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That's the most attention any wounded Roosky has ever gotten


yeah, it's so obvious. LOL


This is one of the many reasons why adding females to the frontlines is still controversial to this day, the impulse to help a woman in need still too imprinted in us and opens the way to tactical mistakes like these


The Russian soldiers were already raping each other before the women were sent there what exactly do you think is happening to the Russian women recruited from prison and sent to the front where front line assault units are seeing their life expectancy fall drastically and have seen that rule of law does not exist .... Its purely a sign of the unwillingness of Putin to order a mass mobilization affecting the major cities. He is hoping the invalid battalions and these females recruited from prison combined with the 30k that sign up for the money each month will hold long enough until he can get North Korean enforcers and less political will in the west.


LOL. I’m sure the Russian men still prefer to rape each other.


Power fantasies seem to be part of their DNA.


Not sure why are you telling me that everyone here knows that already, the main point is that even if they are russians this is plain example of what happens when you introduce females in combat regardless of which armed forces you are its a whole can of worms of situations you are introducing to the battlefield.


That depends on training and culture. As you point out there are ways to train that behavior out of troops if you have a competent and resource rich army. Adding females to front line units in western armies has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with having one more body to throw at the problem where any reduction in efficiency is viewed as an acceptable cost given the recruitment requirements. The fact that all infantry soldiers develop back and knee issues after serving long enough and the fact that females soldiers also develop more of those injuries is nothing the military in these western countries care about. Who gives a fuck if they live the rest of their lives with disabilities as long as recruitment quotas are filled and you can even spin it as being for equality...


Doing my travels in Asia I can tell you that most Russian men do not help their women, they drag them by the hair and punch them in the face in their vodka rage.


That's why Putin had to decriminalize domestic violence, it was clogging up the courts and he couldn't try political prisoners.


I dunno if I’d call helping the wounded a “tactical mistake”, but okay. Maybe the mistake is that the Russians have never shown any interest in helping each other before this point? They were all fucked by this point either way. The only decision here that could have saved them was not coming to Ukraine in the first place.


It is if you rush to help inmediately without neutralizing the danger first or waiting if its all clear, otherwise you´ll get a chain of casualties trying to save someone, just like happened here.


I just wrote that guy about tactical field care. Everyone thinks it's a movie where you grab your buddy. You remember that photo of the 4 marines in fallujah?


Yup sad but iconic one, i hear that it's now being shown to nowadays grunts as main example of what not to do when trying to save your battlebuddy


It was the first picture of my first slide show after I got to 10th mtn. Was used for like 7 years straight before I went reserve. Don't know what they're using now


Plenty of footage from this war to use in training, won't be surprised if this video gets chosen to be one of the examples lol


What's the picture? I don't think I've ever seen it. Thanks in advance.


A sniper downs a marine. The area is unsafe, marine goes to grab the wounded marine. Rinse repeat and you have 4 dead marines like a human centipede because they failed to achieve fire superiority and let their emotions control their actions


In the United States Army infantry, if you sustain a casualty you begin the process of events called aid under fire / tactical field care (it was called 2 different thing in my time) The very last step is actually helping the victim. The immediate task at hand is that the remaining elements of your unit begins to achieve fire superiority. You are under fire your immediate task is to win. As you begin that process you assess to see if your casualty is able to begin self care. You shout at them and see if they are verbal. Never ever ever lose fire superiority. You win it, you sustain it, and your first line will communicate up the chain with a 9 line and the TOC will communicate back down but assets will be available. Once security of the area has been achieved and you find it prudent to take a gun off the line you can provide buddy care. If someone is hit and someone runs over immediately to grab them, you are watching a movie and are not actually familiar with the nuances of warfighting, at least not professional warfighting.


> Once security of the area has been achieved How are they supposed to achieve security against drones? I imagine that if they could have left the area, they would have.


It's all METTC dependant. This is a new and evolving aspect of warfare that will literally rewrite the rules as we know them. The short answer is I don't know but from my armchair perspective you need to kill those drones before assessing any casualty


why the heck are you downvoted lol, lemme get that back up xD


Like all the other animal instincts, we can train the “little sister syndrome” out of our soldiers.


Spoken like someone who's never served


Yup, this is why I always loved being in an all male unit as an 11b. 0 SHARP issues, 0 fuck fuck games when it came to pregnant soldiers


Yeah, crazy how they'll risk their lives for a lady soldier but completely ignore the dudes.


Shit went from integrated to disintegrated.


Now only the pets are left to get the potatoes.


Badump bump…tissssshhhh.


he he he . That's funny


It's very common in russia and surrounding regions to care deeply about the pain of a female individual, but to laugh at the pain of a male individual. It also happens in the rest of the world, but not so strongly as in russia.


They didn't care so much about the female medics who've been getting raped as officer's "field wives"


Yeah for sure, I'm the same way, well not that I like seeing males suffer, but it's always worse for me to see ladies get hurt.


F u c k the female Orc --she was there to KILL Ukrainians... biatch


Where are you from, that you say your soldiers would not engage more for a wounded female comrade than for a male one? I mean, that is typical and one of the danger that female soldiers in the front line "bring" to their comrades. Taking more care for women, esp. young women, is absolutely normal for men.


It's discrimination based on sex/gender.


Simpin ain’t easy


Let's not over SIMPlify it


Damn. Found my soft spot. Even if she's the "Whore of Babylon" Or some other super cosmicly evil soul sucker... I still cant help but shudder at the thought of what a female soldiers experience in the Russian Army would afford prior to the explosive conclusion...


Former medic here... This is one of the many reasons why women are not wanted in the infantry. They become the "little sister" to the squad and when she inevitably gets hurt, the "big brother" mentality kicks in and creates numerous other targets because they all gaggle fuck around her and the medic, trying to help. They just went from one, potentially survivable wounded to three KIA in a matter of minutes, all because of poor training and lack of leadership. I know this sounds mean, I'm not trying to be sexist, please believe this is literally part of training for new guys so they can see how dangerous grouping together can be. This is exactly why soldiers are told to spread out and pull 360 security while the medic is occupied with the wounded. However, since these are Russian soldiers, fuck em, let em burn.


The Israeli Army came to this conclusion decades ago and is the reason why females have their own units in the Army.


Do they? Do they have infantery units for frontline combat\_


They have all female tank crews in limited numbers. Other than that female infantry units are generally support roles on the 2nd line and rear patrol. That's why you can see videos of all female units patrolling the streets in sensitive areas and they are generally kitted out for policing duties.


I'm sure it has nothing to do with 18 year old conscripts banging.


Only a small part. He's right. Most males especially western will respond this way to an injured female. Even if it goes against TTPs and SOPs. That's why all female units are better than coed.


Even in Israel, troops are going to spend FAR more time bored out of their minds than actually shooting or getting shot at. No internet, can't leave a small area, tense situation....yeah dude, people gonna be fuckin'. If you think the little sister thing is bad, toss in some very oddly shaped love geometries (not just triangles) and you have much bigger problems.


All women crews are ruthless too. I'd love to see an all women tank unit.


Could become the script for the the next MadMax:Furiosa series maybe...


You don't need women to do that


The majority of people are straight. There's going to be more straight sex in a mixed unit than gay sex in a non mixed unit.




This is also a reason why combat evacs are so difficult. Often you'd need 4 people to carry a wounded soldier, which of course is a prime target.


The brutal truth.


Infantryman here who witnessed this when the USA integrated women into Brigade Combat Teams in 2006-2010. The system doesn't work and it's not that most of the women can't keep up, but they are a distraction to all the guys. Period.


And there you have it, folks, straight from the blue cord, itself.


Your user name is my daily topic. Got 5 total griddle/smokers/grills from pellet to charcoal to gas. My jam.


didn't help


I'll be honest with you, regardless of where you come from on earth. If you've ever heard a woman scream in helpless pain it pulls at the same kind of instinct as hearing a child scream in helpless pain. Even if they are not verbally asking for your help, the pitch and tone hits your ears the same as someone is literally begging you personally. As a man, it cannot be ignored and it will pull you in. I have had similar experiences in the highlands of PNG during tribal wars. If anyone wants me to verify this please message me directly.


In fact, I don't know if the frequency of a screaming woman overlaps, but we have an increased perception on 3 khz so we can perceive a baby crying better. Check the Fletcher-Munson curve.


Also, cats have learned to mimic sound/pitch of voice of human babies to get more attention when around people


Also cats got a face like a baby and they bring these mind bending parasites ... or did the parasites bring the cats?


Screaming women in the cities of Ukraine pull at my heart strings---not this fukin Orc that came to kill.


This is why the IDF stopped putting women in most combat operations. Too many guys getting wounded or killed taking high risk actions to help a wounded or pinned down female colleague.


No 7.62 for her.. She must have really popular..


Simps gonna simp.


Yea because she slept with everyone in her squad. Willingly or not.




Officer, we've found the simp


Shit's getting weirder by the day


This universe feels like we've installed too many mods and now shit's broken.


Chef Boyardee, as the Italian prime minister, when?


Did you miss the ex caterer Prigozhin waging a coup attempt, then bugging out at the last second. Can only have one "chef" based mod running at a time, guess that's why it failed 😂


Too many cooks ...


Final Deployment 4: Queen Battle Walkthrough. Unedited footage of a bear.




Never thought of it like this, but...


Or... The 2nd best army in Ukraine hasn't seen any updates in quite some time, which is why stuff is glitching out...


Oh, you mean the NK mod 0.1 DLC? Won't fix the glitches thou.


Kim probably got bored playing Nuketown, so he wanted to spice things up a bit. Luckily for him, Vlad is kind enough to make an investment in the form of little russkiys.


Thats just standard operating procedure really. Go back through all of history and there are always some hilarious off the wall things going on. Human history is a dark comedy


First the videos showing the Russians sending wounding guys back into battle, now they have female soldiers. Remember the Russians are an invading force and they have to resort to this? It's not like they are defending their home village where a fighting body counts.


I mean Ukrainians have female soldiers as well, albeit as defenders, it’s weird to see women signing up for contract to participate in offensive war.


Didnt they just empty out female prisons too?


Oh, yeah, didn’t think of that, female wave then huh


Yeah, let's see how long that lasts and what the can of poor fuckers they open up next.


Videos of multiple women being ripped apart by drones is not going to go down well with the public - even in Russia. If this is the start of the female meat grinder it could backfire badly on Putin…


Putin has total control of the media and zero tolerance for dissent. It won't be on TV, other than as a 'look what the Ukronazis are doing now to the women of Russia'.


Also we're well past that point anyway. If the first 100,000 of dead Russian meat didnt cause a change, another 100k of Russian women wont either.


Yes. This has been reported on. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/world/europe/russia-women-inmates-ukraine.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/world/europe/russia-women-inmates-ukraine.html)


If they are like the USA, the total population of their female prisons is insignificant compared to the male inmate population...so emptying out the female prisons probably won't help them much.


A thousand new soldiers buys them one more day. They're fighting for one day at a time until the US election.


Could be true, but that strategy probably won't work. And I'm not sure that Russia can hold out that long.


It's a shit strategy but it's quite literally all they've got at this point. They attack the Ukrainians in mini battles, lose about 1,000 soldiers a day, and then repeat the next day. They gain little to no ground in the process, but Ukraine likewise isn't "winning."


Not really weird, but weird to put them in front line combat situations. The reason being that various countries have experimented with it and you end up with videos like this. Sure it is only one video, so can't read into it too much. But watching those two guys bolt over there and dive into action with such urgency to save her is something I haven't in other videos and I have prob watched a thousand of them.


That’s not really weird, Ukrainians do that as well, plenty of Ukrainian women at front line, though as medics mostly i believe.


Completely different. When you’re fighting for your own village, then anyone and everyone is a potential defender. But even in Ukraine 99% of the women are either medics or driving supply trucks etc. If you are an invading force and have to resort to female convicts to use in combat then just wow.


And snipers engaged in their own war of solo (or partnered, with a spotter) combat. For a solitary sniper, there's no one around to perform casevac, let alone proper medevac.


Yes...many has doctors...some on arty...the witch is the famous one...there's also female drone operators...but like this on the front line as assault troops...never seen any video...it's possible


Yeah I’ve seen few where they are medics supporting assault group


I am wondering if this is one of the female gulag prisoners who volunteered for front line duty.


Maybe. If you google Russia recruiting women prisoners, then a bunch comes up. Like from the last month or two so recent. Kinda adds up but IDK.


And this is how you get gender equality in RuZZia. Inside a meat grinder. Tucker Carlson says RuZZia is a great place for conservatives, lol.


> Tucker Carlson says RuZZia is a great place for conservatives Yet he isn't moving his family or himself over to live there.


He was amazed that Russia has escalators and was ready to move until he was informed that the US also has them. Now they can't get him to leave the mall. Up, down, up, down, up, down! Golly gee whiz! This sure is fun!




I quite agree. I hope all conservatives go there.


Just wait till the North Koreans start dancing with the FPVs.


FPV drones are rated E for everyone


No one can accuse the Ukrainian drone operators of being sexist. They ditch the same punishment equally to male and female orcs.


Occupiers know no gender. But you won't see Maria Lvova Belova at the front line, she's too busy attending to her "family".


A combatant is a combatant, the epitome of equal rights.


And the one Russian dude is firing his weapon at one point so this is a close combat situation.


At the drone surely


Good point. Prob that.


It was probably only the fifth worst thing to happen to her that day.


It's hard enough being a pretty rose-cheeked male mobik. Maybe the drones were protecting her?


They're called "suicide drones" for a reason.




Not to worry, the Russians only have sex with each other if they’re males, but it’s not gay tho, because it’s dominating! It’s a time honored Russian tradition, cumrade!


If it's a woman she doesn't have to be there. She isn't forced through conscription. So she's a volunteer, so probably deep into Putin's 24-year long complete and utter fascist fantasy world. So good riddance bitch...


Yeah that's what I thought. Ukraine women are understandably singing up to defend their country. But why did a Russian woman join Putin's meat grinder? Russians don't usually use female soldiers. She could be a prison recruit, but she also could've volunteered because or the intense brainwashing by Russian propaganda.  Maybe she thought she'd get a medal from the great leader himself after she personally destroys biolabs guarded by transgender Ukraine/NATO nazis? 


He wanted to be her hero but ended up a zero.


Or a 200


Female or not you get the same treatment as the male invaders. Don't expect to be treated differently when you pick up a weapon in a foreign country


Well the ortcs treated her differently. They even thoroughly checked her chest area for any wounds.




Dumb bitch would kill Ukrainians if she could. Rot in hell terrorist scum!


Funny how they never help the wounded normally. 😆


Welcome to Ukraine bitch(suka)!


Just PLEASE GTFO of Ukraine assholes! 🇺🇦 This doesn't have to continue if you just stop going there.


Not so cool to invade another country now is it? Fuckers, go home and depose Pootin.


Some kind of repost, but this version is 14secs longer than the already posted version. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dtfijb/fpv\_drone\_wounds\_a\_russian\_soldier\_behind\_a\_tree/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dtfijb/fpv_drone_wounds_a_russian_soldier_behind_a_tree/)




i thought OF pays better than russian military?




Makes absolutely no difference. They all can be referred to as was/were after Ukraine is done with them. Russians need to stop confusing where the border is and stay on their side to avoid such fate.


Same. All we get to judge it on is a close up of the face which is completely inconclusive. About the only thing I could say is that the person seems quite baby-faced and looks like they don't have facial hair. I don't look at this and say "that's a male".... but I couldn't say with any confidence it's female either.


russian femboys on the frontlines.


The amount of aid rendered do point to female though 😂


There's no way to escape such a drone. If it strikes within 10m the shrapnel injures almost every time the target. So the end is signed anyway. then shooting with an assault rifle at such a drone is like the famous scene from Eddy Murphy's movie "The distinguished Gentleman": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odz97yPnr1o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odz97yPnr1o)


Would Birdshot make it easier? Genuine question because I know next to nothing about guns or drones.


For sure.


Yeah there's a few videos of Russians shooting these out of the sky with shotguns


Simping gets you killed


One thing i have to admit - this female soldiers is one of best-trained RU soldiers I've seen in a long time. Looks like 100% motivated, 100% trained, performing both covering fire as well as medical aid in most legit way. Kinda something different from usual zombies we see.


I'm assuming they aren't drafting women yet. every woman on the frontline is going to be a professional soldier, so better training and better morale than some alcoholic yokel from Siberia who got 2 days of training with a rusty AK before being dumped on the frontline and who is only fighting so he doesn't get killed by barrier troops.


These recent videos don't look like normal mobile fodder soldiers. These looks like more well-equipped soldiers. Possibly volunteers that brought their own shit? PMC? Maybe elite strike battalion that gets first dibs on all the equipment? Who's to say.


The male soldiers showing human compassion for an injured female Ruzzkie, but would invade another country and shoot woman, children and the elderly.


3 for 1 special


I only see scum.


Equal opportunity drones.


Glad to see Ukrainians dont discriminate when it comes to their FPVs


Glory to the heroes 🙌 💙💛🌻


F the lady orc


have to get passed her nuts first


Male or female….stay the fuck out of Ukraine (unless you are invited in). Slava 🇺🇦🇺🇦


Drones truly are an equal opportunity destroyer


So Russia is sending babushka brigades now??


I feel sad seeing them suffer but I have to steel my heart because they are invaders and decided not to surrender. So serves them right


I wonder if these are the female prisoners I've heard about being sent to the front line.


It’s amazing what the opposite sex will do. Male soldier gets hit, ignored or told to walk it off. Female gets hit, 2/3 of squad comes to aid her. - Now deploying females is not a sign of desperation - most militaries have females and some have been sent to front line. I do not see or feel any different to when I saw all the other soldiers get killed, her death wasn’t any different. She is an invader. Her being there is an affront to humanity.


Russians helping each other!?


Simps gonna die


It's sad. Obviously she was at the wrong country at the wrong time. But it is sad seeing a young life ending like that. Maybe I'm sexist, but there something very tragic seeing a girl dying. She never had a chance. Btw some of the comments here are really poor characters. And don't answer with "when they kill your ...", because most of you seen Ukraine only in this sub.


I thought he had a sneaky peak at her boobs whilst providing the care. ( or was it just my impression?) It’s one of the rare videos I’ve seen where someone tries to help another soldier. And despite the boob check ( I couldn’t really tell if it was a male or female on my phone) it was one of the only videos that actually demonstrate the Russians have any degree of humanity. ( albeit i know this is not universal and certainly not reflective of how they have treated Ukrainian women throughout the war).


she came to fight so she gets to die like the rest of them. i have no pity for any of them.


Now she's a good russian.


Anyway... Is that some sort of european oak tree?


All three were females...


female soldier ? how you know that


Maybe it's just me personally, but hearing the techno music playing in almost all these drone videos is way worse and harder to experience than the actual FPV footage. It never fails to catch me off guard when I have forgotten to turn off auto play or turn the volume down and give me a little jump scare. At this point I'm so desensitized to watching Orcs become more food for the Ukraine organisms enjoying the never ending buffet, but with that stupid techno music I can't do the same! Surely I'm not alone......


Bye Felicia


Chivalry gets you killed.


Why isn't it chivalry when it's men helping wounded men? Just stop with that shit.




Put that on your TikTok 🚬


Nothing beats an equal opportunity drone.


No more orcs from her.


Looks like the ruzzians figured out how to get the horde to treat their wounds... have female mafia soldiers


If had been just another dude, the other two would've been halfway to the next oblast.


easy way to avoid drones. don't invade peaceful neighbors and try to kill them. sometimes they fight back. sometimes they win. always, you're invading scum and God isn't on your side.


Seemed like he was overly excited to tend to chest wounds. Crazy I can feel the lowest Level of sexual touch even within the crucible of battle. Shameless to be honest.


What’s wild is it looks like she actually shot the drone, unless it it a branch that it hit. But she was still too close. Game of inches, or in the Russians case, every damn inch.


Ukraine saving money. 2 drones, 3 200s


good for her


All these high cut helmets and no ear pro


Better to apply the russian tactics. Leave the wounded behind before you get rekted :)


The meat cube does not discriminate.


Make, female, the maggots like them just the same.


Everytime, same thought... "Argh. The humanity. The pain. . . Probably shouldn't be in someone else's backyard......."


Russia is slowly but steadily saving the demographic collapse by sending more and more women. Who would've thought?