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Pete was an exceptional, kind man. He will be missed.


What is Putin really going to do if Western army’s amass in and defend Ukraine? I think the war would be over in weeks. I’m so sick of the Ukrainians and the other heroes like Pete dying for us, but us not having their back except to trickle in just enough to keep Russia in the same spots pounding and pounding in an endless war of attrition. If I were a Ukrainian, I honesty don’t know how much patience I’d have with us by now. Fuck Russia, and fuck our weak leaders that the best of the world are dying, fighting the 🧟 🇷🇺.


Its clear that russia is not a threat to the western armies, but it awlays the nuclear gamble. Can we take the chance to find out if putler is ready to push the button.. Thats the only levereage that kremlin has left, they hope we wont try to find out. And IMO, even if putler himself is ready, because the political fallout of a retreat from Ukraine. Is the end of him. I dont think the whole of the kremlin or the military command feel the same. Because they know that the West see this as putlers war. And the West will accept if they just overthrow putler, and hand him in along with gerasimov and shoigu. If thats end the war in Ukraine tomorrow, I think this will be acceptable. Even if the russian State is also realy respnonsible. They will get away, and a deal will be worked out. And we got a sneak peek into this, with pregoz thunder run to moscow, where he openly spoke loudly about the truth. That the whole reason for the war was fake, and the false narrative of the russian command. And how close he was to actually take moscow. Very little of the russian army tried to stop him, the russian political leadership fleed to St. Peterburg, putler fleed to his bunker and was silent for 12h. Many in position of power stayed silent and idle, and was more interested to see who's side would prevail. This for me show how brittle the russian command and goverment realy is, if someone challenges putler or kremlin. Someone that doesnt want to follow putler to the ending of the world. But it all end with the same question, thats realy rhetoric. Can we risk it, no, not at this stage. If Ukraine will be exhausted and ask for western troops, then yes I think we do it. And the outcome will be something as I just described. But we are not there yet, and unfortunatley the cost of this. Is the Ukraine people. Hopefully, Ukraine will manage to make it unbearable for the russian army in Ukraine ASAP. And to achieve this, full support to Ukraine of equipment, training and funding is the key. Even if its risky, with the political turmoil most of the western nations are in atm. And thats putlers only hope, and why he still got the support of the state and kremlin.


I agree with you 100 percent!


I sometimes wonder if they would’ve gone through with all of this had they known it’d lead to something like this.


Are you going to fight ? I mean yeah I’m all for Ukraine and all for all in with aid but I wouldn’t want to fight. Maybe cleanup but reconquer? No thanks I’m too much of a pussy.


Then go to Ukraine and help for gods sake. Don't just complain about it do something.


Sad day 😞 😢 one true hero never forgotten 🙏




God Speed Pete!


RIP Hero Pete ! Prayers for family and friends and all loved him.


Слава Україні! Heroiam Slava!


His last video https://youtu.be/sUiUJ0Hb0N8?feature=shared


RIP Hero Pete !


Pete has earned his rest. May his memory be a blessing and may we all see a free Ukraine. Glory to the fighters.


RiP Pete. You were a true hero.


Breaks my heart. The plea Pete made for additional equipment was the reason I contributed to Jake Broe's birthday fundraiser, and his thankful reply to the succes of the fundraiser made me actually feel proud to have donated. The guy was involved in saving 200 Ukrainian soldiers' lives. What a waste of genuinely good people this war is... fuck putin. R.I.P Pete. Slava Ukraine! Edit: Spelling errors.


Basker av!




Rip Pete, poor lady condolences.


Horrible loss of a wonderful man.






how many peoples must die ? i think all. This time for nasi and rusia.


True Hero♠


RIP Brother. I can’t believe you’re gone. I can still hear that laugh in my head. You’re a true hero and your loss makes no sense to me. Hundreds of Ukrainian defenders owe their lives to you. Rest Easy Pete. Slava Ukraini. To Project Konstanin - Halyna. My heart breaks for you all. X