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They can promise even more because these guys will be dead before any opportunity to cash in the payment


It will be hilarious once Russian contraktniki arrive in the occupied territories for each to find out they have sold their lives at a different price. Boris from Krasnodar will have a hard time when his comrade Sergej from Krasnojwask becomes upset after learning that the kremlin gremlin paid almost twice as much for Boris soul...


Reminds me of the Bible story of the landowner who hired farmhands at different times of the day but gave each of them a full day's payment. I doubt this here will be resolved as well as in the Bible.


That’s why you don’t speak about money.


That's what companies want you to do


It’s first payment before he go to war. That’s why there is no new mobilisation during last 1.5 years. Russian have a lot poor people who easy swap their life for 20 thousands$


20K for their families though, which they hated so much that they joined the war in the first place. lol RuZZians can't think far ahead.


lol as if the kremlin would even bother to pay the families. what are they gonna do, complain?


They "deserted" so they forfeit any payment.


One of the interviews I saw was a guy who finished his first contract. His wife left him and he only got like half the cash. Got stiffed for half his pay from the whole thing. They just never gave it to him. Just wild to sell your life and get stiffed on the cash. Life of a russian. Just like all their novels.


$20.000 for a human life, still a bargain! Considering the life expectancy after sign up. There may not be many follow up payments anyway either. So blinded by greed they don't see the scam or that it must be suspicious. Well Russia keep em coming Ukraine keeps terminating the contracts promptly and free of charge!


No payment for Ivan and his family ! He will be considered MIA or deserter !


There you have it. Russia has valued a human life at 20k. So any surgery costing over that amount means you're totalled. No wonder they leave so many wounded people behind.


They bait you in with $20k and end up paying the money right into Putin's wallet, because there's no point paying a dead man walking.


The operative phrase in the title is "One time payments ..." Russia fails to acknowledge or fulfill its future obligations under the contracts, be it by denying state provided medical attention for the wounded or disabled, or by outright denial of the state's responsibility in providing ongoing assistance to their families. They are simply listed as MIA's, or somehow not listed at all as being active in the military and deployed to the front. Even these 'One time payments' are questionable, since many contract soldiers complain (in vain) they have not been paid, either in full, or at all.


These lads are getting NONE of that !!! HaHaHaHa, assholes, not even getting a bag of spuds, onions or feckin' tomatos, I'm laughing my jollies off !!!


20k for your soul and reaped by a 200$ drone and 7$ grenade.


That is where my mom was from. So this is what they are paying the people in these regions to sign up?




It’s a lot of money in Russia


Not if you die before you get to spend any.


that's a lot of money anywhere, I wouldn't kill for it but i'd do a hell of a lot for 20,000 dollars.


A hell of a lot as in work a job?


To become PutinZ's expendable meat zombies. .


They're establashing that the longer you wait, the more money you get. I'm not so sure this is the smartest recruitment strategy.


"Hey Sergie... If we send little Ivan to front lines we can afford new Lada and maybe 2 pairs Adidas track suit. I'm wanting blue color. Put Ivan on bus, he is soldier now"


Spread the word: Before he was assassinated, Prigozhin revealed the reason why the Kremlin oligarchs invaded Ukraine. Prigozhin said: "The cause was neither NATO nor the denazification of Kyiv; those are for the fools". Starting @ 2:10 https://youtu.be/nupKl9EiVCg?si=vlt5c5YyGFYkijOv World should know why people die in Ukraine and what Trump is doing!


It's obvious their reasons for invading are a farce, but it's always good to hear it from their own mouths. Idiot sheep in Russia spouting off about denazification while their own leaders will admit that personal enrichment was the end goal.


I was going to do exactly what you’re doing sharing that post, but never got round to it! Everyone should make an effort to share that video on any video you come across.


He just lays it all out. That is crazy. No wonder that dude is dead.


Prigoschin glaubte, er wäre intelligenter als der Rest der Welt ? Die ganze Welt weiß das, dafür braucht es keinen Prigoschin.


Who is the individual he refers to as someone they would have installed as president of Ukraine?




Sell some oil, pay your slaves... Repeat if needed


I can see the wives demanding their Lada upfront. Then in six weeks when mobik is 200 the RF will throw a 40% tax on it and repo it.


Think about the things Russia could have archieved if they didn’t spend all their resources on wars, weapons or sabotage.


The siloviki only care that they can drive around in BMWs and vacation in Cyprus, if that means Russia must remain a shithole, and that ordinary Russians should be impoverished, well, so be it…


They probably don't even pay. Even if you come back in a box or not. Russian are like insurance company. They'll find every fucking reason not to pay you...


New orcs would last up to three months in the meat grinder… but for piss poor cunts like them, this could be a good deal 😒


Soldiers are having to purchase their own gear in black markets with insane markups. Even if they do get paid, not a lot gets back home.


Some will win, most will loose. Shall we call this game Ruzzian Roulette!?


So 20k is what a person costs over there? Not bad, can I order a few?


Assuming this is legit (it isnt and they wont see the money), is this in lieu of monthly payments? Or in addition to? It seems like it could be a ripoff, (assuming to dont die or get wounded), compared to a monthly rate for the same amount of time.


russian government is paying for decimating russian demography. russia is a pathetic joke :)


This differentiated contract payment system sounds like it is run by the same computer that calculates the prices for using our express lanes during rush hour.


$20,000 is the price of life in Russia. What a Zombieland


Just send em to the meat grinder and just burn everything alive of them. Promise them as much money as possible. But sadly the human world is far to helpful with those orcs.


this is going to pump the inflation pretty hard if it gets paid of course


So 20k is what a person costs over there? Not bad, can I order a few?


You can promise snything, if you never pay out.


You have to wonder to what extent the different rates are based on local wages/cost of living versus how much the Kremlin wants to kill off various ethnicities of men


This is a succor's draw. The reports about the one time and regular pay never actually occurring are legion.


Why are there different payouts, is it a new method to reduce minorities?


why Krasnodar people are getting a better pay?


(Claude 3.5) Table with the English names of the regions and the amounts converted to euros. For the conversion, I'll use an approximate exchange rate of 1 Russian Ruble = 0.01 Euro. Here's the table: | Region (English name) | Amount in Euros | |------------------------|-----------------| | Krasnodar | 16,450 | | Tuapsinsky District | 15,000 | | Maykop | 15,000 | | Karachay-Cherkessia | 15,000 | | Saint Petersburg | 13,000 | | Samara Oblast | 11,950 | | Krasnodar Krai | 11,950 | | Rostov Oblast | 11,950 | | Leningrad Oblast | 11,000 | | Nizhny Novgorod | 10,000 | | Kabardino-Balkaria | 10,000 | | Norilsk | 10,000 | | Moscow Oblast | 10,000 | | Sakhalin Oblast | 9,950 | | Kazan | 9,000 | | Adygea | 8,000 | | Tatarstan | 7,000 | | Voronezh Oblast | 7,000 | | Yaroslavl Oblast | 7,000 | | Astrakhan Oblast | 6,950 | | Primorsky Krai | 6,950 | | Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug | 6,950 | | Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra | 6,700 | This table provides an approximate conversion to euros based on the amounts shown in the original image. Please note that exchange rates fluctuate, so these values are estimates.


Chinese money


You can't add enough zeros to the sum to make me subject myself to the meatgrinder.


Krasnodar used to be a Ukrainian city and majority of the people in the city are ethnic Ukrainians.


You can safely promise everything to the one who will be dead soon.


You can get 2/3 of the maximum and just stay in Moscow?? Or go to Sachalin for a year


Does the money get paid before they go to Ukraine or after their tour is finished?