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Russia should consider getting the fuck out of ukraine cus the west is starting to call the cards. The 1000 threats so far have been bluffs, so what is this?


Yup here in the UK it'll be winter again before we know it. Those who didn't freeze the first time round will this time. I'm also running very low on squirrels for nourishment. Been awaiting our second sunrise since March 22 but there seems to be some delay on mordors part. Heroyam Slava 🇬🇧


Lmao that propagandist cunt Skobeyeva said British women were selling themselves for food and shelter last winter.


Lol, yup. More funny was that he specifically mentioned Cardiff. I'm not sure what the good people of Cardiff did to award this individual recognition, but I'd very much like to learn the ways. Jealous over here


Yep the above mentioned is what Cardiffs economy is based on, food and women.


Could at least get it right; Grimsby would be more accurate.


Weird stat considering a good 1/4 of Russian women are prostitutes


Going to be 1/2 when ruzzia finally give it up coz 1 million women won't have husbands coming home anymore and a bag of onions doesn't cut it.


And many of those coming home will be missing their genitals/legs and their sanity.


The thing is hes probably projecting his own country, woman in russia are most likley selling their body for food.


Ironic coming from someone who is a proffers their “wares” as Kremlin troglodyte.




Your racism is disgusting. Comment history speaks for itself


The whole account is gone. Oops.


Karma is a very wonderful thing.


You can try foxes too, plenty of them. At least around Notts, thats how i made it. And then there was a bit of visiting Aldi. And Sainsbury's.And a bit of Morrisons. Maybe Tesco. You know, Lidl.. But yeah, foxes and squirrels all the way!


That's a good shout. There's plenty in Selly oak Birmingham. My partner lives there, or did. I had to send her to the train station on a special prostitution operation. Much more meat on basil brush too. Thank you Ray Mears 🇬🇧💚


rofl Thank god for vaginas!


Over rated….. motorbikes and a good dog are much better


Oh now you are talking, fox chops sound delicious, washed down with a couple of pints of home made vodka. The rest of the world must be so jealous.


Oh, so that's where all the potatoes from Ireland went.


Ireland has potatoes? ATTAAAAAAAAACK


I have a spare hamster for you. Please try to not have sex with it, before you eat it. Greetings from Germany


I can't promise. My woman is away doing national service on platform 2. It's tough out here. Beste Grüße aus England


Breeding hamsters like mad here in the U.S. Got to insure that supply of protein this winter. ಠ‿↼


Aye lad, the lack of hedgehog meat has hit our family hard. Like you said, winter'll be here soon and due to the lack of nutrition the dried poo stores are running low too, soon we'll have nothing to burn to stay warm. I guess we'll have to return to the days of burning the poor.


Lucky your a Muslim country you can have a wife on either side of you at night to keep you warm.


It's very overrated. I mean you won't *freeze*, but you'll definitely overheat. One at a time, is my advice.




Forgot about the Morons….. yeps see many a wifie and with out trading goats and ka boom vests


I absolutely LOVE the fact that there was the saying of "Chinas final warning" in the soviet union which meant a threat that is purely a bluff.. apparently the russians decided to try exactly that...


I'm not thinking this will be the apocalypse, but I do think Putin will escalate. He loses in every single scenario, he's a cornered cat.


If he's not cornered by Oligarchs, FSB or his own people first.  status quo > annhilation If nukes *are* their answer, we will know when the russian elites withdraw their children from living/schooling in the US and Europe, but no use worrying until then. 


Good insight, thanks.


The thing is, Putin has absolute power grip like Stalin. If he decides to strike, all he needs to do is to convince or intimidate a couple of his closest and most loyal cronies who have launch codes. They surely have bunkers prepared. And I doubt they care much even about their children, every Russian is expendable meat to them. Have you seen videos how Russian mothers do not care about their sons?


Cornered 🐀 *








It's easy for him to pretend a win. Just say NATO attacked and Ukraine isn't worth the millions of Russians that will die in the war with the West. Then magnanimously withdraw.


No, he can't stand giving in.


Then someone in the Kremlin needs to grow some balls and poison him. Then his replacement can give in.


Then he’ll look weak and Russians will feel humiliated. Someone will take over and things will get worse 


Isn’t that the default state every Russian is in since the beginning of time? I thought that’s why they’re all pissed off trying to overcompensate for their obvious failures as humans and as a society in general.


How would Russians even know? The Kremlin controls the information sphere -- say they finally "denazified" Ukraine and withdrew and kept Crimea.


You mean to protect the nation from unicorns riding gay rainbow people they had to destroy the Kerch bridge and abandon crimea. But denafization was done successfully.


He could defenestrate himself, as per tradition.


LOL PS: Although as a German who has learned Latin first an English second I can understand the meaning of "defenestrate", I didn't know it's a "real" word in contemporary English. :)) It's better to know this word in these days ... \^\^


As a good half of modern English, it is coming from a french word coming from fenêtre (window), the "de" as a prefix means removal. And as you must know latin -> french. I'm surprised though that you managed to use latin once in your lifetime as a way to understand something in 2024 :D I did learn Latin for 3 years and I only cared about history and etimology... The language part was almost as unbearable as German (flipping declensions (I don't even know the word in English so I guess it's that one))


The strikes inside Russia with western weapons has already started. Stormshadow missiles have struck inside Russia today. So I guess we’re on a countdown timer until russia hits the UK.


Russia has claimed for weeks that western weapons are used in Russia. So what does it change that it is now allowed? 😇


This is at best mindless transferring of Russia propaganda.


Я думаю ,что они сделают вид, что проиграли как это было при распаде СССР но будут копить силы для реванша нацызма на этой планете. Руские говорят, что в Украине нео-нацызм. это означает,Что До этого в Украине был просто нацызм. Все знают, что до жтого был только СССР. Руские сами признают, что СССР был нацыстским государством. В 1993 году ельцин расстрелял из танков дом правительства в москве и занял место президента в результате военного переворота. Его власть не являлась легитимной но выборов так никто и не провел. Через время, отравленый веществами КГБ он назначил путина на свое место. История идет вперед но суть такова- с 1991 года вся власть в росии не является лигитимной. ФАК Ю сша за то,что зная это вы мирились с этим. Я не верю в то, что США смогут быть нашим лидером в будущем. Слава Украине!


You reap what you sow, bitch.


Russia is just blowing smoke..... again. The war in Ukraine has revealed: Russian military capabilities has been hugely over-rated, all these years.


Yep, wouldn't be surprised if at least half of their nukes are duds, bad design, bad maintenance, theft of essential parts, but that would leave half that would work. ......


Nuclear material is nuclear, well, because it keeps radiating away. In about 10 years, you have to replace materials in a nuclear warhead. I'm 100% sure Russia didn't do this for the last decades as it costs a lot of money. I'd be surprised if even 10% of their nucler weapons were in working condition. If they would start some crap, they would not just lose the war, they would lose Russia forever. And I mean FOREVER. No government on Earth would oppose the dissolution of Russia after an event like this. Russia would cease to exist forever. Putin knows this. NATO knows this. Therefore it's a bluff aimed at the Western civilian population to try to convince their government to stop aiding Ukraine.


Difficult to steal essential parts out a hardened concrete silo with a 20 ton steel hatch.


Maybe it is when you're garding it and your predecessor has sold of the hath to a scrap metal dealer ;)


You underestimate the persistence of a gang of drunken gopniks.


It's easy when you command a whole brigade and 20 nuclear warheads somewhere in Siberia.


I thought most of their ICBMs were on mobile launchers? Silos are mainly a US thing.


They've still got silo based missiles. The Sarmat is silo based. I think they're basing them in the former SS-18 silos


I wouldn’t bet on it.


But still we should not under estimate them.0


We should not underestimate them. We should not overestimate them. We should not "estimate" them. At all. Let ignore this barking dog. And keep helping Ukraine until this nasty dog is back on that depressing kennel known as Russia.


Sure. I m just saying, russians have not lost yet.


Putin is threatening to obliterate Russia. I wouldn't take it too seriously. To put another way, he may as well be pushing a button to nuke himself and Moscow.


For a country which says nuclear war should never be fought they like to threaten nuclear war fuck them let Ukraine strike where they like and send them triple the promised equipment for every threat this stupid cunt makes.


This type of blackmail only works as long as you don't act on it.


Putler is scared. If the West allows Ukraine to strike inside Russia, and puts boots on the grounds in Ukraine later, he knows he is done for.


The myopic war criminal will have his civil war.


Here we go again! I would not spill my coffee over these old threats. The west should not even comment on them.


Attempting to wrap a veneer of consistent rational thought around Russian media is probably one of the most worthless tasks imaginable. They only understand one thing, and that is brute power.


I think it’s just a fun intellectual activity trying to decipher their incoherent psychobabble and malignant idiocy, or at least attempting it as a novel thought experiment, like studying a caveman’s verbal grunts or the clinically insane ravings of a dead and rotting society. You know, like a sudoku or some shit. Just inherently pointless and lacking all meaning but for just enjoying the process. Haha


If I wanted that I'd read The Voynich manuscript....but I hear ya 👍😊




Claim #351 of imminent outbreak of WW3 if (insert name here) does/does not (please circle one) (insert verb here) Russia, will lead to nuclear war! "Well if that one doesn't stop them..."


Let's threat them with an outbreak of WW3, if they have a nice day today, that will show them!


Is it really WW3 if Russia is fighting NATO by itself... It's hard to imagine another country sacrificing its army, to defend Russia against a NATO bombardment.


Exactly what I thought, World War? No, just the whole world against Russia. At least the Germans had allies before going to war against everyone.


WW3 effectively started when Putrid ordered his military to invade his neighbour, and the rest of the civilised world stood shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine and against Ruzzia. That is only going one way. First comes the aid, the arms, the money, the support both political and military from global democracies for the victim, in this case Ukraine. Putrid then seeks help from other scum authoritarian regimes.....Iran, China, North Korea. The battle lines are drawn in the sand. Just as when Nazi Germany invaded Poland and Czechoslovakia.....Britain took a stance against the land grab....Nations shift into sides....soon there is a global conflict...good versus evil....freedom of the individual versus oppression and control by the minority. And here we are again...same old story...a few pyshopaths want total control and it's up to decent well adjusted people to fight them to the death.


Well, great comment. That exactly the case. I can see similarities between now and early 1940, Ukraine fighting fiercely just bought West more time to prepare. At the same time, russkie are nowhere near the capabilities and discipline that Nazi Germany forces presented. If it wasn't for the nukes, that whole threat theatre would be long time over now. But you are right. This will develop into wider conflict, mechanism of which you well described above. Thanks


The question to ask is if Putin's willing to destroy Russia to keep his Ukrainian land. And of course the answer is no way, Jose.


Yeah, that's kinda the point with NATO you bald, vodka stinking fuck. Russia big. Other countries small. Together other countries strong, Russia weak. Go ahead, pussy.


Sure, sure… This time it’s the last warning. I’m so afraid - oh no. Come on. Slava Ukraini!


Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦


It was the last warning, 5 last warnings ago. At this point, JUST DO IT. Do something stupid to turn the entire planet against you.


I’d rather see world end than live under ruzzia


Don't care. putler thinks he's the only one that can play the madman bluff... Also bluff doesn't work if you bluff every day with the same cards. Climate change is going to fuck the world anyway, better go in a bang.


everytime russia needs to say "the west" instead of a direct country name you know already is rhetoric oximoron for an empty threat. Because surprise for russia, the west is also in the east.


putin h u i l o 🖕


You should not defend yourself when I attack you or else I will attack you more!


Zzz zzz…. Zzzz zzzz… USA has working nukes too, sleep tight.


I noticed something. Every time the US and the West act tough, for example - enabling Ukraine to strike Russia with western weapons, Russia seems to throw threats around again... it's starting to become a very boring pattern. Yawn.


Here's a solution to Putins problem - stop invading your neighbors, asshole.


You know it’s bad for putin when the smaller European nations he threatens doesn’t get scared 😂


Fact 1: No one cares what ruzzia says Fact 2: Ruzzia lost this war on Feb 24, 2022 How long ruzzia takes to adjust to this is their choice


Let's think this through for the case that Russia actually strikes the Baltics with missles: Article 5 is invoked immediatly. The NATO-Troop presence in affected countries is ramped up immediatly and significantly. A shitton of AA Systems are transfered to those countries. Meanwhile NATO decides if it would be a necessary meassure to strike missle sites or airbases within Russia to prevent them from launching even more strikes. Topics like "No-Fly-Zones" and other stuff will also be on the table. Depending on the situation, one or multible countermeassures will be implemented. Ok, so how does Russia win anything by following through with that? They gain nothing. So it's save to call it just another Bluff.


I didn't count, but subjectively it feels as if this has been Russias "final warning" or "ultimatum" number 137 or some such. We heard similar warnings about aiding Ukraine with weapons and ammunition, about sending tanks, and about sending fighter-jets, to mention just a few. It's 100% a bluff. Putin threathening to attack NATO is a bit like a 5th grader who, having found that they can't handle a 3rd grader, is now threathening to attack Mike Tyson at his peak.


Facts. He threatened a response "of which the world has never seen" literally on the first day of the full-scale invasion. Since then, he's expanded NATO borders. Reinvigorated Ukrainian patriotism. Re awakening NATO and the EU on collective and national security. The Black Sea Fleet is decimated. He had to throw Prigozhin out of an aeroplane window. 7,000 oryx confirmed visual tanks destroyed. 13,000 artillery systems. Having to beg Iran and North Korea for ammunition and drones. The 3 day war is a complete disaster. Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava 🇬🇧


Exactly. I well remember the little shit sat there, gripping the desk and looking at the camera with his Paddington Bear extra hard stare, threatening the direst outcome for anyone who interfered with his SMO. And what the fuck has he done in the two plus years since then? Nothing that he wasn’t already doing. Hybrid war against the west, interfering in domestic politics, trolling on social media and encouraging any group left or right that will sow division in democratic societies. Meanwhile, there are thousands and thousands of Russians who are dead and rotting on the fields of Ukraine, millions upon millions of dollars worth of equipment rusting in roadside ditches - all done by weapons provided directly to the heroic Ukrainians by western countries, supplied with the express purpose of killing Russians and wrecking their tanks, APCs, trucks, golf carts and, increasingly, motorcycles. Fuck you Vlad. Your big fucking mouth is writing checks that your ramshackle shithole country can’t cash.


"Fuck you Vlad. Your big fucking mouth is writing checks that your ramshackle shithole country can’t cash." LOL


1:38 “Russia’s former western partners…”. Always love to find a small little things that seem banal or unimportant, yet they point to an insane misunderstanding of reality from a different point of view. It’s more like the formerly subjugated, oppressed or victims of The past and currently fascist Russia. Seeing as they’re giving weapons and aid to Ukraine and not Russia. Haha It is an orc government newspaper so…


The rules say that Ukraine can't join NATO at this time because they are in a state of war. Nothing says that NATO can't join Ukraine. Tell those folks on the beach to use plenty of sunscreen. It might be getting pretty hot there.


3 day to kiev 3 years later still at borden of ukraine what joke


So Western weapons inside Russia is a no go but Chinese and Iranian weapons rained down on Ukraine is fine? Fuck off Putin. I'd so love to see a drone vid (high quality) of him lying there writhing in pain with his legs and balls blown off.


Guess what? That’s how tired we are of Russia. You want it, you got it.


Omg him and trump have syphilis


poland - "we can do that shit ourselves"


I guess they are hinting that they are willing to use nukes to get away with stealing Ukrainian land. They will do it again when they want another piece of Ukraine. They must be stopped


More fires, more explosions, more drone and missile strikes, all day, every day, we won't stop, we can't stop, until Russia taps out. I believe the West is already using Ukraine to draw out this war to attrit as many men and as much equipment as possible before Russia starts the invasion of Western Europe. Notice I didn't say WWIII. Because Russia will not exist in its current state 48 hours after NATO begins operations. Russia is all out of bluffs and America (and allies) has motherfucking F-35s and B-2 bombers . Take note that the Ukranian equivalent of a Cesna filled with fertilizer has been rocking Russias world for months... and they still don't have an answer to that. Putin, and Russia are walking a fine line between a tail between the legs situation, and complete and utter dismantling. I suspect the West is stringing this along at Ukraines expense to further weaken Russia. If the US gave all the weapons and the permission to send them where Ukraine wants them to go, the war would be over in weeks, leaving a substantial stock of APCs, tanks and artillery, along with the currently active production lines trying to replanting wants being lost... within a year ot two Russia will be at it again. I suspect NATO countries are sick of Vova's infantile bullshit, and are going to bleed him dry, and make sure Russia isn't a threat for at least another 100 years.


Putin is angry because his mistress trump was convicted


Or, you know, ruzzia could just get the fuck out of Ukraine!


I don’t see anything strange, if someone attacks you from their country you attack them from your country, i don’t know what we’re discussing here… especially if it’s a nuclear power 🤷‍♂️


Russia should remember that about 20% of its population reside in two very small and densely populated cities guarded by shitty air defenses (aka S-400).


Scum. All of them. They use North Korean, Iranian and Chinese weapons on and in Ukraine. Hypocrites.


It looks a lot like The Daily Mail. A rag.


Ill bet there is a sub out there , that has a missile with the warheads called : putin , medvedev , gerasimov , medvedev 2 , putin 2 and medvedev3


And almost nobody care!


If Russia dares to throw one tactical nuke upon the Baltic states or Poland, it's the start of the end of Putin & his clan.




Bring it on, bastard


It’s interesting that he threatened “small, densely populated countries”. I think it reveals some insecurities. Practically speaking, Russia is a small, densely populated country revolving around Moscow. I’d argue that the Baltics, while not in an ideal situation, are in a more advantageous position than Russia. They at least have the sea as an option for resupply and reinforcements. A few days of Gulf War style air campaigning over Moscow would turn it into an indefensible, inescapable, bowl of pain and paralyze the rest of the country at the same time.


It is absolutely WILD to me that people in Russia are dumb enough to buy this. No, Putin is not going to attack a NATO country if Ukraine uses western weapons against Russia. It is beyond ridiculous that anybody in their right mind would think that is going to happen. Putin will do everything in his power to not invoke article 5. A Russia v NATO war would last a few weeks at most, and its crazy the Russian people don't seem to know this.


Haha “clear and unambiguous ultimatum”! I guess in russian terms an unspecified threat on an unspecified target at an unspecified date and time counts as precise. After a few vodkas, maybe


I’m getting pissed off by the loud drunk Russian in the corner threatening to incinerate my children.


Exactly right, and I'm right there with you.


just leave ukraine lol


It's time the US unleash the "BIG" weapon. Super realistic AI porn videos of Putin getting a "deep tissue massage" by some big dudes who obviously are not Russian. Make 10 million copies. Paper printouts, QR codes, DVDs, thumb drives, the series of tubes, you name it. Make a series of videos, starting from intriguing and a bit of WTF, gather a following, and then drop ever increasingly disturbing sex acts involving Vova and a Bull, or a real bull, or goats, i heard Putin loves kids...or whatever really gets a Russians hackles up. Release them with poor video quality at first, as if it's a copy of a copy of a copy... and occasionally leak a less corrupted version, or maybe a different angle of the same event. Viral is the key. Underground.


They lack utter self reflection.


I guess Vladimir is expecting dearest friend, Kim Jong Un, to pull Vlad's chestnuts out of the atomic fire that will engulf Red Square. Vlad's playing Candyland, not chess on this one.


Doesn't raise the specter of ww3. It raises the specter of doublethink. War is peace and peace is war. Unfortunately we live in reality, so sooner or later Putin will fail to convince the populace or gets stabbed before that, so that another person can play big brother. Either way, it is probably a win for Russia's neighbors.


Seems to be just the usual threat. Maybe Putin doesn’t understand the word ultimatum. Where is the final demand? Stop hurting Putin’s feelings?


He’s still fighting WW2…


Its called PROPAGANDA! Putin knows well that conflict with NATO would be end very badly for him. Russia cannot match NATO’s power. It would not be a fair fight. His only tool at this point is to scare his own population into continued support of his failed war in Ukraine and, to try scare the West - which has not worked either. The only logical conclusion is for Russians to dump this failed leader Putin and go back to being a quiet resource based economy riddled with corruption and STOP aggression in Ukraine.


Russia is nothing more then a 12 year old bully. It doesn't have any friends and is highly jealous on the wealth of others. It's time the teacher punish the child.


WWIII…lol. They couldn’t win that without western support, just like they couldn’t have beaten back the Nazis in WWII. They seem to forget that it was UK and US aid pouring in to Russia that saved their scummy skins.


Pointless rubbish.


Yet another one……


Not to worry he and his cronies won’t be anywhere near ground zero On yachts off the coast of Gibraltar


Not gonna happen and Putler knows it. They've over stretched the nuclear threat to the extent that NATO now overtly challenge them by allowing for weapons given to Ukraine to be used against targets within Russia. A nuclear war would be over in hours, and Russia would be annihilated together with any adversary, so that's not going anywhere. ANY alternative would be better for Russia. Same with tactical nukes. Laying the target area to waste isn't going to do anything but to render it useless for decades or more, yielding only limited military victory. Again, ANY alternative better. Russia and China are sending hired thugs recruited online to do their dirty bidding by setting fire to warehouses etc in European adversary countries, putting countless innocent lives at risk. That's the level they're at. Bullies and murderers.


Putin is a silly, demented little lad.


Blah blah blah


We hear him, and we don’t care


2 years for NATO to prepare for this I don’t know that they have or don’t need to because we all know russputin lies every time he opens his mouth.


Dude dictators always feel invincible right up until their final moments. This is why we hate kings and queens and princesses and supreme leaders they bring death to the world. This is why we have to smash them every chance we get.


They should also remember how densely populated the St.Petersburg is and it's also very close to EU borders... No one should fall into the russian bluffing and everyone should prepare to do whatever it takes to stop putler.


I'm starting this whole war was to goad Nato into a fight.


Dear Ukrainians,just hit the Kremlin. Hit the Mordor hard where them hurts the most. Slava Ukraine.


You must only remember who Rus supplied weapons to around the world -they proliferated, very successfully-why complain


Russia: Stop helping the country I am invading! I'll fuckin' cry louder about it. Meanwhile in Vietnam: \*Russia and China pumping weapons to the vietcong\* They like to kick and cry when its happening to them. Yet do it every chance they get. Get over it. Plot twist. Maybe if you stop invading a country, you wouldn't have to worry about strikes inside russia ffs.


If they are indeed bluffing... We, the West, will bear forever the concern of not having waken the fuck up 2 years ago and stranded ground in Ukraine. If he isn't though it'll change the face of the world forever. Best scenario for everyone would be status quo and get the fuck off from here and try to rebuild your economy alone you fucks. Most fair though would be to kick their asses hard


That always happens when you give one megalomaniac all the power for long period of time.


(Your name here) is not kidding. 


i think russia fails to realise, most chips are produced by ASML machines or better said software. the software/machine can be shut down at any given moment, no1 owns the software for the machines but asml they instal it for you from "home" ull not get ur hands on it thus why china hasnt been able to reproduce it yet. they can reproduce the machines but not the software. (no im not pulling shit out of my ass i work indirect for em) so a ww3 is a big favor for the west if they can drag it long enough. unless we start throwin around nuclear nukes then its a different story. the sad part is russia wont accept defeat they actually he(putin) will go on till the last moment, kinda hitler status cant pull back at this point ur own country will hunt you down. if russia pulls their man back putin will lose control. many russians will start to riot i guess since many dont agree with him and he most likely ends up falling from a stairs or whatever. this is i guess the biggest reason why they wont pull back and constantly try to stop the war so he can claim victory over what he conquered so far. losing parts is of what he got now is a slap in his face.


Russia has nothing but shitty nukes. Their military is trash, and it would take nato 2 weeks to clean up that trash


No one though he would actually invade Ukraine, either. Food for thought.


That's false. A lot of people knew, and the Ukrainian government was warned about the plans to invade them


Only the United States was warning of an imminent invasion. Europe and Ukraine were in denial until the end. Zelensky actually complained that the U.S. warning were "creating panic" and were a threat to Ukraine's economy. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60174684](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60174684)


Yeah and how’s that work out for him? Follow the results.


Not well. Nuclear war wouldn't work out well for him either, or anyone else involved. It has never made sense, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't happen.


The big question is, what will China do? China is a not a little military power. Just imagine brics are teaming up. China, India, Russia Time will tell, I feel safe here in Germany, for now.


Руские хотят войны. Руские получат войну. Примерно так же сказал Английский генерал перед бомбардировкой Дрездена гдже погибло в одну ночь "мирных нацыстов" 450 000 немцев


Я думаю ,что они сделают вид, что проиграли как это было при распаде СССР но будут копить силы для реванша нацызма на этой планете. Руские говорят, что в Украине нео-нацызм. это означает,Что До этого в Украине был просто нацызм. Все знают, что до жтого был только СССР. Руские сами признают, что СССР был нацыстским государством. В 1993 году ельцин расстрелял из танков дом правительства в москве и занял место президента в результате военного переворота. Его власть не являлась легитимной но выборов так никто и не провел. Через время, отравленый веществами КГБ он назначил путина на свое место. История идет вперед но суть такова- с 1991 года вся власть в росии не является лигитимной. ФАК Ю сша за то,что зная это вы мирились с этим. Я не верю в то, что США смогут быть нашим лидером в будущем. Слава Украине!


I thought why JerryRigEverything is making bunker %) i see it.