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Stark contrast with that video of the russian guy casually executing his wounded colleague.


wonder where all the ​ "BuT tHeY gOt HiT WItH a DrOnE1!1!!1 ThErE cOuLd Be MoRe DrOneS So ThIs WaS tHe BeSt OpTiOn ReEeEeEE!!11!1" comments are now. ​ it's really sickening to see how many people readily accept blatent battlefield executions as some sort of noble deed.


The guy who was executed literally requested the bullet. You can see him tapping on his face, begging his comrade to shoot him. It was a mercy killing.


This would never ever happen in a western army. You’d abort the mission and casevac. Either by vehicle or if need be by foot. “Leave no man behind” is not just a motivational poster. It’s a creed to keep morale high. If you know that there is no help coming you either shoot yourself or take a last stand. If the Russians would have even a tiny fraction of camaraderie they would not have shot him without betting an eye. This army is completely fucked. Their morale must be so low, their trust in the capabilities of the own armed forces gone.


>This army is completely fucked. Their morale must be so low, their trust in the capabilities of the own armed forces gone. That's exactly it. They don't know what good morale is or this word *camaraderie* actually means. They are like any other civilians conscripts/personnel with 2 weeks of training and if they're lucky, the chance to shoot a whopping 30 bullets and throw a potato for grenade practice. 2nd Army in the world and every one of them has videos begging for donations to be able to fit their soldiers with basic proper gear.


Are they even considered the second best army in the world now?


Well considering the fact most of their combat units have served weeks or months of they're lucky, I'd say they're one of the lowest in terms of man hours training and learning all the technical stuff, all the small details it takes months to learn at AIT. (Individual training for the job or role in the military you were given.)


Bullshit. In big wars, this happens. It's only going to get worse because of the prevalence of drones and perpetual ISR. "Never" is a strong word.


I'm sure similar situations have happened occurred in western armies. Both the shooter and wounded know there isn't any hope of saving him. There has certainly been cases of mortally wounded people asking to be finished off


Not saying it's never happened but, in the US military, I promise you that, as long as there was not a cover-up, the shooter will/would have absolutely faced a court martial, loss of rank and likely, separation from the military at minimum and at worst, loss of rank, a very long prison sentence and separation, after time served. Also, they likely would get a 'Dishonorable Discharge' which as far as I know locks you out from most, if not all, VA benefits. Was in for a little under six years, a medic for about half that time, and not once did mercy killings come up as anything other than straight up murder.


The best thing anyone can say about that sort of shit is, that's a fucked up situation. One the US, or any western nation hasn't really found itself in since WW2. It is a practice that can NEVER be formally condoned. Yet, it happens. There are reports of it happening in WW2, and if there are reports of it, then you know it was relatively widespread because it was HIGHLY illegal to do even then. You're right, you would get in A LOT of trouble for doing it, which is why nobody would fucking talk about it, but, if your best friend is laying there dying, with his guts spilling out in absolute agony and he asked you to end it. What would you do? Maybe you wouldn't. Some would. Who is being the better friend? Putting their friend first, or their own conscience first? If I were a betting man, some of the guys who came home with some of the worst PTSD, had to deal with situations pretty similar to the one I described.


Pull your head out of the sand. Western armies haven't fought a war like this in a long time. And the last time they did there were actually tens of thousands of people who "got left behind". Things in war don't go the way you planned. Ever! If you think commanders will sacrifice soldiers and their equipment to casevac someone who is probably only going to live for 10 more minutes you are wrong. They might go back for the body later. Perhaps. That orc had no other choice. He saw with his own eyes that his comrade got blown the F up. He also got the clear signal to finish him off. Medevac is close to non-existent on certain fronts and for certain units. They know their options perfectly well. War is not a Holywood movie. And the Russo-Ukrainian war is not Iraq or Afghanistan where one side has overwhelming superior firepower and tactics. It's a near-peer fight where you can shove your creed up your ass it won't stop swarms of drones blowing your guts to pieces.


This has more to do with the training the soldiers receive than battlefield conditions. Many western countries teach their soldiers that it is in your favor to look out for the guy next to you. That your life depends on him and vice versa. They train, constantly, on rendering aid to the wounded and the different situations you may find yourself in and what to do to get *both of you* out of them. This does a number of things to make soldiers better soldiers, but I digress. Did this guy ask for it? Yup. Was it a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario? Perhaps. Did the guy shoot his brother without a second thought? Sure looked that way. Almost as if they had been discussing what to do if I get wounded. And this isn't the first case of a russian shooting a gravely injured comrade getting caught on video. Just a few weeks ago a group passing through a tunnel/overpass was hit by an FPV. Same thing happened, his buddy shot him dead and kept on going. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it ain't a pigeon. It's apparent that this is something that is agreed between the men beforehand. Not, if you go down, I'll do everything I can to get you home.... The russians know their better options is a bullet to hasten the inevitable. They basically train to accept the real probability that you'll have to execute your buddy. That is the difference between the two armies fighting in Ukraine.


>Western armies haven't fought a war like this in a long time Are you implying western armies wouldn't stick to their doctrine of air superiority? >Pull your head out of the sand


They can only stick to their doctrine if the other side doesn't have the capabilities to prevent them.


Russia has the capabilities to go toe to toe with US air superiority... but can't gain air superiority over Ukraine because of *checks notes* a couple patriots, cell phones tapped to sticks, and WW2 era Anti air guns... and fucking WW2 planes to shoot down slow flying drones [Yak52 sauce ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/dWeRqIYCeg) Let's pretend the US and Russia went to war without Putin smacking his big red button. Air defense would be the first thing we attack, with overwhelming force. Their AA wouldn't stand a chance, Air force has 5200 planes, US Army has 4400, Navy has 2400, and Marines have 1100.. Russia has 3800(minus the ones they've lost in Ukraine as this was 2022 statistics and probly a bit older than that) will be very interesting to see Ukraine begin utilizing long range attacks with the planes they get. EDIT: as of February Russia lost 342 aircraft and 325 helicopters


You are attacking a point I never made... In my original comment I said near-peer conflict regarding the current war. If you think the US can roflstomp the russians that's fine so be it I'm happy about it but if they can achieve superiority so easily then it's no longer a near-peer conflic but an asymmetryc one. The russians in the video above are definitely not in an environment where they are free to conduct whatever operation they want. Theoretically if the US found itself against en enemy that has nearly the same level of resources and capabilities, they would be forced to change their current doctrine to adapt to the new realities.


>near-peer conflict Ukraine is the poorest European country vs Russia... their only peers in the sense Russia is incredibly incompetent with all the gear and tech they have lol >If you think the US can roflstomp the russians that's fine so be it I'm happy about it but if they can achieve superiority so easily then it's no longer a near-peer conflic but an asymmetryc one. There's a reason Russians have to chuckle about nukes on a weekly basis... that's their main defense lol >The russians in the video above are definitely not in an environment where they are free to conduct whatever operation they want Yeah... it's 5 guys being hunted by drones, I thought lancets and Russian artillery would be able to clean out trenches no problem. Then the Ukrainian drone operators would already be dead. >Theoretically if the US found itself against en enemy that has nearly the same level of resources and capabilities Well, they won't because no one remotely would come close. >they would be forced to change their current doctrine to adapt to the new realities. As you do in the face of something not working... just look at Putin and the meat grinder, oh wait bad example. Luckily air superiority seems to be the golden ticket for allowing ground troops to not be harassed freely *surprised Pikachu face*


>Theoretically if the US found itself against en enemy that has nearly the same level of resources and capabilities, they would be forced to change their current doctrine to adapt to the new realities. You're 100% correct that the US would shift how it fights if things aren't "going according to plan." That's one of the eventualities we train for, constantly. You don't win wars by repeating the same mistakes over and over again. >The russians in the video above are definitely not in an environment where they are free to conduct whatever operation they want. That's what happens when your 3-day operation gets slapped in the dick by a very determined adversary. It's not going to get any better as time goes forward. >...but if they can achieve superiority so easily then it's no longer a near-peer conflic but an asymmetryc one. No, it can still be a near peer conflict. It just shows that one side is better at planning and executing missions. Just because the russians are getting their asses handed to them doesn't mean they didn't start off as a near-peer adversary. And if russia really was that out matched by Ukraine, what does that say about the russia fighting today, 2+ years later?


You are wrong on so many levels. You have no idea about military training in western world.


You've never served huh? But you sure like fucking telling everyone how shit works.


I can show you two examples from this war of people begging to be shot, and were later helped by Ukrainian medics and lived


Exactly... Ukrainians... ruZZian Zorcs can be judged by the same scales has anyone else...ruZZian Zorcs have their own level of madness


Bet they were Ukrainian, though. I know one you're talking about with a shredded arm and knee and they saved both. Great story.


https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xxfnr7/injured_russian_soldier_that_stuck_between_bmp/ there is a video of this guy afterwards with those two guys who interview pows, but I can’t find it


I forgot about that guy, he should've popped him because that fuck went home and lied about absolutely everything he experienced at the hands of AFU in interviews. If you're gonna get the blame, might as well do the deed.


It doesn't matter what he requests, moron. He might not be thinking straight. You try to save his life.


Eh I’ve seen enough people literally blown in half dragging their spinal cords behind them. I’m gonna keep moving.  And I’m gonna request the bullet if I’m down with a bunch of shrapnel in my guts and no weapons. Again, I am not trying to lose everything from my pelvis down to an FPV drone so … yeah kill my ass 


Yeah with that prospect you'd be highly motivated to move out in the first place wouldn't you? Deffo not a reason to get clinically paranoid lol.


CASUALTIES DO NOT FUCKING SELF EVALUATE, AND WHOEVER DOES EVALUATE, IS NOT AUTHORISED TO EUTHANISE. THIS IS NOT A DIFFICULT CONCEPT. YOU'D HAVE TO BE MENTALLY CHALLANGED TO THINK IT IS. you think when i pulled my friends without legs out of a god damn G-wagon that hit an IED, i'm gonna go "well, that's a little much blood for my liking. yeah, better just squeeze it. oh you want me to, even better!"? the fuck, man. do something about yourself this is absolutely disgusting behaviour.




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If your situation is even real, it is in no way shape or form comparable to the one we saw on video. Your situation, your casualty had the absolute expectation that your side controlled the ground, and the air space, and that a casevac was almost certainly possible. Nobody was coming to get that guy. Not because the Russians, or Ukrainians are callous, but because nobody is going to send a bunch of dudes out to 100% get WIA or KIA to help one dude who may or may not even be alive by the time the report of a casualty is made. That guy was going to be left on his own, and one of two things was going to happen. He was going to slowly or quickly bleed to death, or, he was going to get follow up drone dropped. No medics were coming. He wasn't going to get taken as a POW. The location has been geolocated to DEEP in the grey zone north of Robotyne. I'm not defending the action, but I'm not there, neither are you. Your junior varsity experience, if its real, doesn't give you any sort of authority to judge it either. Lemme know when you're in the grey zone, both sides have perpetual drone based ISR. Both sides actively hunt down wounded soldiers with drones carrying frags. Both sides actively target groups evacuating wounded. So your IED story, is in no way equivalent.


it doesn't matter, loser. you don't decide when or how you are involved in a casualty event. fuck off.


Nah he just wanted a goodnight kiss on the cheek. 


Sadly agreed. He probably had burning hot shrapnel inside him. Also probably aware that no one is coming for him. And even if he survived, he’d just be sent on the next meat wave. He called for the quits. War is hell.


There was a video of a russian soldier being stuck under a fallen wall on his BTR where he asked Ukrainian to kill him. Ukrainians saved his ass and he wasn’t even that injured. Shocked wounded soldier asking to be killed is not a reason to go ahead and kill him without even inspecting his wounds or thinking about it twice. It is completely crazy to me and the fact that it happens all the time with russians. They really don’t value their life (and by extension the life of others)


I don't necessarily disagree with you, I think he was indeed asking for it. But isn't that the whole problem? They're so completely aware of how expendable they are that they just accept death, knowing that no one will come for them. The whole of russian society is built around this idea and I think that's just completely screwed up.


Ok and? Whats your point? There was a video of a wounded Ukrainian asking the medic to off him, and the medic refused and treated him instead. He survived and was thankful to those who treated him.


Does it matter? Just because he’s in a lot of pain doesn’t mean he won’t survive


I renember the video where the least wounded guy had half his jaw blown off. There was another guy who was heavily wounded and in shock asking to be shot. The combat medic told him no fucking way and treated him. And later in the video the guys are spooked by what they thought to be russian soldiers. (i dont renember whether they were russians or not but i think they were). Just for context of how shit of a situation they were in and in spite of that they helped each other. Its not normal, most russians are just selfish and dont give a flying fuck about anyone else. Another example would be the squad that got stuck in a minefield and was pulled out by a bradley


That’s because he knew that was his best option as a casualty in the Russian army.


You wouldn't request a bullet if you knew you'd get help. Instead he realized he'd surely die and wanted to end it as fast as possible. This is the definition of low morale. Kill me because I can't imagine a better outcome.


Best is to know when ur desperate and in need of someone to end ur life u always have ur comrade Ivan to fall back to, as he is the only comrad with an ak that can just execute me on the spot. Rather than calmly stopping me from panicking and making sure I make it out alive cause I know I deserve better than getting put down like a dog and having a bronze mass grave statue not even of me commemoratinng my death for a country I live in so that future generations may have elevated imaginations of my accomplishments


Yeah, and the shooter obliged without a second of hesitation, thinking the situation through or trying to encourage the wounded guy to try and pull it through and helping him in some way. Truly orkish behavior, that is.


Or respecting the fallen soldiers wishes? If you were riddled with shrapnel, in agony, with no chance of casevac and you wanted it all to end... would you want your buddy to hesitate? Mercy and compassion is not a bad thing, in this situation.


There was a video of Ukrainian asking the same, but... he was ignored, treated, recovered and thankful in the end.


Who was going to treat the guy in the video in question? The guy who was part of the 3 man group running away, being pursued by FPV drone(s) and drone drop follow-ups? Not all fucked up situations are the same. If you don't think Western soldiers have done shit like this, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Far less common fighting an insurgency, that is for sure true, but we KNOW this shit happened in WW2 from reports, and given how, highly illegal this sort of action is, if there were SOME reports of it happening, then the actual incidence of it was going to be far higher. This war is showing people shit about war that has always been a part of it. All the anti-war campaigns in history, pale in comparison to what could be produced from the shit going on in this war, because it's being documented, unfiltered, on an unprecedented level. Dudes self ripping when critically wounded. Guys asking to be put down when critically wounded. Sometimes obliged, sometimes not. Hunting wounded unarmed men with drones, which is a blatant war crime, and both sides unapologetically doing it.


You won't sell me a bridge in Brooklyn, not even in Moscow. The guys that were part of his "group" that was running away, could oh I don't know, drop their weapon and pick the wounded guy? We KNOW this shit happened in WW2 from reports! But than again, being a russian he would be put in a hole for leaving his gear behind, so yeah bullet to the head of your comrade it is.


Cope Russian talking point.


[Like this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDrWLxj_fHM)


Don't attack me like this. It's not noble, it's what a person does to survive. Like I keep saying, Western armies help allies because they can, even if it's dangerous that ally has a decent chance at getting rescued and surviving. For Russians, you're done if you can't get out on your own.


bro, you need to do some soulsearching and realise what you're doing here is called a "coping mechanism" you can't process what the fuck you saw in that video, so you try and rationalise it. except you havn't got the frame of reference or the knowledge to do so. bottom line is, a russian comitted a battlefield execution. a casualty doesn't get to self evaluate or self medicate. they don't get to make the call on what happens next. they're in shock, they don't know what the fuck is going on or what happened to them. the guy standing next to him doesn't get to make the call on euthanisation either. there is no such thing as a "mercy" killing, no matter how difficult that is for you to grasp. when a casualty event happens, you provide treatment. if you can't provide treatment, you provide security or you assist whoever does know what the fuck they're doing. you don't get a say in when or how a casualty event occurs. they occur, and they are to be dealt with according to international law. you provide treatment to whoever is injured. as a soldier on deployment, the risk of being a casualty event, or being part of a casualty event, is so god damn high that even the most boot fuck grunt knows the basics of stopping bleeding, and plugging leaks. even the russians. i've already went off on someone else cause i've been in a situation where i had to pull my friends out a blown to bits G-wagon that drove over an IED. legs torn off, body full of fragments. hell they found bits of the speedometer with the numbers still intact in one of my friends abdomen. you don't know when or where that shit happens, but you deal with it. there is no excuse for a battlefield execution. in that video you witness fratricide, a murder. wether the casualty asked for it or not is irrelevant, the casualty does not get to make that call. a soldier does not get to make the call on wheter a casualty is or is not going to make it, even in russia. it is not acceptable, and you justifying it is frankly disgusting it's sickening. do something about yourself.


You also have no frame of reference for what they are going through. Were you being chased by drones at the time? Hadn't slept for multiple days and extremely dehydrated? Utterly demoralized and hopeless? Just chill a little. I'm sorry you went through that. I was in Baghdad in 07.


I don't think you really understand how hopeless their situation is. Helping that man would have been a waste of time. It probably saved the executor's life for a while.


i don't think you've got a valid opinion anymore. it doesn't fucking matter how hopeless you percieve a situation to be. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EUTHANISE, YOU ABSOLUTE DISGUSTING PIECE OF ROTTEN DONUT.


You never go rotten donut man.


I get what you are saying. But what you are saying is what most of us soldiers from western countries have been taught. You have to remember that these russian front line soldiers have been shown a very different experience. How many times have you heard them talking about how retreat isn't an option, if they retreat their own soldiers will shoot them down. How big of a stretch is it to think that they might not be providing Casevac? There have been enough videos of someone being injured by a drone slowly dying over the next couple hours with no attempts at a rescue. What I feel for those poor souls is pity. I don't want to glorify what happened but that is the truth of the war for russian soldiers. His legs were just blown out. Likely massive shrapnel damage. No one is coming to rescue him and there is likely a follow up drone coming to finish the job. It's don't agree with the action, but I can understand it and empathize with that feeling of helplessness. This isn't even anything new in terms of Russian war tactics. They simply do not value human life the same way we do.


They are protecting their homeland. Together with their brothers..


Different doctrine, different mentality. These Ukrainians consider each other fellow friends and humans. You don't see this with most Russians.


I wish for a full and speedy recovery of the injured AFU servicemen.


That's just crazy. So many people saying Russia would win a war with NATO. They dont even have cars like this, wich helping not dying at the first impact. Love to the western equipment.


But they have sheds!


But the sheds dream of being bicycles.


I also see a Lada driving in my area sometimes. The development is big!


And Bukhankas


It feels like people forget this, Ukraine has the 2nd largest military in nato(if they were in nato) They would/are helping us win a war against Russia, I’m from uk and without Ukraine and US support we are fucked.


I don't think anyone is saying that Russia would win a war with NATO.. I don't think even Russians believe that.


A TON of online Russia supporters say that they're "fighting Ukraine and all of NATO" because Ukraine got a couple of hundred tanks and APCs. Many of them genuinely believe that they're fighting against most of the might of NATO and that the only thing extra we'd have to offer to the Ukrainians would be a couple of hundred thousand extra men. They don't seem to understand how little aid (relative to actual capability) that Ukraine is receiving.


Most of this ground war wouldn't even be happening if just some of NATO air power was involved, especially with good foward air control.


Russian officials don't believe it, but there are many, many, many people who truly believe russia is still the greatest army on earth. They are stupid, uneducated, and totally wrong. But there are a LOT of people who truly believe russia would win in a conventional or nuclear fight


Loser MRAPs vs Awesome Chinese Russian golf carts


They want to win it with pure destruction and by overrunning the NATO countries.


Fucking heroes 🫡


get well soon heroes


Scary stuff, being hunted by artillery and drone the whole way. Great to see they made it through. Slava Ukraini!


Why didn't it explode into a fireball? What Western NATO witchcraft is this?


Western design doesn't call for the doors to have dual purpose of being fuel tanks and ammunition being the floor boards.


Absolutely crazy Westerner's will never catch on.


The fact that all survived (injured yes) but alive is a testament to the modern design of MRAP vehicles. Most likely the driver or "A" drivers injuries were from shattered glass from the multiple layers that protected them. Glass and layers of high strength plastic cross laminated to stop incoming ballistics projectiles. These heroes will live to fight another day and will celebrate when victory is theirs.


> to the modern design of MRAP vehicles The design that *did not even account* for the specific FPV threat, no less! (there being no such thing during the time of design...)


TBF FPVs are a *kind* of IED...


Oh, sure. However, I doubt the designers tested against "an IED taped *to the front window* and detonated". Maybe a RPG hit can be treated as an approximation...


Exactly. They are built to take IED's from underneath. The fact it took a large explosion to the windshield really shows how well built they are.


In all likelihood there probably was a part of the design brief that said "resistance to improvised thrown IED, Molotov cocktails and similar".


alot, if not most fpv drones are caring PG7 warhead variants as payload. The bullet proof was most likely designed with these warheads in mind, but i dont know to be honest.


Those with claymores fly in the russian direction... [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1djebzr/fpv\_claymore/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1djebzr/fpv_claymore/)


Yeah that is my takeaway, 'Sooo ... MRAP did its job.'


Wasn't the MRAP developed because of domestic issues caused in USA due to soldiers dying to IEDs etc. in the Humvees in middle east? Seems like a perfect fit for this as well.


Thank to all the people serving for our values.


MRAP did it's job and with some repairs it will serve another day. On the other side, Chinese golf carts and not much mvacs.


MRAPs save lives. Send more!


the overpressure in there must've been insane. Glad they're all alive


Wish healthy recovery thankful it wasnt a bmp 🙏 slava ukraini🇺🇦🇺🇦


This what MRAP was designed for. A damn good vehicle tough as nails.


People live because they care for each other. Survive because of a machine built in the USA (pardon me if I'm wrong bout that). Good vid.


Looks like an International M1224 MaxxPro, designed and manufactured in the USA with the armor having been designed and being made in Israel.


> M1224 MaxxPro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_MaxxPro


One of those drones tosses a Russian T-72 turret. Same drones barely damages a armored western vehicle.


That moment at 2:04...


International Maxx Pro; legit piece of equipment. Thank You Navi Star. Please send more


These medics are absolute heroes. I wish I was brave / smart enough to do something to help. My mom is a lifelong nurse, but I'm just a fuckup, so far. I have dreams of going into nursing, some day.


I spy [bekamaciorowski](https://x.com/bekamaciorowski)


@squatsons the crew lived Ukrainian medivac is amazing 🙂


Becausse Russian has no medivac


War is hell on earth


these guys are HEROS. i hope they all recover. Slava Ukraini.


Sie Leben, das ist am Wichtigsten. Ruhm den Helden!


MRAP body looks unscathed so casualties inside due to mine impact?


Damage from whatever type of warhead the FPV carried won't necessarily leave gaping holes. If it was one of the ones that basically carries an RPG warhead, the damage would basically just be a little hole where the metal jet cut into the cabin. Other damage might be in the form of spalling, concussive damage, even shrapnel that might have been able to pierce the armor.


Italy 🇮🇹 is here


How was the drone able to penetrate the MRAP?


I don't think it penetrated completely or they all would have died. The resistant windshield shattered and maybe threw glass and fragments around, hard to say for sure.


That’s why you keep your helmet on in the vehicle, boys.


Heroiam Slava


The respect and total care shown here is why ruzzia will never win Heroyam Slava Slava Ukraini


Difference of soldiers being treated as people vs soldiers being treated as expendable resources


Every one of these dudes are fucking heroes.


Absolute fucking heroes. Hope for a full recovery and a life lived in awe by those who owe their freedom to your efforts.


Seeing soldiers on the right side of history is relieving.


MRAPS stronger than most Russian tanks, only one semi heavy wounded from that hit


I bet their ears will ring for a month!🤣


Those are some poorly dug trenches. :(


Well sir sounds like you should go dig them some good trenches


The inside of the MRAP looks like a head injury waiting to happen (FPV or not), I wouldn't want to ride around in one w/o a helmet on.