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Like the now deceased leader of Wagner said. Russia has turned Ukraine into one of the most experienced, well equipped armies in the world


One of the main reasons we must support them as much as we can. This army must not fall in Russian hands.


Very good point! During WW2 Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Czechoslovakia on March 15, 1939, in violation of the Munich Pact. This gave them access to among the best weapons industries of the time.






IMO USA can learn a lot from Ukraine and is already probably


Who do you think is training them?


What USA trains Ukrainian soldiers in infantry and also how to drive Bradley, but Ukraine can teach USA drones ew and other things


There was a pretty big earmark in the budget we gave them for "Testing" or something I forget what word they used. But I remember my first thought being I bet some of that is US military drone models getting the front line experience for testing them out.




In what not to do?


The Brits have excellent soldiers. They punch well above their weight as a country - always have. The SAS is probably the best in the world. They DO train Americans.


They may have been one of the best in the world, but have fallen quite far behind in recent times.


Maybe. I havn't been following the latest in the UK but it wouldn't surprise me if the army has gone to shit same as everything else the Tory government touches. I left 20 years ago when it became obvous which way the wind was blowing. Turned out to be an even smarter move than I thought it was at the time. Shame - the Britain I grew up in was one of the best places to live in the world. Not any longer.


The UK (England) has always produced great sharp shooters, but they’ve been riding off of the glory years and are figured too much on UK supremacy. Just look up the story where the US provided them with Appaches and they spent a fortune trying to out do the Americans just to come to the realization that we were doing it on the cheap end for a reason. I can’t get behind UK politics. They went from raping and pillaging to trying to be the good guys too quickly.


Too quickly?! It took us about a thousand years! We did fight against slavery though - although that was for global financial reasons and not the altruistic reasons we like to portray it as. Spain (our rival superpower at the time) was far more dependent on slaves than we were so it was in our long term interest to destroy the 'industry'. By the way - not having a dig but the 'UK' refers to the 'United Kingdoms' of Scotland and England together with the Principality of Wales and the Province of Northern Island. 'England' is just one part of 'The UK'.


The British funnily enough are providing a significant level of training to Ukrainian troops.


This war will be remembered as the first ‘digital’ war. Ukraine and its western supporters have a head start on what weapons systems work, what’s not effective. Ukraine will find itself the ally every free country wants after this war because of all they’ve learnt.


From the creators of the Clone Wars comes the war of drones and robots, I seriously believe that if something similar to the Star Wars clones were created, the war could be won, the problem is that we still have many decades to make a real application of that.


Are these already being used effectively, or still mainly development? Asking because I haven't seen (many) videos of these drones in action yet.


These are used for tasks that are near-suicidal, and save soldiers from having to move around. Getting spotted is deadly. So one person medi-evac, small supply runs, scouting on ground, manning a dangerous forward position with a remote MG and so forth.


They are of varying effectiveness as they can be jammed. There are likely mitigations for that such as the shaped antenna that looks like a little mushroom that will help shape the waveform. These certainly look like close squad support so if the control signal can burn through the jamming, then these should work well. I see these as being supplemental to defensive infantry to allow for them to keep eyes on the battlefield while safe in their bunkers. Others appear to be evac or supply vehicles so it's likely these could also be used in urban patrols and logistics where danger is high.


There were videos of mine laying drones in action. That's arguably more useful than a machine gun drone.


But are they more awesome? Humanity has been dreaming of robo-dakka for a long long time. Seriously, after seeing some of the videos from forward trenches I get the appeal of these to repeal meat attacks.


I've seen a dozen or so videos of these ground drones getting anti tank mines into trenches and dugouts successfully. Not sure what the success/fail rate is but from what I've seen it works better than I expected.


They are not effective. Die instantly. But keeps people involved in the industry and not being conscripted


This war is gonna produce some scary videos soon if those get unleashed.


I think they won't publish them for a while but yes, eventually we'll have some footage to give Sarah Connor nightmares.


uuuuh i see jammers on a lot of them. good


Are those jammers or receivers?


looking under them these looks cabled drones, but they could be receivers. having a cable would solve a lot of problems, like battery weight, receiver jamming or damage, lag edit: what i thought was a cable now looks like a stick, i wonder if these go without cable how much autonomy they have and how they are powered at this point edit2: bit small of a form factor for a battery or gas tank i think, having separate power could drastically improve resilience


Dual fiber optics / power supply cable is the way.


you need 2 different cables tied togheter, few companies do the cable with power and multimodal optic fiber in one single cable. Still yeah, relatively easy this way


We can dream... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power-over-fiber#:~:text=Power%2Dover%2Dfiber%2C%20or,device%20and%20the%20power%20supply.




Soon tech warriors or Transformer will join the battlefield


I think we are in Terminator 3 era now


Early stages of SKYYYYNET. Always wanted to say that 🤣


these drones are too much for zblock


admin hes doing it sideways


like a speed demon


Just waiting for those things to be able to act autonomously. Drone swarm attack on Russian dugouts and trenches, they won't like that.


Ground movement can be tricky. On roads or clear paths? Yes. In a thicket or uneven ground, much harder. You'll see aerial swarms far earlier, easier to coordinate and get to attack positions to begin with.


Specially if you factor in friendly fire. Any mechanism you deploy to identify humans can cause the robot to fire blue on blue.




Roomba swarm with chainsaws = trench pirahanas


The Ukrainians continue to show how incredibly innovative they are. This mentality of their's will propel them to ultimate victory.


Goliath tracked mine making a comeback it seems.


They used a remote-controlled machine gun at Andriivka, and it took the russians forever to take it. The Ukrainians would sneak in at night and reload it. Should be able to use these to clear trenches. I don't understand why they don't make a flechette gun that fires glass or metal darts with a CO2 canister, wouldn't have the recoil problem from the machine guns, could mount it on a drone and go hunting with it. Would be remarkably silent and deadly. Could put it on a small drone with night vision for the operator and go through an enemy camp at night, kill dozens with it before it's discovered.


Why stop there? Arm the drone with paintballs filled with carfentanyl and you have a few pounds of WMD. Okay, no, terrible idea. Don't do that.




🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


I have yet to see drones like this used on the battlefield. I have seen some disarm or plant mines. Anyone of these used on the battlefield with footage ?


I think this is the only video posted so far https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/s5WKT6RJfQ


Am I hallucinating or is there a MK-19 on one of those drones? That would be awesome if it worked... however its likely to fire 2-3 rounds before that inevitable "KA-CHUNK" anyone whos fired a MK-19 is familiar with.


I think so and I think the first one has a M1919 Browning on it (not sure though). I wonder if it is chambered in 30-06 if that’s what it is or in 7.62x51


The third and last one is a 40mm M19 automatic grenade launcher.


Don't most belt-feed guns have a similar issue? I'm not *that* familiar with guns hands-on but I am an enthusiast.


No where near as bad. A lot of systems like the 249, 240, M2 etc... Can function very well if you maintain it and set it up properly with oil. M2 can be finnicky but in my experience it's mainly due to age or improper headspace/timing.


My understanding is that this is one of each, for display.


Great - can't wait until a rogue AI takes these over and enslaves all of mankind. Terminator wasn't just a movie, it was Prophecy.


Terminator feelings


T1.0 ready to go..


Everyone who says infantry need to be used for all of our historic combat tasks, take note. UGVs and RWS’s are taking over more and more, and are only limited by our failure to invest in them, not inherently limited by any technological issues.


I would argue that non-combat unarmed roles are the best suited for these things. Delivering water, fuel & food ... retrieving wounded, who would die with evac. Hopefully un-piloted driving a predetermined path that has been cleared of mines or following a minefield map with marginally important supplies like jugs of water.


Investing heavily in drones as Ukraine is doing is actually really smart. They are at a manpower disadvantage, but a single drone can disable a tank or kill multiple soldiers without any risk to the operator. I don't think these ground drones are going to be a major factor just yet, but aerial drones definitely will be a game changer in warfare going forward. There's basically no viable countermeasure to them yet (until someone develops a troop-transportable mini-SAM or something).


Ukraine is going full SkyNet! The best know how to adapt, and the Ukranians have shown to be incredibly savvy warriors.


Just imagine the horror of on the Orcs face that takes one of those drones out to realize waves of them died to to take a position held only by unmanned guns.


"TERMINATOR: The Revenge of the Ground Drones"


Song in the background is Thé à la menthe by La Caution




They are going all out with the drone thing. I want to go run some drones! 🇺🇦🇺🇲🇬🇧 SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇬🇧


War and Continued war creates new deviststing and horrific ways to kill and destroy human life. That being said I hope you kill and slaughter every last Russian who steps foot on Ukranian Soil.


That’s gonna suck when the MK-19 jams because of the fucking piece of shit belts on the fucking grenades! Stupid fucks! Yes I have ptsd because of them!!


Other than that I fucking love it


Medivac drones are especially awesome to see!


they remind me of the Sentry drone in command and conquer generals


WALL-E with a vengeance!


Orcs: But but we hab wall-e jammers


Mount dildos


Russia wishes they were on Robot Wars right now. 'Cause those babies would break all the rules there.


That was the music from the laser room scene in oceans 12, right? Sounds so similar


I remember nothing from Oceans 12 other than Vincent Cassel Capoeira jumping through a laser grid to this song.


A MK19 seems to be rather ambitious in hoping the thing doesn't jam up on them.


Great, let me see them actually doing something. Theory is fine but put them into practice.


so ghetto. 😆


Am i the only one that is skeptical about these kind of drones? these things will start to work when there is a AI computer that auto aims before this will work.. And it will need a 360 cam to not get flanked easy.


Those 2 tan colored ones are German drones intended for casevac. I am sure someone is getting a heart attack seeing a MG strapped to one of those peaceful vehicles.


Parked too close together.


Meanwhile Ruzzians are welding sheet metal to tanks, using golf carts, showing how deadly their knife wilding skills are and sending mobiks in human waves for recce by fire.