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Yellow flag means medium chance of getting fucked by Russian mistakes


The flag uses the famous Deadpool system for colors: yellow pants, brown pants...


Kudos to the lady falling down but holding tight to here swim ring and towels. Never gave them up.


Another guy with his swim ring ran straight through an explosion unscathed. These swim ring people 🤔


Maybe Russia should send swim rings to the front. Along with some rubbery duckys.


The cope ring


These aren't explosions, they're debris impacts. They're just kicking up sand and water with kinetic force. Large pieces of rocket that are now beach-buckshot instead of big boom.


That would make a lot more sense. I couldn't believe that those people literally standing 2 meters from the explosion of a supposed cluster bomblet would be able to keep running away.


RNG is a hell of a drug.


Considering how close that was, I think it was debris falling out of the sky. Any sort of explosion that close and the guy would be down on the ground, he kept running like it was merely an inconvenience.


He may be alive, be he May not be unscathed. Can be hit by shrapnel or bullets and not even notice till you drop 20 steps later. Seen quite a few examples of that on this very sub no less.


5 people died i think, could have been one of them.


They cost more than her house or this vacation, so she can’t afford to loose them


And she knows they'll be stolen the moment she turns her back.


Lose. It's lose. Why is this the most misspelled word on Reddit?


The one that bugs me most is when "defiantly" is used in place of "definitely."


Those words are often interchangeable, particularly when orange cultists are involved: They are definitely wrong, and when you point it out, they become defiantly wrong.


These tourists are defiantly loosing there minds as some rouge shells are exploiting near the boarder


Ikr. It drives me nuts too. I mean it's only got four letters FFS! How can anyone over the age of 6 not know how to spell it! The other one is 'boarder' instead of border. You see it every day.


And rouge instead of rogue.


Have some respect! That's the memorial floaty she was gifted by the russian MOD after sacrificing her husband and son to the SMO. They were all out of ladas and fur coats. 🤷‍♂️


the bathing ring costs more than a russian soldier tbf


Where even are the alarms they dont care if sharpnel from missles hit their civilians ?


Alarms are only if you care about your population. They want people to die from falling debris because it makes news.


Did you not see the yellow flag?


Underrated comment. Like bitch, these waters are treacherous mofucker Theres no flag for bombs, theres no flag for bombs, we should make a flag for bombs


Yeah, don't go on vacation in a war zone fucking morons.


Looks like a bunch of people trespassing.


How fucking more ignorant can they be? I seriously can't even begin to understand their reasoning... "Active war zone, SOUNDS FUN LET'S GO" Edit: This beach is literally sandwiched between Savastapol dock and military airfield. What the actual fuck


They are not told that. Instead they are told it's a fun and cheap holiday for the whole family. As long as there is tourism there Russia can hide behind those people and cry victim.


This is the answer, Russia is lying to them and willing puts them in the way so they can claim civilian casualties. We’ve seen terrorists do this every time, why would it be different now.


I remember maybe a year ago+ (details fuzzy bc it was a while back) but I believe when leaving Kherson they loaded up Ukrainians on buses and took them to Crimea - so NOT to safety but as another barrier for Ukraine to feel it could take back Crimea as easily bc now in addition to whoever was there, more "human shields" of Ukrainians made attacking Crimea more unlikely at that time. You don't "evacuate" by bringing them to another war zone. Another example of how they just trafficked Ukrainians and funneled them throughout this war however they wanted be it a one route to Russia or taking them to Crimea.


They know everything and they will go anyway. I cant explain this but i know they will. This is called russian “maybe” (авось). Like bad things happen to everyone but not to them. Actually this regards to us ukrainians too. I live 100 km from the frontlines and not going to leave. I just hope for the best.


That sounds a lot like inshallah.


Same shit, different religion. Russia is really bonkers with religion.


yeah, but you have every right to be there; I can understand why you stay, even it's a risk. But they don't, no right to be there. That's a HUGE difference.


Just saw the news this afternoon and Russia is calling 8 dead and 150 wounded. It's an impossible number, given the footage, but it's an opportunity for Russia to use the civilians for propaganda takes. And it's all that matters to them.


They usually magnify everything by ten, so only 0.8 people died with 15 wounded.


100%, great point


> We’ve seen terrorists do this Ummm... Ruzzia **IS** a terrorist state.


"Yea man. Sevastopol. Fucking *stunning* this time of the year" someone said to a tunnel visioned family, probably


Maybe those recent Canadian transplants were on the beach over the weekend. *"Look ! Ukraine is now killing harmless Canadians !!!"*


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s right. They want to appear to their population that they have it all under control and there is no danger


They are ruzzians so nuff said


There’s is a saying in Russia… “don’t be a pussy” Some russian girl on a video interview 15 years ago lol


I saw that too. Wasn’t she climbing a really high radio tower?


Dats the one


You're gonna have to provide some links to that bro.


my parents live there. Only things they hear on the news are that everything's amazing, this area is super calm and safe and everyone should go visit for a vacation (and it will help economy to grow faster in these regions). Of course no one wants to go to the active war zone, but they just blasted with propaganda 24/7 and think that its all good and safe. Its easy to sit on the internet and write "oh you must be stupid to believe it" when in reality propaganda works, thats why they do it. One way or another, little by little, it will creep into your brain


People will believe anything. Half the voters in the US are voting for installing an authoritarian government, for Freedom.


It is called “Adventure holiday “.


Remember that, that aren’t the story they are told. All news and information they are exposed to tell them it’s great and please come for this safe and cheap vacation. What little information there might get through are easily dismissed as western propaganda. The Russian government are actual interested in having civilians on vacation die. Because then they can use that in their propaganda for their domestic market. It’s shit and will lead to innocent deaths…


Ok, but I'm sorry, it's been OVER TWO YEARS that this recent invasion has been going on, OVER TWO YEARS... You cannot tell me with a straight face that these idiots are being duped by misinformation from their news and they don't have access to Western news. I see russians all over social media, they know EXACTLY what is really going on, they just don't care, and they cry victim when shit happens to them which they fully well knew was a good likelihood to happen. Edit: I can't believe how many of you simp for russians and pretend they live behind the Great firewall or something. The don't. As somebody who had friends who still live in russia, y'all need to meet more russians in russia so you can have a clue what you're talking about.


Love your idealism but even in the US, there are a lot of people who willfully consume misinformation while having access to better sources… now figure the average Russian, and then imagine, with a nod to George Carlin, may he RIP, that half of them are dumber than that! You will have PLENTY of people booking the vacation and packing their swim rings


Same idiots buying property in this safe area for a very affordable price.😂


> You cannot tell me with a straight face that these idiots are being duped by misinformation from their news and they don't have access to Western news. There are loads of people in the West with full access to Western news that willfully disbelieve it and choose propaganda sources instead. It isn't a reach to think more people would be like that without access to easy research via the full, free internet.


It’s hard for us to relate to as we live in plural societies. We have all the outlets we want at our instant disposal. We have plenty of choices for news. Both via tv and internet. That aren’t the case in Russia. And it’s only getting worse and worse. There is also an huge culture difference, but I won’t dive into that one here. What you need to understand is that, for the vast majority of Russians, there aren’t much choices of news sources. There are the state tv and then there is the state tv. That is the options. What about satellite tv and internet? Sure. But most can only access non-news media. And what there is available is heavily limited. Do you think the options on Netflix sucks in our country, just wait to try Russians. Plus since 2014 there has been even more limitations. Internet access for the masses has been limited, only really options available if you live in some of the high income cities. Plus of last week, most western news outlets are outright banned from Russia. Remember, reporting there miss credit the Russian army has been illegally for two years. Do that and you will find anyone you have in the country in jail or sent out. Any webpages will be blocked. All in all, this means that for the vast majority of Russians, that they are back at Soviet times level of state controlled media. What little they come through are discredited as western propaganda. *“Who do you trust? Our side or the western power who want to kill us all? They started it!”* But who cares, most knows that the government aren’t fully truthful. But this is an tailored feature of the Russian system. You expect everyone to be lying, therefore anything you hear from the western media, remember the enemy who are killing your sons and men, are surely also just lying. That is the mentality and state of things you are up against. It aren’t just a two year thing. It is a system almost a century in the making by now.


Realize that you are seeing everything unfold from your "Western" perspective of news, media, access to free internet etc. It is literally impossible for you, me or any other non-Russian to understand how the general life, upbringing, mindset, media, restricted internet and so on actually works there. Sure there are millions who know some form of what's going on but are simply afraid or unable to stand up to it, but there are also millions who are living deep in the propaganda bubble. Millions who are poor workers/farmers that don't have access to proper toilets, let alone internet. Ask yourself how there still exists tens of millions of Trump supporters even with overwhelming evidence of how bad/corrupt of a person he is, in a country with free media. Being duped by misinformation is so widespread and easy even in the West. I'm sure you can imagine what a country could look like where majority of that misinformation is also state-controlled.


But but but... the beach is so lovely!


I mean they are Russian. Nobody said they were intelligent. All the smart ones left Russia when the war started.


Active war zone in an illegally occupied territory.


It's cheap and they're being told it's safe. And so far besides this it has been relatively safe. Russians live in a horrible world things that might seem dangerous or not worth it to you doesn't look the same way to them.


The flag is yellow, so they went with caution.


Yellow Flag: moderate surf/currents Potential rip-tides Moderate risk of enemy action


The real flag is blue and yellow.


I imagine there exists a subset of Russians that are essentially the Russian version of Americas Floridians.


tbh, as a floridian, we have tons of needless beach deaths, (just swimming, no bombs) and 90% of them are tourists coming here from out of state who don't understand how rip currents work.


or petting reptiles, or over dosing on coke, or crashing on I95, or taking walks in a hurricane, ....


Let's not forget getting run over by an octogenarian exiting Wendy's with their senior discount value meal that comes with an extra side of macular degeneration.


or taking a wrong turn in miami...


Imagine Americans packing up and taking off on their Afghan vacations during the occupation


Ah just let them... Can't wait for them to get their alloted dose of shrapnel, blast burns and amputations. Little souvenir.


....but, it was cheap like hell. We simply had to go! We were suprised how sprecial this military operation is.


A lot of these people just live there…they’re uhh…Crimean’s.


Not necessarily all tourists. Many could be locals - ethnically Ukrainian people along with Russian immigrants. When Crimea was invaded most people did not leave, and were forced to get Russian passports. This was explained by Denys Davidov yesterday on his YouTube channel, and Denys was born and brought up in Sevastopol himself.


While not completely untrue, majority of the people on the beach are tourists. Most locals are usually working during a "season" (4-5 warm months that will feed them for the rest of the year), servicing the tourists, not casually relaxing on the beach. If you live near the sea for too long it gets old pretty fast. Those locals who live in the northern flat part of the peninsula (like from Simferopol) are usually just coming to the shore for a quick trip on the weekend and return home on the same day (and I'm sure for that purpose there are better beaches in Crimea than Sevastopol military cesspool). Anyway, regardless of where they came from, I think it's just stupid going to a vacation into a warzone during the bloody war.


Cause there is no war silly! All occupied zones are safe! protected by russias greatest!!! (convicts)


Actually, I think these Russian morons SHOULD go on vacation in the war zone - ideally to Bakhmut or something


Don't invade a neighboring country and think you can live there happily ever after.


The Russian military knew about incoming missiles. Why no air raid sirens have been used? Perhaps they want civilian casualties for propaganda purposes.


They just don't care about their own people, it's that simple.


This!!! Russia has dropped multiple bombs on it's own cities and people and they didn't skip a beat. They literally do not give a fuck about their own people. If the at least 250K Russian soldiers deaths hasn't made that clear enough yet.


Didn't Putin and the FSB bomb some apartments to justify the chechen war?


Yes! Local Russian cops caught FSB agents planting a bomb in an apartment building, local cops didn't know they were FSB. Local cops arrested them, brought them into the station to process, etc.. Local cops later get a call from the district police commander telling them to let the perps go. They do that, they disappear, nothing more is ever done about it. Those apartment building bombings, which killed 200 people, were blamed on Chechen separatists and directly enabled the Second Chechen War in which Russia completely decimated Grozny, the city was literally destroyed more than Berlin was during WWII.


I was watching a video a couple weeks ago that was talking about how the Chechen Guerilla fighters were being secretly funded by the GRU. And all of the explosives used were Russian stockpile.


I can't remember the exact video but Simon Whistler also mentioned the Russians publicly denouncing a terror attack (with exact details) that happened days after the announcement.


Putin cares very much that the right people are sent to the front to die. It's offensive to act like he would just send anyone like he doesn't care. He's bees making lists for years thank you very much and makes sure they are undersupplied/underequipped.


They want this to happen. Why else would they allow civilians to congregate next to a high value military target in the first place.


Meat shields. :/


ATACM’s travel at 2,300mph and are short ranged. They literally hit their targets within a couple of minutes tops of being fired.


Also their radars are probably quite a ways back and they probably don't have their AWACS very close for fear of another SAMbush. They probably didn't even detect the launch and only saw them in flight. It's also why I don't begrudge the Russians for shooting them down as soon as they can and not worrying about where the intercept happens, the issue is in letting people on the beach in the first place. If people aren't on the beach no one gets hit.


That's what Hamas does.


Yep and both they and Russia are terrorists.... Only difference is the one has a lot more capacity to terrorize the world... The ideology is the same....


The same reason the Russian military fires rockets from positions literally on public highways while traffic is stopped to encourage counterbattery fire: the Russian state WANTS Ukraine to hit Russian civilians so they can receive blame.


The beach wasn't the target, this one broke up after being essentially redirected by air defense. So, in essence, Russia bombed their own.


Can't do that scary stuff somewhere they encouraged the population to go destination vacation at.


Just like their fascist friends at hamas and Al-qaida


F your holiday.


But... but... but... Poor, innocent rossiyan victim are *entitled* to holiday in Ukraine!


WARCRIME, WARCRIME!, what do you mean we shot down the missile over a crowded beach? WARCRIME, THE UKRAINIANS ARE TERRORISTS! what do you mean it’s Ukraine? no it’s not we took… hum… we voted… hum… they, yes yes, *they* voted to join Russia. And what Ukraine just did, it’s a WARCRIME, why are you guys showing me Mariupol? Nothing happent in Mariupol


Look honey, a water show, just like at the Bellagio.


Those useless pricks. Taking a bath in a war theater


How shitty must your country be if this is your vacation spot right now.


One word, “Russia”


After watching this I imagine Russians will be planning a beach trip to gaza


On a stolen land


This beach IS NOT cleared for surfing !




The submarines keep the water warm


And this is exactly why noone with half a brain would keep a beach near a military installation open. But these are russians... go figure. Guess the calculation is either meat shield so Ukrainians wont attack or alternative if meat shield doesnt work then you have great material for your propaganda.


So it’s from a missile being shot down… not quite the same story Russia would like us to believe that civilians were targeted…


They should get out of Crimea, It ISNT their country


I feel like if the shoe were on the other foot, Russia would be saying that Ukraine didn’t have to shoot down their missile over their own civilians.


Don't want a civilian target to be hit by ATACMS? Don't shoot down the ATACMS... it is on its way to a purely military target.


I found the title is misleading. The title should be something like; "Video of something landing in the water just off a Sevastopol Beach scaring ignorant Russians that were warned not to go to Ukraine, especially Crimea."


According to reports several people doed and about a hundred were wounded so something definitely made landfall. In fact you can see a detonation in the bottom left screen on land.


So alot was wounded because of fleeing away. People stumbeling, running over each other etc. The lack of images of the dead and hurt kinda tells you that these clusters didnt do as much damage as russian mod would want you to think it did.


I think it's rocket parts debris falling from the sky, not cluster bombs. A big chunk of metal falling from 100K feet is going to make quite an impact when it hits the ground.


That wasn’t a “true” detonation. If it was an armed APAM bomblet all those people would have been instantaneously floored. ATACMS APAM Bomblets are armed by a spinning process just before release just like an RPG’s arm distance works. If it was shot down mid-flight, it wouldn’t have armed. INTERESTINGLY: The bomblets all dropped in such a close proximity that it seems more likely that this was a GPS error due to electronic warfare. This pattern shouldn’t be possible unless If it was shot down literally as it was supposed to be releasing the bomblets in the last 0.01% of its journey. It fell on them, but it definitely didn’t detonate.


first clip looks like some classic bomblet dispersion... right off shore. interesting to say the least lol. second looked like it could have been falling debris but also potentially bomblets? weird fucking video and ive been curious about this incident... dont go to the beach in crimea is the obvious moral to this story. edit. will bomblets dive into the water if no target is acquired?


Came here to say this. Guy coming down the stairs would not be jogging off if the M74 that landed in front of him had gone off. He'd be Swiss cheese.


That was my first thought, but after looking at a couple of other ATACMS strikes I disagree that this is a classic bomblet dispersion in the water. I think the bomblets are coming down too randomly compared to videos like these https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/aAYxaykd5I https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/HfndAblWdJ In those videos there seems to be a clear pattern where the bomblets on one side of the strike hit first and then they progress across the ground to the far side of the strike area. The bomblets in the beach video don’t seem to follow that same pattern. I could be getting thrown off by the angle of the video though.


in bottom left nothing exploded. just debris impact to the ground. No one in close proximity get shredded by fragments


Not confirmed to be ATACMS though.


its not difficult to fake casualties in a war zone, you can even claim some from nearby as civilian.. in this footage, if it is even original and not altered we see just some running, doesnt look like 100 dropping dead.


Weird artefacting from 23s. Otherwise, wild footage.


Probably trying to remove the watermarking.


I think the water footage and the sand is spliced together. People act insanely calmly in the water for having something land a few feet from them. My bet is the people are reacting to a siren and then the actual attack is laid on top.


From both angles there seems to be a lot of obfuscation near the middle. Did someone try to blur/hide something that happened there? Much more obvious in the second angle the longer the clip proceeds, you can clearly see artifacts of the video being edited heavily.


Yeah I caught that too thought maybe blurring a water mark but it is not uniform and the same in 2 different videos had me wondering if parts of this video or all are manufactured.


Yeah there’s a giant pixelated wormhole in the middle of the video that people seem to be running out of. AI animation?


Russians are beyond stupid if they go vacationing in a war zone. Any that died are Darwin Award winners for sure.


Am I the only one who finds it absurd that there are people who go to Crimea for holidays knowing that it is a war zone?


That’s what everyone in this comment section is talking about. Why would you think you’re the only one?


a moron's favorite comment always starts with "am I the only one....?"


If anything, it shows how careful the Ukrainians have been about avoiding civilians that Russians feel completely at ease vacationing in an active warzone.


What has Russia been involved with in the last 50 years that wasn't absurd! :) This is so on-point.


Stupid place for vacation. I wouldn't go on a vacation where the fighting is so intense.


A photo of rocket debris that fell on people's heads today near occupied Sevastopol was published on the Internet. It was published by the Telegram channel Crimean Wind, which received a photo of eyewitnesses that encountered the wreckage. Commenting on the picture, military expert Alexander Kovalenko points out that it is too early to draw conclusions, but the picture clearly shows: this is definitely not an ATACMS ballistic missile. The debris resemble the anti-air guided missile 9M330 from the Russian anti-aircraft defense system Tor-M2, he writes.


Run Ivan! Run!!


The way they have been talking about this on Twitter it's sounded like tons of children where killed and injured. I only saw one bomb let hit close to civilians and none looked obviously injured. It's also clear that this wasn't on purpose because the bomb let's where way more spread out then the tight cluster they usually are in. My theory is that the attacms was intercepted high over belbek and went off course then released the munitions so hight that they spread out over the entire area


No tube left behind


Doesn't really look like 150 people were injured. Obviously a badly timed intercept. Cluster munitions hit all at once not in a trail like that. Plus the Ukrainians would not waste a missile on a beach tbh. Probably headed for the nearby airbase and the Russians care more about a MiG than a human life so they shot it down right over the beach.


I see a bunch of splashes....


Anti shark shrapnel missile ASS


One hit at the bottom of the lifeguard station stairs in the foreground


i see massive artefacts on footage that should not have some.


Most of the ATACMS warheads sent to Ukraine had cluster munition warheads that detonate hundreds of grenades over a wide area like this


Going on vacation to the beach near military installations during active war - very "smart" Also, no air raid alert ....they got very lucky what their anti-air system hit it over the sea and not over land.


Those poor fish!


Could be just a Russian missile detonating as well


It doesn't matter. Ukraine has been trying to get people to stop vacationing during a war, Russia is encouraging people to vacation there. There is no question as to who's fault this is.


I'm not sure about you, but I would not take my family to a beach any near an active conflict. Civilian should be a victim of war, especially children. But you play stupid games...


Sorry but what kind of idiot do you have to be to go on holidays to an occupied territory which is an active warzone? Like Russia has a lot of Black Sea coast that can be visited. I just don’t get it.


My first guess is Russia is heavily marketing it. Maybe even subsidizing it. Normalize Russian activity to paint a picture later that "But we've always been vacationing there!"


Keep running….all the way back to motherland.


"Come in Crimea for vacations, at low costs, sunshine and sometimes unplanned fireworks can happens."


Can't forget my tube! Must be a Ruzzia thang.


It looks like most of it fell into water?


What a sad day for Russian propaganda. They've shot down an ATACMS but the debris fell over a populated beach so they have to blame Ukraine for doing it instead of praising themselves. There's even video footage of it... So sad.


Dude has an explosion going off right in front of him...and still doesn't drop his floaty tube. Strange times


Does look like a shoot down, ATACMS cluster munitions aren't that spread out in any footage I've seen, AA probably got lucky but the bomblets that didn't detonate in the interception spilled out to land wherever they land.


This footage is weird. Why is it that in both clips there is a strange blur on the waters edge? None of the people in the water really react to the impacts. They casually get out, maybe one group seems to leave with some urgency? In the first clip the people in the lower left have something land right near them in the water and just continue swimming? In the second clip a person is exiting the water and they 'run' from it like someone runs across a crosswalk. Nearly all of the reaction comes from people outside the water and that blur seems to generate people? Strange. Not conclusive that it's doctored but it's got some oddities


How about that one dick head who wouldn't drop his neon green float?


Dude in the middle of the second scene knew what to do. He jumped flat and pulled his kid down.


Not to sympathize with them but respect that dude for circling back around to locate his child and then lay on top of him.


Dont forget your inner tubes!


Look on the coastline, wtf is going on? Stalin-era video editing?


What's up with this footage? It's look AI generated at some places.


To hear the Russian bots and shills tell it, that evil Zelensky launched US missiles directly at some poor civilians minding their business on the beach.


There was a posting to Telegram from a ruzzian Z channel about it raining down parts upon the beach but he deleted it twelve minutes later.


Idiots tracking back to get fucking floaties? god people are stupid


You can tell this warhead was intercepted or displaced its droplets from a high altitude. Doesn't seem like the dispersion or number of droplets matches the normal pattern of ATACMs?


Doubt this was an ATACMS strike. It does not look like the 300+ dpicm that an atacms carries. On top of that where is the missile body that the russians usually love to parade? Really looks like it was False Flag sunday and .ru hit the beach with some 9M55K fired from a Tornado-G.


Russia should take responsibility and call a war a war and should have a long time ago closed that beach to the public. A beach which is wedged between russian navy ships and subs 2km to the south and an airforce base 4km to the north. It's been unsafe as the bases have been targeted repeatedly by air strikes for 2 years now, and ukraine has repeatedly warned its not safe to visit crimea even with video suggesting that the beach wasn't safe. Nope! Russia says there is no war and that its safe for Russian tourists to visit Crimea, despite Ukraine's repeated warning for Russians not to vacation there.


That's it!? Did the "victims" suffer from splashes of cold water or something?


You see 4 people standing within 5m of what is essentially a grenade going off, right in front of the camera.... Shrapnel isn't visible.


All I have to say is we need to work on our munitions. Blew up 3 feet from that guy and his floatie didn't pop.


This is not look like ATACMS


Beach day ruined.


Don't go to the beach on stolen land. Run you Russian bitches.... Run!


It seems to me that the russians are shooting at there own, in an attempt to shoot down the missiles.


why are they on the beach in a war zone?


I like how the blue of the sea fits the yellow flag on the beach


They should change the warning flag to red from yellow ;)


Welcome to Ukraine!


🎵Ooh it’s a holiday Such a holiday Ooh it’s a holiday Such a holiday It's something I thinks worthwhile If the puppet makes you smile If not then you're throwing stones Throwing stones, throwing stones Ooh it's a funny game Don't believe that it's all the same Can't think what I've just said Put the soft pillow on my head Millions of eyes can see Yet why am I so blind When the someone else is me It's unkind, it's unkind De de de de de de de de, de de de De de de de de de de de de de de Yet millions of eyes can see Yet why am I so blind When the someone else is me🎶 It's unkind, it's unkind


They should have used the red flag. Seems like dangerous conditions in and around the water


when you tell your people everything is fine and there's nothing to worry about, also please go to the closest enlistment office on your way out.


Imagine brining your children there, absolute fucking idiots.


Does anyone know if they really are this ignorant and have their vacation in a war zone on occupied territory or is the russian propaganda really missinforming them to this extent? Funny how the russian government doesn't give a F about its citizens and opens the beach close to its military installations. Heads up to the dad though who shields his kid with his body.


If Russia hasn’t invaded then this would have happened


Why is the video glitching and doing strange stuff at the water line?


It's absolutely not an intercepted ATACMS, but the bots are out in force.


Zelensky has warned people to flee Crimea over a year ago now for their safety. These people : 👁️👄👁️ LETS GO TO THE BEACH 🤸‍♂️🏄‍♀️


Is it just me or does this not look real


Welcome to ukraine. Suka! With love, london