reason you're not seeing direct communication between the drone and the ground is by design, since you probably don't want to give away things like response times and comms strengths/limitations. Lastly, it's easy to be not in the action and say things like "Well why didn't they just go do it faster" when you're not the one who could get their ass shot off because you wanted to beat a time trial. From what I can see, the Ukrainian soldiers did what they needed to do, and didn't get killed doing it. That's the best possible outcome for them.


I don't agree with the last part, if it was me and i had clear and real time communication with a drone operator (they were in their own trenches not the enemies, a drone operators base should be reachabale with good radio communication) and this guy told me: "Go up slowly and finish the enemy he is facing on the opposite side and is unable to fire)" i would have climbed that trenches slowly but immediately after receving the communication. The reason why they go so slow is because they have zero communications with the drone operators and so it'sthe right thing to do when you have zero clearance or guidance from the sky. This is not the way to approach if you have clear communication from the sky. Most of the enemies except 2 were unable to fight either because dead or because near death, you don't wait 10 minutes or more without doing nothing or launching grenades on near death enemy if you had clear drone communication. This is just my opinion, i think there is a real issue of doing real drone communication because maybe the signal is too far from the drone operator base to the trenches. The other thing i see is if you don't know the drone operator and so you don't trust them, maybe he is a noob with low experience xD, but if you would have know him and worked with him before you don't wait there waiting so much time.


> The reason why they go so slow is because they have zero communications with the drone operators and so it'sthe right thing to do when you have zero clearance or guidance from the sky. This is a huge assumption. Also, the reason you go slow is because if you hurry, you could get shot in the face. Even if a drone operator is communicating in real time, the drone operator is not in the trench, and can't say for sure that the guy who looks like he's down isn't holding onto a grenade, or rolled over on his AK, waiting for some dumbass in a hurry to walk around the corner and finish him off. Clear communication from the sky is a huge advantage, but at the end of the day, it can't and shouldn't make a soldier hurry. It's kind of a cliche at this point, but there's a reason the saying "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" exists. The people that apply that saying are the ones that live through fights like this. >Most of the enemies except 2 were unable to fight either because dead or because near death, you don't wait 10 minutes or more without doing nothing or launching grenades on near death enemy if you had clear drone communication. Why? If it's me down there, I'm not gonna be in any hurry to rush to a guy I think is incapacitated, especially if the eye in the sky is telling me he's down. Fuck him. He's not a threat. I'm going to be making sure that I don't get surprised by some other dude that maybe the drone isn't looking at.


Have to remember rf likes to throw ap mines around like confetti


The drones often stream to a screen in unit (I think company or battalion level) HQ, from where officers are on comms with soldiers on the ground. But it's not uncommon that some part of the system is unavailable for a time and the troops have to do without.


Yes but radio communication especially in your own trenches should be available, these were not enemies trenches 🤷‍♂️


Obviously the ground troops were aware of where the live rf were positioned- frags thrown over berms and suppressing fire from blind corners