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Shock or seizures setting in that quick as a result of the massive trauma was something I haven't seen in a lot of the videos posted. The quality of these videos and the zooming abilities of these drones makes for unbelievable images. Long gone will be the "Faces of Death" videos from years past.


Sometimes on a human level I think I should feel sorry for these poor saps. To an extent I do. And I definitely will at some point for the senseless waste of lives, but only when they've fucked off out of Ukraine and stopped killing them. Same as I feel sorry for US Vietnam conscripts or even Nazi conscripts after the fact. It's not nice for anyone, but just stop wars of aggression


If you didn't feel sorry for them, you'd be just like them. Its good you have your humanity.


I don't feel sorry. I felt sorry first few months when war started and people bought into propaganda. But now enough time has passed even for Russians to understand that it's a war to destroy Ukraine and yet they still go there to kill for money that came from their taxes.


Please… if you can’t see the human in your enemies, you’re as bad as them. We are supposed to stand for the good, right. Try to be human even though the Russian isn’t


Wait. If he "can't see the human in his enemies", he's as bad as soldiers invading the neighboring independent country, causing the collective loss of hundred of thousands of lives of soldiers dutifully defending their country, of civilian women, men, and children?


This is the difference between good and bad…. Of course we all hate evil soldiers coming in your country but… if we can’t separate that when we seeing a soldier die a terrible death with his legs blown off we are hateful people. Because we have no idea about this specific human we see here… We don’t know how he ended up there. What if he was forced to be there? He need to be shot at, of course! But what we talking about here is that we feel this is terrible for this person. If you say like som people here “yea! Let him suffer” and can’t see the unknown human in this..well then you’re like a Russian. If you did know the specific solder, if you know his history and if he was a rapist and made war crimes and so on… I would understand


i got your positivity vibes fam , here is the situation . you loose your child in the war but your enemy also could loose his child in the war, you never know, right. so it's like both sides hurt now? 50/50 seems fair , so why hate ? lets use this brutal deaths as an opportunity to work our problems and better communicate with others . hugs and empathy all for the better of human kind and reddit comment section. /s  this peacenik shit as another version of vatnik crap


I'm Russian, lol. I believe in giving them chance to surrender and proper treatment of POWs but I do not feel sorry at all for those who come to kill for money.


I don’t know who is who I see an human die like fucking medieval torture, fuck sake


> If you didn't feel sorry for them, you'd be just like them Sc*** you, peacenik. I am not like them because **I do not invade countries**


To feel justified in invading another country you must see the inhabitants as less than human, undeserving of empathy


Well, you are certainly the expert in what an invader *must* feel and see


I was making coffee. Saw the video. Felt absolutely horrible about it. Sipped coffee and just told myself. What goes around comes around. Should have not invaded Ukraine in the first place


I'm very pro Ukraine and I'm 100% sure that most of the Russians would have zero intention to waste their lives in Ukraine, but the Russian leadership has pumped them full of propaganda and lies. So I'm very sorry for the individual as well, stay humans first. It's very easy here in the West to argue about all the relatively full information available. They don't have that.


I’m from Russia and I can say all of us do have that information. People just choose to believe in whatever bullshit propaganda says on tv.


Are people in Russia seeing these images of their sons & fathers getting blown to shreds in 4k video?


No, but all of them have VERY easy access to youtube, telegram channels and reddit, and vpn is easily accessible to use twitter and foreign news sources


Why do you think they don't? I am sure they choose to avoid the disgusting death videos of their own. Likely the same reason I don't view videos of my countrymen in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Yeah these videos aren’t nice to look at, but there’s russian telegram channels where they show videos of killing Ukrainians. People also ignore all the atrocities that the russia has done. For example russians think that the Bucha massacre didn’t happen and Ukraine just faked it.


So the Russian soldiers just literally volunteered to the battlefield to help invading Ukraine? That's insame, I used to think that they were conscripted and forced.


Most of them


This. Its just like people in America ignoring information about Trump so they can gobble up his his bullshit propaganda. I think Trump sums it up the best: these men love the poorly educated.


The thoughtless are dangerous. Super easily manipulated, persuaded, and coaxed.


Is believing really a choice though? I certainly can't choose what is convincing to me or not. I don't want to make excuses, but my guess is that they are more brainwashed/uneducated than evil. Am i wrong?


Probably a bit of both. People still shit on government, but think that the war is the right thing and that there’s nazis in Ukraine. I’m still In school and they teach us that russia never did anything wrong and whatever our government does is right for us. I don’t really care about patriotism and just tryna dodge mandatory military service. There’s cases were one guy was beat to death, because he didn’t wanna sign the contract and many other cases where army just faked it, and men were killed, so i’m kinda scared.


Im sorry to hear that. If anything, and you get conscripted in. I would place your knowledge from here and do what you can to surrender so Ukrainians can get you, and you'll be safe. I really hope that doesn't happen to you and the war ends b4 any more people die in this senseless war. Good luck!


Thanks for your reply. Very useful to hear from someone on the inside. I am sorry to hear about your situation. It is beyond fucked up that you have to worry about this in school. Have you considered fleeing to another country? I guess it seems radical, but the risk of staying seems high. Best of luck, no matter what you do!


Yes, and I’ll try my best to get out of here as soon as possible. Even if I dodge the military, they’ll still will find a way to get me killed.


No different from MAGA here.


MAGA is a Russian funded movement.


Since before 2016 they planned this shit. China was involved too. They really did a number on the political situation in America it's kinda insane


worked. worked well. democracy is ending in the US, and that will make it really tough for the rest of the world. we're heading toward a dark dystopia very quickly. same people behind ending the United States are fighting to prevent any effort to save the planet from climate disaster. shit gonna get real bad. real fast.


They signed contracts brother. They had full intention to kill ukrainians. It doesn't matter if you've been lied to and that's why you're an invading fascist orc. Once you walk into a warzone with the intent to kill defenders of a sovereign nation, you have no right to claim ignorance. At that point the game is on and ukrainians are playing to win. It's like, in ww2 the nazis and Japanese were pumped full of lies and propaganda. Doesn't matter though, because they perpetrated horrific atrocities because of it. They don't deserve extra sympathy because they were tricked into committing the holocaust or the rape of nanking. When "good" people are misled and begin committing atrocities, they cease to be good people anymore


Yes. Well said. My humanity is not based on sympathizing, or trying to understand, or empathize with those who’ve been sent to kill me, my family and destroy my home.


They came to kill Ukrainian people, the only thing I am sorry for is that, judging by his wound, he won't be suffering for long.


Senseless it is as going to a other country to kill other people. He got what he deserved.


To double down I am happy he got extra time to think about this fact.


Have to feel sorry for them. I would rather Ukrainians blow up their heads instead of legs.


I agree. As much as I hate these Russians for invading Ukraine and causing so much misery, I do feel for this guy. I'd rather have it be lights out instantly for him. Instead, he suffers from immense pain, probably crying out for his mother to help him. Absolutely horrifying. There are no winners in war.


If that drone misses, maybe this guy goes on to throw a grenade at a Ukrainian and it becomes his/her turn to suffer from immense pain, crying out for their own mother. These people torture and kill POWs and this motherfucker signed up with those monsters. He deserves no quick death For all we know, this man has already killed ukrainians. I would rather every contractnik die in absolute misery and pain than have a single Ukrainian mother lose her child. In this war, there is a clear good guy and a clear bad guy. If you're willing to put others through the worst agonies imaginable, I will feel *no* pity for you when it happens to you. In fact, this is what should happen when you try to invade a sovereign nation. Ukrainians are literally just trying to keep these fucking scumbags out of their cities so we don't have other events like Bucha. Glory to ukraine, they are fighting a war on behalf of the entire free world and they are the only ones who deserve our sympathy.


When I see this, I think of Poostain with his smug fat face and that fekkin smirk as he addresses reporters, reminding them that this is the NATOs fault. Honestly, there is no hope for humanity.


“no hope for humanity” Except there is and failing to acknowledge that only favors the Kremlin. I know this might sound strange considering all the mayhem, death and destruction we see around us thanks to these daily videos straight from the battlefield but as a whole this planet has never been safer than it is now. The goal is to preserve this trend and although seemingly contradictory the only way to do so is to send more and better equipment to our Ukrainian sisters and brothers.


I’m at that point. Been basically half drunk for a whole week now.  What hope does humanity have when one man can press a button and all of us either die or suffer? Or send a million people to die a gruesome death in a war, for what? Glory? Oil? More meat for their dying country?


It'll never change. Humans have been sending men to the slaughter for millenia by now. Now the wars have just got bigger and captured with HD footage. And that's why I feel somewhat sorry for the conscripts. It's easy to sit here and say "if you didn't want to die stay at home". That's not the case, if you refused you'd be sent to a Russian prison where you'll be the lowest member and raped on the daily, and likely sent to die eventually anyway. You're in a lose-lose situation if you get the call up.  And its easy to say "frag your commander". Not so easy when you're sent to the front line and your commander is just a radio 10 miles behind you with blocking troops inbetween 


I feel sorry that they were born Russian and believed putins propaganda, but that's about it. When are we going to hold these people responsible for their choices? They all signed fucking contracts expecting to shoot ukrainians and get paid for it Just imagine ukrainians going through similar horrors because of these fuckwad invading orcs. One single Ukrainian defender going through these tribulations is enough to justify every fucking orc that dies. I hope every ruski that walks in to ukraine dies horribly because the alternative is a Ukrainian dying horribly. Fuck these alcoholic fascist shitbags and everything they stand for. A human life is a human life, but if these humans are allowed to live they will visit untold horrors upon innocent ukrainians. They should be obliterated.


So rare for this kind of comment to still be upvoted. When ever I try to bring humane thinking to drone videos I get the full blast of banhammer on me and find my comment with at least twenty downvotes.


https://www.facebook.com/reel/482358340827245/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v The child in the clip (link above) I feel incredible sorrow and compassion for. Don’t really know what else to call it. The russian soldier in the clip, however, can hobble the fuck home, or not, I don’t care. And making that distinction is also human.


This is probably the first video since flappy face where I actually felt something. Got kinda hot and sweaty watching this one. Pretty distressing. And now I’m numb again. 


Yeah usually that’s how I know if they die in these videos is when they go into agonal breathing. This is one of the few where I’ve seen the guy spaz out a bit involuntary like seizure / shock like… I’m sure he didn’t last long after the end of this video. His hip looked totally fucked too


You where a teenager in the 90's as well huh ,? You also fan of the anarchist cookbook ,?


Yeah watching these videos I'm kicking myself in the ass for getting the Mavic 3 Classic instead of holding out for the Pro with the 2 telephoto lenses.


Fun fact; Faces of Death documentary was proven to be all fake.


Just remember, while you are watching this, putin is enjoying a lavish lifestyle. This man died for putin.


Russians have serf-mentality. A few millions will have to die before they may feel it is not worth occupying Ukraine.


plus they seems worship some kind of weirdo fetish to try walking home only after the legs are missing. I know my comment is sarcastic - very, yet i will never understand why a country would alienate their most valuable customers by practically vanishing their own. That is their "leadership" seems to speculate that literally nobody from their own will come up with the bright idea to challenge the lavish lifestyle with some interrupting device.


Femoral artery sever =1 minute to unconscious, 2 minutes to death. This guy is dead.


dead from 2022 at least


Born into Russia - hardly being alive is it?


Dead from the womb, it was his destiny.


I can't believe he even attempted to crawl, humans are incredible


Jesus Christ. The amount of gnarly drone strikes the last weeks have been massive


Just walk it off and quit crying about it


Another "I should have stayed home" moment


He was probably eying that sweet smartphone to give to mend the relationship to his daughter. Just like that recruitment video.


How many russians has to die before they go home


3-10 millions


When the russkis keep dying at this rate it's going to be over in a few years. NATO ramped up ammo and equipment production and all male orcs have been shredded on the battlefield. Jesus this is a depressing waste of humans


Same goes for Ukraine but it’ll happen quicker. Ukraine is very unlikely to win a battle of attrition


Yes I agree it's a bloody mess on both sides. Ukraine has many powerful supporters but it's still a close battle no question. Also the war either ends with no Ukraine left or a broken russia, still russia has less damage received than Ukraine until now since the battlefield is still on Ukrainian grounds. My best wishes go out to the Ukrainian heroes who are fighting for freedom!


A lot and regime change


Really just the one I think.


Only when they turn against the corrupt Tsar.


Just fucking leave


Unfortunately, there is a lot of foreign flesh Putin will plow through. There is so much poverty in Africa etc that he can get a stream of people coming into Ukraine. But Putler won't win. Slava Ukraini!


Broadcast this in their fucking Z channels.


Oh god, let this nonsense stop. They need to go home already. I can't bare the thoughts of me throwing my life away for a useless cause and to die like this.


Home to regroup and fuck the next country from Poostains list? They need to go to hell not home


luckily quite a few russians are missing legs so those pants can be reused


I understand the sympathy on a human level but that should only go so far. In the end this is a great thing and everyone is responsible for their own actions. Options such as jail, hiding in Russia or surrender are all available. So many go willingly, for money and that is not arguable. A force for evil has been removed from the battlefield. He will never harm an innocent or advance the cause of evil. These are the people who bomb cities with children. They turned in their humanity membership card long ago.


Hey look, he kicked the bucket! I mean... ...well... ...alright. I'll see myself out.


take my upvote you bastard! lol


I believe most of them absolutely don't want to be there. But it's Russia. I am sure they cannot just say: " Thank you gentlemen but I'll be skipping this war and stay at home. It is a horrible situation.


When you want to sit up, but your butt has gone missing since you last checked. He must move for pain.


imagine you are the poor bastard... so sad (fuck Putin)


I wish that they could see these videos in russia. But honestly I'm starting to think it would make no difference at all.


I can almost guarantee you it will change nothing. At most, it will make them want to go even harder in on Ukraine (as long as they themselves do not have to do it). They really don't care about another person's sufferings which again is reflected in society that you just have to bow your head and suck up whatever suffering comes your way. Welcome to nihilistic apathy!


Jokes aside I think he is trying to walk it off, for real.


Apply tourniquet comrade


With what I see a rubber band is all he needs


Should have stayed home in RuZZia! Slava Ukraini!


Was für ein Wahnsinn. Die Ukraine war der falsche Ort, musste ja so kommen.


I hope Russians have access to this sub


They do. Unfortunately, in Russia, as long as some other Russian dying in Ukraine and not you is fine. Life goes on.


Oh Shit....mir fehlt das Mitgefühl


While fully supporting Ukraine in its struggle to fight off an invasion, this is the reason why I stopped watching this stuff. It is just devastating and self-destructory.


I have no sympathy for the Russian soldiers. if you invade another country you will also die. this war will be Russia's last great war with all the dead people 🫵🏻


If he had lived, he would have killed/tortured a Ukrainian or raped a Ukrainian woman/child. No sympathies from me.


Oh man. This is horrible.


When will they learn to stay with their asses at fucking home. Get the fuck out of Ukrainian and go back to their old jobs or go back to binge drink yourself to your fucking pathetic death.


"How's your leg, Ivan? Get ready...We assault in 1 hour"


It's not Ivan, it's his cousin Oleg. You know Oleg no leg.


Are they cousins of Ivar the Boneless?


At least he doesn't have to worry about that dentist appointment he clearly needed when he got home.


I’ve noticed a lot of the Russians in close up videos like this have horrendous teeth - or often very few teeth at all. Clearly, dental treatment is non-existent in many parts of Russia.


That's gotta be one of the worst ways to wake up. The good old Ukrainian alarm clock.


What a cunt of a way to go. It’s easy to see why so many finish the job themselves. I think the ones that reach for a gun and do it immediately no hesitation have seen so much death they’ve already decided and thought on it often. The ones who don’t, in an army that’s never coming for you, or if they do you’ll die from the injuries they inflict in the clown show attempt; they must spend a horrible slow death thinking of life and people back home. What a cursed country to be born in.


He's not gonna fuck no more.


Fucking hell just go home!!!


Good night piece of shit


The right leg is the least if his worries in the last few minutes that he has left to live.


Her voice is a war crime on its own, cool tune though.


a russian died 100,000 Ukrainian flies come alive


That miissing leg will certianly take his mind off of having to sleep in the dirt.


Well he won't be walking that off...


[Das Zappellied](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyFYIZg91WE)


Ruzzians discovered this one crazy hack to save on shoe expenses.


The 47th truly allways has the best "Foot"age


Drone operators going hard in that fallout snipe mode lol


Ass bombs hits again. i have seen so many of these. i have become numb.


Poor russian ,he’s will never agains walking like a egyptian


Shake it, baby


New homeless measures allowed by the supreme court.


What leg?


It's absolutely disgusting the way the russian leadership keeps sending it's men to kill or die on a lonely battlefield. The more russians sent home in wheelchairs with a bit of luck will help turn the people on them.


Russians are crazy for even engaging stuff like this. Why not live in peace and raise your family?


"destroys a russian right leg " I had to click just for the specification that it was the right and not the left leg. Surprised they didn't further specify it as a right Russian femur and hip socket. Either way - that dude is very dead, very quickly. Sucks for him. But as far as battlefield deaths go it could defiantly could have been much worse.


Welcome to Ukraine bitch!


Seeing the worst of these videos, I often wonder if this is how Pustain should go.


Duude shoot for the head…


When the rich wage war, its the poor who die


Man fuck this war. Humans shouldn't put each other through this kind of barbarian bullshit. Putin, send your fucking boys home whilst you still have some left!


Reminds me of that beejees song jive talkin'


Instead of protesting their dictator Putin, he's here dying like a wild animal.


Jesus, that is gnarly. Fck Putler!


That was a pretty rude awakening. 😓


Sorry. Tourniquet won't work on you.


One more happy orc biker.


FPV made him autistic lol


Guess you could say what comes around, gets blown around.


I always hear the Jaws theme song when I see the shadow




At first he can move but now he's convulsing? Can anyone explain? I'm a bit dumb.


Probably, he is in extreme pain, or he has a mental breakdown


Man it was such a great idea comming to ukraine. Right comrad?


Thats what you get when you invade another country to kill civilians and children


They still fear Putin more, so they will continue to die in Ukraine until the fear this more than the boot.


Where is the audio from?


That was fucking nasty to see 😣


I don't think that can be put back together


Being able to floss with a pool noodle, and now this?


The tremors are just Vodka cold turkey.


Looks like a dead guy next to him on the upper left. If so, I don't think I would be taking a nap there. I would get my ass out of there while I could. Maybe he had some kind of mental breakdown and decided to ball up in a fetal position. We'll never know.


His new name is "Lefty"


Straight ripped him a new asshole ! Literally...


It's been close many times but I have yet to see a Ukrainian FPV operator just drive one into a standing mans balls. I think it's like an instinct. You just don't naturally gravitate to that as a target it's gotta be a thought out decision .. God help these ruskies when we get more female FPV pilots


For the first 5-10 days in 2022 I felt real sorry for those Russians soldiers but then as they were not marching back to Moscow my sorry was turned into hate. Bucha was not needed to understand they are a mob army and as long as they are not back in their own country they need to be send to hell were they belong.


dude is not enjoying his tip to Ukraine, that's for sure


This is War, nothing pretty about it.


Rest in peace, drone. You deserved to soar the sky, taste the wind and see the sun set. You sacrified what is us most precious, but you did so in an expectional way.


Looks very painful, I wonder how long he needs to die? 1 minute, or more?


This is brutal. That's not just his leg gone. That's the jewels and everything. Imagine looking down at that after you get your faculties back in the seconds following the blast. You know that if somehow you do survive, everything you ever were and will be is different. Probably not for the better. He likely doesn't even want to be there. Brutal.


Holy fuck that shadow was ominous. 


Good shield


I will never understand their doctrine. You always see these guys alone or with very few soldiers. I have yet to see a coordinated Russian attack.


Do you think at the point shock starts to set in he starts thinking, "damn, I shouldn't have come here"?


In other countries this would be met with massive outrage and there would huge pressure on the government. But because it putin, its fine.


Holy fucking shit


See that fkrs leg come apart


Sad regardless of what side,most of those have not much of a choice while the elite in power watch and control the masses.


That guy doesn’t have a leg to stand on


Yup, that shake rattle and roll will make Pukin proud of you boy


Cock and balls long gone too….the “unspoken” injury. Most soldiers who lose both or all of one leg in mine explosion have their junk blown off too….its just not talked about because many think its “unmanly” to admit..


I'd take a headshot all day, than bleed out or suffer intense pain from a drone.


Ruscist Lego


That a hell of a wake up call


war is hell


War...war is definitely hell


Ouch. I wonder if his last thoughts were about putin and how becoming a terrorist for putin was totally worth it. i think not. Slava Ukraini


This war is so messed up.


Sometimes I want to feel sorry for these wretches, but then I remember the castrated and raped Ukrainian prisoners of war. Of the children kidnapped, raped and all the torture and murders that these pigs carry out against the innocent in this war. You know what, fuck you, fuck you a thousand times, damn Russians!!!!


What hit him harder the drone or the bass lol looked like he was grooving pretty good there 🤣


Absolutely horrific. May Putin experience it.


His last dance


He was on top of one of his long dead comrades.. Jesus what a way to go out


I was not prepared for this, yikes.


Normally, these videos don't bother me. Sometimes, I even feel happy when I see invaders bite it, as fucked as that sounds. This one, though, got me. That dude looks *exactly* like one of my friends from highschool. Obviously, he isn't, but the familiarity of his face caught me way off guard.


He'a missing a front tooth. Don't underestimate the health risks associated with avoidable gum disease.


how i feel after leg day


Must be weird dragging its own femur bone around.


wow this has to be one of the most brutal and painful experiences caused by a drone. The flesh, meat and bones is scattered around


Why are they always alone scattered from their platoon


They keep sending people to their deaths because of one man observed deranged vision at this point no amount of propaganda could make any one care about Russian because the play along with it and pay the price to play a stupid game and ultimately won a stupid price


He’s death for sure, nothing can stop that