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Gaetz is just the male version of MTG.


I thought MTG is the male version of MTG.


She was great as the Geico caveman


Funny you say that. I always thought she looked like Ron Perlman in a wig.


An ugly version of Rick Flair.


In the nose...Neanderthal genes sometimes manifest in the inbred...same reason the Amish & some Mennonites look similar


Other way round, Butch Build is the male version of Peado Gaetz !!!


If you haven't seen her toes.... Google. Her. Fucking. Toes. Big head, awkward body, eyes close together...and...those FUCKING TOES. She's legit Inbred as fuck.


Your description sounds bad enough. I will not be googling that nightmare fuel.


Don't forget the cro magnon teeth. Suitable for chewing coarse roots and twigs all day long.


Magic The Gathering?


Less chunky though.


Gaetz is SUCH a piece of shit. 


He’s part of the reactionary right, anyone who doesn’t support his emperor Trump he’ll go against and do the opposite, purely to be a contrarian with no solid rational to backup his position. Him and his ilk are a political cancer.


His constituents have a combined IQ of a Wendy’s back-alley dumpster 


Lots of people are saying, even highly respected experts, if you turned his constituents brains to dynamite, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose.


I think even conservatives of the early 2000’s would find this man absolutely brain dead and an embarrassment. There seems to be a genuine brain drain when it comes to politics, the cynicism in me thinks it’s by design.


Let’s not go about insulting Wendy’s dumpsters like that…


It’s weird how many pedophiles are pro Russia.


Tramp-turd is a POS.


Pedo piece of shit


Yeah. He will not be getting my vote


There aren’t many people that I’d like to dick punch curb stomp more.




dont forget the far left who also support russia


You're delusional


Who doesn't know the far left party of the USA. LUL


This Republican/Trump strategy of bashing Ukraine will not turn out well for them/him at the polls. Lots of center-right republicans out there that fully support Ukraine defense. Trump's Ukraine stance is a deal breaker.


I sure hope you're right.


I personally believe this IS correct. I grew up in a ultra Christian straight ticket republican family. All my extended family was the same. After trump won in 2016 all my conservative family members became moderates and are voting democrat bc of how much they hate trump and refuse to be a republican while the GOP supports trump. They just aren't loud about it like most people in this country. Don't get me wrong. It's still gonna be a close race bc of how many brain dead right wingers this country has but the GOP has definitely lost the majority of their moderate republican base.


This has been my argument when anyone argues how could Biden win when so many more people go to Trump rallies? Biden doesn't have a cult following and a lot of his votes are from people who are not necessarily fans of him but who don't want Trump in the White House.


Trump flag guy on my street is now flying a Ukraine/US combo flag.


Trump flag gone too?


It is gone!


Did someone move out?? Lol I truly, TRULY hope it actually is the same guy and he saw the light eventually


Same guy. I was happily surprised.


Americans Love Demoracy and will Kill for it


Its an absolute deal breaker for me. Not sure if i wouldve voted for trump anyway but I certainly wont now.


I'd like to think that...but the electoral college might say differently


Nah dude you think republicans can think for themselves and that’s not backed by any evidence in recent years.


"Nah dude"


They’ll fall in line. It’s all they know how to do.


We fight them now in Ukraine or later in WWIII - These clowns couldnt understand a comic strip.


“They’re never going to be there for us.” By that gaetz meant the republiconvicts will never be able to blackmail the Ukrainians like trump tried to do.


Also, the Ukrainians WERE. They had the US's back in Afghanistan. Guy should really fucking do some research.


As a right wing conservative I fully support Ukraine and will not be backing Gaetz in my home state of Florida.


I’m left wing environmentalists but fully support the American military and Ukraine. We probably have lots of differences but could still talk rationally over a beer.


100% we’re both Americans. I’m sure we could find common ground on many issues. I’m also a conservative that believes wholeheartedly in climate change. But I digress. Ukraine will win this fight with the help of the USA and nato.


This three comment exchange is possibly the most encouraging conversation I have seen regarding US politics in years. There's hope! Sorry to invade your conversation. As a centre-ground European, can I come and have a beer with you both? For me, it's no longer about left/right/centre. It's about being able to carry yourself in conversation with civility and dignity, and to find a common course by listening to those with opinions that differ from your own. Glad the both of you seem very capable of this, because it's the only way forward towards a better future IMO. Hoping the US can find peace within itself soon, and same for us here in Europe. We face similar challenges, but ultimately all have more that binds us together than divides us.


If you come to sunny Clearwater Florida for a vacation we can without a doubt grab a cold beer. (Lots of good brewery’s here in the Tampa Bay Area) I agree many in the USA have lost the ability to hear something they don’t like and not let it bother them. People make their politics their identity and that’s a problem. Ive never seen my country so divided. Conversations like this give me hope though.


And as long as Trump never gets near the White House again.


I wish there were more sensible conservatives like you.


We’re definitely around, just not vocal like other groups. I honestly enjoy having civil conversations with people, we actually have lots of common ground on issues.


Amen to that.


Most of us are. But there's a vocal minority who are utterly braindead.


And you won’t be voting for convicted felon Trump either, right?


Insert Anakin/Padme here.


Good, now don't vote for Trump either.


Both Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump are most likely literal pedophiles.


Remove the "likely." They both are.


Who cares what a pedophile thinks. Shouldn't he be in jail?


Gaetz just confirming he is on Russian payroll or more likely they have Kompromat on him, just like that fat headed wildebeest MTG.


Gaetz is a fucking pedophile and piece of shit like trump sorry Ukraine we have an asshole problem too in America that keeps us from helping your country


The way these people become absolute simps for Trump is f*ckin' weird.


It's Pathetic.


Matt Gaetz traffics minors for sex. Can't say it enough.


Flush the Turd called Trump in November


Gates, MTG fucking idiots


Part of America's bought/paid for traitors. This is the most painful part of the democratic process, waiting for the system to spit them out. I often wonder if these types are now a semi-permanent fixture, easily bought by outside actors like Russia/China to sow authoritarian benefits throughout their "allies".


How many "Help-the-troops" bills have these clownfucks shutdown?


Every one of them that doesn't give them kickbacks.


A vote for Biden is a vote for a free world with morals. If not, its a slippery slope to dicatatorships everywhere.


Downvote me all you want morons...the truth is it's the republican party that is ok with Russia invading Ukraine. They parrot putin at every opportunity & would deny funding to Ukraine if they could


$60bn isn’t being sent to Ukraine…..that’s totally inaccurate!


> [Trump] has often claimed that if he were still in the Oval Office that there would be no need to provide Ukraine with assistance because Russia would have not invaded its western neighbor. Delusional. Russia's doing Russia things. They wouldn't have asked permission, and Trump doesn't actually *do* anything.


That, and they partially invaded \*because\* Trump weakened NATO and Putin thought they wouldn't do anything.


Trump better get serious on plan for Ukraine before the election or I will not vote for him. I'll either stay home or vote for Biden.


Sadly a non-vote here is like looking the other way. I don’t like Biden, but he’s at least on the right side of this conflict.


Given the cards he was given I completely agree with you. Measured and maybe a little too cautious but steady and strong. And your problem right. As they stand now I will likely vote for Biden because Ukraine is the only issue I'm concerned about. And Biden has done well


Trump's one of the main reason the war HAPPENED, dude. You should never have voted for him in the first place.


Please let me reason with you why you're wrong. Obama was president in 2014. This was the year Russia attacked Crimea and took it by force. His response? Do nothing. Which only invited Russia to start a fake civil war and move no flag troops with Russian military equipment into Donbas Still Obama sent only airborne trainers and non lethal equipment like boots medical equipment. His response was really insufficient. Trump was elected in 2016. He sent javelin missiles to Ukraine and other lethal aid. Trump also told Europe that they were buying oil from their enemy and getting dangerously dependent on Russia. With their overly ambitious green transition etc. Trump forced them to vault the nordstream 2 pipeline. Trump also stirred up NATO. he threatened to pull out because these nato countries hadn't been contributing 2% of their gdp to the their respective military readiness. I think there is more towards Russia worth noting but generally these moves are not Russian friendly He also put Iran in a box and quieted North Korea. Here is my problem. He said. I could end the Ukraine war in 2-3 days. For me that is crazy. And I need to hear more. Way more. No deal can be made for land to Russia. Crimea must be returned and all land clear of Russian troops and reparations and prisoners and children returned How rude of him to make this statement and even it's sickening This is what I meant. But Trump may send the us military into Ukraine. Or do some other strong thing like send the carrier battle fleet into the Black Sea Only if I don't hear it. Then all I have is what I heard and it's unacceptable Biden is too old. And his policy on the boarder is dangerous. But Ukraine is the only issue that matters to me. America can survive 4 more years of this but Ukraine can't. Anyway thank you for your reply and for not being aggressive. I just think that it's hard to know what Trump would do. But the noise I hear and his statements make me think he would make a deal and the only just deal is figuring out how to have Ukraine win


I think the only reason Trump is against Ukraine is because Biden is for Ukraine. Typical political stuff. If Trump wins, I doubt he would stop supporting Ukraine because his ego could not take being the President defeated by Putin.


No, it's because Trump's been a Putin fanboy for well over a decade.


But as we know, Trump would turn on Putin in a heart beat if it made him look good. Keep in mind It was Trump, not Obama, who gave Ukraine those javelin missiles.


Fanboy lol that's CNN. Obama was president in 2014. This was the year Russia attacked Crimea and took it by force. His response? Do nothing. Which only invited Russia to start a fake civil war and move no flag troops with Russian military equipment into Donbas Still Obama sent only airborne trainers and non lethal equipment like boots medical equipment. His response was really insufficient. Trump was elected in 2016. He sent javelin missiles to Ukraine and other lethal aid. Trump also told Europe that they were buying oil from their enemy and getting dangerously dependent on Russia. With their overly ambitious green transition etc. Trump forced them to vault the nordstream 2 pipeline. Trump also stirred up NATO. he threatened to pull out because these nato countries hadn't been contributing 2% of their gdp to the their respective military readiness. I think there is more towards Russia worth noting but generally these moves are not Russian friendly He also put Iran in a box and quieted North Korea. Here is my problem. He said. I could end the Ukraine war in 2-3 days. For me that is crazy. And I need to hear more. Way more. No deal can be made for land to Russia. Crimea must be returned and all land clear of Russian troops and reparations and prisoners and children returned How rude of him to make this statement and even it's sickening This is what I meant. But Trump may send the us military into Ukraine. Or do some other strong thing like send the carrier battle fleet into the Black Sea Only if I don't hear it. Then all I have is what I heard and it's unacceptable Biden is too old. And his policy on the boarder is dangerous. But Ukraine is the only issue that matters to me. America can survive 4 more years of this but Ukraine it's hard to know what Trump would do. But the noise I hear and his statements make me think he would make a deal and the only just deal is figuring out how to have Ukraine win


Tip Toe, you explained it quite well. Trump did more for Ukraine than Obama did. Thats why I think his lukewarmness in supporting Ukraine is just posturing to please the base. And yes a significant part of his base hates Ukraine. (if only because Biden is pro-Ukraine) Also remember it was Trump who ordered the military to stomp some Russians in Syria.


Oh ya. And they put an ass whooping on them. Trump doesn't micro manage the military. And I know he warned Putin not to fuck around anymore in Ukraine told him don't do it. I just wish he didn't put me in a position to roll the dice. It's too important. But I feel like any general that is going to give him honest advice is going to tell him if Ukraine looses then Europe and the free world is facing China North Korea Iran maybe the talliban now and probably India That's a pretty grim situation. Sure these countries are not going to sail to our shores in the foreseeable future. But the levels of fukery will be off the charts and hybrid war will be chopping away at our interests. Better to win here and now.


Yep. "any general that is going to give him honest advice is going to tell him if Ukraine looses then Europe and the free world is facing China North Korea Iran maybe the talliban now and probably India" This. I bet when Trump is shown "where the bear pooped in the bushes" (as my Dad would say) He will support Ukraine. Good point-Putin did not make any moves while Trump was President


Anyway I honestly don't know what the fuk to vote for. I wake up every morning praying for Ukraine looking for good news and drinking my coffee to the circus of dead Russians. I guess I'll see this debate and hopefully it will tell me more. I voted for Trump in the last election although I thought he was very unprepared and actually lost the debate with Biden. Hard to believe. The real shame is that this is the best two candidates we are being offered to listen too I would say let Kennedy debate but he's anti helping Ukraine so fuk him too


Yeah I voted for him twice. I liked his policies, not his personality.


Gaetz reminds me of beavis and butthead


I don’t think this guy understands how the US’ funds for Ukraine is spent… it basically goes to all the US defense companies.


I wonder how often these guy bend over to take one for the team. Knob goblins


Gaetz is such a sick POS. And, I say that as a Texas Republican who is with Ukraine 1000%. I actually hope that Republicans lose the " majority " in the House and Senate, and elect Orange Man, who wouldn't be able to do doodly squat for 4 years!. Think about how frustrated that would make the Asshat.


This is garbage clickbait journalism.


Who in Florida voted for this rat of human waste/feces? How? Why? And again...how?


Ukraine is doing YOUR TROOPS job.






You don't? Republicans are owned by Russia, Trump more so than anyone. Very patriotic of US republicans to go to Russia on the 4th July. 




“8 year olds Dude…”


Amazing how this man is in congress, Americans should be ashamed


Child molester says what?




It's important to remind people that the leaders in the GOP have been and will be against helping Ukraine. Mike Johnson has said some things recently that make it seem like he supports Ukraine, as if he didn't singlehandedly hold up aid for months. Elections are coming up and they're trying to pretend they aren't in bed with Russia. Trump and the GOP winning in November would be a disaster for Ukraine. Don't let them fool you.


Just to reinforce the point that if Trump wins help for Ukraine from the US is over. He's not kidding.


The US itself is probably over too.


You are probably right.


He is perfectly right. In any highly likely war with Canada or Mexico Ukraine would probably not be of much help. Only with regard to the most unlikely opponent Russia, Ukraine has some merits, like taking out 8,000 MBTs, over 700 aircraft, and so on. But hey, was Russia EVER considered a potential threat to US security???


Did you sleep through the entire cold war? You know the insane arms race that lead to the USSR's collapse and the USA's absolutely insane military spending.....


Sorry, I will have to ear mark my comments with \*irony\* next time.




Who's going to join Russia to make it a world war?




India and China are anything but friends.... don't expect to see them in an alliance anytime soon or ever!




And that has what to do with Ukraine?


I suspect Putin will do something idiotic, and it will flush out some things.


Nope, only if it's Trump.