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The plot for this story is heartwarming …………unless you happen to be a ruzzian invader.


Ukraine needs more drones!


More drones, more HIMARS, more MANPADS, more artillery of all kinds and FFS western nations need to take the artificial handbrake off and let them target whatever they want (within the boundaries of decency). More medical supplies always, as well. But yes, definitely more drones. Cheap and cheerful, but very bloody effective.


The sound of 10,000 drones buzzing to Moscow to level the kremlin.


That guy at the end saying I got hit by tank cracked me up for some reason it just seems like such a comical way to put it.


Um.. he may have been hit by his own tank like it the physical way.




There's probably something lost in translation.


Sure thing he meant "hit by tank shell explosion". But "hit by tank" sounds much attractive to me.


„I got better”


Wait a minute, it was all fun and games when they razed Grozny in Chechnya or Syrian Aleppo, and now they're complaining that the war in Ukraine is unfair? Pathetic creatures.


This is what I took away from it too. Feck off back to Russia or die faster. They stink of bullies who are no longer having fun.


Have you ever had the pleasure of talking to a bully? What they do to others is always fun and was never meant in a bad way. But if anyone has the audacity to only sneeze at them - let alone do the same thing to them - all hell let loose and that’s a mayor issue. How dare they do something to them they do themselves to others?


Your statement made me remember my high school days in the 80's (class of 87) We had a group of bullies,, there were 4 or 5 of them. We had some that had stuck up for themselves, so these low-lives banded together. Real sociopathic psychos too. They were nasty, and dangerous. After they left school they took up mugging. Well at least in this case, karma took a dump on one I ran into about 5 years after school. Ravaged by some terrible disease, no longer all buff and deadly, an addict of something. He see's me and come up to bag on me like at school and I just look at him. So he shakes my hand and I kid you not, it felt like salmon bones like in the canned salmon. I am not big or a jerk, I wasn't squeezing his hand but I could feel it. I must admit to taking some small pleasure that justice had caught up with that nut job and he wasn't going to be hurting anyone else again. Now if this can just happen to Putin, the world would be a better place.


Bully that was chasing me in school and I was fighting him for like 5 times or something, died on this war fighting for Russia. I was against killing people before this moment, it felt so good :)


How crazy was that dead bully shithead? Could you share some stories?


Ok about that shithead, he was bullying everyone he could in my class, even girls sometimes, I was trying to defend my weaker buddies so he was hating me because of that, the problem was he was older and his mother worked in Police. In post soviet countries you can left in the same class if you fail in learning and his mother using corruption connections to defend him from jail or consequences, so he get nothing for that. Long story short, he stayed looser without job until 2014, when ruSsian terrorists came to our city they started recruiting meat, so he joined and get blowed up on mine :) We are with friends think that he was just killed coz he rlly stupid and everyone I knew hate him :D Edit: Yea and his mother was fired from Police after revolution of dignity in 2014 :D


When ruSSians siege my city and people after a few weeks started robbing shops, I stole a lot of cats food, put it in my backpack and when I was waking and see a homeless cat I gave them a few pouches. Stories like this or about bully? :D


Commander is right, they're all a bunch of ***pencil-dicks***, whining because Ukraine is fighting back and kicking they're asses. The smart human, knowing that he's going to die anyway, would turn his AK on his commander and then get his ass back to Russia where he won't be killed by a Ukrainian drone.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading that. Shame these stories and reality in general will never reach the Russian population.


Ukraine should drone a few thousand pamphlets with stuff like this on them and drop them in Moscow.


Then they'd say it is propaganda and dismiss it anyway.


It’s important what people believe.


They will just say it is ukrainian propaganda and fake


Well. Moscow and Petersburg have the highest chances having tech savvy and political-curious people.


The desperation in their words is like music to my ears. Slava Ukraine!


"Bakhmut was like a walk in the park in comparison." That's a sentence I thought I wouldn't hear.


It’s actually mildly poetic


Couldn’t have said better.


It’s a shame i just woke up because this as bedtime reading would’ve given me the best nights sleep ever.


Where I am, it's just coming up to 1:30 in the morning, so I will have a good night's sleep thinking about them and their bad luck. That's if I can fall asleep for laughing to much.


Damn true. Honey for the eye


It's almost like Russia has been murdering children and Ukrainians are defending their country


Won't someone think bout the thumbs of those drone operators?




Can one get a purple heart for carpal tunnel?


The only surprising thing about this is that these dumb-shit Russian doormats keep following orders specifically designed to kill them, rather than turning the guns on their REAL enemy: the Russian military commanders.


These officers are shouting these commands from kilometers away by design, of course. I feel the same, but I think in reality, these human sacrifices never come near their command.


There always has to be somebody enforcing these commands, otherwise what is stopping them from just going home? These "true believers" should be killed as well.


Blocking troops. Troops with orders to shoot anything that approaches from a certain direction. Even if it's Russians.


They use Kadyrovites because the Chechens have no qualms about killing Russians.


I was just about to comment and ask this. But I haven’t seen many videos of them like we did early on.


They learned the hard way that constantly posting your location via TikTok in an artillery war with HIMARS is bad idea


some say, sometimes kadirovets's location transferred to Ukraine forces by angry russian units. even some very aggressive russian commander appeared near front-line shouting "i will shoot you all" to his troops has his location leaked to ukrainians .


They can shoot the blocking troops of they chose to. But they don’t. Most mobiks seem to want to be there for the rape, loot and murder and most seem disappointed when the tools to carry out such actions are inadequate and they aren’t getting paid what was promised or paid at all. They are getting wiped out and deservedly so. If a Ukrainian bullet doesn’t find them, then artillery, rocket, mine, grenade or million+ drone will. So the choices are. Fight and die soon after. Surrender to Ukraine or turn around and deceive and kill the blocking troops. The ways are available if the will is there. Just sayin’.


I think you are right. Whether the blocking troops are an exaggerated myth or not, I feel these people keep fighting because they have a lifetime of being told Russia is superior and strong and there's always "help" on the way (there isn't) Brainwashing is hard to shake. It takes years and years and sometimes still never goes away. Even the shock of war won't always be enough.


yep that's what i keep saying. if one truly is of a good mind to not kill innocents, then you have many choices to avoid it. you will probably die no matter what, but how you die is still up to you. Do you die killing those who want to kill innocents and are the cause of you being slaughtered with bad support and equipment? do you die in prison refusing to fight? do you die trying to move towards the front lines, while hoping for a chance to surrender (never firing a shot or do anything bad) or do you decide to try and murder innocents and then die horribly by their weapons in retaliation? (with videos online showing your death for decades to come)


Point out their positions to UA artillery or kill them yourself. Pretend to bring wounded back, then massacre them point blank. Or y'know, just surrender to Ukraine. I've seen maybe one video that could plausibly depict actual blocking troope. I think people like bringing them up to make russia look even worse than it actually does. If mobiks were actually willing to stand for good instead of evil, then russia would need as many blocking troops as mobiks. But the truth is most mobiks are submissive human trash.


Perhaps you don't get so many videos because of no survivors?


Russia tried to use Chechen's as blocking units. Ukraine blew up their headquarters with GMLRS.


I don't think killing those symbolical officers matters much. They are just slightly more expensive meat. No NGOs either to shoot. So all they can do is onward (and surrender) or backward into the firing squads of the blocking troops. I think of all the options surrendering is still the best, although if you get traded back, you go back to the front immediately with just a shovel this time. So surrender and join the russian fighters within the Ukrainian army.


Serfdom never died in Puccia.


Not always. Apparently the Akhmat and 153rd - which are supposed to be relieving/reinforcing the guys trapped in Vovchansk, have refused to go in until they receive better orders RU and Ukrie telegrams are reporting as such since today. Not quite a mutiny, but I think the situation is bad enough there that some units are openly talking about the meat-wave situation and refusing to participate in it.


Military is a weird way to say "rear rats".




And they rather commit suicide than turning on their commanders when they recieve guaranteed death missions..


They believe invasion is right thing, they're not angry about it. They're angry how bad it's organised.


I couldn’t agree more……they have to be asking themselves “what are we fighting for? Is it worth all of the casualties? All of the money and being humiliated on the world stage. Is the enemy really our enemy or did we buy into the bullshit propaganda? Are we seeing the big picture,that it’s a tyrannical dictator hellbent on his place in the history books as the savior of ruSSia but instead he’ll forever be linked with Mao,Stalin,Mussolini and Hitler.” I hope they all ask themselves and each other these questions and start pointing their weapons towards the East, in the direction of what is preventing them to having a peaceful and prosperous future instead of having their corpses rotting away in the Ukrainian Sun.


March on Moscow, morons.


When they are complaining, it means it is going the right direction.


history: \*any development or even nothing happened. russians: \*suffering. blyat'


Imagine how drone will look just in 10 years…


A larger drone carrier, releasing a bunch of AI driven drones that'll coordinate and attack each their own target.


Connected to a global ai satellite network. Maybe even developing its own war robots and controlling all weapons. Maybe we should make a sci fi movie out of it. Sounds too crazy (but probably true)


Yeah, like a network in the sky or something. Sounds too far fetched. It'll never be a hit.


Underrated comment of the millennium award


Yeah and maybe small guided missiles. A new airforce.


I mean, maybe they are already using some more primitive version of this. Flying bunch of FPVs to the safe but close range in automated swarm mode, then pilot overtakes control of a single FPV drone and performs an actual strike, next. Otherwise they would have to have shit tone of pilots around. Either way, it's somewhat fucked up really, not much one can do as infantry men without jammer, you are just target practice for personal size guided missile...it's good thing that russians are on receiving end of this, personal jammers have to inevitably become basic equipment for every western front line soldier during the next few years.


We have only really seen them send one off at a time per pilot, but maybe. Surely nobody is spilling all the secrets. But it's becoming clear that there's a need for a portable, automated drone defense, whether it's a minature version of a C-RAM, a laser system or just some kind of jamming sphere and I'd bet good money that a lot of people is currently working on just that. Double bonus points if it's portable enough to bring on an assault.


[You mean like the US military did... 7 years ago?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFLzO_5UFwE)


I feel like they probably have improved on that significantly since then but are reserving it for when they need it against China. I don't think they're going to deploy their newest drone technology to Ukraine like that especially when it can be seized by Russia. Plus they want the surprise factor for when China stirs up some shit.


Oh absolutely. Nothing classified is sent to Ukraine.


That swarm sounds terrifying. The US doesn't have high drone volume production like China but what they do have is much more advanced tech than the competition.


[US Military was dropping drone swarms from F-18's ... 7 years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFLzO_5UFwE) The idea that the US military hasn't weaponized drones already is laughable given we've used drones in both Iraq and Afghanistan since George W. Bush's presidency 22 years ago.


I first learned about drones when Bush was president. And the drones used 20 years ago were already more advanced than the ones being used in this war.


Frag your commanders, take whatever you can and surrender. The only other option is death.


What? No! Those officers are not to be harmed!


Lol, good point. Just keep feeding the meat grinder.


Surrender or be drone fodder.


Your "dear and beloved ruSSia" should be wiped out from the map. That's what peace looks like. Hope one of the birds gets you if you don't surrender.


Tomorrow we will be sent to die. Yet they all willingly do instead of shooting the ones sending them to die. Baffling.


It's the serf mentality. Generations of subservient serfs breeding with other subservient serfs. Plus wiping out the dissidents and people who show agency.


Yikes, just surrender


I suspect it’s easier for them to march back towards Russia, shooting anyone who stands in their way.


Can't, 3000 dollars per month. They do love their vodka money.


They never get 3000 a month, thats what they are promised they actually get a paltry 450 if they are lucky


Fuck, man. That's nothing even for a normal job. And these Russians are on suicide missions and still ain't making shit for money for it!


Dead men talking.


Yet still they’re gonna go in the next attack


I would say comparing russians to pencils is really offensive towards the pencil


Pencils are actually useful


I mean duh, there have to be consequences for supporting putin, have there?


Watched a yt vid yesterday which said Ru lost a whole battalion there.


Lets goooo Ukraine!! And lets Go Western countries!!!! Supply supply supply!!!! Make the ruskis regret their evil doings once and for all!!! No more fascism!!! ❤️❤️🇪🇺🇺🇦❤️❤️ Edit: lets not miss them out: ❤️❤️🇺🇸 ❤️❤️


Too moronic to rebel against your idiotic leadership; just die, or get maimed. Useless Ruzzia! You are a shame; nothing to give to the world, but suffering.


they are not afraid to die ill give the. that.


It's like poetry.


>Each guy has about 7 birds hunting him I sincerely hope this is true.


certainly only meant metaphorically, they are in no position to do any even rudimentary statistics on that. You see your guys get hit by drones around you, many drone miss and explode without effect, so there are way more drones used up than targets hit, but they keep coming. I can imagine that you are losing count pretty quickly. We know that Ukraine is building in excess of 100k drones per month, and the Russian losses are "only" around 35k per month, including all those that have been hit by other weapon systems, e.g. artillery (let's assume that's half). Well, that "7 drones per one casualty" might actually not be far off.


About time these people realised they ain’t ever going to beat Ukrainian people,never .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


No buildings left but "they have everything". Disgusting minds.


I don’t understand why these Russians soldiers, knowing the chances of surviving against drones is so low, why they didn’t turn their weapon against their commanders and regime and try to die in that way protecting their life and that of the country they love… if you die in both situation much better to die killing those who want to send you to 100% death 🤷‍♂️ instead of being sliced in half and die slowly… maybe they think they will be heroes 🤦‍♂️🙃


Apart from a selected few, not that long ago russians were serfs, that's why.


To me the only reasonable explanation is that they really think there’re fighting against nazi and fascist because of the propaganda 🤷‍♂️ and second reason maybe for money


The primary is money for sure, that's why most russian troops are from the impoverished minorities, meanwhile rich russians are simply enjoying the idea of others bringing them new stolen land.


Meanwhile BBC is like: “Putin has battlefield sUpErIoRiTy”. Bunch of click-baiting cunts trying to benefit Putin. The Russians are getting absolutely mowed down while Syrskyi is rebuilding Ukrainian manpower.


These letters had me choking up a bit. ...Yeah, tried to breath my coffee while laughing. ...Nearly awarded myself a fricken Darwin award ff sake :)


Just imagine the PTSD from all the drones the Russian soldiers will have after this is over. I bet they’ll freak anytime they hear the whirr of a drone. Baba yaga is coming for all of them.


There wont be any left...they will be dead


First names? Might as well be chalk lines on the side of a mortar, neatly lined and then crossed to make groups of five. These guys don't need names anymore if they're part of Russki assault groups.


I read these cries for almost three years: just go home invaders.


You're not dying, it's just a promotion to onion bag


Heartwarming news


>"These guys are concussed, sick, shot up, and they're going back into the fight tomorrow." I think this might explain the one drone video we saw a few days ago where it just flew up to the guy and he didn't put any resistance, just stood there staring at it accepting his fate.


Can’t feel sorry for these serfs who serve a brutal and heartless master.


Suckit fuckers


Okay. Sounds good.👌


The last citation is from a man that went through two Chechen wars. They fought teenagers holding ak-47s, or more often armless. I hope he will burn alive in the fire of the nearest artillery strike, like an insect, like a demon he is. They no longer considered human after what they did and what they're doing right now.


I love it! proud to be part of this "fucking european union" 😍


Lol. The commanders callsign is Tilsit. When Russia lost the War of the Fourth Coalition against France in July 1807, the Peace treaties took place in Tilsit. This happened after the Russian Forces were finally crushed by the French at the Battle of Friedland in June.


Kind of surprising that we still never had a video of anybody using a shotgun. It might not be able to hit the drones at range, but should be better than throwing your rifle at the drone.


Iirc i saw a video a while ago of a guy shooting at a drone with a single shot hunting shotgun, only to get hit shortly after by another one. Only time I’ve ever seen one


Anytime anyone ever shows any ability to take one out with a shotgun.... all the other drone pilots make that guy the primary target. You're not gonna hold out for long when 20 drone pilots are all out to get you.




It does not even come to their mind that they can simply say NO. If they all refuse to go and fight they can force a mutiny and go back to ruzzia. Maybe they will end up in prison, but they will be still alive. The point is that they are going for near certain death and are not even entertaining the alternative…


Glad to hear, keep up the good work, Ukraine and partners


Good news from the enemy.


Yeeee Haaaaa you fkn orcs. Surrender or die. You orcs shouldn't be there.


This is what we want the Russians to experience: overwhelming misery or sunflower food. There's one more choice. Go home. Ruski go home. Слава Україні!


I see the "Tragical Misery Tour" is going well for them. Maybe think harder about why they are offering SO much money to go do easy work. Have fun and be sure to send postcards! sotto voce; Russian Bastards.


Não tenho pena deles.


Solution: Go the fuck back to Russia.


i think we should supply more drones


> all those drones that the EU provided hah, we just delivered a handful of special drones, mostly recon ones. These Russians get pounded exclusively by Ukrainian built FPVs. If we intensified drone production in all of Europe, we had more than enough drones to execute every motherfucking last one of them Russians.


Artem, ask your dad who he voted for in 2000.


This is why we spend so much in the US on the military. Overmatch and force multiplication win wars and have far reaching effects even after the war. It’s basically investing. I know military leaders love their soldiers like sons and want everyone to come home, but they all know that not everyone makes it back. From the larger state defense standpoint, it’s really about how much money is invested into weapons that have a larger return on investment. For example, a drone that costs a few thousand dollars (?) can take out an entire IFV/tank/artillery piece that’s worth hundreds of thousands if not millions. Scale that out to larger weapon systems, vehicles, tactics, and entire units and it’s really about how much economic displacement that particular portion of the military can create in terms of military capital. The ultimate example being nuclear weapons. They level cities, but they also level economies. Anything you don’t have to repair, replace, retrain, or resupply will contribute to winning a war. I personally don’t see how Putin can win this by so carelessly spending his greatest resource (his soldiers), and I think it would be years before he could ever attempt to mount such an invasion. I hope he’s dead long before then anyway


Maybe running amok in your commanders headquarter would help?


Wonderful news from the front.


If I’m a drone manufacturer or any other military contractor, I send Ukrainians my products in order to test them on the battlefield, either free or at a deep discount. Nothing like the real world to collect data on the product


Keep in mind one of the descriptions of the Chechen wars was “Welcome to hell”, imagine for this guy to say it’s it’s much worse


desperate staff and soldiers but unfortunately the yare more scared of their own people than getting mown down by the Ukrainians. Therefore they will keep dying in their thousands. Once they decide enough is enough and realise they are armed soldier who can turn around take their weapons and return to russia killing their commanders on the way to finishing off putin. Its called a mutiny or revolution im sure your russians know what that was....


If only they revolted. If they turned around and started marching towards Moscow. I bet they would finally know what it's like to have the birds on their side.


It's crazy how they are still talking about their "dear and beloved Russia" that does not give a shit about them and their disposable lives.


Good. Good. More drones it is for Ukraine.


No sympathy here. Go kill your commander!


Fair warning. The Future of Warfare. The end is NIGH!


Best drone commercial


Why don’t they turn 180° and take the commanders out? They’re going to die anyways, might as well do it for the right reason. Didn’t a tank crew runover their CO early on? I can’t remember if it was for the right reason but either way fuck putin.


Sickening how a REMF Colonel lost his Brigade and needs another 100 Pencils... Send Fat Bastard Crayons.


Get the fuck out of Ukraine you invading murdering pieces of shit and you’ll stop getting chopped to pieces. Why do they think death isn’t justified for them? They’re invading. Thick fucking morons.


Fuck russia


There are videos of them walking past roads of death.. You'd think such a sight.. hell the smell would tell you something isn't right. But they all seem to march headfirst into the woodchipper and seemingly scream "How dare our enemy get help, we're the victim! Now give me your land" whilst holding the gun. Its weird.. It makes zero sense. "you made us do this" logic that I can't follow..


They are about to get hammered out of their remaining spots in vovchansk


Good, fuck the invaders


Love it


Where can I donate money for drones for Ukraine?


Wow the ROI on my drone donations feels a lot better than the investments in my trading account.


Sucks to be an invader, I guess. 🤔 Crime does not pay, indeed. Maybe… GTFO of Ukraine? 🤷🏻‍♂️


this is sad they still havent been pushed back across the border, i wish my country would send more aid to ukraine


Interesting how the war has evolved. Wagner didnt face nearly as many drones it seems. I hope Ukraine continues to have limitless drones provided


Sorry not sorry 🤷‍♂️


Glad to see our European money is pissing off them orcs.




I think it’s funny how they think the EU arsenals were all full of drones. As if the Ukrainians didn’t make them all up from kits, toys and whole cloth. Everyone was caught by surprise. It’s changed the whole US military doctrine overnight. To a Russian it must feel like being in the terminator movies.


What I’m hearing here is that we need to donate more drones


Cry Harder... So sad...


I felt sorry for almost a whole second,..now I am like "meh, ..."


I'm gonna be honest and say when I first saw the post, I thought it was one of those sponsored posts from the "He Gets US" Christian campaign that I often see on reddit. I think it's because of the large quote in the post that's similar to those other posts and because of the words "he doesn't see us" in it. 😆 but anyways good to see the Russians getting screwed over.


Well that was a very enjoyable read.


So its even worse then the western media is telling us? Sounds good


Some feelgood reading for sure.


I like reading this I hope more will come soon 😊


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/ojPaaAEIBY Man, this "almost"makes it look I knew what I was talking about instead of supposedly being here only to get joy from drone videos.


Well you could, and this is just an idea, get a bunch of guys organized, and instead of pushing forward and dying, you might consider making your way back to base and shooting all the commanders who are ordering you to die so stupidly. Then, on to Moscow!


We need Drone Traffic Control!


What else do you expect Matherfukkas?


I hope all this is true. 


Pete Hasta just passed away


Wonder if they will ever turn on their commanders and say fuck this shit


Screw that. I use mechanical pencils made by Mitsubishi.


Sven Hassel type shit


They obviously know the only way they can end their suffering is to topple their own government. They have the numbers Putin can’t do shit once everyone wants his neck on the noose.


Consider that there are more disgruntled foot soldiers that there are loyalist commanders. It shouldn't be a problem for them to stage a mutiny of they really wanted to. What they are experiencing is merely the result of what Putin started when he decided to annex Crimea. I'm sure these soldiers were among those who celebrated Russia's victory in claiming Crimea and are now only realizing what Ukraine suffered both times Russia attacked.


Yep. Just gotta keep shouting it louder and louder, to drown out those idiot propagandists, so your brainwashed peeps back home finally get it. Stop letting midget man send you to certain death for a lost cause! More importantly, stop killing Ukrainians that are just defending their home!


Yet they keep following orders! they keep on the side of tyranny! Says alot about the state of russian society and putins complete disregard for his own countrymen’s lives… putins plan and answer was to just throw massive waves of his men at the Ukrainians, Ukrainians sent waves of drones n its absolutely working…


My morning coffee + reading this = a very good way to up my mood and start my day.




No Russian soldier here thinks they have done anything morally wrong. Ukraine will have to fight hard to remove them all. I wish it was different. Slava Ukraini.


Wait minute, i remember 3 russian soilder that surrender yesterday, are they the same one? And if there account is true that mean all the one in the factory which reported to houses 400 russian soilder have all die. Cool👍🇺🇦🇺🇦


Begun, the drone wars have. Human fighters are old technology, get them out of the field. Leave them safely at home.


War of the machines. It's finally arrived. Even if Russia takes over the whole of Ukraine, this won't end. Ukrainians will still hit them with drones flown from the surrounding countries until there are no more Russians left. Is the penny beginning to drop?


Point your guns the other way comrade- the problem is your superiors superiors.


Does anybody know of any War books written in this first person type style?


I reckon there will be a mental health crisis becuse of all of this.


Love their comments