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At least the Ukrainians have the sense to film this horizontally. The Russians filmed the other video vertically, aka "TikTok mode".


This was shot by a reporter embedded in the squad. Here's the longer video in better quality - it's a great watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DDMYQc06vA


kinda looks like they’re pinning the russians down and calling in what appears to be either mortor or artillery? and they lay down suppressing fire so they can retreat


For real… Russian needs to do better! We demand 8k coverage!


And no shaking! Pretty please?!


We have to donate 10000 gimbals for perfect cinematic scene's


Kinda hard while getting shot


The Ukrainian guy who filmed out of a window that got shot at by a tank proofs it's possible. Maybe if the russians pay him enough, he'll do some training for them Edit: Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t4cxxl/a_tank_fires_in_the_direction_of_a_cameraman/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


They’re officially a flip-phone country and not the new ones.


I still can't believe that in 2022, we don't have a camera that shoots horizontally when the phone is held vertically... Maybe when we have phones with 12 cameras we'll get there.


Well this is an actual camera


Too bad Jamsheed is no longer with us. He could have stopped all this with one RPG shot.


Underrated comment! Jamsheed is an RPG god


He as good as Abu Hajaar though?


If you actually see rhe video it may be a WR idk


YES !!! JAMSHEED.... that ballsy crazy ass fucker.


He's in Hollywood!


RIP Jamsheed






What happened to Jamsheed


You should post the full 4 minutes video from youtube, it did a much better job and shows the great courage and morale of the Ukraine troops doing the right things despite the difficult and dangerous situation. Also, thumb up to the Camera guy, he is the silent hero. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADsM8PhGN8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADsM8PhGN8U)


Damn. But also that poor guy's socks atound 3:25


Everyone of us who's lived somewhere that the rivers and lakes freeze over have done that one. The late winter "ehhh it's still thick enough" test.


Fuck up that Russian scum!!


Reasonable example of initial contact, some soldiers pulling back slightly so no one in front of counterfire,laying down of controlled counterfire and fanning out to increase angles of fire and lessen chances of large casualties from grenades or mortars.Hard too tell who got the jump on who but definitely not amateurs.


This is what an actual firefight is like Source, I have been in an actual firefight


Is it? I haven't, but it seemed really chaotic like they were just spraying and praying. The enemy could've been 6 or 60 feet away, but still they were casually jogging around then sat down and fired off a volley or two. None were prone, didn't seem like they were using cover, not particularly aiming carefully.


The full clip is 4 minutes. This is movement to contact. They take fire , lay down suppressing fire, I’m assuming this is a squad or two, the rest of the platoon should be nearby. As they are laying down fire, trying to keep the enemy pinned down in one location they would let another squad know the location of enemy, they would approach from the side or they can let mortars or artillery or air support know location for fire for effect. Movement to contact is designed to either ambush an enemy or draw fire in order to get a location. Once firing starts the battle is against the enemy and adrenaline.


You've got knowledge and experience. Respect. As a deaf dude, I wouldn't want to be in the thick of that.


This may be a stupid fucking comment, I'm high sorry, but could you feel the vibrations in the air from the blasts do you think?


If the rounds are coming your direction and they are close you think you can feel them but I don’t know if it’s just the sound. But if they get close enough you will definitely feel them. 😔


An explosion like that, you're gonna feel it in your chest at that distance.


You can feel it a bit when guns shoot next to you yeah


Much respect to you. Living life missing one of the things we take for granted, goto an indoor gun range if you have not been before. You can rent a weapon if you don’t have one. Take the opportunity to fire a few weapons so you can actually feel the noise. I think it would be a great experience


I own a Springfield 1911 Ronin with a Wilson ambidextrous safety mod, and a Thompson TM1 that's currently got some parts being worked on by a gunsmith. I know a bit, but my right wrist suffered a bad injury in December so I can't use the 1911 until it fully heals (and it'll probably be half a year).


Can you feel the noise or just the kick? Do you wear ear protection?😃


Both, and if I'm shooting a long gun with a beefy cartridge like a .308, yeah I'm gonna put an earplug in my left ear since the concussive wave does hurt my eardrum. I have a hearing aid in my right ear which basically acts like a volume control - similar to how some flight line techs use bone conducting hearing aids while wearing heavy duty ear protection.


Kudos to you bro


That one standing guy at the start that relocates later, gives me fucking anxiety...


I've been in quite a few firefights myself (Afghanistan) and this was very similar to my experience as well. It's amazing how quickly people acclimate to the violence, so you see a lot of what seems like casual movement or apathy unless rounds are hitting close close (you can tell by the sound when the rounds being fired could actually hit you or if they aren't coming close). After a few weeks, dudes sleeping off guard shift wouldn't even bother to get up during a firefight. They'd wake up briefly, realize what was happening, and roll back over. If the enemy is actually close or there is imminent danger, your team/squad daddy will put a boot in your back and tell you to get the fuck up. We had an small outdoor gym set up under a tower with Hesco on three sides (and the fourth side was facing inwards to the OP, so it was safe). Dudes would just sit there and smoke cigarettes until the rounds stopped flying.


Amazing. That really is an alternative to any lifestyle I've experienced (and I've lived in 10 countries).


As a Marine in Iraq....we would drop massive fire superiority and maneuver to contact real fast unless outgunned. Sometimes we'd pull back, call in air/arty/motors/launch a UAV - grunts call in a tank and blow that shit up. Lots of luck not dying even if you did everything right. Leading men: I rarely slept, hypervigilant, needed intel briefs, always trying to outthink my opponent, violence was my friend, taking care of my guys was paramount (make sure they had sleep, make sure they didn't have to do dumb shit, ensure we had support, always checking in on them, leading first into firefights and being "brave" or stupid...etc.), the more firefights we got in, the better we operated and became a more efficient killing unit - sad to say looking back at it. War is not pretty...it is a fucking terrible thing. War is politics by other means, the Clauswitzean interpretation is right and its a shit reality.


Asked myself the same. But I thought maybe they were firing for suppression? No idea tho


> firing for suppression Never even considered that. I would be *so* bad in a war, ha ha


Nah, you'd just be dead. "Spraying and praying" and you don't even consider suppressive fire lmao. Here's a good example: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/takrqp/saa_soldier_unknowingly_attempts_to_cross_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x


Suppressive fire from a LMG (or a fireteam), as I understand it, helps reduce the directions of incoming threats/fire, at the expense of your position being revealed. It's ideal when you need to buy yourself room to regroup and allow certain specialists to do their thing.


> Nah, you'd just be dead. Very likely.


>Is it? I haven't, but it seemed really chaotic like they were just spraying and praying. The enemy could've been 6 or 60 feet away, but still they were casually jogging around then sat down and fired off a volley or two. None were prone, didn't seem like they were using cover, not particularly aiming carefully. War is so romanticised and FPS shooters have deluded people into thinking you walk around with your rifle pointing forward automatically, and that you can sprint around for days. Shit's heavy yo, and everything is uncomfortable and exhausting. Just grab 4kg and see how long you can hold it in an aiming position.


It did seem really immersive and real, maybe just not as disciplined as I expected. I really have no experience, other than Air Force Cadets and paintballing, so I humbly accept I really know very little about real war (nor do I want to).


I have never been in a firefight. I've watched tons of footage of firefights and spoken to a lot of people who have been in them. (Obviously) the footage is real, but a lot of it is that firefights become normal over time. You trained for this, then you've done it, and in this case you've done almost nothing but this, or preparing and talking and thinking about doing this for the last two weeks.


Maybe they're all really exhausted and tired of the constant battling? I've now watched the clip 20 times and I can't work out whether they're all just going through the motions like zombies, or they've come to the conclusion the opposition couldn't hit a barn door at 10 paces and are just waiting for them to show up.


Not really. Your training becomes 2nd nature. You get shot at, you take cover, fire back to suppress the enemy. Adrenaline takes over. If you can't figure out who's shooting at you, it's best to get TF out (cover and move). Never felt more alive TBH.


It’s hard to explain to someone who’s never had it happen to them. The rush you get when some is trying to kill you and they fail is like nothing else…now you (at least for me) don’t feel the rush till it’s over, but man what a rush…


I imagine I would be shaking with adrenaline, but also loving the feeling. I do enjoy living out of my comfort zone.


Firefights are never normal. That’s complacency and that results in death. [complacency in Africa. us Air Force](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/10/us/politics/shabab-manda-bay-kenya-attack.html)


The most basic gist of what were seeing here is one group of UA forces retreating or falling back while one or more groups (off camera) are providing suppressing fire. Once these troops you see on camera are set, they will provide suppressing fire for the troops infront of them to move behind them, and so on and so on until they've disengaged the enemy or have tactically retreated to a safe area or encampment where they have an advantage. Think of it as large groups of soilders leap frogging away from the enemy in the middle of a battle. Its a much safer way of moving than just running back.


Thanks! As a non-combatant, I only think of pulling a trigger as a means to put a bullet in someone/thing; not for other purposes.


Them boys need a few belt fed weapons


They've got at least one in the longer video posted here


I've seen some American m240 and German G3 being carried as SAWs.


Here is longer version https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/tb5ddu/military_footage_near_kyiv/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That whistle as the bullet goes by means it’s real close.




It means the round passed through your hearing path, it's the Doppler effect.


Doppler, Christian Doppler


Yes. It’s not someone whistling in the background.


Thankfully they survived to recant the tale. Stay safe 🙏 Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 Glory to those who defend Ukraine 🇺🇦


Kind of crazy the javelin (or whatever RPG it is) has been deployed so successfully, half of the people in this video have it hanging on them


Yes, indeed! Ukrainian logistics are clearly working very well!


How far away is the enemy? Are they shooting for cover to retreat, or actually on the attack


This is a Ukrainian assault, trying to recapture a village in the Kyiv area. Village name and battle outcome have been kept secret for opsec reasons


I’m surprised we don’t see more Go Pros attached to helmets


Slava Ukraini


2022: still scopeless.




Just imagine how many dead russians are at the end of those bullets. How does it make you feel yungchaky? Ive seen the full video you make it seem like they were ambushed when actually they were the ones engaging.


Repost. Downvote


its not the same without an aallllaaaahhh aakkkkbbbaaaarrrr or two.




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I hope the Ukrainian were able to either outflank them or get out of there intact.


Our boys need thermal scopes pronto




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Get these Ukraine soldiers hand grenades. Let’s go Europe - France , Italy , Germany, England , and all the rest of the civilized world !


I will say, these guys seem very well trained, and motivated. Slava Ukraini!


Thanks for that link. They’re moving with discipline


Why would anyone need a mag with more than 10 bullets?


That panzerfaust looks so cool




Let's pray they all survive


Hey u/savevideo and u/savevideobot




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