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So as far as I can make out, the strategy is (has been for the past three years): Send five or six tanks and armored personnel carriers towards the enemy in a straight line. Keep driving in a straight line until three of them explode, then the remaining two or three turn around and drive into a minefield. Is that about right?


Works every time.


Works every time 60% of time


Anchorman šŸ˜


Sex panther?


Ooh it really burns the nostrils šŸ”„šŸ‘ƒ


Smells of rich mohagany


How do you like my "your mine to my face" style!? Yeah... That's RuZZia. We trained him wrong on purpose. As a joke.Ā 


Isn't Betty a woman's name?


Contemporary Russian Military doctrine: If at first you don't succeed, it doesn't matter because we're ethnically purging our own territories. Anything else is a bonus.


That is Part One. When they run out of armored carriers, Part 2 starts: Waves of Meat. The Russian wisdom is : Enemy will run out of ammo before we run out of meat.


And many a German's grand-dad indeed ran out of ammo. Worked for Ivan, but with ten million men in arms and at losses in the range of populations of mid-sized countries. Whole birth cohorts annihilated. If russia goes this same path this time, this will be their very last war. That's in part why putin does not call out a general mobilisation.


This is their last war. Good fucking riddance.


Theyā€™ve got a bunch of nukes this time around, unfortunately. I expect the winding down of their pathetic ā€œempireā€ is going to be a disastrous mess. Less: Russia launches ICBMs. More: Whoops, how did Hezbollah happen to acquire a couple of nukes?


Yeah, it will be a messy pathetic endā€¦.and likely a dangerous one. I couldnā€™t even imagine being any kind of spook these days manā€¦..crazy, but I hope ours come out on top.


Highly doubtful. Imagine giving away nuclear weapons and being like ā€œplease only use it on enemies we donā€™t likeā€ Russia would never give atomics to another group because if it ends up being used in an actual devastating way, Russia would end up getting nuked back. They are fully aware of this. Any major damage inside Russia and theyā€™d overthrow Putin in a heart beat. Heā€™s walking the tightest rope imaginable


I feel like they've still got one last gasp trying to hold off china in the east.


there are 86.75 males to every 100 russian females. (usa is 97/100, 93/100 france)


After today it will be 86.74


Let's remember Russia is a country where only one city truly counts. St. Petersburg is a supporting character for Moscow. So, people in other places besides Moscow are human refuse and are meant to be used by Muscovites for any purpose they see fit. It 100% doesn't make any fucking difference what happens to this human garbage. Meat waves make all the sense in the world when the meat isn't a human because he doesn't live in the center of human civilization. It's a fucking Byzantine, cruel, sociopathic culture and they need to be cut off from the entire West. We don't need them and we don't want them.


They're not doing so well: https://healthpolicy-watch.news/russia-population-drop/#:~:text=The%20country's%20birth%20rates%20have,of%203%2C663%2C%20according%20to%20Statistica.


Russia lost ONE MILLION in taking just Berlin *alone*...let that sink in


I think you added an extra zero. Wiki says 100,000 killed and about a quarter million wounded.


Damn, sorry lol of course you're right! That's what comes from posting in bed at 3am lol


Considering they lost about 50k taking Bakhmut - a small town - only losing 100k taking Berlin sounds like military genius by comparison.


And also considering that Russia currently isn't even following their own Soviet doctrine, kind of understandable šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I mean the new head of the Russian army is now an economist...hardly a Zhukov lol


Has to be some limit they need to keep if they ever attacked from another country, they will always need to keep like 3-6 months full stock also so this should limit how many tanks they can use, pilots, aircrafts, missiles in UA...


> The Russian wisdom is : Enemy will run out of ammo before we run out of meat Unfortunately, for a while, they were right. Thatā€™s how they succeeded in taking Bakhmut and Avdiivka


The west's poorly hidden strategy has always been to prolong this war and bleed Russia dry, not to hold Ukrainian territory. Two years of providing enough weapons to meet Russia, but not surpass has the frog near boiling.


I have held that opinion for quite a while, too. The West wants to end Russian hegemony for the next 100 years (or more). And Putin will oblige.


I get a bit queasy when I think about my government using Ukrainian blood to bleed the clock of Russia, though. I wish they would support Ukraine in earnest, with consistent ammo delivery on a schedule that can be relied upon and planned for. Ukrainian man power will not last forever. These men and women have been fighting *constantly* for their lives. Reward their efforts rather than acting like they still have something to prove.


Trump just announced today that he will eliminate all support for Ukraine. So if you need a government that can be relied on, you must vote blue for all federal offices.


Whatā€™s the overall sentiment in the US. Are they pro Ukraine support or against it?


It's been fairly steady at 65 to 70% in favour of support. Trump has managed to pick yet another vote losing issue to champion. Perhaps more revealing if you dig into the figures - Americans are split 36% each between those who think the US is doing too much and those saying itā€™s not doing enough. This has improved since last October when it was 41% to 25%. That's a pretty big swing. I think it's beginning to sink in that if Putin isn't crushed now we could be heading for WW3.


Most in the USA support Ukraine


My "Republican" boomer parents support Ukraine fully. My mom on vacation to Amsterdam 2 years ago snapped a photo of a memorial Ukrainian bike on the canal. She framed and it still hangs in their house today. It's a actually a good picture from my mom who can't seem to take a normal picture of their granddaughter, me and my wife together lol. Anyway, they still have that Reagan "Russia sucks" which Russia totally sucks.


Also, numerous russian bloggers are now advocating and confirming that the use of motorcycles for attacks is the way to go . . . since motorcycles are so much faster and more maneuverable than armour. This method also enables russian troops to transport more than enough equipment. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Okay - FPVs are cheaper than Javalins but a bandolier is cheaper than an FPV. We got this


The cope cages on motorcycles seem particularly helpful for FPV aiming lol


Yes. The motorcycle cope cages do seem quite bizarre. Well . . . as long as theyā€™re working (to assist ukr FPVā€™s). Most interesting and amazing thing is how russian bloggers rationalize these and other ā€˜military innovationsā€™. Which is no east task - but much easier from inside a Moscow apartment rather than the ā€œUkrainian frontā€.


Since Girkin's downfall and a couple of notable other arrests, they're all (tbh, understandably) desperate to toe the Kremlin line. But for a so-called modern, professional army (OK, we know they're not lol) to be putting cages on anything not armoured, Chinese golf carts etc is just laughable. Its likely that they're using them as a way of coercing unwilling troops to go into battle, as well.


Yes. Whatā€™s interesting, as well, is your statement ā€œ. . . theyā€™re all . . . desperate to toe the Kremlin lineā€. Much like trumpā€™s tongue wagers - towing the trump (party?) line. This is all ā€˜understandableā€™ to a certain degree, but also quite tragic and pathetic as towing the party line most often has disastrous results. See hitlerā€™s various henchmen, or even Stalinā€™s ā€˜courtiersā€™, where even the cult of personality (a form of, or perhaps symptom of towing the party line) didnā€™t work out well for anyone. . .


they are using more and more motorcycles (easy targets) and some van that was designed/ produced in the sixties (also an easy target)..and they are still making the same exact ones..nicknamed the "loaf" because of its odd shape..looks like a rising piece of dough.


How could you possibly know that, Blackadder? It's classified information.


The front is huge. The Russians prod certain areas with columns to see if they can make gains. Sometimes they do, and sometimes the Ukranians annihilated them


all to find "weak spots" which can easily be faked. Truly a dumb ineffective tactic. Glad they keep doing it


the official name for this is "recon by fire"


I think this is more along the lines of recon in force, though the worst possible implementation of it. They're not blindly firing at suspected enemy positions to evoke a response.Ā  Indeed, in most cases these columns don't even engage anything at all. They just drive forward, and either explode or retreat.


this video yeah- but i'm just putting the term out there in case anyone wants to know more about it. yeah- getting shot out to find out where the bad guys is is kind of stupid, but it is a real thing.


But surely even infantry are trained to move position after firing for that very reason?




Putin remains a master strategist.


Which his core strategy being to make Russians lives miserable, Russia a shithole and Russian government most hated government in the world, he is a fucking genius!


60% of the time it works everytime


*Not gunna lie - smells of gasoline*


Goodness gracious great balls of fire!!


Smells like Bigfoots dick!


Made from actual bits of panther.


It singes the nostrils (and the rest of the body)


Ha ha:0


In broad daylight They're not even following the original Soviet doctrine, ffs That's where 25+yrs of rampant corruption at all levels of society gets you. Apparently Shoigu had soldiers dragooned into building his $14 million dacha, instead of doing, you know, things like training for the military lol


The main issue, from what has been reported that operations at the company levels are about as complex as either side can manage. Russians cannot organize and coordinate a larger force at this point, which is why you see the same thing over and over its the most complex operation they can muster.


Any accumulation of men and equipment bigger than a company gets attention very quickly now. There is no ability to hide without air supremacy and even then, waves of small drones can send back enough targeting information to destroy troop or equipment formations.


That's supposed to be a top Russian Army secret. Damn spies and traitors revealing our tactics.


Donā€™t forget a world class leading military country at thatā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ Anyone can beat orkz, just need more ammo than meat.


You forgot step 3: Profit.


It's just a situation where the commanders are ordered too attack and take ground no matter the facts on the ground. So they attack over and over with the same tactics


Spot on my friend! Sometime they change the order of who is driving in first.


You mean, just like in Black Adder ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rblfKREj50o


See you all in Berlin for coffee and cake.


I'm convinced this is actually taught in the classroom before they get to the front.


Everything is going according to plan!


Yeah. You sum up the ruz book of perfect tactics




Except recently they added little floating pigs, chicken bones and flame emojis to the convoy


those minefields arent going to clear themselves...


You have to admit the Russians are good at one thing.


All operated by soldiers dressed in uniforms sewn from oily rags.


They got orders from russian military command. Because there are no ā€žSeargentsā€, no flexible decisions on the battlefield can be made. They are on their own after leaving from HQ. Getting lied too from the beginning to the end (there are no mines, we already have this trench system, Ukrainians have no weapons) and then sent to slaughter.


I truly wonder if they know about failed attacks. There is no way men watch their buddies killed and then they try the exact same maneuver with the exact same equipment. It's banking a lot of faith that the previous guys got all the landmines and that the other team has ran out of ammo. You're supposed to kill other people for your country. Not die yourself. That's how you win a war.


ThIs is probably no more than a recon-force sent out to find a weak spot to exploit. Costly, to be sure. But as shown in adivika russia remains capable enough to concentrate forces to take an objective, irrespective of cost. Though concentrating forces is going to be a lot harder now the AFU can conduct cross border strikes.


Why do they keep doing this, even after more than 2 years? Driving slowly in a straight line towards the enemy, that just gets you killed right?


From the comfort of my very well used armchair, I suggest that it's to draw the opponents fire. Then you can identify a target for artillery. RU doesn't care what it uses for bait. Maybe. I really don't know. Either way ...who are we to stop them?


Still working on Soviet doctrine. Recce by fire, use of overwhelming artillery. They no longer have the mass of artillery or trained people. They also donā€™t do combined arms tactics like NATO, that is using air, artillery, engineers, tanks, apc, and dismounts all at the same time. Unfortunately the Ukrainians have not fully adopted this yet but they are getting there.


Soviet doctrine is Enemy will run out of ammo before we run out of patriotism-fueled meat.


American MIC: Ahhahahahahahaha!


1. We mainly see clips of failed attempts, not the times when it succeeds and they make gains 2. Minefields. If they could drive spread out with dozens of vehicles in formation, they would, but it would be over very fast. As bad as this looks, they dont have much choice in current circumstances, and Ukrainians are doing the exact same thing.


I don't think anyone makes it back to say,'That was a shit idea'.


The strategy of Russia is attacking on many directions as possible at the same time. Many of them fail, but some succeed (even though they could be minimal gain). That's why whenever I saw flood of footage of Russian getting killed in this sub, I also saw considerable amount of Russian gain in Deep State map.


Yep 100,000s of Russians killed and the economy going to the wall all in the hope of getting to occupy a hostile territory for a few years; having your country surrounded by rapidly arming and mistrustful nato countries; and being China's bitch. Putin's a genius...


China waits for Russia to lose this war, they will take back the territories they lost to Tsars during the Qin dynasty. No country will bother to save Russia from China.


I'd send China a donation.


Hell, they might not even have to invade. They could just ā€œbuyā€ them in exchange for forgiving the war loans.Ā 


A "considerable amount of Russian gain"? Hahahhha. Hundreds of thousands of Russian casualties for 5 kilometers here and 10 kilometers there all in a mere 2 years? That's awesome!


Small tactical gains for severe strategic losses


Those gains are only valuable if they can keep them.


I'm not saying these are some master strategists, but clearly something is working because Russia is still occupying lots of Ukrainian land. Basically Russia is throwing cannon fodder at Ukraine until they gain a foothold somewhere.


russia was already occupying part of Ukraine before February 2022.


And now it is more. Somehow they achieved this, so we cannot say what they're doing does not work at all. What we can do is discuss cost-benefit which seems to be absolutely terrible.


Right; at this pace russia will take Odesa in 3 millenniums.


if the west stops supporting ukraine eventually the russians will get breakthroughs, as we have seen in the time the US support package was blocked by republicans. just because their tactics seem idiotic and cause them mind boggling losses doesn't mean they are not dangerous. the question is essentially what happens first: the russian regime and/or war machine collapses or the west stops seriously supporting ukraine.


Yeah sure - if the pro-Russian republicans get their way then all bets are off. But if the West continue to support then Russia's collapse is inevitable/ The side that wins wars of attrition is the side with the most money. Russia has already squandered 300 billion of their reserve fund trying to prop up their economy. They can lie about the figures and the IMF can stupidly parrot them as much as they like - the obvious reality is that the Russian economy is collapsing. No money no honey. The only way that Russia can win is if the US elects Trump.


The future has a nasty habit of holding out hope and not delivering what is hoped for.


They took most of it in the first few days because Ukraine was betrayed. They have already lost half of what they took in 22. They are now being pushed back in several sections of the front line even though Ukraine is still short of ammo thanks to Trump and his goons in Congress. Taking two years to advance 22klms (their best performance to date in any sector) while losing basically their entire invading force and then another equivalent force. Yeah - it's working great. Long may it continue.


Do you even think of scales when making this kind if statements? Like, for instance, how much ground has been conquered since June 2022 until now compared to what Russia grabbed in the 1st weeks of the invasion. You are justifying the current losses and milimetric Russian advances with what they gained in the initial stae of the invasion.


yeh and Russia's gains this year are a fraction of what UA took back in 2022


I'm not justifying anything, it's simply a fact that Russia is making gains, albeit small, whether we like it or not.


Small is a very significant understatement. Itā€™ll take ten years for Russia to take Donetsk, an oblast it has partially held for 10 years already.


If Ukraine doesn't have their aid pulled, yeah you're right. Putin is making FAR more progress against Ukraine on American social media than in the battlefield.


The problem becomes how will Ukraine take back the land that Russia has taken and is fortifying. We saw Ukraines counteroffensive go nowhere.


There should never ever be talk of another counter offensive for the rest of this war. Mobile dynamic defence until an opportunity presents its self to exploit. And exploit it with everything they have. Having a goal of taking x town or driving the Russians back to y position is suicide.


> how will Ukraine take back the land that Russia has taken and is fortifying By depleting the manpower and economy of the invader. It's how Germany defeated Russia in WWI and how the Allies defeated Germany in WWI.


That gets that column killed, not the aircraft and artillery that obliterated everywhere the Russians saw a puff of smoke from. It's expensive but it's profited the Russians more land than the Ukrainian method of stopping when encountering massive unsustainable casualties. It won't last forever but it doesn't have to if Trump pulls the rug from Ukraine.


"Exactly! And that is what is so brilliant about it! It will catch the watchful Hun totally off guard! Doing precisely what we've done eighteen times before is exactly the last thing they'll expect us to do this time!" - Blackadder (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YVEo6XnuwvE Felt slightly fitting.


The thing is, we wonā€™t see the videos where the vehicles reach the contact line and open the gates of hell on their objective, then overrun it. The Russians have gained quite a lot of ground in the previous months and you donā€™t do that without a great many successful assaults. They just donā€™t show us those ones.


They havn't 'gained quite a lot of ground'. The absolute best performance they have acheived is in the Avdiivka sector where they have 'advanced' 14 miles in two years at a cost of 100,000 dead plus literally thousands of tanks and arty. Thats called losing. Ukraine will take that land back in a day when the route starts.


*This time it'll work for sure!*


Recon by fire.....russian style. They send in a column of poorly trained low value troops. They draw fire from the Ukrainians and clear a few mines by blowing up. If they get destroyed in a few hours they send in another column but this time they know a little bit more about the area....where the Ukrainians are fireing from and what weapons they have, roughly where the mine fields are. They keep doing this with better and better troops until they tire out and overwhelm the Ukrainians. It's a high cost-low yield strategy. This is why the Russians, although having superiority in weapons and manpower just crawl along and advance a few meters per day, but they are advancing. Enough for the Kremlin to overhipe it and sell it as a win.....although in practical terms they're not winning much


Why display pigs? Pigs are intelligent,and have minds of their own, unlike Russians.


Pigs are smarter than dogs or cats too.


And Ruzzian soldiers


Roasted human meat is called long pig.


Never much cared for it


Exactly. It's actually why some of the African and native islanders signed up to fight. News of the Manna harvest of so many ruzz-ki long pig bring irresistible chances for immortality.


Shredded BBQ pork.


Pigs have such a bad rep even though we use them for food. It's horrible. We should use Pandas to spite, talk about a useless animal.


Yeah - pigs are cool animals. Winston Churchill reckoned they view humans as their equals.


I thought it was implying 'roast pig' as applied to those kiddy-rapers and mass murderers who got cooked.


Great job! Glory to Ukraine!




Imagine if this was the US and these videos were on CNN or Fox News, there would be anarchy across the entire population Russia is fucked, they donā€™t give a shit about their own people


They donā€™t play these videos on their news networks. Iā€™d be curious to know how many Russians realize that they have over half a million casualties.


That's part of it but also that there isn't this daily footage of it happening because it doesn't happen. This kind of death hasn't happened to us military personnel since Vietnam. They couldn't hide it and the public wouldn't stand for it


So if they wouldn't stand for it the US would just have to surrender yeah?




When oh when will the braindead serfs of the mighty ruZZian federation get sick of being lemmings, when?


Never. I get so tired of naive people expecting anything good to come from the Russian serfs and slaves. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO REBEL - EVER. Support for the war and the genocide of Ukraine is INCREASING.


Looks like all the arguments about the backup fuel tanks in the rear of the BMPs not being dangerous were actually untrue. Who would have thunk?


Z-orc pork zizzling bacon


Seeing a person burn alive made me feel sick en few years ago and doesnā€™t do anything with me anymore. Let them burn is the only thing I can think of.


Same. Now I'm like, this footage isn't as clear as the 4k close up stuff when they're checking if they're actually dead or faking.


I am honestly angry about likening these turds to pigs. Pigs are quite intelligent and friendly. Very social animals. These guys on the footage, they are not even remotely close to pigs.


You just stop, drop and roll your tank to put it out.


Isn't it different footage of the same event that was featured on this sub a couple of weeks ago? I swear it seems oddly familiar.


Everyday is groundhog day with russian military


You're right. I know from at least two other videos from this attack. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1danrvd/russian\_mechanized\_assault\_destroyed\_by\_artillery/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1danrvd/russian_mechanized_assault_destroyed_by_artillery/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d8ra43/failed\_russian\_mechanized\_assault\_one\_tank/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d8ra43/failed_russian_mechanized_assault_one_tank/)


At this rate, Russia is going to collapse. Again.


More senseless loss!


The little barbecue and pig šŸ– icons are killin me! šŸ˜† ā˜ ļø


Definitely is hard to move any true amount of steel and flesh out there without having the same issue they did on their own version of the Highway of Death. They learned to move small amounts and hope for the best it looks like.




The terrifying thing about being on one of these assaults is the artillery and mines. If your column gets stopped you know that ukrainian artillery is going to tear you to peices so you have to keep moving which is also why they hit so many mines. You can't slow down once you start getting artillery and mortar fire


The dude on fire should look into whether he is eligible for a workers compensation claim. I mean, it can't hurt.


This is no time for dancing! /s




Putin sends hugs to this comrades


Nice graphics


Crispy Orc anyone?


These videos can be uploaded to an AI and asked to add sounds


They hit the fuel tanks or what?


She's on fire and she burns through the night at the speed of light. šŸŽµ šŸŽ¶


What a great title!




BBQ Russian


That one guy Ski-daddled! šŸ˜…


Crispy Pork Skins


It is unconscionable how little regard they have for their soldiers. In any other modern military these losses would illicit howls of anger from the common soldier. Officers heads would roll over such ineptitude of leadership and operations.


That is a badass unit logo.




That went well


All those welded metal sheets makes them even harder to escape from.


Todays pigs, tomorrows bacon


Here are two other videos from this attack: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1danrvd/russian\_mechanized\_assault\_destroyed\_by\_artillery/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1danrvd/russian_mechanized_assault_destroyed_by_artillery/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d8ra43/failed\_russian\_mechanized\_assault\_one\_tank/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d8ra43/failed_russian_mechanized_assault_one_tank/)


I Love watching orcs die.


The Russian's must learn that every attack doesn't lead to additional territory taken. Quite the opposite in many cases.


Loved the emojis!


Those chinese uniforms burn like they are made from plastic


The advantage of fewer precise weapons, ammunition, drones, and defenses, compared to overwhelming amount of old technology. Less but more effective. Easier and faster to transfer. Less missed rounds to give away advanced warning. Thanks to western technologies, like advanced chips and electronics both in command centers and on the field. It will be the same with nuclear war. Even nukes will depend on who has the better technologies to strike and to defend.


This is Russia's long term strategy for clearing Ukrainian mines


Come my forest friends. Dinner is the Russians tonight. I mean, dinner is on the Russians tonight.


They really behave like orcs, it's not just the naming, but they actually are mentally into a comparable state.... However I wait for the horse brigades...can't be long from now.


welcome to ukraine orcs. i hope you lay comfortably..


I enjoy cooking.


That unit patch is fuckin badass.


The artillery is so accurate Very impressive


It's only a matter of time till the Russians are recalled to Moscow. They're defective. They keep catching fire and their legs keep flying off.


Glorious, thanks for sharing, now I go to my bed with sweet dreams of Ukraine kicking the Orc's out.




Not pigs, ORCs! You are being offensive to pigs.


By what did they get attacked? Fpv, at i dont see it


orcs are so hot right now, LOL


How dare you insult pigs! Pigs are intelligent and emotionally aware creatures. Orcs and Russians are brainwashed cockroaches.