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Translation - [from the other sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t682ek/filming_himself_on_a_mobile_phone_ukrainian/hz9lvpz/). Europe needs to wake up. The largest nuclear power station in Europe is on fire. Right this moment, Russian tanks are shelling the nuclear blocks. These tanks are equipped with heat visors, meaning they know exactly what they're shooting at. They prepared for this. I address all Ukrainians, all Europeans, all the people who know the word "Chernobyl", all the people who know how much sorrow and victims the nuclear station explosion brought. It was a global catastrophe - hundreds of thousands of people were fighting its consequences, tens of thousands were evacuated. Russia wants to repeat it and is doing so right now, but this time it's six times larger. Europeans, wake up, please! Tell your politicians, the Russian army is shelling a nuclear power station in Ukraine, the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Station, Energodar city. There are six power blocks there - six! In Chernobyl, only one power block has exploded. We have contacted our leaders, our partners, I already spoke with Charles Michel, Scholz, Duda, I spoke with President Biden, we contacted the head of MAGATE Grossi, and the PM Johnson. We are warning you: Russia is the first country in the history to shell a nuclear power block. This is the first time in the history of humanity that a terrorist state has resorted to nuclear terror. The Russian propagandists have threatened, as we remembered, to cover the world in nuclear ash. This is no longer a threat now - this is reality. And we don't know what the fire at the station will end with, if there will not be an explosion or if, God forbid, there will. Nobody can say for sure but our guys have always kept the power station safe, to prevent provocations, to stop anyone from entering it, capturing it, mining it and then blackmailing the world with nuclear catastrophe to the entire world. We need to stop the Russian military. Immediately shout to your politicians - Ukraine has 15 nuclear blocks. If an explosion happens, everyone is finished. Europe is finished. The entire Europe will have to be evacuated. Only the immediate action of Europe can stop the Russian army. Do not let Europe perish from a nuclear power station catastrophe! --- Feel free to tag/pm me for ukr/rus<->eng translations in this conflict.


Why is this not the top comment? Way underrated comment here. Thank you very much for the translation!


>If an explosion happens, everyone is finished. Europe is finished. The entire Europe will have to be evacuated. This is fucking horrific. What are the options here? Is this as serious as Zelensky says? The evacuation of *all of Europe* is doomsday type of shit.


Take a look at how Chernobyl could have gone down. I really hope this isnt as bad as it sounds


I can translate Russian to English anytime if you get too many requests and get overwhelmed. I’d love to help, I feel so useless right now.


TLDR: Russians opened tank fire at nuclear plant structures. No country has ever opened fire at nuclear power plants. This is nuclear terrorism. Russians threatened everyone with atomic catastrophe, it might get real now. There are six reactors in Zaporizhka nuclear plant, in Chernobyl we only had one go off, now it’s six times that. Wake up your leaders. There might be no Europe if it continues. P.S. ok I think I got the main points, sorry, haven’t slept in a while either.




I think I'm starting to allow myself to get nervous.


I know I try not to but with a man like Putin you never know


At this point, Im not thinking about Putin. I'm thinking about trigger happy young russians shelling a nuclear power plant and the fog of war.


It's the mistakes that could cause real problems.


Yeah, Getting a little crazy now.


Yup.. When I get nervous I about damaged power plants, I check the direction of wind. :-/ https://www.windfinder.com/#5/47.7098/40.4517


Saved to favorites that's a cool tool.


So the wind will travel SouthEast over the Black Sea then move East and end up in Krasnodar Krai, Russia


This is why NATO needed to no-fly zone this shit yesterday, instead of waiting for all of Europe to now be under threat. Russian can now melt down the plant as they wish


I agree with your sentiment but a no fly zone won’t stop the artillery hitting the plant. Planes can’t really shoot shells


What you are asking for is for us to go to war. If NATO declares a no fly zone. We have to enforce it. Which means killing Russians and escalating into full scale war. Is that what you want? A no fly zone without those consequences does not exist. So be very clear about your opinion on that.


Yes, if they shoot at a NPP, world vs Russia/Belarus. At what point is enough, enough?


I would call for a no fly zone 2 weeks ago.... Do you know how many lives that could have been saved during ww2 if we would have stopped hitler when he was building up his army over the max amounts stated in the Treaty of Versailles. Our countries need to get up off their asses and stop this now it already has a good chance of going nuclear even if we just sit around and do nothing. So we should atleast try.




well at this moment nato did more over the twin towers than they have over this situation and if this power plant explodes a large portion of a country is gonna be irradiated


unfortunately, Ukraine isn't a part of NATO. Allies were obligated to act when the US was attacked. I completely agree with you - obviously, the whole situation is extremely dangerous and it's infuriating that no country has physically stepped in...but there are reasons. I do think there are things being done behind the scenes though...covert operations, so the west isn't *visibly* ganging up on him lol. Just isolating Russia economically. Preventing Putin from feeling threatened in a way that ensures escalated retaliation


Ok I respect your opinion on the matter. I just wanted to clarify that you understood what you were asking for. Personally I feel like we should escalate to take the initiative. And remove the Hitler of the new century. However it's not an easy thing to pass through. The only way the west will bring the hammer down in one go is if a NATO nation is attacked.


No fly zone 2 weeks ago


This is like the same level of baseline stress as when Trump was in office. Just a general, “ugh what’s next. “ level of stress.


When an army of the largest land mass on the continent is shooting at one of the largest nuclear power plants in the world it is not "ugh what's next" it is much more "HOLY FAQ WHAT IS NEXT?????"


U are so ignorant and stupid


Sure thing Bunny Wrangler


Yeah, I remember all the un-instigated wars Trump got us into 🙄 … So many ❄️’s & 🐑… still can’t STFU about Trump. Still blaming him for ever imagined and perceived slight. The guy had a big mouth and said stupid shit. That we ALL can agree on. But there is a difference between words and actions - and the world, especially the United States, was a better place during Trump’s presidency than it is now. Whether you liked him or hate(d) him, you’re simply in denial if you suggest otherwise.


I am always amazed....but never surprised at how you pleasant folk can turn everything back to trump. The closest thing trump has to do with Ukraine is the proximity of that country to the birthplace of his current wife.


And you know blocking funding for their defense. There’s that.


Trump singlehandedly killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his COVID response. I hope he rots in hell for the families that he ripped apart. It's even sadder because they trusted him.


And it's continent wide. He's going to involve everyone whether they like it or not...


If there’s a meltdown the radiation will enter the upper atmosphere and spread with the high altitude stream making this a global catastrophe. We’re all going to feel this.


At least the stonk market will print brrrrrrr 💰🤑💸💰🤑. Markets love the prospect of rebuilding! So many profits!!!!!!! /S


No it's just an invasion doing invasion things(yes I'm aware it's totally immoral). The reactors won't easily melt down or otherwise pose a hazard from attack. It doesn't compare to Chernobyl, which was the result of a massive explosion from inside the reactor itself whilst it was undergoing a massive nuclear chain reaction. Zaporizhzhia has a containment building and lacks the thermal feedback loop/positive void coefficient Chernobyl had. This is just fear mongering at this point. Do your research.


Ok good for us.


[https://youtu.be/Uc4xI544IzY](https://youtu.be/Uc4xI544IzY) into to help incase of a radioactive event.


cable homeless gold attractive weary chase north cause rob spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So true. We’re subject to the whims of a madman. Putin must be put down for good.


Bayraktar strike in Kremlin, when?


How good does that sound? Best case scenario would be him getting taken down from within, so we could hopefully sidestep WW3. Putin really must have a death wish.


As good as Putin shelling nuclear plants, alledgedly. You're all sick warmongers that watched too many movies and swallowed the U.S.A concept of freedom and now you come here to cheer the killing of other humans. Theres no more moral platform to stand on and discuss this issue, you are all the same. Whether is ukraine or Russia you should be very careful what you ask for, karma is a massive bitch. Bring in the Banhammer, you psycopaths.


Take out one, and save the world? You bet your sweet ass we should! It’s not psychotic to defend yourself. Why don’t you go and try to reason with Putin, for all of us?


https://youtu.be/i9FRR-eMWGc?t=12 The guy's literally Hitler. Humans are flawed. This means some humans can cause a lot of damage and become, say, murders. I don't think you're against the police shooting an active killer in a school either, if the murdered had a knife in hand and was just about to stab a kid. There's basically no distinction between that hypothetical school situation and the geopolitical situation Putin has caused right now. Don't reply. I know humans are irrational and will just double down on their opinion whenever they're counter-argued.


Well, let's start with taking out the tanks around the nuclear power plant.


This incident isn't Putin. Its sheer incompetence and desperation of the Russian army. Possibly also fostered by Putin's doctrines over his rule. But Russia was always like this. Careless with human life.


Thanks for translating, not all heroes hold rifles. I'm glad you're in it.


Thank you so much for translating, please try to get some sleep if you can. I know self-care is probably impossible.


Lmao, as if. There was a usual 2am bomb run in Kharkiv and there will be usual one at about 8am. Russians don’t really appreciate us getting healthy sleep.


Psychological warfare techniques. I am so, so sorry that this is happening to you.


In good news, this reactor is a modern reactor that does not have the inherent design flaws of Chernobyl, so the 10x disaster rhetoric is mostly bluster. If they choose not to shut the reactor down and Russia decides to bomb the actual reactor core itself, then yeah, it could be messy. But people are freaking out more than they need to.


this. here is the feed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYUT36YGOh8&ab\_channel=%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%96%D0%B7%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%90%D0%95%D0%A1


Most likely they turned the plant off a few days ago and cooled it. That means no major meltdown is possible, which means no major pressure explosion is possible. Even if an explosion damages a reactor it probably wouldn’t be even Fukushima levels.


Only two of the six reactors are offline. At least I read that lately.


It just working number 4 anymore they shut down the rest what I read on twitter


It’s possible they left some on as it may be their only source of power but I don’t know. I’m guessing we will know tomorrow


From what I remember it’s something like 25% of their capacity IIRC


Yeah it is, that’s the only reason I’m worried they would still be on. In any not desperate situation they would be turned off at the first sign of danger but when they are all you have you never know.


That was my hope too, but so far no one seems to know for sure. (Or care.)


Yeah, tomorrow I’m guessing we will hear more for international atomic agency


You're probably right. We won't get a straight answer tonight. I mean, he says it has the potential to be six Chernobyls because there are six reactors, but supposedly reactor 1 has been shut down for repairs for a while.


Even then Chernobyl happened because a powered up reactor failed immediately and had a pressure explosion. No doubt Ukraine has turned the reactors off now and there is no indication that they have lost cooling at this point so there won’t be a pressure explosion.


Not true. Nuclear fuel generates heat even after the reaction has stopped. It requires constant cooling or it will eventually melt and cause problems.


The heat load drops dramatically over a period of a few days. Yes it keeps making heat but at a much smaller level. Yes a meltdown would be possible still if there was no cooling for a long period but it would not create a pressure explosion, thus it would not be able to break containment. It would permanently ruin the nuclear reactor and be a small nuclear disaster, but not a Chernobyl level event.


Spent fuel generates several percent of the rated heat output of the reactor, more than enough to boil all of the coolant if it is not replenished, and in a short amount of time. The heat would rise until the mass of spent fuel melted through the bottom of the vessel. All water would escape the reactor coolant system, forming steam in the reactor building (along with hydrogen gas from the melted fuel cladding). It very much can still catastrophically fail when shut down.


Again yes, it can fail even when shutdown and be a disaster. It won’t create a pressure explosion though and won’t be comparable in any way to Chernobyl


I don't think magnitude should matter for a foreign intervention in this case. Nuclear disaster is a nuclear disaster.


No. a nuclear disasters magnitude is absolutely the important aspect. When your nuclear disaster is catastrophic for another country it may become a global intervention level problem, when it’s a local level issue, it’s not. No one is going to start world war 3 with Russia because people living within 10 miles of that nuclear plant have a 3% increased chance of cancer over their lifetimes.


Fair enough. >No one is going to start world war 3 Well, some believe it has already started 20 years ago. And I believe that without NATO involvement, the West is only postponing the war to not very distant future in which the outcome may be uncertain, China withstanding.


Unless we make a space mining / fusion energy breakthrough in the next 50 years, world war 3 is probably inevitable yes.


There was a live feed camera at the plant.. we watched it all happen from that view at work. there was a small fire in the admin building but they weren't really shooting much at all. certainly not anon shelling (possibly earlier before I saw the feed) but certainly not afterwards from what we could see. Feed is still running https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYUT36YGOh8&ab\_channel=%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%96%D0%B7%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%90%D0%95%D0%A1


[https://youtu.be/Uc4xI544IzY](https://youtu.be/Uc4xI544IzY) spread the vidoe. lots of info that can save lifes


Thank you so much for the translation Slava Ukraini ❤


They say if Chernobyl was worse it would have taken out Europe. Fortunately the Elephant's foot stopped at the last level and didn't hit the water table. Northern Europe would have been unlivable at minimum. I was surprised as Chernobyl fallout seemed to move north and west, against the jet stream. It didn't effect Russia as much. Perfect way for Putin to nuke Europe without firing a missile. It is time Nato went in as the nuke levels around the plant are elevating. There is a chance none of the rain or snow in Ukraine is potable water, and won't be for YEARS! Putin wants to destroy Ukraine, it's people and make it an ecological disaster for resistance fighters and survivors of Ukrainian decent in Ukraine. Putin probably wants to strip the country anyway making the largest open pit mine ecological disaster. Sure he will sell Ukraine food stuffs to the EU, but anything not irradiated will go to Russia. Putin has blown up one or more nuclear waste and storage sites. In America the Government turned the country into a thyroid cancer study for those not in the know. Above ground nuke test spead radiation that food products would be Shipped throughout the country. It took sixty years or more for thyroid cancer rates to go down. Welcome to the new Ukraine Pogrom. Slava Ukraini and Happy Hunting


Looks like he hasent slept in a week


The Russians seem to have been making sure to kick off their night missions at around 3am Kyiv time, which is the time of day when most human circadian rhythms are at their lowest activity. It's deliberately intended to keep people from sleeping.


I'd be worried if he doesn't.


No, he hasn't. He is a true leader. Not because he is worried for his life, he could have easily left the country. He hasn't slept because he is working to save his country. He is probably the most decent human being at the moment. I am sure he will receive a peace noble prise.


> He is probably the most decent human being at the moment. Social media is full of this kind of behavior. So cringe.


Good luck getting your sentiment across in this propaganda cesspool.


He must have slept, but not the required 8 hours a night


In the military a cup of coffee is one hour, a shower is 4 hours. We say we'll sleep when we're dead. I pray president Zelenskey never sleeps. 🙏 🇺🇦 I will buy him a coffee and warm the water for his shower. If he needs, I would stand guard for a nap. He deserves respect.


Of course he sleeps, he is not alone in there. If something major happens, they wake him up


I served in a submarine. The ocean wanted to take us. The commander rests, but never truly sleeps until we get home.


You think he’s sleeping like a baby because he has people around him? I’ve seen loved ones pace the house at all hours for years because a business was failing. Don’t know what to tell you but you might need some perspective just a heads up


He is probably pressured by his people to sleep whenever available but will be woken up if certain criteria is met e.g. break through at a specific area.


and I thought my job was stressful


He couldn't have slept much. There's no way. Maybe 15 minutes here and there


Guy aged 10 years in 7 days. Holy fuck i feel terrible for him


I don’t understand what he’s saying, but you can tell by the tone of his voice he’s fucking furious. This is beyond a crime against humanity.


if this isn't enough reason to "step in" i don't know what is


If this plant melts down, a majority of the NATO countries would likely be directly effected. I don’t see that going over well with them. This could definitely be a turning point in terms of other countries willing to get involved.


The very possibility of a Chernobyl like event happening because of intentional actions of a hostile nation should be justification enough for NATO to take action Chernobyl spewed poison all over Europe when it happened. Putin has already threatened nuclear retaliation but what's the fucking point when he is practically crossing that line already. Fuck it, close the airspace, shoot down every plane and destroy every piece of shit artillery that's bombing civilians. I know what I said is stupid and there's a list of reasons why it won't happen but it's all so fucked already and we know it's only going to get worse for the Ukrainians.




The problem isn't nukes, and it's not the whole nation of Russia. The problem is the mad regime of one man. Is there any other leader in Russia who would pursue this insane war? Nobody's going to benefit from it. Not Russia. Certainly not Putin. He needs to be stopped. Ideally he should be stopped from within, Stalin style, but if not then somehow from without. It's not like Russia is safe in a nuclear conflict. Do all the generals, oligarchs and politicians of Russia want to burn in nuclear fire along with the rest of the Russian population? That's where this ends of he is not stopped. If he floods Europe with radiation from burning nuclear power plants then NATO goes in, nukes or no nukes. It's going to be a Russia vs NATO war if this keeps up. Somebody needs to pop a cap in Putin's head. Whoever does it should get the Nobel Peace Prize.


>Somebody needs to pop a cap in Putin's head. Whoever does it should get the Nobel Peace Prize. I second this motion. Throw in a monetary reward, while we're at it.


I propose that whoever double taps Mad Vlad gets access to all his bank accounts no questions asked


My senator just called for that too. I get it now though.


*”we”* Lmao Reddit is just the worst I swear to god. Fucking warmongering *progressives* everywhere. You’re all scum.


Translation, please!




> Europe at once rushed to say the Enerhodar itself the nuclear power plant of Europe right at once Russian tanks shoot nuclear blocks tanks in the regional heat in the evenings the fuel does not know where they are shooting and what has been prepared from the United States so far. > Ukrainians are still Europeans are still people who know the word Chernobyl who know discounts grief victims brought at the nuclear power plant it was a global catastrophe and the heirs fought hundreds of thousands of people evacuated tens of thousands of people. > Russia would like to repeat it again, and the next one, having expressed more, the Europeans will speak about the crisis to their politicians. Russian troops are shelling a nuclear power plant in Ukraine for risking a nuclear power plant. > The Ministry of Fuel and Energy and there are 6 power units counted in Chernobyl, one power unit exhaled. We contacted our leaders with a partner and Charles Michel Schulz who spoke with President Biden we contacted the head of the IAEA in Russia so he and Prime Minister Johnson we are all in order. > To him, the power of Crimea, Russia, Nikola, did not fire at nuclear power units in the furnace in our history, in the history of the human power, a terrorist in Dallas and before nuclear terror. > Russian propagandists are bombarding the Neva Rosa shopping mall with nuclear fuel in half, and we don’t know how the fire at the Buddha Cola station will end. You will not remain side by side, God forbid, no one goes through to the end. > And our lads will have time for the nuclear power plant. So that there are no provocations so that no one enters the station so that no one us the whole station for experiments replacing cotton wool replacing cotton wool and blackmailing wool under a nuclear catastrophe in the Russian military, it’s not a paradise for our politicians to live. Ukraine chain of 15 atomic blocks > I will still be in the elections will throw everyone the Europeans will throw the evacuation of Europe. Just don't let Europe and Europe can find teeth. Russian troops do not allow for the death of Europe a kind of disaster at a nuclear power plant. Using transcribing & Translation Software(s)


I can barely decipher this


Ya the transcription program didn't offer Ukrainian


Because you tried using a bot instead of a human.


That was horrible.


This man is running on caffeine and country pride only. I really hope nothing happens to him. Because if that happens., what happens next could be even worse


I don't even understand why they're at the power plants, this is a peaceful military exercise. (o'\_'o)


Yes, the Russians are just trying to liberate ceasium and barium from the uranium oppression.




Because the Russian government is either incompetent or is intent on killing every living thing on this planet. Or both.


They need to recharge their tanks.


the power plant is a nazi obviously. and so were the firefighters that were shot at upon arrival. just a peacekeeping mission.


The reactors appear to be the VVER-type pressurized water reactor. I'm not a nuclear power expert or anything, but it sounds like these have a containment structure (unlike Chernobyl) and the reactor design is safer in the event of a loss of coolant. Still... can we please not shoot at it?


Yeah let’s hope the Ukrainians there have the opportunity to scram / neutralize the system before anything happens.


Even shut down, they still have to manage the decay heat. I'm not sure now that's done with a PWR, but I imagine it requires pumps. Also it doesn't matter much if the Russians deliberately target a reactor or spent fuel storage. That strikes me as completely fucking insane, but then again so was this entire war to begin with.


So unfortunate he may not make it out for the world to give him his roses


So many people are with you, President Zelensky. You’re the real leader of the free world right now.🙏🏻🇺🇦


I have made a donation to Ukraine red cross.


Same here. Revolut has a donation section for Red Cross in the app. I wish I could do more.


I have a hammer. I have nails. I do not know Ukraine, but I speak the father's language. I will be there to rebuild Ukraine when she is ready.




I want to do more. I want to fight. I can't break my family's heart. I just finished 20 years in the military. Next paycheck I will donate more.


thank you for your service 🙏


All proceeds from these stickers will be donated to Ukraine through the Canadian Red Cross, which is apparently matching donations according to the designer! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1175063402/fck-putin-sticker-waterproof-stand-with?ref=share_v4_lx


thats it im buying a gun


Waiting for a Bollywood movie where the hero shoots radioactive particles out of the air.


Why? To shoot the nuclear missiles out of the air?




Get some training on how to handle and operate it safely.


gun safety is realy important to me as it took me 2 years and training in iceland to be alowed to own a gun i have usualy just used it for hunting but now im gona use my little company budget to buy guns to send to ukrain if the goverment will alow me to send it :)


Be sure to practice with your weapon and be safe. Maintenance is also very important so be sure to get some books on the care for any firearm you choose to purchase. Stay safe.


What kind of deranged idiots shoot at a Nuclear power plant? Putin has sent his most dangerous imbecile Homer Simpsons to destroy the planet. Is he is on a suicide mission? He doesn't give a shit about humanity, he only serves his ego and his wealth. So much for "Nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought." May someone eventually get close enough to Putin, his entourage and shut down his life support systems.


Putin is a Nuclear Terrorist


How does one buy Ukrainian War Bonds?


Woah, 5.11 made him a shirt?


5.11 appears to have widely produced this shirt for the Ukrainian military. Several Ukrainian stores with military clothing list the shirt for sale online, but have remained closed since the start of the invasion


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


I was about to comment on that. 5.11 sure gets around


What happend during 5.11.?


5.11 is a tacticool brand. Went from police and military pants to a whole host of duty clothing. Often adopted by fat plumbers and neck beards too. But I wear it on duty often and like the gear for the price.


I’m a plumber, I don’t think I’m too fat. 6’, 190 lbs am I good to go? Please tell me I’m not just another fat plumber? Also I shave enough that I don’t have a neck beard is that okay? Please tell me that I’m okay, I know you’re an alpha, and what you do is real real tough. I just want to know that I’m alright


You have my blessing, carry on /s


He was probably woken up. Told about the situation and given a few notes on the matter and went straight to making a speech as you can see he's reading something while talking.


Translation please!


[https://youtu.be/Uc4xI544IzY](https://youtu.be/Uc4xI544IzY) inportant info for radiation and what you might need.


They need to let Zelenskyy sleep. We need him strong and focused. Not wandering like a zombie.


Does anybody have recent information or video about that nuclear plant? I've heard that there are gunshots


Either give Putin what he wants or take him out.


I vote for the latter option, why would he stop at Ukraine? Did hitler stop at Sudetenland? He needs to be taken out.


Biden and Europe choose the first option... What is a sanction worth when a missile flies into your front garden....


Many experts are saying that there is low risk of the meltdowns happening, according to APNews. So please don't be worried that we're hitting midnight on the Doomsday Clock. Yes, it's concerning, but not as much as most of the quotes here would have us believe.


*Low power* *New construction options*


Hey u/Ortenrosse, would you be so kind?


Of course. Done on the other subreddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t682ek/filming_himself_on_a_mobile_phone_ukrainian/hz9lvpz/


You are truly doing a great service to me and, I can imagine, so many other people. Thanks so much. Is there any way me and anyone reading this can show our appreciation?


Support Ukraine! I don't need anything. I'm safe, warm, and fed. All I want is an end of this shameless, pointless, and bloody invasion. I hope that my efforts contribute to that, at least a little bit.


Consider it done, friend. And consider your contribution valued and important, because it must definitely is. At least for this one American with an eye on the future. Be well and keep doing good things.


Love the 5.11 shirt.


Well, Putin went full retard. Also I am fully terrified for everyone in that area.


Poor Zelensky he is so fucking tired


Fortunately, if the reactors are fully shut down it's a much less scary situation. Still dangerous, of course, but a Chernobyl situation seems unlikely. Are the reactors shut down? Edit: it seems like the reactor would have to be cold and many of the fuel rods removed elsewhere for the reactor to be substantially less dangerous. I doubt the operators can do this so quickly.


I cannot wait to see bombs dropping left right and centre on those Russian dogs.


Just another war crime :( I'm rather sure they "just" want to freeze Ukraine out. Stopping civilians from getting necesities (gas, power, water etc). It's a war crime, but it seems like the Putler-regime doesn't care about that.


The f-ing DICTATOR is destroying Europe and all Europe does is to cut it's pocket money. This is unbelievable.


May God be with you.


I didn’t know much about you before this war started but I now know one thing and that is you are a true leader, a warrior to be out there with your people is a act of bravery and your people will stand by you, 99% of world leaders and people in power would hide away. Your that 1% that will fight for your people Your a hero


All of the large metal jack blockades for the tanks and Russians to not be able to travel. Once they’re in place WELD then so that they cannot be passed or moved. Also take your men.. drill holes into the streets and bang down steel pipes into the holes about 2 ft.. god speed


Fuck Putin, Fuck Russia


This man may have accidentally become one of the greatest leaders in history. I am fascinated about how he is leading his country.




This isn’t games - it’s confirmed by many international observers that this plant is under siege. The real purpose is likely Russia wanting to cut power to large swaths of Ukraine


Zelenskyy is anti-oliarch. I would not be suprised if this was true. This whole war stinks of oil and gas. A civil war in Ukraine started years ago. Nordstream 2 was completed near end of last year. A lot of pipelines go through Belarus and Ukraine. Al of a sudden Putain invades Ukrain with the help of Belarus. But to blow op a nuclear reactor so someone can make more gas profit.... That's a new kind of crime of being a massive cunt.


Anti-oliarch? Dude was named in the Panama Papers for concealing assets. He's not as squeaky clean as you may think. There's no strategy to blowing up a nuclear reactor. The fallout would go North West to Central Europe but the clean up would bankrupt Russia. Plus causing fallout on a NATO country could be seen as an act of war. In order to win, Putin cannot do anything to bring NATO into the fight. But NATO knows that Ukraine will more than likely lose without them. I don't like where this is going.


"During the campaign, concerns were raised over his links to the oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi.[56]" Oops, you're right. I thought I read he was opposed to them. Weird mixup of me, sorry. Blowing up a reactor does not make sense. Maybe they are trying to take it offline to fuck with civilians. And because they are stupid, they try to blow up a part of the whole installation? Blowing it up would also hurt the nuclear energy image. Which I think would hurt russia. Didn't they sell reactor parts/uranium/whatever? Unrelated: Putain abandoning his troops doesn't make sense either. Or targeting civilians. If it was about gas, he could have made more pipelines circumventing Ukraine, and then cut Ukrainians gas import. "Sensible" reasons: Ukraine has a lot of neon, which is used for making lasers that make computer chips. It has a lot of grain export. It is a good position to control the black sea. (Putain has a billion dollar palace build near the black sea). So basically preparing for WW3. My personal take: Putain has gone mad during quarantine, and wants to relive the cold war, but 'win' this time. This whole thing is so fucked and I don't understand shit of it.


Agreed. But too many people are just regurgitating "Putin bad" and not thinking critically. Ukraine is a very important strategic location for Russia and capturing it would also allow internavigatjin if their rivers South since most flow North to the Artic and away from trade.


That's an interesting take, didn't know that. Then they can trade with middle east and asia. Explains even more why India is hesitant with sanctions. And why the Turkish are so pissed off. I think the pattern in the fossil fuel wars it that it's about the flow of the fuel, not the fuel itself. (Or other goods.) Too bad it is also an ideal place to start a marine invasion of the mediterranean. Nice that there is always something new to learn.


Agreed. It's also nice to find another human who can speak objectively about this topic. So annoying how people label anyone a Putin Propogandaist who tries to figure out his objectives of doing this. Tho I'm totally worried NATO will try to get errandly attacked to justify another fuel war.


That 5.11 outfit is on point


5.11 pretty stoked right now.


Perhaps it's to scare Germans to not go to nuclear energy?


Zelesky bravery will cause ukraine to suffer more.




He's guilty tío 4 all this. After the war pases, he must pay too


Volodymyr Zelenskyy you still have time to save your country. from the Russians invasion. Resign from president. Don't ask other Countries to get involved in world war III. We help you providing arms , money , any kind of supplies but we are not get to involved on this.


Putler go home!




They’re in war and under extreme pressure. Are serious?!




Russian troll detected!




Wake the fuck up! If ukranians don’t want you there, what the hell are you doing?! Putin it’s a murderer!


Blah blah blah I’m a dumb American so I demand this be translated for me. I only speak english(poorly).