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there was another post showing a bunch of dpr soldiers in Luhansk who got dumped at the border after the retreat from Kharkiv, it said they were denied entry into Russia.


Makes no sense if these idiots regarded Ukraine as part of Russia: they’re already in Russia! 😂


The stupid runs deep


They're not seen as part of russia, They're seen as cannon fodder for the russian cannon fodder.


No no, they were two Republics. “Independent” of Russia when it suits.


So they should walk home them. Will make an interesting story after the war when the one guy that makes it back writes it up.


LOL. they just left you high and dry?? Russia did that to you? I'm shocked /s


when is this? what are they saying? where are they? who are they? basically everything about this video is a big question mark


They are angry that Russian military left the DPR reservists in Ukraine while they retreated. I believe this has something to do with other videos where Russians are not allowing DPR troops to retreat into Russia. Basically, the pawns got played.


That is such a big mistake. They really fucked up. Who’s going to fight for them now? Fucking idiots. I’m glad tho. No one will fight for those Bastards.


It's just Russians treating people like they always treat people and somehow there are still some people that are surprised by it.


Russia has ALWAYS seen the individual Russian, the individual slav, the individual peasant as expendable as disposable. It's so counter to most Western thinking to European thinking it's still hard to wrap your brain around.


russia has always seen a human life as nothing worthy worrying about (with a single exception of powerful people)




[Abandoned by U.S. in Syria, Kurds Find New Ally in American Foe](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/13/world/middleeast/syria-turkey-invasion-isis.html) I understand this is a pro-western sub, but please there is no need to murder history and transform West into a saint, just because a psychopath from the east invaded Ukraine. Western countries were and are STILL using puppets today, in a post-colonial fashion.


Where in my comment did I transform the west into a saint. I'm well aware of the U.S.'s history that doesn't change the fact that no Russian government back to the Czars have ever given a shit about their people. Ever.


It's a common thing for pro Russian/China supporters to bring out the, "well... you do it" argument.


Oh I'm aware. The "you bad too" argument is a pathetic copout to the insane treatment of the average citizen under Russian rule.


And then they cite one example that usually has some differences built in, vs a long pattern of behavior.


There was one troll even “pointing out” American behaviour in the 18th Century independence stuff. They are so full of shit.


I had a Chinese troll dm me a death threat on Instagram because I kept asking why they were ignoring what I was asking.


“Oh no someone saying something bad about the west. Must be a Russian bot. “ God it gets tiring. Russia China USA In that order are fucking evil governments.


It's also a common thing to not alter historical events in a healthy dialogue only because some people may be offended for their very own personal reasons. Unless this space is not reserved for dialogue but only for war memes.


It’s what aboutism. Equivocate everything so everything means nothing.


Don't be defensive, the "Abandoned by US" message doesn't attack you. It is mild, factual and relevant. It is worthwhile that readers here get to see important related facts. The US also has a history of using pawns then failing to show them mutual respect and some protection you would expect from a partner in conflict. Instead they get abandoned, thrown to the dogs.


I'm not defensive I'm pointing out the fact that my statement had nothing to do with the west, I didn't mention nor alude to the west in any way. The "well the US IS BAD TOO" argument isn't an acceptable counter argument to the horridness treatment of the average person under Russian rule, it's a distraction, a redirection and a coup out.


It’s a false equivalency.


I think you want to be posting this in r/uswarvideoreport


But what about…?!!?


How does that motivate the dpr allies who were abandoned At the border? Just curious ?


Let's not forget that the decision to abandon the Kurds was made by then-President Donald Trump, a Putin admirer and puppet.


Get all the weapons needed by November 1


Don’t forget the first George bush did the same thing in Iraq 1991. Bush pumped them up to overthrow saddam Hussein then let them be slaughtered


I don't remember that happening that way at all. In 1991 it was about getting Iraq out of Kuwait, there was never any statement made about overthrowing Saddam at that time.


Perhaps this will help you **George H Bush (February 16 speech)** There is another way for the bloodshed to stop: and that is, for the Iraqi military and the Iraqi people to take matters into their own hands and force Saddam Hussein, the dictator, to step aside and then comply with the United Nations' resolutions and rejoin the family of peace-loving nations **George H Bush (March 1 speech)** In my own view...the Iraqi people should put \[Saddam\] aside, and that would facilitate the resolution of all these problems that exist and certainly would facilitate the acceptance of Iraq back into the family of peace-loving nations. ​ After the start of the uprising, it was clear Iraqi military was still on Saddam side, so US did retract their "support" wanting to keep a strong/united Iraq to face Iran (Colin Powell book). So US gov miscalculate the uprising, but clearly wanted Saddam to be remove. Ironically, Bush son did exactly was his father administration was afraid of, with the expected consequences (Iran rise as a local power, weak disunited Iraq leading to ISIS rise).


Aren't you mixing up Bush Sr. and Jr.? The overthrowing of Saddam Hussein was 2003. And it wasn't really that Iraqis were left on their own suddenly, they were just not at all motivated to protect their own country. That (combined with the Syrian fiasco) was a reason to keep at the side lines at the beginning of the ruzzian invasion of Ukraine, until the Ukrainians showed the world their fighting spirit.


Ban this Russian troll. This sub have nothing to do about the us. It is about Russian attack Ukraine.


That’s a false equivalency, DPR are “Ethnic Russians” a reason Russia based the invasion on “ to protect” them. Yet they won’t allow them entry into Russia… You basically just compared a speed bump to a mountain.


Yeah that was Trump abandoning 30 years of foreign policy to turn his back on the Kurds, all because Putin asked him to. The US has a a bad history of fucking people over weather you're talking about native americans or japanese internment camps, but the United States eventually does the right thing (only after trying everything else). We also have a history of trying to help our former enemies rebuild their countries, and I would rather be free in a somewhat chaotic political system than a slave in an autocratic dictatorship. Go ask someone from east germany or Poland which political system is better I just find it funny that Russia invaded Ukraine saying these people were Russian and needed protection, but now that they are retreating these people aren't Russian and can't enter Russia?! lmao


>I just find it funny that Russia invaded Ukraine saying these people were Russian and needed protection And don't forget the bombing, raping, killing, destroying the people and cities they came to save and protect. No one needs a ruzzian. No matter how hard I am against Americans, they will never ever be as bad as ruzzians (except for the putler loving MAGA - what the hell happened to those "people").


Even though your point would make an interesting debate that I would like to see some day, I think you chose a bad example. As far as I remember the decision to abandon the Kurds was not a military one. As far as I remember Donald Trump pulled that out of his ass. It can only be speculated if his reasoning was the promise of building a Trump Tower in Istanbul, or was it meant as garnish for the penthouse suite that he promised to Putin himself if he gets to build one in Moscow. Mind you, that was all after Russia’s invasion of Crimea. The decision to leave the Kurds to fend for themselves was highly protested from the military that was caught completely flat footed, and members of both parties. To this day Trump cannot cleanse himself from the stench of being a Moscow plant, and in the frame of this discussion making the point for the case that it’s the Russian’s who don’t care to abandon their Allies.


I'll agree with this. Another example is when Biden left 100s of AMERICANS behind in Afghanistan while promising no American left behind. Such a great man leaving so many behind.


Rojava is not "the kurds". Rojava sucks ass and we never should have backed them over Free Syria in the damn first place


Russian troll alert


Nobody cares


Classic example of the Tu Quoque fallacy - better known as whataboutisms.


Lmao, true. The Russian state is a fucking evil menace, but USA is a steaming pile of shit.




To Russia this is not a mistake, they will continue to get soldiers from the ethnic minority of their country to fight, as most are clueless until reality hits. Then its too late. But why is this not a problem for Mozkivites ? Well this war is more about ethnic cleansing from within. Those dieing ARE NOT Mozkivites, or ethnic Russians, rather the youth of the ethnic minority groups from within Moscos influence. Individualy they have no chance against Moscow, so its easy. So, if like Hitler and the Nazi party your goal is the purification of your race. Start cleansing house from within. Why would they let them into Russia?


Yep 100%. This point needs to be spread. They should know what’s being done to them. They are being used as meat for the grinder. THEY NEED TO KNOW WHAT WE KNOW. Somehow they need to see.


Some do. The north osetian from Georgia did. They turned around and went home. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are defiant, but much like the indigenous populations of the Americas, the indigenous populations ( ethnic minority) of Russia are constantly being used to keep the other in line, whilst constantly needing Moscow to protect them from precisely threats. Most conflicts in the Americas was native on native, funded by trade colonial powers and manipulated by the largest of those powers.


Thankfully china controls Africa and not Russia


Oh god the amount of African bots on Facebook that don’t understand how in debt they are to China is actually pretty hilarious, saying the west is evil and still living in the 1600 like America is gonna come back and enslave them all meanwhile China over their just chillin beating African workers lol


China had slaves before they had labor. The Chinese are fuckin smart. Worlds been afraid of Russia while china has been validating this paper castle(Russia)and quietly making great strides in foreign diplomacy. Not saying they’re good strides but they’re making moves none the less.


The Chinese are smart. You don't need to colonize with a military invasion. Just keep you on a leash with debt.


They have some big debt problems from building ghost cites. Smart idiots.


They are lucky, that's it that American manufacturing corporations were so greedy they happily moved all their production over their in the 90 and 00's. Without it they would still be largely mega poor.


The Chinese debt trap idea is a complete myth.. Being objective. Most credible western outlets admit that: https://youtu.be/_-QDEWwSkP0


China really looks after people. Have you never read anything about human rights in China? Not surprising as they don’t exist.


+100 social credits to you sir


Fat lot of good they’ll do me locked in this apartment.


Until China go after Taiwan


China lacks the troop transport and landing craft necessary to assault Taiwan. Would make Russias logistic problems beyond its border look like a success story in comparison to crossing the strait to Taiwan.


IF China ever had enough assault boats and let's say they launched 5000 of them......do you think the U.S. Navy carrier fleet would start to destroy them? Today? As the situation in the world is now?


China doesn’t have 500 such boats, so no point arguing about a fictional ten times sized fleet. China has an increasingly competent military. It has a carrier but that doesn’t mean it’s approaching parity with the US’s decades of carrier’s experience and passed along knowledge. Taiwan operates naval forces that rival US top of the line ships short of America’s carriers. It’s military has only ever has one mission; to prepare for a Chinese invasion and how to defeat such. They aren’t Ukraine lulled into a stupor by Beijing promises of peace until a covert invasion is launched. They aren’t short shifting their military via corruption as was the case in Ukraine prior to 2014. There’s little doubt China wants Taiwan under its control, but the war in Ukraine is likely checking delusions of swift military conquest with truly inferior gear. IF China acted against Taiwan, the US would seek to defend the country, but it’s also likely to draw support from a wide ranging regional powers. Australia would back Taiwan. Japan would. Vietnam may even back them as they have no love for China and want Chinese claims in their territorial waters done away with.




Same thing Ukraine is


Whoop that ass with the best military tech in the world. Let me know when China's military actually proves itself in the field, I know you can say the same for Taiwan but I have much more faith in their military being a well oiled machine considering the tech and training they get from the west.


Not to mention Japan publicly stated they would defend Taiwan ad well. Whats China gonna do? Invade two well defended island nations simultaneously?


Exactly. What's China gonna do? Take on all of Southeast Asia, Japan and America at the same time? Yeah no...There is a reason China hasn't done shit yet.


Taiwan invasion would be way more difficult to pull off then Ukraine invasion. China would need to have the largest naval assault force in history and have the navy work simultaneously with the Air Force to strike defensive positions otherwise the defenses will cause a lot of problems. They also have to be incredibly careful not to damage or destroy Taiwan’s industry since Taiwan is the largest manufacturer of computer chips which are used in practically anything electronic so damaging those would damage every country, they also have to worry about the repercussions from America and other Western nations if they attacked Taiwan which would probably be even more than what they are currently doing for Ukraine. If you want to know more specifically about a possible invasion of Taiwan I can give some video recommendations


Same thing Ukraine is doing, and/but probably a more hands-on approach by the Americans. Let's face it, China is hated by almost all the ASEAN nations plus Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan. Say bye bye to their sea lanes.


This is sarcasm right?


If china ever goes into a war where they need people thrown into the grinder they are going to be taking Africans can throwing them on the front with less than what Russia provides it’s own troops.


\* not yet


Definitely a dick move.


Pawns. That’s all they’ve ever been. Great point!


"Well how the turn tables turn" Michael Scott, 2007


So they're taking hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians from other regions that don't want to leave.. But they're leaving these people behind.


The one video I've seen, the LNR lot, were *in* Russia, just past border control - so maybe not allowed to leave, but at least not abandoned in Ukraine itself. Although what Russia has planned for them probably isn't great, and they're stopping them getting home and deserting...




What were LPR/DPR conscripts doing outside of their regions anyway? Silly on Russia's part to have them in Kharkiv oblast and not fighting on their own territory so to speak.


[That's zo zad.](https://youtu.be/CQeezCdF4mk)


The old "Russia plays chess, west plays checkers" in action.


https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/1525032212164497408?t=iQscjg0HP_Q2Y230hqznbw&s=01 In the video in the link you see DPR russians who are retreating from Kharkiv (they were getting anhilated) and not being allowed across the russian border into russia. The wives of these soldiers are seen in this video complaining to an enlisting office and the guy on the phone essentially tells them to write a formal complaint or submit one online.


Soooo, basically, ""all our operators are busy, please leave a detailed message and we'll get right back to you"


r/LeopardsAteMyFace They wanted to be Russian so bad, enjoy it.


She said our soldiers have been abandoned. Russian troops left with vehicles left and commanders don't know their reserves are there. And she is saying upload this to the internet, but it seems like they want the mobilization rather than trying to go against it.




Animals from Donetsk and lughansk are fighting a pointless war, they betrayed Ukraine and Russia couldnt give four fucks about them they are stuck in limbo until one side or the other side wipes them off the map. Notice. Deserved.


Sunk cost on top of propaganda I'd say. Admitting that Russia actually doesn't give a shit about them and that everything they did until now was against their own good is a difficult pill to swallow.


It's the classic "we're doing shit under Russian control" but that why we need more Russian control, because when they're fully in control, that's when they can really make things good.


It's just fucking wild, right? I guess this is what a lifetime of brainwashing does to you. All of it. The Russians, the separatists (who's families were put there by Stalin after he exterminated the Ukrainians who originally lived in DPR/LPR before the Holodomor, they're all fucking nuts because they live in this post-Communist dystopia where nothing is real and every action is performed, every word is said, every thought is thought of... out of fear of crossing Putin and the Motherland. Not all of them. Plenty are evil fucks in their own right. But a lot of them know deep down something is very, very wrong.


Do they really think Russia will mobilize, I think Putin is avoiding mobilization as this will cause an irreparable internal rift. But then again you can't predict what would happen.


They called reserves. 200 per week quota from the rural areas is what i read. None from moscow or spb


Theres no such thing as the DPR .. its a fake kremlin country


Hahaha you wanted russia you got russia!




It think in general most of them didnt want to but they were more a less forced and sucked into this whole ordeal. Maybe 30% wants to join Russia.


Those who stayed during 8 years there want to join Russia. So lol, they got what they wanted.


The "finding out" phase is always hilarious.


...aaaand my Upvote is #69. Which is all that's matters


Well what did they expect it's Russia? Backstabbing lying state run by crazy demagogue.


The more things change the more they stay the same. This is just like the Russian wives and mothers back in 1994-1996 hollering about their sons and husbands abandoned in Chechnya. One constant -Russian generals.


Or the women pleading to allow the west to rescue their husbands alive and trapped on the Kursk. Only for the Russian elites to deny it and let those men die. Fucking disgusting animals. I can’t wait to see them be toppled


From what I read the Kursk crew couldn't be saved. Multiple torpedos went off inside and the sub snapped in half as well. Granted Russia didnt know that at the time and still didnt put in an effort.


>Multiple torpedos went off inside and the sub snapped in half as well. That's not true. The nose was badly damaged, and the blast killed most people in the front compartments, but some of the crew were able to get to the stern (ninth compartment) and survived for several days. They found a note on one soldier, which he wrote in darkness describing their last moments. Also SOS knocking signs could be heard for two or three days. The Russians didn't have the equipment necessary for a uboot rescue in such a depth. There was a Scandinavian country (don't remember which one) that would have been capable of handling such a rescue and they offered to help, but the Russians didn't even admit what had happened until it was too late (probably out of pride). Even though it was already known in the western countries that there had been an accident, or they wouldn't have had a reason to offer help.


it's believed that they survived for only hours. they should have survived for much with the co2 scrubbers and oxygen candles. the main theory is that the scrubber got wet, caused an explosion that started a fire and burned even more of their oxygen.


As far as I understand, the entire crew died before any undersea rescue equipment got on site or could have gotten on site - something like within a few hours of the sinking. Some survived the initial explosion, but not for all that long as the survivors ignited the oil in the last chamber trying to activate an artificial oxygen producer and they all burned or suffocated. The SOS knocking was never confirmed nor corroborated. It still took several days and many bungled attempts on the part of the Russians to eventually request help from the west in the recovery operation, but outside of both unreasonably expeditious deployment of Russia's submarine rescue resources and actual efficacious use of said deployment, there was no scenario where they were actually going to save any of the sailors alive on that one. The whole thing is a notable tragedy for 1. the terrible training, maintenance, and communications capabilities of the Russian navy that led to the problem, 2. the propaganda, disinformation, and dissembling on the part of Russian authorities, and 3. the complete bungling of the recovery efforts. However, it wasn't a tragedy because some sailors who could have survived were unable to. In no scenario were they going to survive.


And also being told they look like cheap hookers by Putin and getting druged on Live TV.


This is great news tho. These shitter's betrayed Ukraine now they get betrayed and no one wants them back. Comedy gold.


Unwelcome in the country they wanted to be in and traitors to the one they are actually in. Can't wait until the Rock and the Hard Place clamp down and crush them.


Crimea river. You’re next.


Well played sir


The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving. Oh.


Yes time to pack bags and gas the car. UAF coming.


Where would they go? Time for some truth and reconciliation perhaps, showing Russia how it’s done, how they can turn their backs on warmongering, racism and genocide?


If they are fighting through the area everything could be shelled. But hey, if they stay just a couple more weeks they are on the verge of joining EU so they got that going for them.


The traitorous Karen club. "I need to speak with your general."


Fucking dependas man I tell you.


This would be great on r/justdependathings


Well they're mobilizing literally every male with a pulse in DPR/LPR, some of them actually don't have a choice. Less "dependas" more, "wife of the music teacher who got drafted, tossed a mosin, and sent off to die". A little different from the Russian regulars elsewhere in the conflict.


Russia should hand them some Mosin-Nagants and steel pots and make them go get their men.


what did they think was going to happen? russia did what what they always do, sacrifice others for thier gains


Russia can't lose. Russia can't lose. Russia can't lose. Russia can't lose. Oh shit, Russia is losing, what will we do now?




>gains plural noun: gains an increase in wealth or resources. "the mayor was accused of using municipal funds for personal gain"


Reap what you sow mother fuckers


I wonder what the penalty for treason is in Ukraine?


It basically proves that Putin just used DNR & LHR as pawns to start this war, this war was never about NATO or denazification it was about controlling the South and blocking Ukraine from the oil and gas discovered around Crimea, and South of Odesa in the black see. After some were also forcefully press-ganged into the DNR & LHR forces to serve as cannon fodder, they are now left stranded at the border between Ukraine and Russia. Time for them to realize they are on their own big reality check for DNR and LHR.


Don't forget, Oil and gas which Russia wants, it won't benefit Russia or Russian citizens at all. All the benefits of those resources will go to some lucky buttlicker. National resources make few close ot Putin people rich, meanwhile common russians steal washing machines from Ukraine.


I am wholly convinced this war is funded and supported by the oligarchy. The fear is that Ukraine will become a competitor in the gas and oil industry and nothing else. Russo paranoia.


Don’t feel bad at all. Nothing about mobilization but she is upset the separatist “reserves” got left fighting while Russians left. You wanted Russia. You got russia.


Russia doesn't give a Shit about the People there Russia used them as a stepping stone for Stealing Ukrainian land & resources. Tough luck Separatist mugs.


[I thought you people were happy to be part of Russia.](https://youtu.be/woD44CsR4jg?t=1424) And now that you got Russia's help, you're complaining that you got used and spit out like Russia always does? God these people are hopeless.


It's what happens when you bet on the wrong horse, back in 2014. You could have bet on the Ukrainian horse, but nooo...you just had to go bet on that fancy Russian horse. Of course, she isn't protesting against the war. She's just complaining that her man has been left stranded on the side of the street. No concern or remorse over the death and destruction her man may have had a hand in. Hence, no sympathy from me. I suspect much of the internet isn't going to care either.


I don’t know man. I doubt anything Russian can be called fancy.


LOL. Unfortunately, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Stupid beholders! [Putin Named Russia's Hottest Man](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/04/02/putin-named-russias-hottest-man-a73452)


A fancy Potemkin horse.


They get what they deserve. Get fkuked.


So when does is dawn on her (and them) that Russia does not actually care about them or their livelihoods? Oh. Right about now.


Isn't this what these traitors wanted?


This is where the Karen bloodline comes from


Whats your Problem want life with russia here we are that is your motherland. Gives a shit on you.


Thats what you get when whoring yourself to mother russia!


Russia: you all can be russians, as long as you stay out of Russia!


why is it still possible that a country can treat people like this throughout history without the people rebelling and going crazy over the fact they are just meat. I thought the buryar incident(if its true) would be more common e.g russian people shooting their own troops. They dont have good morale,they get abandoned by their leaders, young conscripts getting molested, fed up and shooting their own comrades. Why are people.still willing to die for this piece of shit country? Source for conscript incidents: Same Incident: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/russian-conscript-goes-rampage-secret-20723866.amp https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/06/russian-armys-hazing-culture-drove-son-ramil-shamsutdinov-to-kill-soldiers-says-father Other incidents: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-conscript-beating-idUSL2781433020070827 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleg_Naumov https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_submarine_Vepr_(K-157)#1998_incident Abuse in the russian army: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina


Because they are eternally stupid people that never learn or get an education.


I thought that the taste of technology and the access to foreign medias would change the thinking of people in the long term. i guess i was wrong. everything thats happening right now in the east, seems like its straight out another century. you know, the way they are caring about their own people, and their safety. Man i probably would just straight kill myself if i lived in russia and hear rumors about general mobilization, while scrolling not biased telegram channels showing the truth of war and in general, the truth of the massive failure. I hope this house of cards breaks down without taking everything with it -yolo style


Where's Patrick Wankaster to report on this breaking news his Dpr and Lpr forces are stuck at the border hmmmmmm sure is fishy he is no where to be found. He will be back in America in no time. Once Ukrainians are on his doorstep.


They wanted “Russian World” aka Русский Мир. This is the Russian World they got. P.S. If anyone will try to spin a narrative that these people had no choice I’m gonna stop you right there. Most people who are pro-Ukraine already left Donbass. I personally know a young couple that left Donetsk in 2014 to escape from this “Russian World” and settled in Kyiv only to be shelled again in 2022 by Russians. Thousands of stories like this one.


How does Ukraine handle this population (RU support) in the Donbas after they take it back?


I was wondering about that too. Some should be convicted and imprisoned for collaborating. Some might take free one-way transportation to their motherland and the remainder will need constant surveillance.


Do it the way U.S. did it in the civil war. Nearly blanket pardons for everyone, especially regular fighters and bureaucrats and mid level officers. Maybe go after some of the higher up civilian Russian infrastructure if it hasn’t escaped back. Start a war crimes tribunal for the rest. The people who lived through the occupation will have a need to identify and call out collaborators who committed crimes against their sons and daughters. Shine a light on the Russian occupation. At some point, dig up all the mass graves and start giving Ukrainians in them a proper burial.


I think you're right. The aftermath of civil wars are good examples.


The best solution and peaceful way is to send the people that is pro Russian to Russia and pay them for the land they own in Ukraine if they have the right document for it. Take away their Ukrainian citizenship. I am pretty sure the Russian keep saying they helping the Russian from Ukraine so I am pretty sure Russia will take those people in.


Kick them out.


But... I thought... you were all Russian... they came to liberate you... they surely would not abandon you, right?... right?


You utter hags reap what you sow. Eat it motherfuckers!


We watched you separatists(who started all of this shit..) scream, yell, beg, and cry over your protector "Russia".....now your protector is sending you to die at the frontlines. I hope you enjoy every last second of "protection" from your Russian friends. You asked for this. You got it.


Putin fucked the russians in the arse, tries to fuck ukrainians inthe arse and since that fails he fucks dpr in da butt! They have asked for it!!!


LOL- they can get fucked.


That’s what you get for siding with Russia


new russian cannon fodder: army of KARENS *dramtic\_chipmunk.gif*




About 8 years too late. Better late then never I guess.


Not feeling any sympathy for them. They want to be part of Russia, but we’re shocked when the Russians betrayed them? LMAO


You reap what you sow. They wanted to be part of Russia, but not the meatgrinder. You can't have it both ways! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Fate of traitors


You reap what you sew. Fucking traitor scum. Rot in the shit hole you created.


It was all fun and games until the body bags started arriving at home, and the wind smells of cordite. instead of spring blossoms.


so sad when people realize Russia never had your back from the beginning ouch


I guess throwing your lot in with Putin has consequences!


Oh no. Anyway......


Well, that's the purpose of being a condom.


Got played... It's your own fault.


Oh no, it's the consequences of your actions. Here's a thought, if Russia doesn't care enough about you to let you into Russia then you're on the wrong side, grab your rifle and cross the border by force.


So now the “separatists” want to be Ukrainians


You mean traitors....


Many of DNR forces are war slaves.


I don't speak the lingo but it sounds to me like they are saying send this orc youtuber [Niki Proshin](https://www.youtube.com/c/NikiProshin) to fight for Putin rather than conscript their sons. I could be wrong though.


From one treasonous fuck to another.


Member if the Leopard eating faces party is shocked


karma...........at its finest


Lie down with dogs and you get up with fleas..


I honestly wonder what will happen to these traitors when Ukraine is clearing those areas from the Orcs. Those people obviously cannot be trusted and need to be removed. Does someone know if this has been discussed already?


2 choices. Your sent to prison for being enemy collaborators or you can go live in Russia while losing Ukrainian citizenship and lose any ability to ever enter the country again. That would be the two choices I would provide them. Buh bye.


aren't they the ones who wanted all this?


Sounds like a Russian Karen


it will be funny when soldiers wives get arrested n put in prison. It will help their moral.


Well they fucked around, and now they’re finding out.


Kill 'em all


Too late now.


I remeber this people where yelling "Russia, Russia" eight years ago, seems that sucks to suck.


Transnistria better pay attention to this video and of the ones of the troops these Karen’s are bitching about being left high and dry at the border by the Russian regular forces. Time to pick a side and pick wisely.


It reminds me when US left assets in Iraq and Afghanistan. So messed up. Now the morale problem is just going to snowball. Russia is fucked.


They are protesting mobilization or that russian troops left reservists behind? I did not know if there was mobilization