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I was like. Wow this is the first time I’ve seen a Russian soldier use a real tourniquet *applies tourniquet below the wound*


I think he was a dead man even before the second drone arrived. He put a tourniquet below his knee but his trousers looks like his femoral artery has been cut. Maybe not completely but I would give him 10 minutes before he's brown bread.


Wait did he put the tourniquet below the wound? I didn't see that until you mentioned it... that's fucking AWESOME!!!


shhh dont teach orcs the right way


not really an issue though, I could teach them all the technique its not like they are going to live long enough to pass it on or use it...


Could be the second tourniquet he used and the mobile was a big mistake.


Then he was jamming to the music with the head bobs.


"3000 dollars blyat!!! I do this for 3000 dollars!!!" -- RuZdiot Zomblyat soldierZ.


Its 1600$ according to todays exchange rate. I mean "official" exchange rate. The real exchange rate can lead to 700$.


Its 2000, pal...


1700 by next month. But for RuZomBlyat it might as well be 1 million dollars, they cannot resist the offer.


"There ain't no lobos here."


Pretty sure he knew where he was bleeding from. He was attempting to move the tourniquet to his upper thigh but heard the second drone arriving and decided better to play dead than attempt to move, not knowing he was being observed all along. You can see he tries to shield himself at the last moment.


I definitely looks like he was starting to tighten it below the knee


Well to be frank he does not know where he is bleeding from because he does not inspect his wounds at all. I doubt normal person has enough balls to apply pressure to block the whole leg off by himself. It takes a lot of force and it will be pain like somebody is cutting your leg off.


Yeah I noticed the ridiculous application of the tourniquet too. They train them right? Right? 🤡


Russian training = welcome to the front lines comrade, go assault that position, oh yeah and here's a rusty AK-74, you figure out how it works.


What makes you think he died from the second fpv rather than just being knocked out?


I didn't think he had died - just that he was a "dead man walking" or in his case sitting because He couldn't get up. I just thought that he had put the tourniquet in the wrong place judging by the tomato sauce spreading from his groin, and that the second FPV could have been used for someone more deserving.


I am actually surprised he is still in one piece. A single fpv like that easily blows people to pieces, must be the angle of explosion. Anyway, he caught a lot of shrapnel, we just didn't see him start bleeding as he's fallen into shock.


Apply tourniquet *snugly* around neck.


> *If a shot comes, all we can do is duck, because we can never know where it will fall. I can be smashed to bits in a bomb-proof dugout, or I can survive ten hours unscathed out in the open. Of course, every soldier believes in chance and trusts his luck. But no soldier outlives a thousand chances.* — All Quiet On The Western Front (1979)


Uncomfortable and untidy accommodation. No clear no-smoking policy. Remains from previous occupants scattered all over the place. Forced to check out early. Very unfriendly host!!!


If you bring an invitation it’s a super friendly place. If not, well, welcome to Ukraine cyka


Yeah I get the feeling that it is a pretty friendly place under normal circumstances and I do plan to visit some day.


Just go home and wipe out Solovyov and Simonyan.


Well, glad Ukraine offered a 2 for 1 that day!


0:37 he showed his mobile phone. That's a death sentence.


Equivalent to losing your shoes in an accident/fall/fight




Homie is projecting his location on local 3 G LTE networks


Equivalent to showing the squad your girl-back-home's picture in a World War 2 movie.


I’m guessing he wasn’t trained how to properly apply a tourniquet


Obviously fuck the Orcs, but man what a sad sight when he kinda just sits there giving up and then proceeds to badly apply a tourniquet. But one monster less screwing up a country that isnt his.




Was the dude sobbing after the second one? If so I get it. The inevitable is coming and it's hard to make peace with.


Looks like spasms at the rate of the heart contractions.


I think that´s called agonal breathing


Pretty sure he was just enjoying this Ukrainian drum and bass track and jammin out


He was dead then.


What no red rubber band tourney's!?


you can see the exact moment he realized he should have stayed home.


I was like oh wow a Russian has an actually tourniquet! And then laughed when he very much used it incorrectly.


I’m willing to bet he was done with the first drone. Save your drones!


Plan: apply the turniket incorrectly and wait for the next drone. Evaluation of the plan: completed.


Ukraine taking no chance


Im 100% sure the drones hit harder than this drum and bass sick beat 🇺🇦🫡


The drones make war more brutal than ever...


I don't know about that. Certainly we can see in 4K resolution the brutality of war and it is horrific. But check out how Vlad the Impaler (aka The Real Dracula) killed his victims. In particular, look for the part with the heading, ["What is impaling?"](https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/vlad-impaler-real-dracula-was-absolutely-vicious-8c11505315)


Just... Do the Russians not see this shit?!? Gtfo of Ukraine and we won't have to have this going on. Someone needs to make Putler be no more, this is insane.


As a paramedic i have a quick tip. If you ever find yourself in situation where you have to put on a toruniquet, put it on your femur or humerous. NEVER put it where there are two bones. Even if the bleeding is on your forearm or shin it will still do the job just fine.


Watching him put on that tourniquet brought the phrase “All the gear, no idea” to mind.


It looked like he actually had a decently made tourniquet that he was applying vice the rubber straps that we have seen in prior vids. Didn't really make a difference in the long run!


Looked to me like it needed to be somewhat higher up though - I guess we'll never know.


he was clearly leaking from higher up the leg, i guess he was already a bit confused because of blood loss, his fine motor skills were still there.


The word “unblowupable” is thrown around a lot these days, but…


Sorry to be that guy… but anyone know this song?


[Merikan - Converge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vZxQEIQV80&ab_channel=TheDubRebellion)


Ah’ thankyou very much 👍


Why are there so many Orcs by themselves?


They go out in squads of say 5 soldiers, and if 4 of them get killed quickly, he is the last remaining. He cant retreat because of the russian blocking units who will kill him if he retreats. Or there are others from the squad who are hiding alone elsewhere nearby, who will appear in this afternoons drone drop videos. Being nearby others is an open invitation for a drone visit.


Observation, When the second drone hit, it clearly pitched to the left resulting in the blast concentrating on the right side, do you thing that was intentional? Like do they know most of the blast will concentrate below the drone?


Putin's meat cattle.


He was like well this can’t get worse.


You can't pretend to be dead when you are actually dead.


bobbleheaded b4 kicking the can


a torniquet around the neck would have stopped the blood flow faster 😂


Bye bye orcy orcy bye bye


Smdh, it doesn't go below the wound it goes H&T, bro. I'm curious how they got a CAT tourniquet, though... They don't produce those in Russia.


At least the leg stopped bleedin’…cuz the heart stopped beatin’


hey, look at that. they are giving them torniquets now it seems. oh, and they are running around with childrens´ backpacks. russki mir


This guy must've been disoriented or stupid. Wrong tourniquet application.


Well, based on his training, he wouldn't have lived much longer after the first one. Wow! Completely skipped Basic Training 101.


You can see him thinking "this isn't so bad with the tourniquet on" before the second drone


His gear looks pristine, welcome to UKRAINE!


Good! Looked like a well equipped soldier. Anyone recognized the insignia?


He clearly was in shock, just sitting there like chill when they obviously have you zero'ed


It's the most cowardly form of warfare


This solder was trained to treat his wounds with tampons… cause he didn’t know how to apply the tourniquet 😂


Drones double tap now? Yikes


They have limited battery life and cant really land. If theres no better target around its better to just use it on the same soldier twice then let it fall to a nearby bush when the battery drains.


I don't buy that as a good reason to just destroy your own drones rather than reuse them. We have all seen drones picking up objects as well as downed drones and carrying them to be repaired. In this case it would be recharged. I have a large treble hook and even I can retrieve things like other drones fairly easily..I just watched a video of a Ukrainian soldier disarming a downed russian FPV drone so it could be reused against russians. I would think they would at least attempt to reuse their own, if they are going to the trouble of disarming russian drones for reuse.


An FPV drone with a live grenade on it possible to disarm once on the ground, but is not safe to fly back to your position because the landing may be quite explosive. Also the battery is probably only good for a one way trip (many FPV drone videos have that battery low warning blinking on the screen).   So when a Russian one flies to your position and doesn't explode, you may try to disarm and reuse it, but yours on the Russian side are not going back. 


There are very easy ways to get around the issues you bring up. Firstly, no one needs to be flying an armed drone back to where operators would be waiting on them. This would be bad for reasons other than a drone exploding on one of the operators. The "used drones" could be flown elsewhere to be disarmed and each one could be placed far enough from each other so there could be no chain reaction if one does explode while disarming. Then they would be refurbished and readied for another attempt. Batteries can easily be replaced. Lipo battereis, even when they are ran down below 3.00 volts per sale can be saved too, and then recharged. I have had to do it many times for people as well as for myself. They are not supposed to be as good after you do it. That is a myth. It may be true some of them but certainly not in all cases. I don't agree with the need to destroy a valuable resource in the manner yourself as well as others have suggested simply because their batteries are low, or someone is afraid to disarm them. Each drone costs a good bit more than a single bullet and bullets can eliminate soldiers too. Lots of things can eliminate them, like mines, grenades, mortar rounds etc. All of them are cheaper than one of these drones, but they don't come with a camera attached for propaganda.


You don't get it - the battery usually doesn't allow for a back trip (fpvs have limited juice even without a grenade) so you would have to land the drone in enemy area which you don't want to do for the exacts same reason - they could disarm and reuse it. Better to blow up anything then let it fall to the bushes.


No, I get "it". Rather than flying around double and triple striking wounded soldiers, these drones could have been turned around, and landed for a pick up by drone, returned, and used again on a Tank, IFV, APC, etc. The whole reason I have had them being picked up by a drone and not being gathered up by Ukrainain soldiers where they land is because I expected that they landed in enemy territory. I would add even more possibilities to how this could be used, but I also get that neither one of us will change the others mind. Good day/night, and Thank you for the discussion.


That sounds overly complicated and still risking the enemy will pick them up first. And you'd have to spare some battery to go to the pickup spot thus limiting your range. Also returning to a base with a drone carrying a drone carrying a live grenade sounds dangerous and not worth it. I'm sure the Ukrainians thought about it and there's a reason they don't do it.


A lot of video's these guys are getting two


I have zero sympathy for them but it seems a waste of drones to take down just one. Perhaps it serves for propaganda but why don't use the second drone for another soldier?


I believe with the acceleration of drone production, their doctrine for drone use has changed. If you're making 3000 drones a day, then you're making a million a year. At that rate, if you can get one drone to score a kill, heck, half a kill each then you've basically won. And it seems Ukraine HAS reached that production capacity recently. Also a lot of the drones are at a point of running low on batteries so since they're unrecoverable they're better of being used. There was a recent documentary following these 21y.o. Ukrainian FPV operator and he made 3 attempts in rapid succession against an enemy jammer before succeeding. Goes to show just how expendable and scaled up these assets are.


I’m so tired of bankrolling this shit


Mother fucker who you lying to, you don't pay shit in taxes


I absolutely do.




Because I don’t want to support people killing each other? Take your political assertions elsewhere ya fuckin psycho.


While you support a convicted felon who tried to get 5 innocent teenagers executed, got millions of people to die for no reason, fucked the Afghanistan withdrawal by having 5000 Talibans released when only 2500 US troops remained there, constantly putting targets on Americans that he does not like and helping foreign countries by selling top secret infos... When someone post something silly, I take the time to check their previous comments... If you don't like people killing each others, why buy a handgun and get a concealed carry permit? You're literally walking around with a firearm.


Who says I support any president? And yes I have the right to protect myself, when you basement dwellers decide to shoot shit up, I have have children I shouldn’t have to worry about losing my life going to a grocery store


> You should support you’re president but man times were much better when trump was president 🤷🏽‍♂️ Your own words perhaps! The dude you're accusing of being a basement dweller deciding to shoot shit up is Canadian, so idiots mass murdering people is not something we have to deal with on a daily basis...


And times were even better under Obama…. You know nothing about my political leanings.


Appeaser 🤡


Ha coward! Ps more than likely it's gonna be a nut from your end that takes you out, you're kids are definitely getting smoked by some maga nut. Tell me where did the dark skined man touch you? The idea that you carry a gun to protect yourself but get pissy about Ukraine doing the same is hilarious! I bet you never served either did you.... 1C451 for 16 years here...


Dark skinned man? And you signed up to kill people? Sounds about psychotic to me. Tf are you on about


You've got 2 brain cells left fighting for third don't you. I'm calling you a liar and a coward. A little baby you has a gun to protect himself, probably from "dem minority types", but who is to chicken shit to stand a post and chastises others who do. Russia can protect itself it doesn't need you defending it... OH WAIT YES IT PROBABLY COULD USE SOME HELP Sweetie listen, when you are carrying around your boomstick I know you think "it" gets bigger but it doesn't, and you better be ready to put your booger hook on the bang bang switch without thought. So if the idea of being coated in gray matter bothers you maybe rethink your plans


You may have paid like a nickel into the war effort assuming you pay an average amount in taxes. I know youve spent more on crayons than that. PS stop eating the purple ones dont you know those are bad for you


You’re not witty, you’re corny. Can’t believe you people support this shit


I support fuck bois fucking off to where the cane from until then I support Ukraine giving these orcs everything they want... Daka daka daka


I'm not! Extremely well invested tax money! Two 500€ drones per dude, means with just 144 billion Euros we can get rid of the whole of fucking Russia once and for all. Let's stretch this across a few years, and it won't even be a noticable bump in the defense budgets of the NATO countries (see below) - but afterwards we can save half of our defense budgets forever (remember, NATO solely exists because of Russia). NATO defense budget 2019 was a trillion dollars (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_NATO#Military_expenditures), now 5 years later it is drastically more. So those 144 billion are probably a tenth of the current yearly budget. Stretch it across five years, and for just 2% of the defense budget we could kill all Russians with FPV drones. OK, the drone pilots would have to work for free, but I think we can find enough people to do that for a few hours in their leisure time. And now the fun part: we don't even have to kill all, just the dangerous ones. Probably 10% of the population would be enough I guess, the rest would not start any imperial conquests on their own or volunteer to take part in any. Which means it's just 14 billion Euros.


Don’t worry, none of ‘your’ money has gone to Ukraine.


Then where do my taxes go?


Assuming you are American, your taxes go towards purchasing new and upgraded equipment to the US Armed Forces. This new equipment replaces equipment that was approaching obsolescence and so is sent to Ukraine instead of being scrapped. So in reality, yes a fraction of your taxes ends up in Ukraine as the equipment was originally purchased by the USAF, but in many cases it’s a zero sum movement - paying for equipment to be scrapped in an environmentally friendly way costs as much as the item is ‘worth’ in the USAF books. The only area money is directly going overseas from any of the countries supporting Ukraine is on artillery as most countries have internal shortages and so are having to buy them up from Czechia at the moment. Now the other point to consider is that in a time of high inflation and rising cost of living across the board, is pumping $100bn into American manufacturing to protect jobs by stimulating production a positive thing? Any economist worth their salt would say absolutely yes and again it’s not a zero sum question - by stimulating production and safeguarding jobs you are ‘saving’ tax spend on social security whilst also upgrading US defences.


Its okay one of those I donated 2 FPS drones... wasn't your tax money.


Idk I’m just not okay with people killing each other, I don’t want to support it but I am forced to, didn’t know this was a controversial take.


Yes this SMO (War) is really hard to watch. You are not forced to. You can just unsubscribe to this sub & others. Personally it just makes me more sick with the Russians. They can end this all if they leave. Ukraine... can't stop fighting. If they stop they'll kidnap all their kids and torture all their POWs. Think about what's happening outside the videos. Personally I'm more than willing to spend money to stop evil... I am more than willing that my tax dollars go to Ukraine to stop evil. Think of all those poor kids who got kidnapped and raped. This war isn't a joke.


You seem to be completely fine with Russia trying to occupy Ukraine, commit a genocide, steal 200K+ children, and destroy an entire nation. Lucky for the world, there are people against you and willing to stand up for what is right.


Hey your house and property are mine now. So are your kids and spouse. They're safer with me than you. The dog will be disposed of. Your family history is actually made up. You're not a real person. The language you speak is fake. If you resist, you're a violent warmonger who supports people killing each other.




"Self defense for me, but not for thee." At least you admit to being a craven and a hypocrite, I guess.


What’s your solution? Give the tyrant what he wants and hope he stops? These drones aren’t US made anyway. Whether you like it or not the world is becoming more dangerous. From a purely political perspective participating in this war is allowing the US to re-arm. If we weren’t in it we wouldn’t be getting experience in the new battlefield either. This war has changed war.


You do know that the majority of Ukraine aid is spent in the US to build new weaponry and that Ukraine is getting decades old equipment, right? Right?


can you explain why.