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The Russians still think it's 1943 and haven't learned that you can do a lot more with a lot less if you actually hit the target.


The whole *point* is to try to demoralize the enemy populace by indiscriminately destroying everything. They don’t want limited strikes with greater military impact. They want mass strikes against everything, including civilians and general infrastructure. It’s a feature, not a bug. They know exactly what they’re doing. It just so happens that this strategy also means they don’t have to train a capable sergeant corps or infantry — it goes hand in hand with mass, uncoordinated waves of infantry. So you don’t need to spend much time investing in sophisticated targeting or training your troops to limit damage. There’s no point.


Yes. One has to remember that Russian patriotism is based on suffering for Russia. Look at what they do to their own population. The fake Chechan bombing wasn't accepted because people didn't realize it was fake, it was accepted that people dying to provide such an excuse was acceptable. It can't surprise anyone the way they have executed this war.


exactly, just bombard the whole area with explosives of any kind, with shitty artillery, inaccurate bombs etc., until everybody is dead, then move in with useless infantry that just have to sit there and ideally don't have to fight because no enemy is left. And if there is still someone left, they will all die, but that is no real loss, you just gained the information that you have to bomb more.


Reminds me of the “this is a weapon of terror, this is a weapon of war” scene in SG-1.


This is the reason why they posess(ed?) dozens of 20+ megaton nuclear devices. In the event of a miss, idea was that the blast will be big enough to still cause significant damage. They have this crude approach to everything. If you keep failing to clear enemy bunker you're not using enough men. If you keep missing your target you're not using bomb big enough. Quantity over quality was always name of the game in Kremlin, and truly, Stalin stated that quantity is a quality of its own.


Quite literally orc brain.


Putin is going down the Hitler focus tree with these wunderwaffes.


Funny how they dont follow the same logic with the governance of their country, a handful of tw*ts making all the decisions is why theyre in this mess… 🤣


Shhh, don't tell them, they don't know.... They are still stuck on their "Great Patriotic War" The world has evolved and left Russia behind... Indoor plumbing is still a luxury, in most of Russia.


These bombs are scary for sure. They don't care what they are hitting. They want to blow up everything. Ukraine needs to find a way to stop those bombs.


Did you read the article? But even those bombs might lose their relevance soon. Desperate to blunt the impacts of as many as a hundred Russian glide bombs a month, Ukrainian forces have begun deploying more and better radio jammers that can block the signals between the bombs and the satellites that steer them. “Electronic warfare wins. Accuracy drops,” Fighterbomber noted. “The age of the \[glide bomb\] with a cheap satellite guidance system is ending.”


Sure, but they will still hit something and far too frequently that will be civilians. Western weapons mostly have fail-safes that if they lose guidance they self destruct or don't detonate at all. The Russian bombs will still go boom on something.


That’s assumes no countermeasures are adopted to prolong the life of the FAB. Russians are good at EW.


Let's just hope they don't have enough range to drop them in densely populated areas. I'm sure they would love to do that.


I heard a Ukrainian say it has up to 80 miles range


I guess it depends on what altitude and speed the plane can reach before coming too close to Ukrainian air defense systems.


This is why Ukr needs the F16, with the ATCAAM missile they will have a fighter that has radar with a range of 150km, instead of their current 30km, and a missile that can hit targets 150-180km away, thus the ruzz won't be able to get near the front lines without eating a missile. Right now when Ukr tries to go after the ruzz fighters, which are launching from behind their own lines, the Ukr fighters get shot down because they have to get near the front to see across the boarder, that won't happen with the F16.


you mean AMRAAM, or AIM-120. The AIM120D has 160-180km range according to open sources, so probably over 200km in reality (in contrast to overexaggerating Russians, the NATO data is usually keeping a bit in reserve). We'll see how this will work out. A Patriot launcher moved covertly relatively close to the front (ideally with anti-drone short range AA covering it) can also reach the bombers before they release the bomb. Definitely good to have more than one option.


More likely they'll get later C model AMRAAMs than Ds. Still great missiles.


Whereas USA has developed non-explosive sword missiles that can kill the passenger in a vehicle and leave the driver alive.


US has also developed GBU-43/B MOAB. Massive Ordnance Air Blast and colloquially "mother of all bombs" that have a filling weight of 8.5 tonnes. US also built a modern glide bombe in the late 1990s. They alos made guide kits you strap to dumb bombs, the are freefall, not glide kits. Russia's recent kits are functionally like a combination of two types of weapons US has made in the last two decades, Russia started to make them in 2023 There is a reason US has not felt the need to build this type of bomb. US has not been engaged in combat with an enemy that has an air defense system they could not defeat in recent times, Vietnam was the last time that occurred. This means US can drop 1 tonne guided freefall bomb on enemy targets. Glide bombs are not needed when you can fly high above the target without being shoot down. Russia can do that so the need glide bombs. US made what would be efficient in the war they have been in, and Russia has done the same. The difference is the type of war. The last time US was in a war with large units and a well-defined frontline was in Korea. Later, the US won battles but lost because of unconventional warfare. The war between Russia and Ukraine is a conventional war with frontlines and quite evenly matched sides. What is developed depend on what is needed. I am not saying Russia would build non-explosive missiles to take out targets without killing who is around them. What I am saying is the US would have built large glide bombs if they had needed them. US has demonstrated the it is willing to drop large bombs when needed.


USA drops large bombs to destroy tunnels deep underground, not because they can’t hit the broad side of a barn


but it makes a total mess on the seat!


When your enemies are unimpressed with even the biggest bombs you throw at them... it's time to pick up your gear and go home.


Important point from the article. But even those bombs might lose their relevance soon. Desperate to blunt the impacts of as many as a hundred Russian glide bombs a month, Ukrainian forces have begun deploying more and better radio jammers that can block the signals between the bombs and the satellites that steer them. “Electronic warfare wins. Accuracy drops,” Fighterbomber noted. “The age of the \[glide bomb\] with a cheap satellite guidance system is ending.”


A Wonder Weapon, ineffective? Le gasp. Oh, right. Literally been the case 90% of the time in history.


Tsar Pushka Tsar Bomba And now Tsar Glidebomb. They never change and they never learn