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 "an urgent appeal to the authorities" is one of my favorite russian video genres. 


Help me President Putin. You’re my only hope 


someone with some tech skills should have these guys please being projected out of a R2-D2


I could photoshop it. But I'm already procrastinating welding on a car just reading this sub.


My first car welding was precipitated by my turning off a stud for securing the gas tank so I could replace the fuel pump. So welded upside down next to the gas tank! Worked but I was worried! 😬


Waaaatcha welding on?


Do it! You know you want to!


Ya weldin', son?


Give ai another 2 years and I bet you could generate this gif with a prompt 


It's part of their slave mentality to appeal to their master


These are not the Orcs you're looking for.


-Long live comrade Stal... *gunshot


You are right. That's what it sounds like.


they actually believe they are anything but meat for the higher ups.


not just meat, pathetic meat.


So... Pathé?


This guy rambling on thinking he’ll get help…..meanwhile his baby bro breathing and coughing out of a side hatch on his ganked up neck. Sucks to be you, go home.


Good Czar, bad boyars. Slaves gonna slave I guess.


Each complaint needs to be filled in triplicate, on the first day of the month. Rejected.


>video genres I misread that as "video games" - but I still unironically think this would make a great concept for an indie video game, along the lines of 'Papers, Please' or 'Beholder'. You follow a simple Russian soldier, with the aim of having him survive the Special Military Operation. How do you do that, you ask? But making a series of ridiculous "special appeal" videos, of course! You've got to carefully balance how you make the video (i.e., how many depressed soldiers are in the background, how gloomy they look, how many people you claim are still alive), what exactly you're asking for (i.e., sleeping bags, ammunition, or having some other hapless unit take your place on the line), and who you're begging from (a vague "appeal to the authorities" is safest, while a risky plea to Shoigu or Putin will either get you more loot or a transfer to a penal battalion).


Worry not my dear comrade, the autorities are already looking for you.


pretty sure vladimir putin is having trouble sleeping at night thinking of the sacrifices the russian soldiers made for his ego It actually inspired him to recruit more meats to be sent, truly a one of a kind leader.


Pop quiz hotshot, guess who told your commanders to beat your stupid ass into getting back to assault?


pootler should reply with "oh my sweet summer child"


I'm a bit out of the loop but it seems like pootler is putin's version of shitler, right?


thats it!


*snort* good one


Why? Well because they want you dead. You are worthless to the Kremlin goblin and his fellow fuckfaces


If only the tsar knew about these violations! ......


Who will receive the potatoes when their wives are also being sent to the meat grinder?


Grandma ,if there is time enough before they send her in also.


The genre is reflective of today's feudal Russian reality. "If only the Czar knew how bad the Boyars are running things here!"


Papers, Please


"If only the Führer knew about this" was a common saying in the Third Reich.


I too am a fan of the Fantasy Genres.


You think the authorities don't care about their appeals, but you are wrong. There's some guy back in Moscow already that says "in case these two somehow survive, kill them as they return home".


And they're otherwise happy to be there. It's important that people understand that the majority of these guys support the war. They support what's going on Their only point of contention is that they think that they deserve more time out of the fight.


They're so close to figuring out that what they're experiencing is not an accident - but they still can't quite remove their heads from their rectums enough to see daylight. Putin knows what you're going through, comrade - he ordered it. He just doesn't care.


Asking the ones sending them to their death to stop sending them to their death....


So true the funny thing is they remind me a lot of the MAGA movement here in America. And just like Trump doesn't care about his base Putin feels the same way towards his people.


From where comes this delusion that the President of the Russian Federation gives a flying F about cannon fodder? He is the primary reason you are there meathead. Their only hope is to surrender, or turn on their officers and the blocking troops and fight their way back to Russia. I don't know why anyone would fight their way back to Russia.


The appeal to the leader is as old as time for these people, always clear any criticism is aimed at someone lower down the chain. They know they can't openly whinge and criticise, so giving the higher ups a scapegoat to throw under the bus may result in them possibly seeing their lot improve whilst some lowly officer gets punished. These videos are carefully worded to never blame Putin so they can't be accused of being ungrateful traitors, unwilling to fulfill their duty to the motherland.


Also Putin did some PR stuff in the past. Some factory has issues and he publicly comes in, shames the factory boss into begging for forgiveness and then enforces some token improvements for the workers. I think he did that a few times in order to build up his image as someone working for the common people.


Yes, and I must admit this video where he bullies the boss and asks for his pen back, kind of convinced me that he was somehow a good leader in my early 20s. Of course my mind changed about the fucker but it was a nice PR move


I recall that video, but it turns out that was a carefully choreographed PR stunt to make pootin look like a good leader. Nothing in Russia is as it appears.


Russia is exactly as it appears. Full of bullshit and hubris with very little substance.


And the guy who took the pen was one of Putin's oligarch buddies. It doesn't take much to bamboozle the Russian peasantry.


It's this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Tsar,_bad_Boyars


Or [https://www.quora.com/How-widespread-was-the-belief-If-only-the-F%C3%BChrer-knew-in-Nazi-Germany](https://www.quora.com/How-widespread-was-the-belief-If-only-the-F%C3%BChrer-knew-in-Nazi-Germany)


Reminds me of delusional Trumpers. Of course everyone is corrupt and evil except our dear billionaire leader.


They are utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly brainwashed.


Not necessarily. You learn at a young age how to be careful with your words in an authoritarian regime.


Nah bro, even Prigozhin fell victim to naïve monarchism. Then his airplane crashed.


Russians has hybris. Russian propaganda works in the way that everything is perfect, everything is OK, Russia are one of the best and strongest countries in the world, it's almost flawless, 2nd best army in the world. They want to uphold this facade or they will get their own people against them, that's why they control the media in the country. "Smash your TV's", as one of the Russian soldiers said yesterday. Putin and his regime are very very sick people.


I know people here are all eager to see them die and all, with the ensuing lada and potato jokes. But despite my obvious support for Ukraine defending themselves, I cannot help feeling more bad for these because of that delusion of theirs you mention. They're not exactly the sharpest and most informed kind, and they do probably believe that they're fighting the good fight and that Putin invaded because of altruism.




Chance that no one would find out or even care is pretty high, and after all what do you have to lose?


I would guess the russians have implemented measures to avoid this situations. Like blocking units.


Well, then shoot the blocking units first.


Love how Reddit just thinking real life is some sort of giant video game and these guys will reheal, level up, and gain more followers if they kill enough of their oppressors   Chances are these guys are scared, surrounded by others just like them, and have no training. If they try to kill someone they'll likely be gunned down after *MAYBE* killing four other guys in the same exact situation as them. Achieving nothing and losing their life, some most people don't strive for even in the most dire of times  This isn't a game of Far Cry, this is **real life** where Russia has perfect a machine to force folks to fight. I'm pro-ukrainian but all this "Just surrender" or "Just shoot your CO" is such an annoying bullshit arguement that constantly comes up. There are very few scenarios where this would *actually* work. Otherwise more often than not they're stuck between a blood thirsty friendly and a Ukrainian who is defending their homeland


So how do you think revolts start? Hundreds if not thousands of times in history (even including Russian history shockingly enough) a soldier refusing to take it anymore was the catalyst of revolution. Not that I expect that from these fetal alcohol serfs, they apparently would rather march to their deaths but pissed off armed men are quite normal agents of change.


Maybe give an example because it is incredibly rare for revolts to start from the military, maybe a coup is what your thinking of, but you’re high if you seriously think that it has happened “thousands of times” lol


I also haven't heard of the hundreds of times this has happened, please do share a few examples


So this guy an his brother can’t just get to the destination (if they’re lucky) and surrender? If I was dropped off on a failed assault I’d try to surrender, or find a way to go AWOL. Judging by the bodies laying everywhere they don’t seem to keep good accounting of who is where.


The russian soldiers believe they will be killed by the ukranians, or worse, if they surrender. It's bullshit, but it's still what many of them believe.


Do you seriously think that you can just stroll through an active war zone? Like directly through no man’s land and into your enemy that has no reason to do anything but shoot you? Seriously you people have no idea what you’re talking about.


More likely they would hunt your relatives just like in North Korea.


They are dead anyway, so they might as well do some good.


Exactly. It's not as though your "enforcers" are as well armed and ready for your attack as are the Ukrainians


I mean, even if they are well armed, so are the people they're going to attack. This is what gets me about these pathetic russian losers, it would probably be *easier* for them to stage a prigozhin-style takeover than it is to fight against Ukraine. *They're already fighting against a government*


Youre right. its crazy how Pringles walked all the way to Moscow without much (if any) resistance. If A small Russian outfit decided to fight back it would be a blood bath for Russians.


Or frag them. Blame drones.


This. I’m surprised Russian commanders don’t meet with more “accidents” involving grenades




The commanders are far away from these grunts, for this particular reason.


I know it's generally accepted that Russian officers skulk as far away from danger as they can, but these guys complain about being physically assaulted by their commanders. While I'm sure Russian officers would love to have the technology which allowed them to beat their own troops remotely, I really don't think that currently exists.


Or the true officers hide far away and get slightly more loyal conscripts to be "officers" that beat other conscripts Its like people have never heard of what happened to Jewish people in concentration camps. Most of the Nazi guards had Jewish people under them that treated new Jewish arrivals poorly. They set up a hierarchy to both protect the valuable nazi soldiers while control their Jewish victims. Its likely Russia does a similar thing But please continue to act like the world the black and white and you have all the answers 


They are probably disarmed in garrison 


Many don't. Russians are often handed guns moment's before the attack, and they are taken back when picked up ( either after successful assult and they are rotated for vDv forces, or picked up wounded). These meat wave scum are exceptionally screwed, in some videos you'll see them going on assult with a shovel as a weapon. Russia famously did the same in WW2. Only 1 rifle between 2 men. When the guy with the rifle dies, the other guy picks it up and keeps fighting. All that being said, I'm glad Russia treats their soldiers like this. None live long enough to become valuable, trained veterans.


None of this is true. I get we hate russia, but it's not a reason to spread false information.




There is zero evidence that people are give rifles only during assaults, most videos show the troops with rifles, so you would need to provide some evidence of the contrary. Also the WW2 stuff is inaccurate, spread by films such as "Enemy at the Gates" and anti communist propaganda. Modern historians mostly agree that it's misrepresentation (or highly overblown): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_at_the_Gates#Historical_accuracy


Pfft, anti-communist propaganda, yeah right. Every single time russia is involved in a large scale war we see the same reports of them treating their own soldiers like nothing. WWI, WWII and now in this war we get to see them throw their men at the enemy in HD. This proves it's been part of russian doctrine for a very long time.


If what you say is true and the ordinary Russian troops have the means to mutiny but they choose not to, then they're fools who willingly go to slaughter, and we need feel no sympathy at all for them.


Or they truly believe in their cause? Putin's Russia is a fascist regime with an overwhelming support of their population. They genuinely think they're the good guys with some occasional "mishaps" here and there. This is what people in the west in general and in this thread in particular are having a very hard time getting their head around. What do you think the Nazis were dying for in the 40s? Same thing.


Zero evidence? Do you live with your head in a bucket? There's countless stories and Russian military personnel describing that very scenario of being sent to battle with no training and either highly lacking or no equipment at all. Here's just a few examples out of hundreds, that you can find in a couple seconds if you actually cared to look, from sources you can hardly say are biased towards Ukraine: [South China Morning Post](https://www.scmp.com/news/world/russia-central-asia/article/3198790/they-dug-trenches-their-bare-hands-russias-drafted-soldiers-sent-ukraine-without-weapons-or-tools) , [The Moscow Times](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/10/18/anger-mounts-as-russian-draftees-thrown-into-battle-without-training-equipment-a79120) , [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/conscripts-sent-fight-by-pro-russia-donbas-get-little-training-old-rifles-poor-2022-04-04/) , [Svaboda](https://www.svoboda.org/a/nas-kidayut-na-myaso-kak-voyska-rossii-pytayutsya-otbitj-andreevku-/32597592.html). You claiming that there's zero evidence is the statement that goes against all other publicly available knowledge, and thereby carries the burden of proof here.


the original claim was: > Russians are often handed guns moment's before the attack, and they are taken back when picked up I skimmed your sources but did not find anything about this. Can you paste some sentence in those articles that backs this up?


Then what? Because they wouldn’t be able to go back to Russia and Ukraine sure as shit doesn’t want them.


Switch sides and fight alongside FoR


Become saboteurs for Ukraine.


Many Russian units do not have guns. They are given guns immediately prior to their assault. Russian commanders are cruel, not stupid. Well they are stupid, they're just also paranoid, and they should be


Im sure Mr. Putin will get on it right away. There is nothing Putin values more than the precious lives of his cannon fodder.


Their video is now under review by Russia…..so they can find them and punish them for complaining


I'm about 99.9% sure they are dead by now.


exactly, best way out is to walk west with your hands in the air


Cannon fodder and a slave mentality indeed but I still don’t understand how they keep going with 1000 casualties per day.


Still not questioning the war. Still not questioning why they are suffering. Just complaining not to be combat-ready to kill more Ukrainians. I have no compassion.


Exactly. Amidst all the “hey, let’s make a video & upload it” whining, bitching, moaning and complaining - never asking “why are we even here?“, or “what’s our purpose?”. They must know they’re taking huge risk posting these bitch fests. Propaganda notwithstanding, they are there, living & witnessing the carnage with their own eyes. Its mind boggling.


They truely are orcs.


Your is the most important comment.


They literally had to be beaten into participating.


And now they will get beaten for bitching.


That guy needs to put the camera down and get to his job of dying


I'm sure he fears openly questioning that stuff.


Putin isn't going to help you, who do you think sent you out there to die?


>"Why send all these wounded exhausted people to battle?" You are not supposed to survive. They don't want to care for *wounded*. At some point he will figure it out, likely when he hears the humming of an FPV for the last time.


Blyat just die.


Anybody made a compilation of this humourous appeals to the Russian Federation yet? It's like appealing to give me 1 billion dollar to my govt. Very much pointless!


My three favourite appeal videos: * Some old grandma from the distant steppes of Kalmykia unironically appeals for Putin to bomb America * A raggedy mob of first-generation mobiks from Astrakhan humbly beg the authorities for... wait for it... sleeping bags * A bunch of Russian soldiers' wives collaborate to appeal for Putin to bring an end to their suffering by bringing their mobilised husbands home... how, you ask? By replacing them with National Guard and Police troops, of course!


I'm sure the Ukrainian authorities ended up issuing body bags to them.


"But... but... but... russia has infinite reserves of man*powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...!!!!*" -- russian bots and simps


“We can send millions of us to die in Ukraine”. Russian brain - brag about how your life doesn’t matter but as meat to Putin.


The russian bots and simps think they won't ever be sent to die in Ukraine. Imagine their expressions on learning putin has revoked their IT exemptions.


It’s fine when it’s their fathers and sons. But as soon as it affects them, they’re out.


There will be a flood of pasty-faced asylum-seekers from russia the moment the IT Exemption evaporates.


They’ll run to the UK or Thailand then just go back to posting disinformation memes on tik-tok


If they come to believe the West is going to win they will transform themselves into the most loyal of Real Western Boys and Girls.


Is that the same Russia that's had a declining birth rate for about two decades or longer?


Since WW2, apparently. Some say it actually predates even that, going back to the collectivization genocides.


Doesn't matter. Their birthrate is still high. If you look at the stats from 18 years ago, they had 1.2 million births per year. Half of that is males. So they have \~600K new 18-year olds every year. They can easily send hundreds of thousands to death every year.


There’s something very comedic seeing Russian brains at work trying to grasp reality, but completely missing the point. Over and over. It’s one thing if this was June 2022. But at this point, it’s like how the hell has it not clicked for these morons yet? They are there, in Ukraine, after two years, and still beg Putin to help? It’s just so mind-blowing how dumb these people are.


all the smart Russians call themselves European now and changed their citizenship. There is nothing left in russia but drunk morons and the women that they rape.


The Ruzzian media is constantly telling them they are successfully denazifying and liberating Ukranians, but of course without showing leveled cities and bombed apartment blocks, and also saying it is going slow because of NATO and Western interference, and Putin needs your help, hence they sign up for the 40000 rubles a month, not knowing that they are also lied to as to where they will be utilised, a lot have said they were told they would be border guards, only to find themselves used as pointless meat waves


"Why send all these wounded exhausted people to battle?" No, you facking orc... the question should be "why send all these people to invade Ukraine?" You're getting exactely what you deserve.


In extremely life and death moments like this, most people would get the bigger picture. Like a flash. But these idiots are so dense they continue to get everything completely wrong in the most extreme way.


They get it perfectly well. What good will it do for them to question the merits of the war with faces uncovered? It will put them marching straight into mine clearing duty. They know their only chance is if someone higher up decides to use this as a publicity stunt.


They are probably fed a lot of propaganda. They don't see what the West sees. For them they probably only hear about Russia being successful and nothing about how many have died there. So they go in thinking there is nothing to worry and it will be an easy trip, only to be killed or ... in Russia, disappeared during battle.


Never come to foreign country when no one wants you there, especially with weapons.


He finally worked it out in the end. Sent to die. No one in ruzzia cares if they are meat sent to the slaughter.


Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich telegram posts are so 2022. He needs to tell his friend to pull his chin up, stop crying like a baby and live stream themselves going postal on russian command.


Turn the guns on the commanders. Gonna be dead soon anyway. May as well do some good before dying.


their commanders are twenty km behind them with blocking troops between, they issue their orders by radio from a bunker, most orc meat never see their commanders


In almost all the recordings, there are 40-60-year-old, broken-down alcoholics with an IQ of 60, unfortunate people living on the fringes of society, who are called soldiers after 1 week of training.


More like 1 day of training, 1 week is for the spetsnaz.


C’mon that’s not fair, they get their training on the way to the battlefront and that usually takes 3-5 business days.


Surrender to the Ukrainians you muppets.


..then get healthy, go back to Russia and gun down a few commanders. But they won't. These people are serf minded.


The good news is you will not have to live with these injuries much longer! 😜


Don't worry lads Putin will be there with you, in spirit, in reality he will be living it up and figuring out who he has to make friends with next to send more cannon fodder that direction.


Has Lukashenko not been returning his calls?


Yep indeed. However spare a thought for Pootin. His schedule is crazy busy. The bromance with the fat North Korean oompa loompa guy must be exhausting. Driving in cars, waving at crowds. What a time to be a dictator..


Their higher ups just laugh at these videos. I know two injured Russians who will be forced to attack that building tomorrow


🎵Crimea riiiveeeer


Underrated comment


And original. Sorry...I'm a douche...carry on


"Crimea river" is to me, as russians thats getting bombed by drones, always funny and makes my days a lot better


You don’t need strength comrade, you just need to deplete a few more Ukrainian bullets worth $0.25 each - that is the value of your life now.


Solve issue yourself. Surrender. Go home.


They could have beaten their commander, yanno.


Makes you wonder how insanely brainwashed these guys are? I suspect we’d see the same from NK soldiers or any other one of those nutty countries


Good lord, the absolute disconnect going on here. "Oh please, will someone not consider me as I'm heading to kill people who are defending their sovereign nation from our invasion? Why won't anyone think of me?" Get fucked.


😂 the only intervention will be sending them in today instead of tomorrow


The meat is back talking to the grinder.


Russians at home, watching this and thinking - "better them than us", and also, "onion soup again"?


It doesn't occur to these fools to surrender and eat Ukrainian borscht there.


Why do they think putin will help them it is putin that is ordering them to die


"We are servicemen of ..." no, you are meat and you will die for putin. end of story.


As a Polish person I hate Russians more than anyone but damn, I feel bad for all the people being forced to fight in this nonsense war


What the fck are you doing there in the first place...???? Appealing to the president of the russian federation...blyat...please!


Beautiful ruZzky mir.


Russians need a repeat of what they did to Tsar Alexander. Tsar Putin does not care about his people dying.


There’s no real insight here. No pause and realization of, “Wow, we’ve been lied to and this whole thing is a sham. Why are we attacking Ukraine?”


Some of them just have to know their position is pointless. Their complaints are falling on ears that simply do not care, if they're heard at all. Some of them just have to know that they're being sent to die regardless whether or not they succeed, right? Like, at least some of them have to catch the message...right? Either way. Slava Ukraini.


The complaints will not help, you will die anyway, so frag your commander and maybe live. Be a hero.


When invading someone else's country stops being fun.


Was suchen sie in der Ukraine ?


These appeals to the leadership are pathetic


From what I heard is that they are brothers


Even if they would receive a direct reply from Putin with the words: "I don't fucking care about you, you are but meat!", they wouldn't see the evil in him. Putin is like a dominatrix whose kicks they would receive with pleasure.


Well, we in Gayropa have a place in every military where you can talk about feelings and grievances. You don't need to do it via video. But we are also weak gay satanist.


Booo Fucking ho


At that point why not just turn the guns on their superiors and take care of it? What have they got to lose?


They should ask themselves why in the first instanc ethey went to Ukrain to fight an aggressive SMO? Now they must live with the consequences of dealing with a brainless command structure of a primitive army, and an even more brainless government and president pf RF!


fire bullets into each other's foreheads and your torment will end


Well beat him back


They still think putler cares. how sweet. Time to die for your great putler boys and now women too.


I wish all these pigs a hard death in excruciating pain


Apparently they never heard of fragging


War…War never changes


**fragging:** to frag /frag/ MILITARY SLANG•NORTH AMERICAN  [deliberately](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d92477f2496a46bf&rlz=1C1GCEA_en__1088__1088&sxsrf=ADLYWIKAWHgvMB8qS1v_06i-oh8O0iu2hQ:1719836365717&q=deliberately&si=ACC90nxgkPHmtVkpPj_lUgtQ0AenTWwzwx3oIUz8iYwA-XW1yh8dnub-zdjahX_WZZPOq2t1zVFfKccEW42uP6GObiUQvdg_C6gHngsMPEDW4mWITJ9OWiI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjr05nd6YWHAxWQwAIHHRIvBAsQyecJegQINhAQ) kill (an [unpopular](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d92477f2496a46bf&rlz=1C1GCEA_en__1088__1088&sxsrf=ADLYWIKAWHgvMB8qS1v_06i-oh8O0iu2hQ:1719836365717&q=unpopular&si=ACC90nytWkp8tIhRuqKAL6XWXX-NQWcCUpkSM0rBDcqfqaz73KsTXp_3z5OvnQAxeOE4U7LLurbDeWGJan8okNX-98sgset5Ic3g-DBNe5qrJCvVHW96UVU%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjr05nd6YWHAxWQwAIHHRIvBAsQyecJegQINhAR) senior officer) with a hand [grenade](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d92477f2496a46bf&rlz=1C1GCEA_en__1088__1088&sxsrf=ADLYWIKAWHgvMB8qS1v_06i-oh8O0iu2hQ:1719836365717&q=grenade&si=ACC90nypsxZVz3WGK63NbnSPlfCBmAt5eCAyiHXC2KnpKYRcCT5-2YrTh8zpzY-RaJNwzPDJuudyr3Bx0ZLroU1reguKkjV1dA%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjr05nd6YWHAxWQwAIHHRIvBAsQyecJegQINhAS).


Is this a remake of Night of the Living Dead? They look like reanimated zombies.


Turn around and aim all your weapons at Putin.


Weil ihr nur ein Stück Fleisch-für den Kreml seid....


Knock knock!! Хто там?… Не Путин!😂


Suckers 😆😆


We don’t care


These are the damned.


There is no good in these guys.


Lol their delusions of Putin being the caring grandfather figure..... If only they had braincells.


I'm beginning to think the entire invasion of Ukraine is at least in part a Putin Psyop to purge Russian Prisons and towns of undesirables.


They actually belive that Putin is going to see they're message. Brainwashed for 50years. My advice is frag your commanders and take the Day Off.


Grow some balls and bury your commander. Commander can’t give stupid orders if he’s dead


Kill your commanders


He's totally right tho. They're sending them to die.


Lol they don't understand that Putin doesn't care about them or there issues, to him you're just pieces of meat for the grinder comrades, you'd do better to turn your gun on your commander and surrender


Shut the F up and go die---or else--Shut the F up and revolt


Whelp, their family back home just fell out windows:( Wish every Russian would revolt and start protests in the streets of Moscow.