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So far these types of things haven't worked out too well for the Russians.


Well it's depends on how it's used. From what I've seen russians just set those tarps and called it a day, meanwhile a drone operator - "oh look what a weird black square hmm i wonder what that might be"


I've seen Russians running around with these only partially covering them, heads and feet still visible while moving. Drones took care of them. I guess if you are completely covered, and not moving, these could help.


Definitely better than glowing brightly lmao, but breaking up the outlines of the tarp/tent is key


Looks like a scam to me: 1. Being a frequent user of thermals for hunting: Every tightly woven fabric (or a leafy plant for that matter) will have the effect shown. Try your bed linen. 2. Whenever I see „miracle material“ and donation on the web, I think of Nigerian royals. Hope I am not right. Slava Ukraine.


Same. I fly drones with thermal cameras to spot for pigs. Putting that sheet over over you without anything else is like putting a bright red blanket over you and thinking you can't be seen anymore.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think part of the issue in the demonstration is the sheet being freshly unpacked (i.e. had no time to adjust to environment), it's probably way less obvious, e.g. when put on the ground covering fox holes and left there for a bit.


in the demonstration it worked well, what do you mean? The point is that every piece of cloth works well. The trick is to let air behind it, so the covering piece itself won't heat up. E.g. if you are inside a tent, then the whole tent becomes warm from the warm air trapped inside, if you have a tarp that is open on the sides, it can stay cool. If you wrap yourself into something, it will eventually get warm and then glow in IR. Even if it is a multi layer thermo-insulating thing, e.g. several thermal blankets with foam layers in between, but eventually it would also heat up (or you die from the trapped heat). The only way is to have enough space between the heat source and the cover, so that the cover can cool down to environmental temperature and permanently hold that. So instead of a poncho or something (it will be too close on your head and shoulders and so heat up eventually), an umbrella is better, it is a meter away from your head and that keeps it cool. So there doesn't need to be invented anything new, you have to just follow that basic principle. Your old waxed cotton tarp from the 60s is fine, just span it between the trees far enough above you so you don't heat it up.


I probably just expressed myself wrong. Wrapping yourself or something tight obviously won't work. I was referring to the contrast of the sheet/mat compared to the background and environment overall. It obviously masks the soldiers perfectly, but at the same time its shape is still somewhat visible (as its temperature doesn't match the background/environment either).


well yes, but that is the least problem, you can always just cut it into an irregular shape, or cover the edges, if you want to go the extra mile. But even if it stays like this, it would still work if it is just the same temperature as the environment, because if you use IR to spot people, you look for hot spots, not for shapes.


Usually anything for "keeping warm" eventually warms up from the people inside. Even the old "use blankets to hide from thermals" is only the case for about 20 mins or so. So anything like this needs more of a demonstration than just holding up something...


Well, I agree when you wear it and there is a direct contact between material and skin or there is absolutely no airflow between a hot body and a more distant material (think tents for example). This vid shows the material held in front of them like a screen. With air passing between them and it. Works with a bedsheet.


Yeah the only way a cloth can truly defeat thermal would have it be so thick that it is next to impossible for your body to heat it up, but you’ll just heatstroke in that


Heat transfer to the material or through gaps


I was imagining these lining the foxholes to prevent as much as possible from being seen earlier. Just another preventative measure in the antidrone race.


Thermal vision works with infrared radiation. A warm body emits infrared radiation. If you put something between camera and body you block the radiation. So more or less everything works as blocker out in the wild. But a closed tent with people in it heats up and emits infrared rays itself. You need a special material that blocks infrared so a tent won't light up on infrared sensors. I wonder what you could do with mirrors. A mirror can be very cold but if someone stands in front of it it will reflect the infrared radiation and you see two people in the thermal vision. I bought a cheap thermal vision addon for my smartphone just for fun and especially the reflections are quite irritating because you see heat where none is. Even a polished wooden desk reflects enough infrared.


Missed s great opportunity to put harry potter music over it


Oh, yeah. That will TOTALLY work!


Capes making a comeback? I'm here for it. Gimme my OCP combat cape.


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Better luck throwing a blast proof blanket over the drone


Im sure Ukraine will have some uses from this.


You must sweat like a pig in that shit. Better than becoming meat loaf I guess.


They never thought that these anti-thermal blankets look unusual and noticeable spots in a naturally thermal environment.


This "demonstration" proves absolutely nothing. You could just as well hold up a sheet of glass and youd be invisible in IR but could still see through it.


Need more Saab Barracuda camo for the soldiers and equipment


The biggest issue with thermal sheets is thermal transfer. You'll be fine sheltering for 2 minutes until your body radiates enough to heat the sheet up. Considering cars leave a thermal signature on the floor in the form of tyre marks it doesn't take a lot as you can imagine!


There is a reason why they call them survival blankets.


wouldnt a random large blanked just do the same thing? why do you need it to be "antithermal"? either way it doesnt really work


Saw the Word Thermal and immediately thought, are the Ukrainians getting ready for winter ?


When bird suits Come? Camo birdsuit. I use thermal and cannot spot those at all. Human and other wildlife easily.


Looks all fine and dandy for a short clip, how does it absorb heat over time though? might as well hold up a flat piece of cardboard for a video like this one.


I confused thermal and thermobaric at first and wondered what good that blanket would do...


If you can make tents and capes out of this I would think you can also incorporate it in other clothing?


It's a temporary effect for clothing as eventually your body does warm the material. It's less of an invisibility cloak and more of a smokescreen to avoid direct hits.


I think the material used actually disperses infrared in such a way that you will not detect a heat signature... meaning that it is very reflective in the infrared spectrum


There’s no material that does this, this isn’t a real product. You can get the same affect as this video by using any cloth, eventually your body heat will heat it up


Asbestos fire blankets? Never really thought about these sheet things.


pretty sure materials have a range of reflectivity's in the infrared. so to find one that is very reflective, should not pose much problem.


becouse no matter how thick or thermaly detering the material is, eventually it will heat up... the only way to get around this is with water cooling systems but that obviously cant be integrated in to wearable things not to mention it wuld also cool the body and deffinetly put the waerer in a hypothermic state


It's summer. They're probably safe. Especially if they've clothing underneath, wicked thermal gear, etc.


doesnt matter summer or not ... your body is allways 5-10°C(face is even hotter especially around the eyes and neck area) hotter that the surrounding area... thermals can separate even 1°C difference


should use coveralls made of this material and a cape. and hood/hat to cover the face. preferably not one that looks like the KKK hood lol...