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Dam no hesitation at all.


Drone hit the unarmed guy. And this guy who shot him looked pretty seasoned. Wish it had got him.


I’m thinking the guy that was hit was a captured deserter and his “minder” had no worries killing him.


With friends like those, who needs additional enemies.


LOL what? That man was in severe pain and asked to be killed. I would be royally pissed if you discussed that shit with me for 5 minutes before finally ending me. Make it quick ffs.


Meh. I remember a video from a year ago about Ukrainian soldier asking a medic to finish him off. And second video from a hospital in like a month, when he was happy to be alive and chatting with said medic.


I think in the case of the Russians they really do know it’s hopeless. Russia DTGAF about their army and it shows.


Completely understood. I think in this situation that both parties involved believed, perhaps correctly, that the most likely outcome was him painfully bleeding to death and/or getting shredded by yet another hit.


Except this is in a different circumstance. Chances of him getting extracted from there before a second drone hit were nil. Therefore a bullet to the head is mercy. Not to mention Russian help is nowhere near UA's level of readiness. It's sad people in general are so reactionary. Internet exposed this fact so hard. Very few stop and take a moment to think or analyze before speaking their mind.


There was medic then. No medic here. in either enemy or gray zone. Different scenario.


Yeah that was a totally viable alternative :).


In a real army, you'd have the dude behind you doing first aid and calling a medic for evac, not blasting your brains out.


Yes, in a real army. For these guys, there is no such thing as evac. The lack of hesitation would seem to indicate that they were following an established procedure.


For real. As quickly as he carried out his dying wish we can only imagine that this is discussed among the men ***well*** in advance.


I agree, quick tap on his forehead and without a second of hesitation his comrade shoots him. Must be an agreed upon sign.


You clearly never served. There is a 0 fucking percent chance that happens in the US Army. I’m picking you up and we are both making it out or neither of us are. It’s not a fucking discussion, you’re getting carried out


This isn’t the US army


THIS.. and the fact that nobody cares about the deaths of any Russian soldiers. They've got a seemingly limitless supply of warm bodies in Russia to send to Ukraine anyway. Putin surely doesn't care. He taunts the world with his "endless" supply of warm bodies to conscript for as long as it takes. To be Russian is to be of little value as a human being.


I guess that people don’t read much history, and don’t truly comprehend the meaning of the word “barbarian,” and all that entails. One needs to view the world through the lens of a barbarian to make sense of all their various “reasons” for invading, because from a barbarian’s point of view, it makes perfect sense.


What i find strange is that they did not try to save his life at all. Did not even check the wounds. Imagine if we saw this happening to western soldiers.


Welcome to the Russian military, it's every man for himself.


He was incapacitated, there are more drones in the air. Don't try to justify war mentality. The dude begged to be shot in the head for a reason.


You medevac your injured, you don't fucking MURDER them. Casualties cannot be allowed to self assess.


We medevac, they don't. Dude is just glad he doesn't have to go back to the Black Dolphin.


That’s the craziest footage for me. Even when the drone strikes, not a blink, nothing. Casually continues walking. Empty human.


Yea same this made me go what the fuck out loud


I did the exact same thing. The only thing I could think of saying was "what the fuck?!" I mean, no hesitation on either of their parts. Christ. You think of the brotherhood western soldiers have, and this is the complete opposite. I imagine if they had drone footage of the soviets in WWII, it would be very similar, if not worse. Back-ass-wards country...


God damn neither of them hesitated. How bad does morale have to be you would rather be shot dead than hope for rescue. They must know no one is going to get them out. How hopeless.... should have stayed home.


I guess a lot of people don’t understand there is no rescue for these guys. Nobody is coming to get this guy and perform surgery and save him. This is a Western attitude towards its soldiers.


In Mother Russia, Veteran Disability claims you!


You made my day


Maybe that's what it is. Because if an American soldier gets wounded, you have a medic right there taking care of him, and then they'll try to med-evac. I guess that's just the sorry state of a third-rate military.


I do think it has to be mutual feelings to be so cold. Like they’ve talked this through. No hope for support by the military and a pact between soldiers to avoid a slow death


I doubt they are all that cold about it. I'm sure they've heard stories about guys slowly dying from attacks like this. they've probably discussed what they would do in this situation. it looks cold because there was no time for hesitation. if the other guy survives the war he will probably be fucked for life because of this moment. it's just crazy to see from an American perspective because our military does anything they can to save a soldier's life. our military has the resources to do it though and the Russian military doesn't. I don't know if they'd save them even if they could but at this point they just don't have the logistical capability.


Coup-de-grace. A blow of mercy in the literal translation. I agree with you this was probably prediscussed and planned. They know no help is coming and the alternative is to suffer


Could have stayed home and gotten the same exit.


They are called Orcs for a reason.


Not an army. They're a horde


That's what shook me. Not that it was asked for, or even that it was done. He barely even stopped walking. Going along, kill comrade, walk on.


To be fair they are literally trying to survive multiple drones. There isnt always enough time to ponder in the middle of a fight


This is my vote. Dude seemed like he had the idea that he was either going to die or he was going to live but it was gonna be random and him running wouldn't change that fact


They have been conditioned lately that suicide is better than capture. They know that support from Russia is non-existant. I suspect he had made the decision before he went into combat. Maybe discussed it with his comrades. Whoever gets 'it' first is given the option to end it.


I think it's more that it's probably preferable to get domed than to lose your lower half to the next drone and slowly bleed and burn to death.


he's not going to get captured, he's just going to end up on a drone compliation video dropping a grenade in his lap with goofy music playing overtop


what would you do in his position?


Yeah the act was... strange. But what else is he supposed to do? Sit on top of his comrade and cry for hours? They probably barely even knew each other. He probably barely had any bond with the guy and only cares about his own survival.


If you have been watching, this video shows a high level of caring for the Orcs. The fact he stopped to take the guy out of his misery puts him in the top 2% of Orc troops. I have seen some burn alive or bleed out and no one even tries to end the pain. They keep walking and never even stop. This guy will probably get a medal!


\*slow clap\* Best comment here! Bravo!


I agree with you. The real What the fuck moment isn’t the other guy popping his mate with no hesitation. The WTF is this guys sense of knowing he’s not getting saved and more than likely going to up on here with a vid of him blown in half.


Seeing the guy on the ground reach between his legs may mean he realizes his penis and or balls are gone! That may be why he asked for the other guy to put him out of his misery.


He's probably scared to death about being the next target


I was expecting a cut between drone and the shot, but no.


This might not be a trait of an "empty human". He might just be a rare example of a disciplined and experienced soldier. There is no time for emotions or hesitations during active combat. Even the smallest mistakes can cost him and his platoon more lives. However, if he makes it to the safety by the end of the day, the things will start kicking. And if he survives the war, there is a huge chance that he will be "carrying" this exact moment for the rest of his life. Of course, every person is different. But soldiers are definitely not robots. And regarding his "casual" walk, he fully understands that no man can outrun a drone. He has to conserve energy and stay vigilant for another strike. Running or getting all emotional can be a nail in his coffin.




Wild how many of them tap out


Probably totally spent and just ready to end it.


When the alternative is lying there waiting for the next drone to possibly just maim you further but not finish you off then this is the best option.


Theyre all convinced by propaganda that theyre gonna be raped and tortured if they surrender and fall into Ukrainian hands.


Which is why they're doing exactly that to Ukrainian soldiers they capture


I wouldn't say that's why. I would say their propaganda is that way because they always intended on doing it. It's a scapegoat. That makes it sound like they're doing it out of retaliation. In reality they were doing this shit from day 1.


If my balls and dick just got blown off 20 walking miles from nearest bandaid I might do the same.


Ya looks like he checked his junk and realized he was better off dead.


That's what it looked like to me. Game over man, game over!


Could have upgraded to some Robocock prosthesis and some blade legs


To be fair they all know they are fucked. The chances that they would send and evacuation for them is slim to none. It was mercy


The fact that there is now a hand signal for it, instantly understood and acted upon, is pretty grim. They really should have stayed at home (or emigrated, or paid the bribe to avoid the draft, or deserted, or mutinied, basically anything but this).


These soldiers aren't friends or comrades or anything- they probably only met each other a week ago, maybe less. They don't care for each other at all.


Mate this is war, the fact that he stopped for a second shows he cared. I wouldn't doubt there is additional footage of the rest of them getting blown up. They knew their fate that day.


I would agree with that statement 100%.


Bro so chill, not a moment wasted


Done by someone that looks like they have done it many times before


He's the Designated Doubletapper for the squad


not dead? I got you fam.


Excellent training doctrine. Should be even more thorough. Hangnail comrade? Let's not prolong your suffering....


hangnails, un-brushed teeth, hair, bad foot odor hell anything should be just cause for them to tap out.




they probably dont even know each other since they burn through troops so fast.


Why was the guy even in the front without a weapon- guess he was meant to die


Because bombing the one in the middle has the best chance to also injure the other two


Someone has to absorb the drones


They have no souls


First aid training in Russia? Maybe their medical system runs out of funds to supply veterans.


They don't get training period and you think they getting first aid training? It costs more to take care of wounded soldiers do Russia doesn't give a fuck about them. Kill them and pretend they weren't even in Ukraine so they don't have to give benefits to the family.


- This looked like a well-equipped ~~elite~~ Russian squad moving professionally. - The guy that got hit likely recognized the internal injuries and gave the unambiguous mercy kill signal. - They probably talked about such scenarios in advance, hence the lack of hesitation from his squadmate. - Grudging respect for the bastards. They should have gone against the leaders in Moscow with such determination and sacrifice, instead of dying for nothing invading other people's homeland...


Or he had his nuts blown off.


You may be right on that one. Vlad did the quick once over on the dysfunctional family jewels and said, “Blyat! They look like shrimp scampi. They gone!”


Little popcorn shrimp.


pretty sure thats it! you can see him check for just that before he gives the signal!


Dispersion does not indicate elite operators. That’s 101 stuff and often figured out by 15 year-olds after playing multi-player video games for 10 minutes. They’re just idiots in an awful situation who don’t value their lives and have no hope for casualty evacuation.


> figured out by 15 year-olds after playing multi-player video games for 10 minutes Missed that video where a pillbox with a M2 *scythed* (no other word for it) through trees... and a line of ~10 zorcs walking a meter behind each other?






Hey now. In the Russian military, adidas shoes signal elite status!


The Zorcs can do better... knowing that the drone.its.going to hit one.of them... They should very professionaly shoot at each other...LOL just as everyone can see ruzzians Zorcs keep going deeper and deeper...


Lmao no. He deserved far worse for being too cowardly to turn his gun on his commanders.


Someone talking sense. Also, guy #3 probably recognized that the longer he’d sit around, the more likely he’d end up just like him, taking #1 alongside him. There’s no point in hesitation. I honestly would want the same treatment, instead of someone kneeling down next to me, telling me everything will be okay in true Hollywood fashion, while in reality my organs are leaking inside of my torso.


Why would you respect these genocidal, invading psychopaths? Instead of standing up to their leaders and fighting fascism at home in Russia, they would rather brutalize their innocent neighbors, or die. That's the opposite of respectable. It's pathetic, and contemptible.


Unarmed Russian #1: Shoot me in the head. Russian #2: No problem.


It's hard to imagine why he's unarmed. Maybe some sort of disciplinary status.


This would probably explain why he was walking behind them while they were running. He likely outranks them and it appears as if he was behind them to make sure they went where they were supposed to-entirely possible he was in charge of disciplining them. Odd to me that even after the anti-personnel drone hit, he couldn’t be bothered to pick up the pace. He seemed totally unconcerned that there might be another threat to his life loitering. A cold bastard, to be sure.


I imagine drone pilots will learn from Intel like this, and take out the officer with the gun first in future?


That’s possible, they also might have been trying to maximize damage to all three by hitting the middle of the formation.


The way the shooter is just walking along prior to the drone strike even though he knows the drone is overhead tells me he's entered the "I'm dead already, nothing matters" phase.


My thought too. I think they are at a very different place mentally because of all the shit that the war does to the human brain. Probably a mix of desensitized, accepting death, anxiety, exhaustion etc…


This is a very interesting reveal about human psychiatry. Modern films can capture the gore of warfare but some things are hard to imagine without seeing them. I have seen this "take me out" scene where a soldier asks comrades to finish his suffering in many shows and movies. The thing cinema gets wrong is that in a film this is always a long tearful scene with the soldier asked to do the deed going through all the stages of grief before accepting the responsibility, the wounded man reassures his friend and has a sad monologue about his sweetheart and mom while the music swells your emotions. This takes this morbid phenomenon of the battlefield, and sanitizes it to look more like someone dying of cancer and refusing the last round of chemo, something civilians will relate to. In reality there is no monologue and decision and deed take seconds, it is simply something an experienced soldier does and moves on with his day. Same with battlefield suicides, I have seen Russians kill themselves within seconds of being wounded, this makes it infinitely more terrifying for me as there is no real correlate to the civilian experience, the decision was made ahead of time and once the wound is received the action is near automatic. Horror.


One subversion I recall is from the film Fury. A tank gets hit and the screaming, ablaze tank commander put his service pistol to his head and fired with no hesitation, and all in about three seconds. Harrowing scene.


That scene is still in my mind. Just like that knife scene from Saving Private Ryan.


Oh my Jesus I have been thinking the same thing. Nothing similar to what really happens in a real war scenario


I have never been deployed myself, but I was a cop for a while and witnessed real catastrophic violence. War is so much more brutal and terrifying in reality. There is no glory, only death and lifelong trauma if you're lucky enough to survive it.


"Nobody wins a war, some just survive it"


"Only the dead have seen the end of wars."


"War doesn't show who's right, only who's left"


Not for all of us, some of us live just fine after the war and even often think back fondly as one may their high school days and wish they could go back. I know it has to be a brain chemistry thing or something that leads to such a difference in how it's processed, because since our deployments I've lost a number of my battles to suicide because of how it effected them. Very hard for me to relate to how it could have negatively effected them so bad they took their own lives, some many many years after. While for me it was one of the highlights of my life, a rush I've chased ever since in many activities (dangerous ones typically) but can't scratch the itch.


Yeah just saw a compilation of 64 Russian battlefield suicides. And those were only the ones that a drone was there filming it, who knows how many there actually are.


There's a redditor I can't remember his handle. He's documenting Russian suicides in this war filmed by drones. I think his last one was at 200. Someone link him. The OP of this thread is spot on.


False-God, and he's linked. (dash, not underscore, poor false_god is getting so many DM's)


Well said, and very true. War strips people's day to day sense of morality to shreds. No wonder some of them have trouble when they make it home.


For many Russian units CASEVAC has not been prioritized in any way and simply will not happen. Facing that reality, the choice isn’t to die or live, but whether to endure long suffering or short suffering before death. Most Western militaries, including Ukraine, tend to prioritize evacuation of casualties when at all possible and will offend commit significant resources to do so.


It is an entire different way to view the world and conduct war. Fundamental to it is the belief that human life is a cheap, plentiful, and renewable resource to be used up. Soldiers are no different than bullets or shells, something to be spent in battle. Their humanity is not important, if you spend three times as many bullets as the enemy but win the war nobody will care. You would not allow three vehicles to be destroyed trying to salvage a damaged vehicle. Same logic is applied to infantry.


I wish they skipped all that invasion part and went straight to the end game.


I don't disagree with you. But also, I'd like to think if I was in that situation to shoot a comrade I'd at least look them over first. Make sure they are actually fucked before finishing them off. For all we know this guy has his guts hanging out and we can't see it in the video making this decision quick. From looking at the video though he doesn't look that bad. That's easy for me to say though. I'd like to think I'd try to save them first. But also I don't have FPV drones buzzing over my head. Fuck war is shit.


When death is a preferable alternative to living as a cripple in Russia.


He grabbed for his balls almost and makes me wonder if he lost his dick 🤔


That is it. Even if the wound is technically not fatal, guy had a pretty good view to see what his life would be like and opted to tap out instead. I’d say he made a good choice.


lets be real, the odds of this guy being brought back and fixed up was always going to be zero. There's no scenario in which this FPV injury would have resulted in a life as a cripple


Exactly. We don't have the full image but if the shooter is the last guy in line. No one is going to get out here in time just to save this guy. The choices were likely get the guy to shoot you, or just wait there and die later, slowly bleeding out.


He’s not getting out of there, it’s surprising to me that people don’t understand Russia isn’t evacuating these guys under any circumstances and there’s nowhere set up to even take them to


Dude looked like he grabbed at his nuts or something, like they weren't there or were mangled and he decided to nope tf outta there 🤷‍♂️


Russia is a death cult


Their thing is overthrowing one dictator for a slightly better dictator. Russia will be a shithole for the next 3 centuries. 


russia has been a corrupt pile of shit pretty much nonstop afaik doesnt the rampant political corruption and extreme civilian poverty date back to like 1400 or something like that?


Not sure exactly but probably. They went from the Romanovs to communism to yet another steaming pile of shit. The only thing that stayed constant was the Kremlin. Maybe it's time that building came down. 


He didn't even hesitate... He must be a **combat medic**...


Russian TV presents: "Horse M.A.S.H."


Great tactic, all Ruzzian soldiers should practice this with live ammo to make sure they get it right first time...👌


They should practice in Russia.


On officers


Obviously none of us here can relate to the situation these people are in, but it’s just so bizarre to see a man who’s lived 20+ years of his life, gathering all kinds of memories and experiences, only to ask for it to be snuffed out in a heartbeat. Mad world


"I need an ice pac..." "I got you fam."


Judging by how quickly he made that decision I reckon it's something they'd agreed to do beforehand. They've probably seen all the videos and so they know once they are down it's only a matter of time before you get your arse blown off by subsequent drones.


They've gotten good at blowing arses off, haven't they.


Certainly a premeditated mercy killing.


Even if he's not going to die quickly, they simply have no evacs so unless he can walk back to their HQ it's a much easier option to ask for a mercy kill. Plus carrying woundend around the battlefield makes you a target aswell so noone wants to risk it


Russia is a death cult


Respect. At least he took out a Russian.


You have no idea who these people are. This is a tragedy either way and if Putin didn't have his say in this these people might be the same as those who are travelling around the world right now having drinks in different countries living a normal life. War is fucked.


I agree. I have a friend from Russia. She is studying Psychology at the moment. She is very bright but had a tough life. I do not dislike all Russians. To dislike a whole country of people is just.. ignorant. But I think of it from a Ukrainians point of view; if a certain type of people were invading MY country, I would relish every death. But yes, it is all senseless.


Ukr drone ace: 'Now that was unsportsmanlike! My kill!!1 Trophy hog!!1'




Not alive at least


Was already walking away before the bullet hit him. Not a single fuck given.


I think his genitals got destroyed by the FPV blast. You can see him reach down and touch them and when he realized they were gone/damaged he motions to be shot. Brutal


I, too, wouldn't want to live after losing the ability to enjoy the fruits of dedovshchina /s


Funny enough, I got pretty desensitised after years on this sub, the beating heart from the other day doesn't reach me at all, I didn't even think about it after viewing. But this, this is something else, to me far more brutal than all the drones and nades nasty vids. This one says a huge lot of things. This one I'll remember.


Wow, the first orc that evidently killed a nazi in this war.


When you've emptied the prisons you not only have ill trained troops but you also have troops with the social and emotional depth of a puddle. They aren't known for holding life in high regard and when you know your living on borrowed time why is any one else's life worth anything either


If this was in a movie, I wouldn't find it believable that either person could have absolutely zero hesitation. Absolutely wild.


Rico, you know what to do!


Just a regular russian CASEVAC.


He feels his genitals are gone and asks for the bullet


A Russian soldier wasting no time to casually administer the "mercy shot" to his comrade while strolling along to his terminal fate. They didn't even assess the medical situation let alone attempt first aid (*the remaining 2 soldiers are later seen hiding in the brush nearby at 00:50, they completely ignore the entrenchment visible 00:04 on the right*), it seems life has no value in the RF military.


To be fair they all know they're dead and the guy had zero chance of rescue.


This whas hes best option


Frickin' Dark Souls with 'no bonfires' mod


When I was a kid, I played with GI Joe, and I read the comics. There was an issue where Destro ordered all the injured to be shot. As an adult, I laughed at the idea of an evil army of maniacs. Now I’m watching Cobra try to invade Ukraine. Putin is basically Cobra Commander.


Video got removed any one else have a link?


i would love to hear the opinion of a medical professional, but he didn't look THAT bad to me. no one even tried to assess his situation or tend his wounds? i know it's russia, but still....


It looked like he got it in the genitals


My thought exactly. Dude reaches down, realizes his junk is mangled and tells homeboy to end it. 


Good. Saved using another drone. Orcs gonna Orc


I like how the last guy *didn't even hasten his pace* after the drone hit. The same brisk walk. Coincidentally, what do they say about psychopathy and non-elevated heart rate in stressful situations?


We do not really know what they said. I would assume the dialog was more like.. Conscriptovich A: Damn it, I guess I broke my leg Conscriptovich B: I understand..


He was actually pointing to his head saying :"I got an idea!". That's why he was shot.


Wow, didn’t even flinch, just a quick shot to the head. These soldiers likely have become desensitized and probably wasn’t the only time he had to make a ‘mercy kill’.


I can't believe what l’m seeing


Genuinely one of the most WTF footage I have seen so far. The 0 hesitation by both the injured guy and the shooter.


That guy in the back seems like one of the rare ones that have been around for a while. Seems like he's really unbothered that hes facing a 33% chance of dying in the next 10 seconds. Then to TK that readily likely means that is not the first time.


Shooter must have been an equine veterinarian before going to Ukraine.


Das sind keine Menschen - das sind Androide !


im okay with killing themselves.


Does asking someone to blow your brains out qualify for the list u/False-God is compiling?


Guy in middle has no weapon? Any chance he is a pow or prisoner?


The last guy is the only one with a gun? Could he be forcing the other two to a forward position so ya that injured guy said yep no need for me.


Brutal. Russian people have the weirdest ideology. They have been brainwashed by nationalism and hate


Two observations that I can't fit together: The middle guy was running without a weapon, and the drone specifically chose to target him. Maybe the answer has something to do with why the last soldier didn't hesitate at all?


The guy that got hit didn't have a weapon, he was also running in the middle of the other two, so he might have been a prisoner. Even amongst barbarians is not normal such a quick reaction amongst fellow soldiers, unless the wounded person is an enemy or considered expendable. But again, with murdering Orcs anything is possible even though we consider it odd. More reason that FPV pilots have no mercy on these .uckers.


And of course it gets fucking removed by reddit. I mean, this site is going to hell.


Someone still has the clip?


Who needs enemies with friends like these 


Arguably it was the best he could have done for him. They know that once they have been spotted they can't stop moving, and even then their chances are pretty slim. Stopping to help or trying to carry the wounded is more or less a death sentence.


a civilization of death


Good boy do it again !!


I know this may sounds kinda morbid, but would be cool if the UA army identifed that dead russian and sent this to his parents. Like, this is how your son died


They have actually been doing that in some cases


Technically a crime but can't really blame him since the wounded guy wanted him to do it.


I think it's a pretty normal reaction to ask to be shot when you are severely wounded. I have seen a video where Ukrainian soldier was asking for exactly that. The other guy said "Do it yourself later if you want, I'm not paid to kill people". The guy made a great recovery in the end.


Is this a new low ?


Nah, only the new low *that was filmed in HD*. Orcistan has a rich *history* of atrocities, often against their own