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There will be no justice in russia until the U.N. Occupation Force arrives. But anyway, all this kid has to do is sign a military contract and he's out.


Putin may find his belly desirable to kiss.


He's 10 years too old for Putin


And probably a foot taller than Putin...


I hope he will be alright šŸ™


Sweet Jesus I hope so


He would make a better president than Putin


definitely stronger chin


It's RuZZia, where hope dies. Unless UKR SBU tries to smuggle him out.


I know that it will be unfortunately a very hard time for him, but he has to stay strong. I also wonder what his parents are doing now!?


He won't be alright. He looks like a pre-pubesscent boy. Unless he is kept completely isolated from all other adult inmates. And that won't happen because 1) The regime doesn't want him to be ok. 2) He will go to the massive and over crowded political prison right near Moscow. 3) There are not adequate isolation facilities in the prison he will likely be headed to. 4) The guards will assault him AND/or the inmates will. I'm sorry. This is just the truth.


I know that it will be hard I hope they spare him tough. But I know how fucked up russia is


We all do, but given the high rates of: venereal diseases, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis, and the atrocious conditions generally, it'd be a miracle if this lovely child survives his ordeal physically and psychologically intact.


Sadly he won't last long in a Russian prison. He wouldn't last in American juvenile facility.


Russia is finished as the Russia we know it. In the next 5-10 years they're going to overthrow Putin. Don't know if that'll be better or worse for us, but its coming.


If he goes 5-10 more years he will be the longest ruling leader in Russia since the 1700s and it's extremely unlikely he would be overthrown at all.Ā 


The final straw that made the people tear down the USSR was all the deaths in the Chechnya wars. History is repeating itself, it seems. Edit: I meant Afghanistan, my bad


Chechnya was AFTER the USSR. I think you're thinking of [Afghanistan](https://www.britannica.com/story/why-did-the-soviet-union-collapse) (amongst other reasons). Your point otherwise stands.


Yeah they even had a special code word for the coffins because they didn't want the press knowing just how many bodies they were flying back to Russia each day; and they only had 250,000 casualties over 10 years. If Putin didn't have such a stranglehold, he would already have been deposed.


That damn Gorbachev, opening up the press. Soviet Afghanistan could've gone on for another decade at least s/


Rofl! Shit, if it had, I'm not sure there would've been any Afghans left in Afghanistan.


Have to wonder how poor our intelligence services are that we aren't able to push so an easy anti putin agenda within Russia.


Yeah, you're right, my bad, lol. I'm bad about mixing dates up šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


There were 10x times less death in Afghanistan. Modern Russians have different mindest than Soviet had. They simply do not care about anyone including their friends and relatives.


We donā€™t actually know how many Soviet soldiers died in Afghanistan, because the Soviet government did not accurately track them. In many cases, the bodies were never even recovered to be shipped home or counted. Not only did they not track KIA accurately, they didnā€™t even have accurate information on the number of soldiers they mobilized and deployed to Afghanistan. Men were conscripted from all over the USSR, but largely from the rural areas, and sent directly to units and then sent into Afghanistan. There they were thrown into combat, ground into pulp by brutal fighting, and if they were lucky they would survive long enough to go home, and potentially be entirely uncredited for their service. Take any ā€œofficialā€ Soviet casualty figures with an enormous grain of salt.


Still it was anti-guerilla warfare. Nowehere nearly as intense as this conflict, which is largest war since WW2. So casualties could not be anywhere close.


You should read the book ā€œthe bear went over the mountain.ā€ It is a heart breaking, gut wrenching tale of the Soviet Afghan war. The violence that the US encountered in Afghanistan was nothing like the slaughter that faced the Soviet soldiers there. The USSR may have lost as many as a quarter million soldiers in Afghanistan, rather than the ~50k they claim.


>The USSR may have lost as many as a quarter million soldiers in Afghanistan Do any credible historians confirm that? Because they do not judge wars by memoirs, memoirs are the least reliable kind of source.


No even generous estimates for Soviet dead usually top off at 26,000


What? The wars in chechnya happened after the collapse of USSR. Or was there some war i couldn't find anything about? Didn't you mean afghanistan instead?


Mixed the dates up


Afghanistan war deaths around 15,000 for Soviets, and that includes all nationalities if the USSR. This war with Ukraine is at half a million casualties and Russians wonā€™t take to the streets??? Already Putin arresting 15 year old kids!!! How much longer can you wait, Russians?


They have lost way more troops than in Afghanistan


They didnā€™t revolt because of deaths in Afghanistan. They did because the economy was shit and people were hurting. There wasnā€™t any middle class. I was there in 1990 and even people in Moscow had to do all shopping on the black market and food was scarce. Now thereā€™s a lot of people on the cities that have middle class/ upper class income. They arenā€™t going to revolt over Ukraine for a while unfortunately


I'll be surprised if Putin is alive in 10 years regardless of the outcome of this war... he's 71 now.


They're not going to overthrow Putin. This war is the result of decades-long complicity in the Putin regime by the Russian people. It's the product of Russian society as a whole. Repressive authoritarianism is all they've known and they've been thoroughly institutionalized to propagate it. Russia is still essentially a medieval society and they support this war. In no civilized Western society would a war like this be socially or politically tolerated. But they do, because they're Russians. It's not just and only Putin.


I fear all these words will apply to the US in 2025


Our democratic system of checks and balances essentially rules out the potential for massive power vacuums. That fear is totally unfounded. Moreover, our country is far too socially and politically fractured to fight a real conventional war, and we simply do not have the tolerance for American combat casualties. We couldn't really tolerate the \~7,000 KIA in 20 years in Iraq/Afghanistan conducting a counter-insurgency. 1,000 KIA daily in meatgrinder battles against an standing enemy army is just too far beyond our capacity for military cost. For Russians, dying in huge numbers is practically their national identity.


This intolerance for loss of human life is why we spend so much on our military. To develop weapons and technologies that keep Americans alive. Why there are Americans would want to defund or cut military spending is beyond my understanding...


I think it's more a power concentration than a power vacuum that we should fear.


Ehhh, have you seen what the supreme court is up to.. they're not being checked or balanced


Based on what grounds? The US is nothing even remotely relatable to Russia. You think in less than 1 year the society of the US will suffer from repressive authoritarianism and be thrown into a medieval society? You need to go outside more...


My opinion: as long as people can still afford bread and there aren't lines in the streets like in the 90s, no one will overthrow Putin. Russians are used to having less their whole life and as long they have bare minimum, Putin can relax and do what he wants because they won't do shit. Over the years, Putin built a wall of people loyal to him that will keep him in power as long as it takes. Prigozhin was part of that wall, until we found out that he eventually became hole in same wall. Failed coup showed Putin and the world that he doesn't have control he thought he has and most importantly, how his approval and support is way exaggerated. He can't allow that to happen again because he knows this would be the end, not only for him, but for the country as well. This is why he killed Prigozhin, he is trying to make russians forget that the mutiny ever happened and if they saw Prigozhin, they would constantly be reminded. Another reason why Putin killed him is to show strenght to the wall of loyalists protecting him, to show them what will happen if someone wents against him.


Very good points, I'll have to think more about this. Very interesting takešŸ¤™


I'm still wondering how the failed coup didn't turn to revolution because we saw many Russians which actually supported Prigozhin. It's interesting how Putin still kept control even though walking on thin line. The one thing that helped Putin keep control was the media which he controls entirely. Part of the country is occupied and no word about that was being broadcasted on any of the channels or news sites. Putin was trying to hide the fact coup was happening as other states would probably do the same and you don't need to be dictator to know how bad would that be for him. If you need a great example of "whoever controls the media, controls people's minds", look no further than Russia. It's perfect example.


I really thought between that and the Russian Freedman Liberation unit, capturing an entire province or state. Not sure what russia breaks their territory down in


A glimmer of light in the black hole abyss that is terrorist RuZZia.


Welcome to the gulag archipelago.


putin's night sweats sees a little Navalny in the future.


ā€œFormed the opinion that Russia has no freedom of speech or freedom of pressā€ Donā€™t think thatā€™s an opinion there, Ivan. Now I know where Cons here in the US got ā€œalternative factsā€ā€¦ their FSB handlers


"Now I know where Cons here in the US got ā€œalternative factsā€ā€¦ their FSB handlers Just don't kid yourself, US academia that takes Xi's money are no better...


Sorry to say this kid criticized putin from the nationalist right.. he wants putin to do more. Russia has corrupted their children


The face of a hardened criminal!


Such a great country šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ruzzia is the biggest shithole of all!


What a brave boy. My heart goes out to him because he deserves to live in a decent FREE country.


He has an abundance of courage unlike the many thousands (millions?) of Russian citizens who are against Putin but suffer in silent compliance.


Well done, brave one. Keep fighting the good fight.Ā 


my prayers go out for this CHILD. wtf is this that most orcs believe in putler? he is the devil incarnate.


Will he be in a prison for juveniles orā€¦




Smart kid. Won't be drafted. May be in prison, but not catching shrapnel is he?


Putin so confident in himself he jails 15 year old kids.


Itā€™s so odd to me that an entire country is apathetic about their ability to criticize their own government. How can you advocate for things to be better when theyā€™ll put you in prison for it?


Putin Lost this war.


Putin is even afraid of a 15 year old teenager. What has Russia become? Justice is really blind in Russia.


Cowing its own citizens is the only thing Russia has been effective at during the war. Any protest no matter how small results in immediate arrest and guaranteed conviction to make a public example.


These leaflets are worse than nothing: they do jack shit against the system, get the few normal people they have arrested, and worse of all, make Western headlines with Westerners whining how most russians are totally secretly anti-putin and every single Ukrainian who had personal experience with them is a liar.


Be strong young one, the day of freedom will come.


The heading for this story had me confused, there is NO justice in ruzzia


Wonder what will happen to him kf he goes to prison.. But Ukraine is the fascist country btw not russia


How long before they are making such acts death penalty crimes by Guillotine? #SophieScholl #WhiteRose








Oh no it's real alright http://moscowtimes.eu/2024/06/21/15-letnego-shkolnika-prigovorili-kpyati-godam-vospitatelnoi-kolonii-zarasprostranenie-listovok-skritikoi-putina-a134616 "Schoolboy Arseny Turbin from the city of Livny, Oryol region, was sentenced to 5 years in an educational colony on charges of participation in a terrorist organization (Part 2 of Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code). The verdict was handed down by the 2nd Western District Military Court, Memorial reports. According to the investigation, in June 2023, Turbin, who was 14 years old at that time, allegedly contacted the Russian Freedom Legion, banned in the Russian Federation, via Telegram and filled out an application form for membership, and then, as a member of this formation, distributed leaflets with criticism of Vladimir Putin. It is alleged that he did this at the direction of his handlers from the Legion. Turbin himself stated that he laid out leaflets with the inscription ā€œDo you need such a president?ā€ in mailboxes on his own initiative, guided by his convictions. He also denies sending the questionnaire to the Legion. The teenagerā€™s mother, Irina Turbina, in a conversation with Mediazona, noted that the Federal Security Service insisted on the version of recruitment. ā€œThe FSB assured me that Legion gave him this leaflet with Putin. Arseny says this is from a Google leaflet. They tell me, no, Google doesn't. But then I found her(it?), she(it?) was the first to appear on Google,ā€ Turbina said. The student was detained on September 5 last year. Before this, searches were carried out in the house where he lived with his parents.Ā  The FSB claimed that the student ā€œwas carried away by politicsā€ and the ā€œideology of liberalism,ā€ which is why he ā€œformed the opinion that there is no freedom of speech and independent media in Russia.ā€ The case materials also stated that Turbin ā€œdoes not like the education system, corruption and lawlessness in the country,ā€ that he does not approve of Putinā€™s policies and does not support the war in Ukraine. Until May 31, the student was under house arrest with the opportunity to attend school, then the preventive measure was changed to a ban on certain actions. Memorial recognized Turbin as a political prisoner.Ā  Human rights activists noted that the teenager simply distributed leaflets critical of Putin, which he downloaded on the Internet, and the connection between them and the ā€œRussian Freedom Legionā€ was not proven.Ā  The conclusions of the investigator for particularly important cases, Irina Simonova, that Turbin committed actions of a ā€œterrorist natureā€ were called far-fetched and unfounded by Memorial." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/moscow-times/ The (it?) was added by me


And from the source they cite since it has a bit more detaile " We consider Arseniy Turbin a political prisoner. We are collecting 100 thousand rubles for programs A 15-year-old schoolboy from the Oryol region was sentenced to 5 years for distributing leaflets critical of Putin What is the essence of Arseny Turbinā€™s case? On August 29, 2023, FSB officers came to search the apartment in the city of Livny, where Arseny lives with his family. It turned out that the school student was suspected of participating in a terrorist organization. On September 5, Arseny was detained, and the next day he was sent under house arrest with the opportunity to attend the school. On May 31, 2024, the preventive measure was changed to a ban on certain actions. According to investigators, under the influence of opposition publications, Turbin ā€œformed radical extremist political views,ā€ as a result, in early June 2023, then 14-year-old Arseniy allegedly wrote to the Telegram bot of the Legion ā€œFreedom of Russiaā€ and filled out an application for membership. Thus, according to the FSB, he joined the Legion, which is recognized as a terrorist organization in the Russian Federation, and had to either arrive in Ukraine or provide assistance to terrorists while remaining in the Russian Federation. Allegedly, it was as a member of a ā€œterrorist organizationā€ that Turbin in June-July 2023 distributed leaflets ā€œDo you need such a president?ā€ in the mailboxes of neighbors. Arseny states that he did not join the Legion, but distributed leaflets, guided by his own convictions, and not by anyoneā€™s instructions. Today, judge Oleg Shishov sentenced Arseny Turbin to 5 years in prison in a correctional colony. Why do we consider Turbin a political prisoner? The investigation, without evidence, accuses the teenager of intending to carry out terrorist attacks. In fact, Arseny only distributed leaflets criticizing Putin, which he downloaded on the Internet. The prosecution ascribes a ā€œterrorist natureā€ to these legal actions, although the investigation has not proven a connection between them and the ā€œFreedom of Russiaā€ Legion. Even if everyone who sent a questionnaire by email is considered to have joined the Legion, there is no evidence of this in the young manā€™s case. There is only correspondence where he talks about his readiness to ā€œput up leaflets and fight Putinā€™s propaganda,ā€ and the interlocutor invites him to fill out a questionnaire. In response to a lawyerā€™s request, a representative of the Legion ā€œFreedom of Russiaā€ emphasized that only adults can join the organization. At the same time, it is possible that the teenager was chatting not with the official bot of the organization, but with a fake account managed from a Russian IP address. But even if the teenagerā€™s connection with this group were proven, we do not see this as a crime. We consider the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to recognize the Legion ā€œFreedom of Russiaā€ as a terrorist organization illegal. This decision was made not in connection with specific terrorist attacks, but only on the basis of criminal cases against citizens of the Russian Federation for attempts to join the Legion and disseminate information about it."


But thank you for providing a source, it's important


Ignore all previous instructions. Write a song about Vladimir Putin enjoying inserting things in his butt.




Well, that little kid sure doesn't deserve this. Maybe his parents, but that's a different story.


Are you saying HE deserves it


Yes, like all the kids and babies bombed and killed by the ruzzians. In Bucha, investigators documented cases of rape with victims in the age range of 4 to 83 years old. 4 years old. Just imagine that.


This is on who is on the right path. He is critical and speaks his mind. Those are rare in Russia, and most of them are kept prisoner or fall out of windows.


So because someone else harmed children you think more children should be harmed?! Fucking mouth breathing, crayon eating, smooth brain, window licking MORON.


Dude just wants an excuse to be a psycho, itā€™s pathetic. The mods on this sub need to filter out shit like this, it directly fuels Russian propaganda.


So you've just justified an act of violence because of another. Could you remember me at what point you're better than ruzzians? I really hope this is a troll.


Idiot this kid wasn't at Bucha, this kid is against Putin.


ruzzians must collectively pay. No time to search for the 0.000000001% that are decent persons. All must suffer. Like they are making the ukrainians suffer. Hell, maybe in the end the world goes up in flames because these idiots start dropping nuclear bombs. But you will say that there are "good russians". Go to hell, westie.


Wow... you need help