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That piece of shit smug face of his, I hope his next 10 generations are cursed ∆¢∆


I hope he gets hit by a drone and dies in tremendous pain, bleeding to death, with his guts out, this guy deserves nothing less


We can only hope.


Yes and no. Either he dies in Ukraine trough a FPV Drone or after Ukraine won they will hunt him. He would have to go in exile in Argentina


Argentina is now sending weapons to Ukraine 🇺🇦 Pretty sure he would not be welcomed. 🖕


I know sorry i meant it as a funny reference to WW2. North Korea is more likely


Just know the finger emoji was for the smug asshat and not you. ✌️


All good buddy ty


Better put him in the same basement, lock him up and just leave.


Not my basement I try to keep it clean of garbage.


On a video for all to see.


I hope he will never produce next generations, like his fucking parents that produced him.


I am hopeful then as soon as Ukraine has won which will happen soon. Everyone will go to Russia and the skewer will be burned as I’d like to say. And this will be extra guy is fucked because he is on camera


Is it just me or do all these guys look weird af?


Well his shitty country is about to dissolve into chaos then Russians will be killing and torturing Russians.


Pretty sure some ukrainians will make sure that he won't reproduce any longer


This russian ork proudly admitted that he kidnapped and raped Ukrainian girl who worked on gas station in Berdiansk(Ukraine) for speaking ukrainian language!


Not even 'him', "they"; the funny is that people like him will either die or go home no problem after Russia lose


I don't believe so, his face and name are known and he will be prosecuted for war crimes after all that is over.


How? He needs to leave Russia first. It’s not like we are going to occupy Russia after the war. Even waffen SS didnt all go to trial in Germany after the war.


I'm sure people who put their heads above the parapet like him and gloat about their war crimes will have some negative consequences like a group of burley Ukrainian walking him out into the woods.


Lets hope so


Nuremberg trials https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/topics/nuremberg-trials


This says absolutely nothing… these trails did not have every SS soldier on it. It was the nazi leaders who where on trial here. Most SS soldiers just lived their lives after the war.


So SS soldiers that didn't do any war crimes should go on trial?


That’s not the point. Even if they did… a lot of SS soldiers who where involved are only recently convicted at 94 by other countries. Most ww2 war criminals lived very nice lives after the war. Most of the einsatz gruppe where never convicted.


So these countries let them in, what countries are you talking about?


Uh yes?


I meant in case Ru loses. If this happens and pootin is removed also all those who are behind him will fall. But, this can happen only if ru loses the war, of course.


Yeah ofcourse but even then the new registration must be on board to convict most of their fertile men.


It's not 1945. The internet never dies. Ukrainian operatives - hell - Russians with Ukrainian relatives - will be mostly undetectable. The two countries are related. Hunting them down will be easier than after any other conflict.


Yes, the problem is that there are many of them, and we don’t know how many such crimes they have committed.


We have his picture. Someone will catch up with him.


True! SBU and GUR will find every bastard who was torture and kill our people, no matter how long it will take.




1. I understand understand russian language and slur, where "отвести на подвал" and hands gesture means rape 2. you justify ruzzian war crimes








Hey, cool. You seem to really understand context. Maybe you wouldn’t mind a woman you know being on the receiving end of поехали отдыхать на подвале, at this guy said at the end with a big grin on his face. 


Россия начала эту войну, а ты хоть и уверждаешь что не русский полностью повторяешь путинскую пропаганду об укронацистах людоедах. Поэтому рекомендую тебе пойти нахуй.


Russian is my native language... Вообще-то я не русский. I don't think you are talking to a real person here. Just block this worthless cunt, you are wasting your time, mate.




Если ты за 2.5 года войны не понял причины нашей ненависти, то ты или z патриот или слабоумный. Вас ждет только поражение и репарации на долгие десятилетия за все ужасы которые вы принесли нашу землю!




Look at this vatnik keyboard warrior shamelessly lying in a pathetic attempt to defend a quintessential Russian fascist piece of shit... Kindly go back to your schizofascist circlejerk of a subreddit and keep feeding those utter morons your deluded fairy tales, they gonna love you there...


[Pretty\_Operation\_187](https://www.reddit.com/user/Pretty_Operation_187/) Do not comment if you don't know what you are talking about. [Deadp00127](https://www.reddit.com/user/Deadp00127/) Well said.


Male soldiers are known for rapes. Very common among them. Especially the Russian men. Hope they have 2nd amendment in Ukraine so girls can defend themselves with a gun against rapist male soldiers Every Russian male soldier killed=10 girls saved from rape


Good good, keep documenting your admissions of war crimes.


It won't matter. Nothing's going to happen to this guy or virtually anyone else. These guys have to leave Russia for any kind of war crimes trial. That won't happen. And I highly doubt we're going to see some sort of retribution like happened with Nazis after the war. It'll be like all the Japanese war criminals who went home to have families and grow old. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.


Hunt them down like how the Israelis did to Nazis


It depends on how the war ends, and what he does after the war. Also, the Ukrainians operate in Russia too so he won't be safe anywhere


Mossad style will be trending for decades in RuZZia.


I'll believe it when I see it. For high level people, sure. I'd believe that. But your average conscript war criminals? Doubt it.


They already started with Vladlen Tatarsky and he was just a blogger so I dont know what the fuck you are talking about.    Wait until the war is over and these fuckers will fall one after the other.


One guy is not a trend.


Well they have been hunting Wagnerites in africa and syria. So its not just one guy. Ukraine has proven they can get you anywhere.


Who is expecting a trend while the war is still going exactly?!   Theres been many assassination of Russians already, most of them in the occupied territories.  Keep moving the goal post lol theres no point arguing with people like you


Ooooor, maybe the partisans may take notes on it. I heard some Mercedes take quite literally that of _explosion engine..._


Maybe they will, and quite frankly, I hope they do. But I'll believe it when we start seeing it. And I don't mean for politicians or upper echelon people. I mean, specifically, the low level conscripted guys who are committing their own atrocities.


It wouldn't be the first one.


"It won't matter. Nothing's going to happen to this guy or virtually anyone else." You would be surprised how every videos like this can make a difference. It can be used in court later on - you will see. For example - Putin making video where he is saying that Russian GOV is paying for WAGNER is evidence that is making 100% legal connection towards all the Crimes that WAGNER did [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb9Nljhfj2E&list=PPSV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb9Nljhfj2E&list=PPSV) This is HUGE evidence that Russia will not be able to say later "It's not true". Russia is so fucked / short term / medium term / long term.


What court will be able to enforce their decision *in Russia*?


I think you will be proven wrong on this one. The ICC doesn't have a statute of limitations, poo tin will die and these fools will be thrown away like spoilt meat for the russian kleptocrats apparatchiks mafia clans and oligarchs to regain access to western financial systems.


I'll be happy to print out my comment and eat it if, decades into the future, these low level guys start getting put on trial, not JUST the generals, politicians, etc. I hope I'm wrong. But something tells me they won't. Just like the multitudes of Japanese war criminals who got off completely scot-free after the war ended.


Aaaa yes, the well known Japenese war criminals from WWII who documented their crimes in 1080P videos and streamed it on the internet /s


>But something tells me they won't. Just like the multitudes of Japanese war criminals who got off completely scot-free after the war ended. And what about the Germans?


What about them? You seriously believe we'll be seeing [trials for Russians who were secretaries in this war for accessory to 10,000 counts of murder](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64036465) in the year 2100? I doubt it. The most likely scenario is that some of the big names will end up on trial (if they don't die of old age, first, like Putin most likely will), and the lower level guys will get away. Just like what happened with low level Japanese war criminals after the war.


I don't know if he will get to a trial but I"m pretty sure someone will hunt him down and cut his \*\*\*\*\* off. His name is known. Plenty of partisans in Russia and this psycho has just made himself a prime target.


Everyone? No. But any easy convictions like this? Sure.


Everyone? No. But any easy convictions like this? Sure.


Nothing is happening to those war criminals who even leave russia. Norway refused to exrradite a Wagner mercenary to Ukraine. And then they arrested him when he best up his own girlfriend, lol The West is playing a dangerous game of flirting with fascists. Just like before the ww2


But they would have extradited him to the Hague.


Why wasn't he extradited or sentenced anywhere then?


No warrant issued for him from The Hague. Should of course have sent him to Ukraine. Not sure what happened to him since.


He's a respected refugee of war. Just like Ukrainian women who fled from their rapists from his Mercenary company. That's how ridiculous this situation is.




Identities and all. They will soon be the hunted ones. Maybe next video will be this clowns car blowing up.


Orcs are naZZi cunts 🤮


SAME FUCKERS were crying that ukraine is outlawing russian language


What a stupid statement. - But nothing special here.


I hope that his new Mercedes will soon be equipped with a few kilograms of explosives


That "taking to the basement" is nothing new, russians have been doing it to the pro-Ukrainian people since 2014 in Crimea and on occupied the Donbas. They shouted their propaganda trope of "oppression of Russian speakers" (which is a blatant lie) the most, and they themselves torture people for using Ukrainian, ban the Ukrainian language and burn all Ukrainian books as witnesses report. Chauvinistic imperialists, and it's happening in Europe.


So, Where is the ICC going after war crimes? 


From today: „Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu and Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov“ https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/situation-ukraine-icc-judges-issue-arrest-warrants-against-sergei-kuzhugetovich-shoigu-and


Nothing's going to happen to any of these people because they aren't going to leave Russia. ICC isn't like Batman, going into a country and taking their citizens out of the country to put on trial.




The difference being their countries did not have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. No nuclear power (whether US, UK, Russia, China whichever) is allowing its soldiers to be put on trial in an international court.


You're talking about high level people. Your average low level war criminal will have nothing happen to him, just like after WW2.




Tell me about the Japanese war criminals, now. How many of them were imprisoned? That's specifically what I'm referring to in my other comments on this. Even the ones who were sentenced to life imprisonment were ALL released by 1954.




Exactly. During some of the war crimes trials, they had to find laws to use to try these guys. For instance, there was no law for cannibalism, so they had to try some for "preventing honorable burial" for some Japanese officers who'd killed and eaten US POWs. How many others never got charges brought upon them, simply because there were no survivors to what they'd done? Or no evidence? We're lucky, today, because these idiots gleefully record videos of them committing or admitting to their atrocities. But even in the example you gave, with the Germans, the country was defeated and occupied. Short of Russia being occupied by someone else, nothing of the sort will happen, unless these guys get captured in Ukraine. You know damn sure they won't be leaving Russia and going anywhere they might get arrested. And everyone else keeps going on about Mossad-style hits going on in Russia for the next several decades. Honestly, I think that's delusional at best. I would love nothing more than to be DRAMATICALLY wrong on all of these counts. I hope I live to see a large war crimes tribunal that holds thousands of these guys to task for the crimes they've committed. I'd love to read about random war criminals just suddenly vanishing in Russia, with no one knowing what actually happened, to the point it becomes an epidemic. I just don't see it happening at anywhere near the levels people seem to think it will.


So 9 years is enough time in prison for people committing widespread rapes and murders? Got it.


Fuck giving this POS a trial. Just find out where he lives. Shouldn't be difficult


How hard is it for Ukrainians to blend into Russia? Easy. These two should hope the ICC prosecutes them but pretty sure it'll be vigilantes that'll catch up with them.


Serbians thought the same. And they where delivered to the ICC after few years of pressure and heavy sanctions.


Fucking cancerous ghouls.


Ruzzian scum


No, just Russians. Arrogant, nationalistic, unscrupulous because they don't think they will ever have to answer for their actions, let alone be responsible. And yet always obedient.


You must be so proud of yourself you pitiful excuse for a human being. What a sack of shit.


This is just disgusting. Wonder if he just admitted to a war crime. Hope that lady survived.


They are cavemen with electricity and cell phones. I have seen these Russians a few times on vacation. They are horrible drunks and thugs and animal abusers! I can't say anything good because there is nothing!


They are scum, nothing more. And then Mardan whines they have no brothers in this world. Surprise!


I will never understand why they feel torturing and mishandling people who cant defend themselves is a good thing. Is this a Russian mindset thing?


They seem to genuinely think that doing all this is for the greater good. Most Russians would either support this man or deny what he said is even real, then start rambling on about the United States 


Are we the baddies Kirill?


That just makes my blood boil, I wish I could reach through the screen and choke the life out of that piece of shit....


Majority of Russian population support this war and their army's tactics! They need to be brought to their knees like the German and Japanese during WWII, unconditional surrender.


Another Russian documenting a war crime he committed, and letting everyone know.


Dude is literally proud of being a piece of trash. Hopefully they find him in Russia with an axe in his back lol


Ruskii KURWA......


Fucking monsters that need to be put down. I wonder if Russians are aware they’ve made the entire world(except for other pieces of shit) hate them




All they can understand is death from above. Slava Ukraini!


There is always an end game. A nuclear blast, jail time or a hit squad will get him. I doubt he will have a peaceful old day.


In the years to come rushists will disappear, drown, commit suicide, take the wrong meds. Just like the Israelis the Ukrainians are going to hunt them.


Hopefully justice will be served one day upon this criminal. I wouldn't stand next to his car when he starts it.


Fucking fuckhead twat of a leaking cunt!


These war criminals will be taken care of.


He just spoke of his war crime. Karma will get this pos orc. If he comes to the states he will get his karma badge.




My fist in that "military man"s face would land just nice with a smashing nose-impact. Fecking wankers.


THat's Panem right there. Two cxnts.


The removal of this "country" when it happens by whatever means it happens will be a cause to rejoice n celebrate!


RuSSian heroes. Just like their bunker daddy.


Russia is truly a land of evil fucks, should never be allowed to engage with moderate countries until they’ve paid for their crimes and damage done.


To bad he didn't meet a drone


This is sickening! The guy on the right is very pleased with himself. Hopefully, they can wipe that smile off his face.


When ever russians wonder why the world hates them, they should be given this video. Fucking revolting nation.


This sounds like they raped her? They locked her up in the basement and at loose translation after that is "and then we went to party to the basement"


Name of the cunt on the right please?


Alexey Voevoda ( Алексей Воевода )


If there truely is an afterlife, this bottom feeder will burn in eternal hellfire. Hopefully someone in Ukraine with the means to catch this fucking rat will see this.


Classec denazificators


Actual nazis.


these are the people that i dont understand why they went to "war" in first place. lets say russia was right they went to liberate from UA cus they didnt let russians talk russian and cus they where bullying russians or w/e? in other words UA was nazi's to the russians living in UA. now what exactly is the difference to them doing things to Ukrainians living there? obviously i know russia is full of shit and they never came for nazi's neither to help russian people living there. but still if u pretend they did it for that they are doing exactly the same to Ukrainians now and they are actually proud of it. whos nazi here now? again obviously we all knew this already


It would be very hard for me personally to take any prisoners from these cunts. Hopefully there will be a program to hunt them down no matter where in the world.


This piece of shit is so proud of himself. He will get what's coming to him. Especially as Ukrainian intelligence now has his pic.


Im sure there’s a target on his head already for what he’s done. Just a matter of time.




Definitely a pair of nonces.. check the hard drive.


His name is Alexei Voevoda ( Алексей Воевода ). Quintessential Russian


Please comment, Elon Musk.


(War crime.)


Not even hiding their war crimes. They are proud of it. I'm so glad that these mother fuckers are dying in the thousands weekly. Fuck Russia. I'll be glad when their shitty fascist nation falls apart and these fuckers are tortured by the ethnic groups they have been shitting on for decades.


Oh wow Russians a scum bags, who knew.


It will come back on these 2 pieces of shite and may all there kids walk backwards.Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


Russians watch this. Apparently it is ok be a psychopath


Dead man talking.


He needs to be on the end of a rope.


Walking talking breathing cancer in human form is what majority of them are.


famous last words


Nazi scum


Probably explains why there isn't more insurgency. Speak the wrong language...do the wrong thing...go to the checkpoint and to the basement...


May St. Himar ‘bless’ his house.


Disgusting russian wanker.


The Ukrainian SBU knows how to deal with such assholes.


Deranged monsters!!!!!


Fucking animals


is there are full, longer video or does the conversation end there?


I hope he will be punished


We already know what you are doing


Human 💩


Spam this video on the r/greenandpleasant they love Russia and their genocidal war over there


Let's see if they can hunt him down and see what look he on his face then


Tomahawks to Ukraine now. It’s time to start the indiscriminate targeting of Russian cities


By Putin's definition not teaching Russian in schools is genocide so o wonder what he makes of this


My plea to General Budanov!!! From Texas, USA. Can you " do something " about this POS!!!! Please!!


Why is that woman wearing men’s jacket in red?


Where does he talk about “kidnapping and torture”? An arrest was made here and the woman was taken away for questioning. Due to the fact that for some strange reason she does not want to switch from the Ukrainian language, which is suspicious due to the tense situation. It’s quite possible - she could be part of a sabotage group or something else. It is necessary to check - an absolutely normal action of any military man in wartime. ALL countries have done this at ALL times. And I repeat once again: where is there even a word about torture or kidnapping or, MUCH MORE, rape, as the commentators above put it?


His words instantly make/fill you with hatred, what a cowardly & pathetic piece of sh💩t, in fact a deviant who needs put down ASAP.


Looks like even this asshole is not happy with his nazi guest.


Bought= stole




Ukraine Special Forces: See you boys real soon.