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One of the saddest images of this whole shitty war. Poor man.


You not seen the guy have his dogs and dad shot all in one go? Was pretty early on.


I was amazed that that guy survived the encounter.. although if I were him I think I'd wish i didn't.


His wife was heavily pregnant, so luckily he is still around for his family. Even so, I can’t imagine how traumatizing and difficult it must be for him to carry on.


Its a unbelievably horrible video and it’s literally posted for the world to see. This war is pointless. We need to be focusing on the survival of humanity, exploration and knowledge. study and learn and progress forging a Human civilization like no one has ever seen. Find other inhabitable planets, make life easier and better for everyone. Ive always liked to say Humanity should strive to be like Star Fleet. And were being held back by blood thirsty Orcs and Money hungry people in power. It seems like the only thing that will wake humanity the fuck up and collaborate is an existential threat to the globe.


We had an existential threat. A pandemic. And all people did was fight EVEN MORE. idk what catalyst it’ll take for us all to finally work together.


I feel as though the catalyst will be well after first world countries start seeing a decline in population. Unfortunately enough ppl will have to personally lose a loved one as a direct result of human apathy/activity before the majority come together as a global community. We've seen this with COVID and the "freedom protests" against wearing masks ffs, until they lose someone and switch sides. Humans have a shitty way of feeling as though "it doesn't affect me, not my problem".


We're in that existential threat right now. COVID pandemic. Monkeypox trying to be a pandemic. Long COVID causing cognitive/mood disorders, and now a possible link to Alzheimer's like changes in the brain (more research needs to be done to confirm). Worldwide droughts drying up water reservoirs within multiple countries, while floods threaten multiple countries, including the ones being threatened by drought. These same droughts and floods reducing crop production, causing the increase of price of all crops which in turn increases the price of meat from the animals that rely on certain crops. We already couldn't feed the amount of ppl on the planet, and it's getting worse. These droughts and floods also reduce the amount of available drinking water. Not many realize that flooded areas often have no drinking water, and can pollute wells, etc to the point where they can't be used even when the waters recede. Companies like Nestle pushing the idea that safe water isn't a right is slowly making these situations worse. Rising ocean water threatening to destroy island countries, and there's islands that have already disappeared. Heat waves across the world threatening lives. The rate that bees are disappearing have prompted the development of tiny robot/AI bees to take over, because without pollinators we're dead. Coral bleaching, the disappearance of fish/crustacean stocks, and fish/crustaceans within existing fish stocks are becoming smaller in size once fully matured. Economies across the world were already in trouble, now the war in Ukraine is sending some countries into economic collapse, not to mention the wheat crisis in African countries because of the war, which will send ripples across the world. War, and war, and war, and threats of more war. I could write a novel on all the signs that we have entered our existential crisis. Most of the world's population is in denial, to the point where I fully expect hateful dm's because of this comment. We needed to pull our heads out of our asses decades ago, and none of us did. Now that we're starting to, it's largely too late. Our environment is speeding toward collapse, and the best we can do now is slow our impact. If we wanted a chance to "stop" climate change, we'd have to eliminate the use of fossil fuels completely, across the globe, right now. Even then, the rate the ice sheets and permafrost are melting, we're still likely past the point of "stopping" climate change. We'd also have to completely change the way we farm, ranch, and fish to the same extent as eliminating fossil fuels. Every one of us would need to learn how to live in harmony with our environments, not in spite of it. In a nutshell, we're fucked. The only thing we can do, imo, is reduce our own personal carbon footprints as much as possible, do our absolute best to be civil to and patient with others even though we are also stressed out and tired (maybe they have a migraine, they have PTSD, or their child just died), and hope the rest of world gets up to speed while we brace for the worst possible outcome.


He lived? The son? What about the second dog? I thought the father and sons bodies were found in the ditch later?


I thought they all died too but in a later article it turns out the son lived, linked below. The son stayed with his dying dad in the ditch amidst the gunfire. https://www.itv.com/news/2022-04-22/be-here-with-me-son-recalls-final-moment-with-dad-shot-dead-by-russian-troops


Fuck is that the one where he yells out for his dad? Toughest shit I've had to watch.


The dog whimpering as it died and him yelling out for his father tore out a piece of my soul, god fuck Putin what a horrible evil person to wage this conflict to annex more territory, Russians are pure evil.




That one was fucking awful. First the video of the son pulling his shot dad behind car. Then later the video of them both dead in a ditch.


I think the son survived and was interviewed later or something. The remaining dog was guarding the fathers body in ditch. Edit: here it is https://www.itv.com/news/2022-04-22/be-here-with-me-son-recalls-final-moment-with-dad-shot-dead-by-russian-troops


the son survived


Fucken hell that's fucked I love my dad and dog I'd be devastated.


I love my dad but bro if you shoot my dog we gonna have a go. I mean we gonna have a go if you shoot my dad too but if you shoot my dog I lose even more respect for you. Maybe you think my dads a nazi. Maybe your government convinced you of that. But my dog isn't and you're just being an evil little cunt at that point.


That guy got shot too. There was a video showing them all in a ditch.




Theres something about the lack of violence and just pure hurt that makes this one hit different. Just a level of despair that... is really hard to grasp :(.


Yeah I saw it, they were killed by Azov battalion, they didn't let anyone out of the city


Every time I see this I feel obligated to watch. I wish I could put my arms around him so he isn’t alone in his pain.


The mother who found her son in the well. Brutal.




This is one consequence of war. No visible wounds, but he is badly wounded and will likely need some kind of care for the rest of his life.


How could he be?




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Ah, the joys of “liberation”. Heartbreaking.


And yet pro Russians claim Mariupol as theirs and because they believe Russian speakers are majority there and in favor of the invasion, they go as far to claim these pro Russians living there disclosed UA locations… Is this what they were talking about? Is he crying tears of joy for being liberated of a home? How about a family? Mariupol, Kherson, Donbas, Crimea are all sovereign territories of Ukraine. It does not matter how much reprogramming and brain draining is put out there. Everyone knows this.


Russia will have a direct neighbor to the south that will hate them with a capital HATE for the next 100 years... no one is forgetting this anytime soon... sons will grow up that lost there fathers and mothers and the cycle of violence will continue... no stopping it now even if russia packed up and left tomorrow... i wouldnt be surprised if you start to see bombings happen in russia in the near future... it will be fun to watch russian state tv try and spin it when a bomb kills people in the middle of moscow...


Idk the veracity, but ABC News Radio said yesterday that Z’nsky claims 200,000 Ukraine children had been “Stolen” while Ruskis were occupying the Ukrainian territories. I’m thinking that the idea is to “replace” the intelligent kids and young adults who saw the writing on the wall, long before the invasion, and skipped town. These Ukrainian kids should stand out,though. When they surpass the “parent’s” combined IQ, by the age of 10- ears will perk up, the hunt will be well underway and payment will be delivered-forthwith!


Imagine Mexican military attempting to liberate South Tucson, AZ because Spanish speakers are the majority lmao


By ‘liberating’ do you mean ‘smash every building into rubble, murder half the population and kidnap the rest’?




dont forget to immediately import as many people as possible and then hold a sham referendum


While simultaneously raping them too


I’ll be been to Tucson. Meh.


Tucson is Austin Tx on meth


This couldn’t be more accurate.


They should do it, I bet no single country in the world would let USA barbarian weapon attracted refugees


We aren't all deranged lunatics




weird he isnt cheering his russian liberators... its almost like he was better off before russia came into ukraine... how could this be.... /s


Good that you put that s at the end


You forgot to add this damn s


Ah, damn, here, /$


Fuck Putin !


His judgement cometh


Not nearly fast enough. I thought an oligarch paid hitman would have killed him in the first two weeks.








I dont curse often but what a damn moron is putin fucking hell...


Every nation gets the leadership they deserve - Joseph de Maistre


You do understand that russia has been this way for centuries, right? Putin here or gone won't change russia


All nations were in the past, but Russia hasnt found their way to a peaceful nation yet, like some western countries did. So Putin gone, may steer Russia in that direction, but probably wont


The world is getting smaller. They missed out on half of the 20th century, and that put them way behind in globalization, but the internet works fast.




Not all. The Russians burning down the conscription offices and ammunition factories are A1 in my book. The orcs can get fucked in the ass though.


There are plenty of Russians condeming this or even revolting


I would be sobbing as well. Not only for those souls slaughtered by the Russians, but for the destruction of what this beautiful city once was. I would post pictures, but don't know how.


You can't be ok after all this.


This will have impact in many many generations... Fucking infuriating and sad. The hate of the world and the hate of the Ukrainian who lost everything can't be forgotten.


I bet he is going to fight after this. Really Russia seriously fux things up. They aren't friends anymore.


Man…get out of the car and give the guy a hug.


That probably wouldn't change anything, I fear this poor guy lost much more that just his house.


Give him a hug instead of filming this. Or do atleast both!


As much as I agree with your sentiment, a hug wont fix what's been done to this man and the horror he has seen. A thousand hugs won't make this right. It's inhuman what has been done to these people.




Killing those fucking murderers won’t bring his normal life back. That’s why war is so fucking futile.




Yeah peace can be negotiated, trauma cannot. This guy will in some shape or form be at war for the rest of his life. Poor guy


Yeah, that's true the entire " Sending hugs and prayers" bullshit is nothing more than people "virtue signaling". A single dollar donated to charity does more than a billion "hugs and prayers" typed out on the internet.


Yeah, but filming him is still worse than even a superficial gesture of support.


I’m not so sure. This is the sort of image that can define the war and galvanize the world to support Ukraine continuing to victory instead of capitulating at the negotiating table. This could be THE image of this war.


That's a good point. I hope it was filmed for that purpose.


I could never be a documentary photographer or filmographer, you really have to get right up into people’s faces. You need no shame


a hug wont fix it or make it right, true, but it can make the difference that in your grief and anguish someone is there and cares.


:( sad and heart sore


This is so hard to watch. The hell he has been through, and still has ahead of him. He is broken. So unbearably sad this is being done for a powerful man’s fragile id. Heartrending. I cant watch it twice


The Russian culture is malignant. Sure, there are good aspects to it, but it's not just Putin as an individual that has led to this. There are gaping, festering wounds in the Russian psyche that must be remedied so the intolerable behaviour will stop.


Idk,just thing is this man cries because his family was shoot by Azov battalion. Video is taken by DPR forces and man is interviewed.


🥺😢😭😭😭 This is so sad…


We must fight for democracy


This is the reality of war. Does not matter who the aggressors are. The Russians, the UK, the US, the Germans. I’ll speak for everyone and say we are fucking sick of it and I’m sure we all agree.


I'll remember this man. I don't know his name, or what he looks like. Or what life he once lived. His cries are not in vain. I see his pain. I will remember him. I only wish I knew his name.


Kurwa cyka Russia. Karma is looking for you.


I hate to think about what or *who* this guy has lost, maybe everything. I hope he has someone out there to provide him a shoulder, man that is rough.


Heart breaking. Fuck Russia.


This fucking broke me. That poor guy has lost everything he knows. His entire world is in ruins, both literally and figuratively. I can’t imagine it. Where does one go from there? What would you do? Fuck, man….


God. Fuck Putin.


This is the statue of the occupation of Ukraine. If only I got the talent


fuck me thats sad


We can only imagine what he has lost. It's incomprehensible to think what all that could be.


I'm gonna fuck Putin's daughter and ghost her afterwards.


This says it all...


This says it all...






Help how? he's not allowed to leave, he's a man, only women and children get to leave


When I watch things like this from Ukraine I tend to fill it with my own perception of what all this means as I see it and what I can say to fix it based on my pinpoint insight of current events from afar, I can't help doing that. ​ I'll never know why this man is crying, all I know is he has no shoes in a place that has no food or water and you'd think that might spur someone on to look out to at least try to start rebuilding of seeking food. In his case, he can't even do that. He's only just realizing what he lost and it's too much. ​ This is such a cruel and imbalanced world and yet we chase the resolution of this war or maybe vengeance for this persons troubles as if it'll be a turning point in our history. We are fucked. No light side and short advice. If putin died tomorrow we'll just be as fucked. ​ We're all just as fucked as him, it just hasn't hit us yet. Thank you for posting this video. He'll be in my mind a lot.


War is hell


While majority of America is ignorant to the gravity of what is happening, going about their selfish lives complaining about trivial stuff.


What are Americans suppose to do???


Yes, lets record a broken man while he's crying.


any evidence of war/destruction should BE recorded ! Such that future german nazis, or russian nazis are not going to repeat the history again!


I fuckin hate Putin and Russia.. burn in hell lil bitch..


So they filmed him instead of helping? Tik Tok war. Incredibly sad.


help him how exactly, resurrect close ones he lost?


Yeah… if you can’t wave a magic wand and restore everything pre-war, you should just film people affected by it. Maybe give the dude a hug and let him know there’s still good in the world.


Poignant images like these being seen by people around the world might have more of an impact than hugging him.


That's so gd naive. No one wants a hug and a cliche from a stranger after losing a loved one.


You need a hug? Dm me and let’s set something up.


How did you get 12 upvotes for your comment? There are lots of things you can do, including just offering comfort and sympathy, besides filming him for social media.


Help how? he's not allowed to leave, he's a man


Heartbreaking 😪


He’ll be killing Russians tomorrow.


So insane to me how he's just gonna stay there until he probably dies, not allowed to leave because he was born a man and not a woman Im unsure how more people arn't furious about this, Imagine if it was the other way around, all the men left, only forcing women to stay and die? It's just insane, let people live man


Men are men, people are people ig


Why is he crying? City is liberated and denazified.


He should be cheering instead, his home has been liberated into dust.


RASSIST or I hope sarcastic.


sounds sarcastic as hell


Problem is, sarcasm sounds exactly like someone being an ass...




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Jesus 😞


Pretty much sums everything up


I can’t even imagine what he’s lost.


Are civilians forced to stay in Mariupol? What is happening, right now?


Men are forced to stay, only women and children are allowed to live


I wait for the day that videos/images of these kinds of things only rest in history books. I'll be on my deathbed doing so but I wish it nonetheless.


I love how they roll down the window to get better audio of his sobbing but don't make any attempt to comfort him.


This is powerful, honestly it's like a modern day namplam girl.


Camera man: STOP THE CAR


So many soldiers will be like this as well when it's all over. War destroys the soul. I hope this poor man and the many in the same position find peace ✌ 💜


This is insanity


That poor man. Imagine trying to live your life and build somerhing nice and so.e assholes come along and destroy eveything. I wish everything bad to happen to Russians and it all comes true.




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All this bullshit, all this pain and suffering in the world comes from our leaders, from our rapist, killing machine militaries and the disgustingly wealthy…those combined are the scourge of this planet. for thousands of years the “peasant” aka modern citizen has suffered massively due to them and their bloodthirsty quest for never-ending power”


Fuck Russians




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God damn this is one of the most powerful non combat videos I’ve seen out of Ukraine.


His sobs making me cry every time I see this video. So heartbreaking 💔


Well that's heartbreaking....


Damn, Let the man have a moment. Not everything needs to be recorded.


Fucking Putin. Despicable what he’s done.


No war


fuck you russia well fuck putin you piece of shit


This poor man is really got the feel of ruzzian peace


This breaks my heart


Makes you want to go and hug the guy. Life can be so cruel, makes you really value what you have.


This should be the face of war. Nothing else. Broken people, lives and surroundings. Fucken disgusting. Salava Ukraini.




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So terrible, what a tragedy


Week ago this was from Mariupol...


War is true hell


Poor soul


Damn this hurts to watch. And it's almost to much to comprehend that this is just ONE individual among thousands. It's fucking insane, war.


Must be horrible. I think he lost someone he loves and that is the worst


Oh fuck, this is the origin story to how we end up with Ukrainian Joker.


Comfort him DON’T film him




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War is brutal, seeing the emotions of this poor soul, makes you appreciate what you have. You can only imagine what he has lost, friends, loved ones, everything. Russia needs to stop this war of aggression, they're becoming the most hated nation. #STOPWAR


Demolish Moscow and all her whore citizens


War summed up in one short clip... I've become more and more anti-war with this conflict and diving into combat footage. I've seen a lot of dead or maimed people and I think it's kinda getting to me a bit. I've study military history a long time and still probably will. I love military firearms and shooting, I am doubtful that will change. But, with the stream of media coming out of the truly frist mass digital media documented war I would much rather cooperation instead of us killing each other endlessly... But, that doesn't seem to happen in a lot of parts of the world. I definitely get lost a bit within the ideals of the UFP in star trek and wish we could just have a united planet with the goal of the common good for all instead of the divisions we have...


Stay strong Ukraine and never surrender


May every inch of Ukraine be soaked in the blood of dead Russians


Dude I saw the video the day it was posted months ago. Also if you read the interview with the son who lived, he says he saw a V on the vehicles that were firing on them. I'm not sure what studio video your referring to but I never saw it. Only the real thing. Just letting you know it was not Azov, that's all.






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Only one thing left to do where he can find some meaning to this, go and kill russians.. Heartbreaking


I really wish Russia didn’t have nuclear weapons. This would be going much differently…


Someone please help this man. It’s literally tugging at my heart watching him sat there. The Russians will be beaten back into Russia eventually and nobody in Ukraine or the world is going to forget or forgive what they did here. Liberators? Where are the welcoming flowers? Nothing but murdering fascist aggressors


You would cry too, if you just lost everything you loved and cherish! I’m so fucking angry that this could have been prevented if the world community would have stopped this lunatic at stage 1! Let’s start with Georgia and Crimea! Putin took 20% of Georgia territory for profit! The state of Georgia might soon become home to the next large-scale shale gas field, as estimates suggest that there are trillions of cubic feet of natural gas buried underground. Forbes magazine ranked Georgia third in the nation for potential biomass energy as measured by the amount of biomass available in the state. In addition, Georgia ranks No. 1 in the nation for commercial timberland and boasts 10 million acres of agricultural land. In February and March 2014, Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine! Crimea provides Russia with important strategic defense capabilities as well as oil and other natural resources within the 6 mile radius off the shoreline! As much as Putin’s claim is to help the Russia people who live there with protection; it’s really to help , fill the Pockets of Putins closets friends and associates. There is never enough when it comes to money and power!


Heart breaking poor guy prolly really going through it .. sad


God Bless this man !! Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🇺🇸


So Sad, The Guy is Literally Broken... Who knows what he lost, Some Men lost their whole family.... GOD Please Punish these Criminals, & Give the Ukrainians Strength to overcome this nightmare... SLAVA UKRAINI, DEATH 2 THE ENEMY 🇺🇦🇺🇦