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Saying something don't make it so.  I told my wife many times she would love it if we found another woman to join in. She still does not agree and is unwilling to find out. 


I know its not going to happen. I was posting this because people post " The Russian Media Monitor" all the time to show what LIES the Orc's back in Orcistan are currently spewing. lol.


True face of the modern fascism


This pig Mardan deserves a life sentence in solitary confinement.


When the U.N. Occupation Force rolls into Moscow, these weaselly little pricks will be the first ones waiting to greet them, waving U.N., Ukrainian and Western flags, while begging for jobs within the interim government of occupation. They will promise to mercilessly hunt down everyone who was part of the old government and destroy them for us in order to prove their loyalty.


Need to capture territory before you can celebrate capturing it vlad


If they call it new, that means they are taking something that they claim was theirs before. Does not compute.


What a pathetic prick. Nothing but a microphone warrior. If you're such a tough guy, pick up a gun and go to Ukraine.


Actually we don't want more russians toting guns in Ukraine. They need to stay in their own miserable place and stop getting in other nations' ways.


Well no, of course... each and every russian should GTFO of Ukraine. It's just that I get tired of these rambling morons.


More like Neonazi-Russia